Facial allergies - treatment of allergic rashes in adults: types and how to treat them

Skin is the largest organ of the human body, which performs protective (barrier) functions. She is exposed to various environmental influences that can cause her harm. If there is strong external influence, the barrier may be damaged. The consequence is irritation such as redness, inflammation or eczema.

Sensitive skin of the face and body does not always make itself felt - symptoms can manifest with varying intensity. Many people wonder how to soothe their skin? To prevent or eliminate problems, it is necessary to resort to effective cosmetic procedures. They can be carried out at home using natural remedies.

The Epsom.pro online store offers a large selection of high-quality skincare cosmetics developed based on natural ingredients. Skin soothing products do not contain chemical compounds, which eliminates the possibility of developing negative consequences from use. The Salt of the Earth brand develops cosmetic products for the face and body using unique, trustworthy recipes. All products are previously tested for effectiveness and safety.

Causes of facial allergies

Atypical reactions of the immune system to foods, chemicals and biological substances can cause rashes, pimples, redness, swelling and itching. The person experiences physical and moral discomfort. The manifestations of allergic reactions are varied and depend on the individual characteristics of the body. Most often, localization is observed on the forehead, temples, cheeks, behind the ears, in the décolleté area and on the neck. The most common prerequisites for allergies are:

  • heredity;
  • consequences of long-term use of medications;
  • unfavorable environment;
  • constant stress;
  • reduced immunity;
  • too high a concentration of certain substances;
  • insect bites;
  • cold or direct sunlight.

There may be other reasons; you need to approach the problem individually.

Allergies to foods and medications

There is often cross-reaction to the protein in this group, making it difficult to find the source. The speed of onset of symptoms can vary from immediate to a period of 2-3 hours. In the case of medications, the prerequisite is overdose, long-term use, too many drugs taken during the day.

Sun or cold

The body’s response is characteristic not only of winter. This could be water or food at a certain temperature. The appearance of photodermatitis is promoted by internal and external causes. Within a day or a little later after exposure to the sun, soreness and itching of the skin begin to bother. When an allergic rash appears on the face of an adult, treatment should begin immediately, otherwise the situation will worsen with each passing hour. As part of complex therapy, immunostimulating cosmetics such as Laennec are effective. Before use, you should consult with specialists.

Reaction due to eczema

Skin diseases significantly reduce the body's resistance, and any violation provokes their exacerbation. Most often, the reaction appears externally in the form of small bubbles with liquid. The acute form can become chronic, which subsequently leads to relapses.

Errors in diet

Various dietary restrictions do not go out of fashion. There are programs based on the consumption of one or just a few products for a long time, which leads to an oversaturation of the body with certain elements, since in this case there can be no talk of balance. You should not be surprised at the deterioration in well-being, since such restrictions become the causes of severe allergies on the face of an adult, the treatment of which is carried out comprehensively and will take a lot of time.

We recommend

GHC Placental 3D Mask withQ10

Serum concentrate

Repairing cream with a moisturizing effect

Placental antioxidant lotion concentrate

Contact with animals, insect bites

A swollen nose and watery eyes when trying to pet a pet are a true classic of the genre. Mosquitoes, bedbugs and other blood-sucking creatures can also cause itching and redness on the skin. The toxins they inject in large quantities cause a rash, often accompanied by fever. In this case, external agents and antihistamines are recommended; dosages should be confirmed with a doctor.

Allergies due to stress

In addition to nervous tics, there are other reactions to emotional overload. Unconsciously, a person may scratch or clench their hands tightly. If such situations happen regularly, then health problems may begin. Itching, swelling of certain areas, redness, and difficulty breathing appear. The main direction of stabilizing the condition is the prescription of sedatives, breathing exercises aimed at calming the nervous system, ointments and gels to relieve external manifestations on the skin.

Psychogenic nature of burning and itching

The term “psychosomatics” is quite common these days. It is defined as the occurrence of bodily manifestations based on psychological factors.

If during the examination of the patient it is not possible to find objective reasons causing such impressions, the matter is most likely in the mental sphere of the person. Or rather, in its negative manifestations.

For example, itching and burning sensations in the body develop against the background of a stressful situation . If it was a one-time problem, then after it is eliminated, the unpleasant manifestations also disappear.

