Mesotherapy or biorevitalization: what is the difference and what is better [advice from cosmetologists]

Biorevitalization and mesotherapy are injection techniques that ensure the transport of bioactive substances directly into the dermis. As a result, skin cells receive more of the nutrients they need than when using creams and other cosmetics. This means they rejuvenate and renew themselves faster, making people who have undergone a course of aesthetic procedures look younger than their age.

What is the difference between biorevitalization and mesotherapy?

When performing “beauty injections”, in the first case, preparations based on hyaluronic acid are used, in the second, cocktails of vitamins, antioxidants and microelements are used. They are selected by the doctor based on the characteristics of the skin in order to correct its imperfections. This could be increased pigmentation, rashes on the face, excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, etc.

Biorevitalization has a general rejuvenating effect. It replenishes the lack of natural hyaluronic acid, the production of which our body gradually reduces with age. As a result, the skin becomes more hydrated, firmer and more elastic, and fine wrinkles and a “gray” complexion do not make themselves felt for a long time.

The difference between biorevitalization and mesotherapy lies in the duration of the therapeutic course. You will feel the effect of the rejuvenating procedure the very next day after it is performed. To consolidate the result, you should repeat the session after 1-2 weeks. In special cases, 3-4 visits to a cosmetologist are required. The duration of action of biorevitalization is from 6 months to 1 year.

The course of mesotherapy lasts longer: to achieve the desired result, an average of 4 to 10 sessions are required. This is due to the fact that the components of medicinal “cocktails” are not absorbed by the skin so quickly. But their effect lasts up to two times longer. The exact duration depends on the composition of the product.


Biorevitalization is primarily aimed at correcting age-related problems, it makes wrinkles less pronounced, has a positive effect on dry skin, and stops the photoaging process. The procedure is also recommended for dehydration.

Mesotherapy, the prices of which are affordable, can be used not only to solve rejuvenation issues, but also for a wider range of problems: nutrition, general skin health, treatment of cellulite and weight loss, hair strengthening and growth, it can also be prescribed for acne, rosacea and other problems. In relation to the aging process, its effect is preventive.

Bottom line

Mesotherapy and biorevitalization are popular aesthetic procedures, the effectiveness of which has been confirmed by many clinical trials. For middle-aged people, they return youthful skin, healthy color and youthful facial contours. In this case, injections are used as independent therapy.

But clients over 40 years old require “beauty injections” exclusively for comprehensive skin care. They help her recover after radical anti-aging procedures: plastic surgery, deep peeling, etc.


Let's start with the fact that mesotherapy is therapeutic injections in the form of individually selected cocktails that are injected into the middle layer of the skin. Such cocktails may include minerals, vitamins, extracts of any medicinal plants, amino acids and other substances. Mesotherapy cocktails may also contain hyaluronic acid.

Before the age of 30, at 30 we can limit ourselves to the mesotherapy procedure.

Injections of drugs are performed with a very thin needle, which penetrates to a depth of 2 to 4 mm - which indicates that it is practically painless if an anesthetic cream (Emla) is first applied to the skin.

Accordingly, the course of procedures is also selected individually with the patient, depending on what needs to be obtained - moisturizing the skin, saturating it with vitamins or microelements, or it will be the treatment of acne, vascular skin diseases. The choice of drug composition, the duration of the course of mesotherapy and the frequency of injections depend on this.

The mesotherapy procedure increases microcirculation in blood vessels, improves the elasticity and tone of the skin in the injection area.

Benefits of biorevitalization

Thanks to biorevitalization, facial skin tissues are rejuvenated, collagen is actively produced in them, fine wrinkles disappear, and the skin becomes even and smooth.

The drugs begin to act almost immediately after injection into the tissue. After some time, the following positive changes occur in the skin:

  • Hydration. Hyaluronic acid retains fluid, so the skin is evened out, does not crack, does not flake
  • Tightness and elasticity. The skin tone increases, it becomes fresh and elastic.
  • Rejuvenation. Thanks to the antioxidant properties of the drugs, the aging process slows down, the skin structure is restored and rejuvenated.
  • Skin color improves. The face acquires a healthy physiological color.
  • Texture alignment. Injections of hyaluronic acid help smooth out minor skin defects and fill it with vitality.

Indications for mesotherapy

  • Decreased skin tone and elasticity.
  • Correction of facial oval.
  • Having a “double chin”;
  • Violation of skin texture (pigment spots of various origins, “sallow” complexion).
  • Prevention of premature skin aging in young people.
  • Oily skin, enlarged pores.
  • Skin moisture problems.
  • Correction of hair loss, rosacea, rosacea, acne as part of complex therapy.
  • Prevention of vascular changes in the skin, xanthelasma.
  • Reducing the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks.

Treatment frequency

With mesotherapy, a cumulative effect appears, which persists with an increase in the number of sessions, since hyaluronic acid in meso-cocktails is not able to integrate into the structure of the skin. The optimal course of procedures in this case is 7-10 sessions with an interval of 1 time every 7-10 days. Maintenance procedures are performed 1-2 times a month.