As for chronic stress , these symptoms may persist or even intensify. This, in turn, increases nervous tension and aggravates the situation. It turns out to be a vicious circle.

There is an understandable explanation for the appearance of skin paresthesias in psychological disorders. With negative emotions, the body increases the production of serotonin and dopamine. It is these neurotransmitters that provoke the occurrence of itching and burning, usually without visible skin elements. But sometimes a rash, dryness and peeling may appear.

Types of allergies on the face

If in children the most vulnerable area is the buttocks, where signs appear that indicate certain foods or unfavorable conditions, then in adults this is the nasolabial triangle, eyelids, lips, tongue, neck and hands.

Atopic dermatitis

Chronic inflammatory skin disease. Most often begins in early childhood. The priority prerequisite is genetic predisposition. It can be a concomitant disorder with bronchial asthma and conjunctivitis. There are infant, child and adult forms of the disease.


Allergies and rashes in the form of pimples on the face, the photo of which most often appears on advertising posters of the newest antihistamines, occurs with a seasonal variant. It is characterized by lacrimation, swelling of the eyelids, obsessive itching, and redness of certain areas of the body.

Food reactions can occur instantly when certain foods enter the mouth and esophagus. Most often they are milk, eggs, red or yellow fruits, and nuts. Peanuts are the most dangerous in this regard.

Contact dermatitis

Recognizable by clear zones of irritation. The causes are hygiene and cosmetic products, chemicals that come into contact with unprotected skin, jewelry, piercings, latex products, extracts and juices of certain plants. It manifests itself in the form of weeping erosions, in place of which dry scales then appear. To understand how to remove facial allergies, you need to find and eliminate the substance that causes your health to worsen. Often a good result comes from moving to another region. This way, it is possible to cut off some of the options; for the rest, you will have to take special tests in the laboratory.


A distinctive point is inflammation not due to external factors, but due to the penetration of a provoking substance into the body. In some cases, it can cause secondary damage to internal organs and anaphylactic shock, since it develops rapidly from the ingestion of an allergen from the inside. One way to prevent inflammation is to take antibiotics, especially penicillin. At the same time, timely treatment gives good results.

The alimentary variety is included in a special group; the deterioration of the condition is provoked not by products, but by food additives in their composition. It is quite dangerous due to the fact that it can occur suddenly, since manufacturers do not indicate all the ingredients in the composition.

Quincke's edema

It poses a direct threat to life. In the question of what an allergy on the face and neck looks like in this case, what to do and how to treat it, time is of the essence. Choking occurs quickly, and the slightest delay can have fatal consequences. An acute inflammatory reaction of the body, which occurs locally in the skin and subcutaneous tissue, affects deep layers, including the muscles of the respiratory system, and in a third of cases is localized in the larynx. It is impossible to prevent the development of Quincke's edema. Women suffer from this disorder more often. The diagnosis is made based on the clinical picture and requires medical attention. Signs may persist for several days and disappear gradually. Treatment includes the administration of potent antiallergic drugs. In severe cases, the patient requires urgent hospitalization in an intensive care unit or intensive care unit.


Burning, itchy feelings provoked by mental disorders are classified as simple thermal senestopathies.

Senestopathies are a variety of unpleasant, intrusive and exhausting impressions that are concentrated on the surface or inside the body. This concept was first learned about in 1907 thanks to the scientists P. Camus and Dupre.

The peculiarity of this condition from true burning and itching is the rich and elaborate way of describing them. For example, “there is a fire in the head”, “the chest is on fire”. The localization is characterized by an unusual presentation: “itching in the stomach area”, “a vessel in the abdomen is pulsating”.

Such episodes can be isolated, constant or paroxysmal. Sometimes they are so intrusive that they literally drive the patient crazy.

Their characteristic feature is tactile hallucinations. They often manifest themselves in terms of itching and tingling. A person claims that bugs or mites are crawling under his skin. In some cases, he even sees them, or it seems to him that crumbs or sand are stuck to his body.

Such hallucinations provoke obsessive actions. The patient persistently visits doctors or tries to get rid of intrusive parasites on his own: he constantly washes himself and disinfects his body.

Mental disorders that lead to similar senestopathies:

  • hypochondria;
  • neuroses and depression;
  • psychoses and psychopathy;
  • oneiroid;
  • paranoia;
  • affective and delusional disorders, etc.

What does an allergy look like on the face?

There are many manifestations of allergies, and they depend on the form, location and intensity. The main indicator of the disorder is sudden swelling of the eyes and lips, one or both. Changes also affect the structure of the skin. It becomes lumpy, swollen, with a small scattering of small dots. Red, uneven spots of varying sizes often appear. Cracks and a scaly structure may be observed. If you give in to temptation and start scratching the itchy areas, the condition will quickly worsen.

Depending on the type of disorder and the affected area, allergic rashes on the face are likely, the treatment of which requires an integrated approach. Along with pharmaceutical drugs, cosmetics have a fairly good effect. Plasma therapy with the Japanese drug CURACEN perfectly restores appearance, but only after the acute period ends and the condition stabilizes.

Itchy and “hot” sensations in neuroses

Neurosis is a psychogenic nervous disorder associated with emotional, behavioral and somatovegetative disorders. What distinguishes it from other mental illnesses is that the patient is fully aware of the severity of his condition and strives to get rid of it.

A distinction is made between mental and physical neurosis. Physical neurosis, along with psychogenic disorders, also has physical symptoms. There are several varieties of it.

Skin neurosis is manifested by burning and itching of the skin against the background of its bluish, marbled tint. The skin of the joints and legs becomes rough and tightens.

This condition is characterized by changes in sensitivity. It can be reduced or, conversely, increased when unpleasant sensations appear at the slightest touch. With physical neurosis, the skin itches and “burns” in certain areas or throughout the body, becomes wet or dry. Tactile hallucinations are characteristic.

The patient is so bothered by these manifestations that he scratches his body until it bleeds, leaving wounds and abrasions.

The reasons for this condition are:

  • mental and physical stress;
  • stress;
  • conflict situations;
  • brain injuries;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • infections.

Muscular neurosis . This condition is preceded by physical overexertion, as well as prolonged monotonous activity.

The disease is accompanied by a burning sensation throughout the body or in certain areas against a background of muscle tension and spasms. Another characteristic symptom is pain in the chest, neck and face.

Neurosis of the genital organs . The main manifestations of this syndrome are itching and burning in the genital area, which occur after sexual intercourse, during the menstrual period and for a number of other reasons.

The culprits of the disease are:

  • mental infantility;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • conflicts in the family.

How to diagnose allergies

The main difficulty is to distinguish it from a skin disease. Rashes should not be a reason for panic, but a prerequisite for examination. To prevent exacerbation and speed up the process of identifying causes, it is necessary:

  • try to independently identify the allergen by eliminating cosmetics or products from everyday use, doing this gradually in order to replace the changes in time;
  • take an antihistamine that has already been used as prescribed by a doctor;
  • Remove all alcohol-based external care products from use.

After such measures, it will be much easier to determine how to relieve an allergic reaction on the face and alleviate the general condition.

We recommend

GHC Placental 3D Mask withQ10

Serum concentrate

Repairing cream with a moisturizing effect

Placental antioxidant lotion concentrate

The Best Yon-Ka Paris Products to Soothe Inflamed Skin

Giving your skin time to rest and recuperate is the best thing you can do to calm inflammation. At the same time, there are certain medications that can help speed up the process and also eliminate some of the main causes of skin inflammation.

Here are the best Yon-Ka Paris products to help soothe inflamed skin:

  • Creme Peaux Sensibilies is a soothing cream specially designed for sensitive and reactive skin. It contains a Sensibiotic Complex of pre- and probiotics to desensitize the skin. Balancing the microbiome and strengthening the skin's protective barrier. Apply morning and/or evening after thorough cleansing using light circular motions and toning.
  • Sensitive Creme Anti-Rougeurs - Soothe redness with this soothing cream. Corrective treatment to relieve signs of discomfort and reduce localized redness. The cream also contains green mineral pigments for gentle color correction. Apply daily and evening after cleansing and toning.
  • Sensitive Masque - Made with a complex blend of soothing botanicals such as yarrow, arnica, German chamomile and witch hazel. The mask is a classic Yon-Ka for sensitive, reactive and inflamed skin. Apply 1 to 3 times a week after cleansing and toning. Remove after 10 minutes, then apply excess to skin and moisturize as desired.
  • Nettoyant Creme Cleanser - A preferred choice for sensitive and reactive skin, this soothing cleanser soothes and cools skin while gently removing all traces of makeup. Apply with fingertips in light circles, rinse with cool water and pat dry - avoid rubbing.