During biorevitalization, an immediate visible effect occurs due to the rapid dissolution of hyaluronic acid in the cells, which persists for 10-14 days after administration. For long-lasting results, 3-5 procedures with an interval of once every 14 days are sufficient, since the synthesis of your own hyaluronic acid is triggered. A maintenance course is allowed once every 3 months.

Recommendations after sessions

  1. Do not use decorative cosmetics for 3-5 hours, do not wash your face for 6-7 hours.
  2. For 24-72 hours, do not visit the bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool, or engage in heavy physical exercise.
  3. Constantly use sunscreen, do not visit the solarium or sunbathe for 10-14 days.
  4. For 14 days, do not perform resurfacing, plastic surgery, or insertion of injection implants.

The influence of the patient's age on the effectiveness of procedures

During biorevitalization, “tired” cells are restored, so the optimal age is after 30 years.

After 40 years, it is important to select concentrated products with peptides to stimulate cellular regeneration.

After 45 years, preparations with vitamins, antioxidants, and coenzymes are recommended to stimulate cell function, which leave the most beneficial effects on the skin of patients.

After 50 years, preparations for dense filling of soft tissues are indicated.

With mesotherapy, cells are fed with vitamins and microelements, therefore, the age threshold starts from 18 years (for example, for oily skin, products containing zinc, selenium, silicon, and vitamins are used).

From 30-40 years old, anti-aging components are selected.

Side effects

Pain - the degree of pain depends on the individual threshold of pain sensitivity, the state of the nervous system, the injection technique used and the drugs administered. To reduce pain, use an anesthetic cream 20 minutes before the procedure.

Redness is a natural consequence of increased blood circulation and is often observed after the administration of vitamins and vasodilators.

Hematomas occur when the vascular wall is damaged.

Allergic reactions are reactions to drug components. It is necessary to carefully study and select the ingredients. During biorevitalization, allergies rarely occur, since hyaluronic acid is a natural moisturizer of the body.


Biorevitalization is considered a more physiological method of replenishing hyaluronate in the body. As a result of the procedure, metabolic processes are activated, regeneration and rejuvenation of the skin occurs.

Today, this technique is especially popular among the fair sex for eliminating wrinkles in the eyes, nose, lips and other areas of the face and body.

In addition, biorevitalization and mesotherapy are prescribed before contouring; for this, pure hyaluronic acid is introduced, which is the main active ingredient.

This substance is often used for dermatological diseases, since hyaluron is absolutely non-allergenic, dissolves quickly and immediately begins to act when it enters the body.

After biorevitalization, facial skin becomes young and renewed due to the restoration of its structure and deep hydration.

Biorevitalization is carried out in 2 ways, namely using a laser and injections. During the procedure, hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin is injected under the skin, since it remains in the soft tissues much longer and stimulates cell regeneration.

The price of biorevitalization depends on the following factors: the age of the woman, the cost of the drug used. The fact is that at 30, 40, 50 years old, the dosages will vary, as will the number of sessions.

As practice shows, this procedure is a safer method of rejuvenation, since complications after it appear in rare cases. And yet biorevitalization also has contraindications:

  • allergies to medications used during the procedure;
  • oncological diseases;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies.
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If complications arise after biorevitalization, they usually go away within a few days. Most often observed:

  • bruises at injection sites;
  • redness of the skin in some areas;
  • edema.

Usually the above complications disappear within 1 week, in rare cases it takes a little longer.

Indications for the use of biorevitalization

Drugs that improve skin condition act only in a narrow area of ​​influence. The procedure is prescribed for the following conditions:

  • dull and dry dehydrated skin,
  • the presence of scars, cicatrices, pigment spots,
  • disruption of the sebaceous glands,
  • age-related changes, the appearance of wrinkles,
  • pale skin, dark circles under the eyes,
  • rosacea,
  • post-acne and the consequences of acne,
  • sagging areas of the skin and subcutaneous fat.


Mesotherapy and biorevitalization are safe methods of skin healing. But in order to avoid the development of complications, there are certain contraindications for the procedures.

  • Pregnancy, lactation.
  • Fever.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Blood clotting disorders.
  • Hypertension stage II-III.
  • Herpetic infection.
  • Pustular skin lesions and inflammatory processes in the treatment area.
  • Predisposition to keloid scars.
  • Kidney and liver failure.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • Individual intolerance.
  • Severe chronic diseases.
  • Autoimmune processes (rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma).

Techniques for performing mesotherapy and biorevitalization

  • Classic injections are a method of implementation that ensures maximum effectiveness of the procedure and the longest-lasting effect of the drugs.
  • Nappage - maximum involvement of skin receptors and minimal trauma to the skin occurs, but there is a loss of injected drugs.
  • Retrograde injections - administration of the drug as the needle is withdrawn. Controlled destruction of wrinkles is carried out.
  • Infiltration is the introduction of drugs to a depth of more than 4 mm. Drugs enter the bloodstream faster. The technique is used to correct the oval of the face.
  • Papular, micropapular - the needle is inserted at an angle of 45 degrees, tubercles are formed for a period of one to four days. Characteristic for biorevitalization.
  • “Point by point” - microinjections are carried out along the lines of wrinkles and folds without gaps.
  • “Fan” - the drug is administered from one point.
  • “Grid” is a linear introduction using intersecting lines at an angle of 90 degrees.

The depth of punctures for mesotherapy is up to 3 mm, for biorevitalization - up to 6 mm.

Stages of implementation

Injection techniques are performed according to the rules, following certain stages.

  1. Cleansing - thorough makeup removal or light peeling.
  2. Disinfection - treating the skin with an antiseptic to prevent infection.
  3. Anesthesia - local anesthetic cream is used under the film for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Preparation of the drug - independent selection of substances (for mesotherapy) or the use of ready-made solutions.
  5. Administration of the drug is the effect of the chosen technique.
  6. Post-procedure treatment - products with regenerating and protective properties are applied.
  7. The purpose of home care is products for cleansing, nutrition, moisturizing, protection.

Alternative procedures

If there are severe contraindications to the procedure and fear of pain, alternative mesotherapy methods are possible that do not injure the skin and ensure no rehabilitation period:

  • Electroporation (aquaphoresis) is the penetration of active substances using low-frequency electrical pulses, which open aquaporin channels on the skin and increase the permeability of cell membranes.
  • Ionomesotherapy is the administration of drugs using galvanic current. The procedure is affordable, but the area of ​​influence is limited by the size of the electrodes.
  • Phonophoresis is the introduction of substances using ultrasound.
  • Cryomesotherapy - active substances penetrate the skin under the influence of current and low temperature.
  • Laser therapy - a narrowly focused beam of light activates blood circulation and enhances the effect of the drugs used.

An alternative method of injection biorevitalization is to perform the procedure using a laser - the procedure is comfortable and painless due to the focused impact of a beam of light of a certain wavelength, but a full course of 8-10 procedures is required to achieve a pronounced effect.

What does the wrong combination of techniques lead to?

  1. It is necessary to follow the course of treatment and allow intervals between sessions: biorevitalization after mesotherapy is prescribed no earlier than 2-3 months later.
  2. Hyaluronic acid attracts and retains water, so its excessive introduction with a combination of techniques causes swelling of the face; the drug is quickly eliminated, as the production of hyaluronidase increases, which destroys hyaluronic acid, both injected and its own.
  3. Cells are programmed for a specific number of divisions, so prescribing procedures without the necessary indications reduces the regenerative and resource potential of the skin.

Characteristics of drugs

With mesotherapy, there is variability in medications depending on the specific issues being addressed.

By quantity of substances

  • Individual cocktails exist for mixing by a specialist yourself.
  • Monopreparations contain only one active ingredient, for example, vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, artichoke extract.
  • Complex products contain several biologically active substances to solve certain issues, for example, to reduce wrinkles, the appearance of cellulite, and strengthen hair follicles.

By type of funds

  • Allopathic - organic acids, minerals, vitamins, animal and plant extracts, peptides, lipolytics, antibacterial agents.
  • Homeopathic - contains only components of plant origin.

By mechanism of action

  • Hyaluronic acid 0.3-1% - moisturizes the skin, stimulates protein synthesis, an optional component.
  • Aloe extract regenerates tissue and normalizes water balance.
  • Antibiotics - for inflammatory elements (acne).
  • Glycolic acid - prevention of age-related changes, reduces seborrhea, age spots, scars.
  • Artichoke extract - reduces the appearance of cellulite and swelling.
  • Vitamin C - restores skin elasticity, reduces pigmentation.
  • Vitamin A - slows down the aging process.
  • B vitamins - reduce signs of aging, stimulate hair growth, renew and regenerate skin.

It is preferable to choose cocktails with a high-quality composition.

  • Anti-aging meso-cocktail KOSMO-DMAE KOSMOTEROS with hyaluronic acid 1.2%, DMAE 1%, panthenol, red grape extract - gives a pronounced lifting effect and deep hydration.
  • DermahealHL (to strengthen hair) - contains a whole complex of essential peptides, amino acids, minerals, strengthens hair follicles, stimulates hair growth.
  • Anti-rosacea concentrate with ginkgo biloba improves blood and lymph circulation and strengthens the vascular wall.

The drugs have a liquid structure.

In biorevitalization, the main active ingredient is hyaluronic acid 1-3%, for example, Hyatulon M COSMOTEROS contains 2% hyaluronic acid, has a pronounced rejuvenating effect; VELUDERM HYALURONIC ACID 3% provides a true lifting effect. The preparations have a dense gel-like form.

Depending on the choice of drug, as well as the size of the treated area, dosage and number of sessions, the price of the techniques varies.

Skin care after the biorevitalization procedure

After the procedure, it is not recommended to be in the sun for several days; you should not wet the injection sites with water. You also cannot visit baths, saunas and solariums, or use cosmetics for the first three days.

The procedure does not affect the facial muscles in any way, so you can smile and laugh.

In addition, to achieve a good effect, you need to get enough sleep, stop smoking and drinking alcohol. If these conditions are violated, the visible effect of therapy can be reduced by 20–40%.

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