Skin inflammation cannot always be relieved immediately; sometimes it takes time. Take care of your skin and make sure it is properly cleansed and moisturized.


It is not recommended to use drugs other than antihistamines on your own. In most cases, they are enough to eliminate the main symptoms and relieve swelling. It is necessary to take into account that the action must be comprehensive and must include creams, ointments and gels to relieve external signs of the disease.

Preparations for internal use

Medicines prescribed by a doctor are divided into corticosteroid and non-hormonal. The first are produced on a hormonal basis, have a powerful effect, but have a number of serious contraindications for long-term use. The second, milder ones, are prescribed to relieve mild forms of irritation. Several generations of antihistamines are available in pharmacies. If the former, such as Suprastin, influenced the level of attention, causing drowsiness and inhibition of reactions, then Cetrin, Telfast, Claritin, with high efficiency, do not give side effects that could become a limitation for work in areas where concentration is required.

Cosmeceuticals and their help in the fight against allergies

When the body reacts violently to a stimulus, skin lesions are sure to appear, and sometimes quite unpleasant ones. These are not only rashes and pimples, but also increased dryness and microcracks. Their danger lies in the possible entry of bacteria and the development of local inflammation. The main task, along with eliminating illness, is strengthening the immune system. Cosmetic products from the medical corporation "RHANA" are used in professional problem solving, provide a quick and lasting positive effect, allowing you to maintain beauty, health and prevent premature aging. And the skin is susceptible to it if an allergic reaction often appears on the face, a photo of which clearly demonstrates the degree of damage to the integument.

In order to give a fresh look and ensure cellular renewal, it is recommended to use placental preparations:

  1. Modeling mask with placenta hydrolyzate GHC Placental 3D Mask withQ10. It will prevent the risk of developing inflammation and give a healthy tone.
  2. Concentrate serum for intensive revitalization GHC Essence will instantly restore inner radiance, and also improve microcirculation and cell nutrition.
  3. LNC Repairing Cream with a moisturizing effect will preserve the beauty and freshness of the skin, and also protect it from moisture loss and eliminate the regeneration of ceramides (epidermal cells).
  4. Placental antioxidant lotion concentrate LNC Toning Lotion will protect cells, normalize melanin production and provide optimal hydration.

The dangers of self-medication

According to preliminary forecasts, the number of people reacting to certain stimuli will reach almost 90% by the end of the century. Allergists-immunologists mention the fault of allergy sufferers themselves, who, by self-medicating, expand the range of allergens and provoke the development of other diseases. In this case, the part is fixed and passed on by inheritance. By identifying the cause and drawing up an optimal treatment regimen, you can almost completely eliminate the likelihood of regular exacerbation of allergies.

Other mental and nervous disorders

It is worth noting that these unpleasant sensations in the intimate area also appear with other types of neurosis.

Here is a case described in psychotherapeutic practice. A young woman aged 22 went to a psychiatric hospital. Because of this, their sexual and marital life is destroyed, the couple is on the verge of divorce.

During the survey, it was found that the girl got married at the insistence of relatives at the age of 19. And her husband is 18 years older than her. She developed normally, and at the time of coming to the center she was physically healthy, including gynecologically.

Conclusion: hysterical psychopathy , a symptom of hysterical genitalgia. This symptom developed due to the girl’s negative attitude towards her husband and sex life in general. Pain and burning in the vagina in this case act as an unconscious pathological adaptation mechanism for avoiding sexual intimacy with the husband. The symptom was eliminated with the help of hypnosis, but the dislike of sexual relations remained.

Thus, in this situation, a burning sensation in the intimate area became a manifestation of exclusively mental disorders, despite physical health.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia can also be accompanied by sensations of heat and itching in the body. The reason for this is an imbalance in the functioning of the nervous system. This disorder leads to changes in cardiac activity, which is why the condition is often accompanied by a burning sensation in the chest. It is accompanied by other symptoms such as arrhythmia, shortness of breath, heart pain, pressure surges, dizziness and loss of consciousness.

Preventive measures

In order not to look with disappointment at your reflection in the mirror and not to wonder how to get rid of allergies on your face once again, you should listen to the simple but effective advice of specialists.

  • Adjust the daily menu by removing from the diet foods that provoke the appearance of characteristic symptoms of an immune disorder.
  • Do not use cosmetics based on alcohol and other aggressive substances, giving preference to soft and neutral ones.
  • Do not stay in the sun for a long time, and in winter, protect your skin from the cold as much as possible.
  • During seasonal exacerbations of hay fever, use inhaled isotonic saline solutions to reduce the concentration of pollen in the nasopharynx.
  • Always keep in your medicine cabinet an antihistamine recommended by an allergist-immunologist.

It is worth remembering that angioedema alone cannot be prevented. Other types of allergies are completely preventable, and this is much more effective than constantly treating exacerbations. Immunity support should take the leading place in the list of mandatory activities.

How to care for skin with rosacea and rosacea?

“Rosacelin LIBRDERM collection of products - 4 steps to healthy and beautiful skin without redness. Gentle skin care products with a plant-derived vascular growth factor blocker normalize microcirculation, reducing skin redness.” – comments Olga Borisovna Tamrazova, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Dermatovenereology of the Faculty of Pedagogical Training of the Ministry of Medicine of the People's Friendship University of Russia.

Step 1. Gentle cleansing

Foaming cleanser with blackcurrant oil contains a biocomplex of apple amino acids, which delicately removes impurities and makeup from sensitive skin prone to redness. A natural organic component of MSM based on sulfur, it has pronounced anti-inflammatory activity. Impurities and makeup are removed, the skin is cleansed without drying out.

Step 2. Reducing reactivity and normalizing microflora

Innovative texture and effective formula in one bottle - when in contact with the skin, the toner turns into a soothing gel. The prebiotic inulin in the soothing tonic gel maintains the natural balance of healthy skin microflora, caffeine reduces the visibility of capillaries, and the extract of the medicinal plant Lastoven blackish has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect.

Step 3. Moisturize and protect

A soothing day cream with a plant-derived vascular growth factor blocker that combats persistent expansion and formation of new capillary networks. Licorice root extract in the composition soothes, softens, moisturizes, and relieves skin irritations. SPF 30 in the composition protects against the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Step 4. Deep correction and recovery

Normalizing night cream with an innovative niosomal form of delivery of the active ingredient - troxerutin - reduces the permeability and fragility of capillaries, increases their tone, increases the density of the vascular wall, and has anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects.

Thus, Rosacelin skin care combats microcirculation disorders, which are accompanied by dilation, fragility of blood vessels and the formation of new capillaries.

Why are allergies on the face dangerous?

A scattering of small specks or red spots not only look unsightly, but also pose a hidden threat. Acute inflammation, accompanied by swelling, can spread to the neck and make breathing difficult.

Violation of the structure of the skin, accompanied by a feeling of tightness, reduces the natural resistance to external influences. Weeping areas, as well as cracks in the upper layer of the epidermis, create a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, which leads to the appearance of pimples and ulcers. When such a condition occurs and is not treated, there is a high probability of it becoming chronic. In addition, an unpresentable appearance can cause a sensitive blow to pride and cause problems in communication.

If an allergic rash appears on the face, a specialist from a clinic or health center will tell you how to treat it. It is better to contact him at the first signs in order to make a timely diagnosis and receive an effective treatment regimen to avoid complications.


Skin irritation can be a symptom of allergies, vitamin deficiency, dysbacteriosis, adrenal insufficiency, ichthyosis.

It can occur with helminthiasis and demodicosis, diabetes mellitus, lupus erythematosus, psoriasis, pityriasis rosea, seborrheic dermatitis, secondary syphilis.

To make an accurate diagnosis, it is better to consult a doctor.

How to relieve skin irritation

A modern approach to caring for and helping with dry skin is based on saturating the epidermis with moisture and is called corneotherapy (derived from “corneo” - corneal, or horny, layer of the epidermis).

Corneotherapy is aimed at restoring the stratum corneum of the epidermis and its protective functions, which improves the condition of the skin as a whole. The work of the founder of corneotherapy, Albert Kligman, made it possible to create special products - emollients.

Emollients are cosmetic ingredients that help keep the skin soft, smooth and tender. The action of emollients is based on their ability to remain on the surface of the skin or in the stratum corneum, eliminate dryness, flaking and improve the appearance of the skin.

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