How to get rid of acne on the chin, remove, treat and cure subcutaneous and minor inflammations on the face

The main causes of acne on the chin

In order to choose the right methods for correcting acne on the chin, we will determine the main causes of their occurrence:

  • Rashes in the T-zone of the face (forehead, nose and chin) often appear due to increased sebum production. The sebaceous glands in these areas are most active, and the pores are enlarged. Excess sebum mixes with external impurities and accumulates in the pores, forming a sebaceous plug in which acne propionobacteria multiply.
  • Hormonal imbalance in the body is another common cause of acne, including on the chin. Typically, acne associated with hormonal imbalance occurs during puberty in adolescents. Acne on the chin in women often breaks out during menstruation or pregnancy.
  • Certain diseases can also affect the condition of the skin in this area, for example, dysfunction of the digestive system, spleen or kidney problems.
  • Excessive sebum production in seborrheic areas is usually genetic and is caused by increased sensitivity of androgen receptors.
  • Unsuitable skin type or insufficient care can often cause clogged pores and the appearance of acne on the face.
  • Frequent stress, poor diet, and bad habits are also possible factors in the formation of rashes on the chin.
  • Men have more sebaceous glands on their skin than women, and high levels of testosterone stimulate increased sebum synthesis. Also, in men, red pimples on the chin may break out after shaving.


If signs of subcutaneous acne appear or if there are a large number of them, you should contact a dermatologist. The doctor will conduct an external examination and order laboratory tests of blood, urine and feces to determine the presence and type of infection or virus. A scraping may also be taken from the surface of the skin to identify the presence of subcutaneous mites.

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To determine the cause of the appearance of purulent formations, consultation with other specialists is required, for example, a gastroenterologist, neurologist, endocrinologist.

After identifying the disease that caused acne, complex therapy is prescribed. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the cause itself. After this, subcutaneous acne is treated.

Classification of acne on the chin in dermatology

In dermatology, there are several types of rashes:

  • Papules
    are small subcutaneous tubercles without purulent contents.
  • Pustules
    are classic pimples with purulent contents.
  • Comedones
    (open and closed) - sebum accumulates in the ducts of the sebaceous glands and forms a subcutaneous white “head” or superficial blackheads.
  • Nodules
    are hard, large and deep pimples, often accompanied by purulent discharge and painful sensations, indicating a strong inflammatory process and a high risk of scarring.

Depending on the age at which the rash appeared, acne is also divided into:

  • children (allergic, inflammatory rashes);
  • teenage (a lot of acne on the face due to hormonal changes in the body);
  • acne in adulthood (acne on the face appears after 18 years);
  • acne caused by external causes (for example, taking steroid or hormonal drugs).

For what forms of acne does a doctor prescribe topical therapy?

For severe forms of acne, doctors usually recommend systemic therapy, and for mild to moderate acne, topical therapy is more often prescribed. Clindovit® gel is a topical antibiotic that is used to treat acne (acne vulgaris)6. The main component of the drug is clindamycin6. It exhibits antibacterial activity against propionibacteria6. Clindovit® also helps reduce the level of free fatty acids on the skin6. It is recommended to be combined with the use of benzoyl peroxide or azelaic acid (Azelik® gel) to reduce the risk of developing antibiotic resistance28.

How to properly care for skin prone to acne on the chin?

Increased sensitivity of the sebaceous glands or hormonal fluctuations are most often genetic in nature. Therefore, it will not be possible to radically change oily problem skin type to normal with the help of aesthetic procedures or home care, but it is possible to significantly improve its condition.

You can reduce shine, correct visible imperfections on the chin and prevent their reoccurrence with the help of a highly effective beauty routine for oily problem skin. Such products may include sebum-absorbing mattifying components, ingredients with soothing and skin-restoring effectiveness.

Rules for caring for oily problem skin:

  1. In the morning and evening, gently but thoroughly cleanse the skin of excess sebum and external impurities. As part of the cleanser formula, look for antibacterial (tea tree oil, AHA acids, piroctone, olamine) and moisturizing components, as well as keratolytics (hydroxy acids), which carefully remove dead cells of the stratum corneum. Use gentle cleansers, such as gels and foams, designed specifically for oily, problem skin.
  2. The next step is to use a lotion or tonic for oily skin prone to rashes and imperfections. Such products additionally remove residual impurities and cleansers from the skin, help tighten pores and prepare the skin for subsequent care.
  3. For deep cleansing and renewal of the skin, delicate exfoliants based on soft acids are suitable, which dissolve the stratum corneum of the epidermis without injuring it. Twice a week, apply mineral masks to problem areas to promote deep cleansing and reduce pores.
  4. For daytime care, a mattifying product with moisturizing properties is suitable; at night, apply soothing and intensively restoring formulas to the skin.
  5. Do not try to get rid of internal acne on the chin on your own - this will make the situation worse and can lead to scarring and new inflammation.

Prevention measures

To prevent acne from appearing not only on the chin, but also on other parts of the body, it is necessary to follow preventive measures. Experts advise adhering to the following rules:

  1. properly . You should limit the consumption of fatty foods, fast food, spicy, salty foods. It is also necessary to limit the amount of chocolate, cheese, alcohol, and carbonated drinks.
  2. Maintain your psycho-emotional state at the proper level. Stress, neuroses, depression and nervous tension negatively affect the state of health and skin.
  3. Wash your face daily with special products whose pH is no more than 4.5. To prevent acne, it is important to maintain hygiene, promptly wash off cosmetics and moisturize your facial skin.
  4. Use scrubs and peels. They remove the stratum corneum of the epidermis, preventing clogging of pores.
  5. Use high-quality cosmetics.
  6. Do not consume foods that cause allergic reactions.
  7. Regularly wipe your face with chamomile infusion.

Acne on the chin causes not only moral discomfort, but also pain. They often arise as a result of disruption of certain systems and organs. That is why they require diagnosis and treatment.

How to remove acne on the chin using salon procedures?

In addition to home corrective care for oily problem skin, you can contact a cosmetologist who will recommend aesthetic procedures appropriate for your type and condition of the epidermis, for example, cleansing to cleanse and reduce large pores or peelings that promote renewal, as well as even out the relief and tone of the epidermis.

Remember that salon care does not replace a basic home routine: daily self-cleansing, toning, moisturizing and mattifying will help maintain oily skin in between visits to the cosmetologist.

Timely treatment

Only a dermatologist can determine why pimples, blackheads and acne appear on the skin. If you do not go to him on time, you can greatly aggravate the problem. In some cases, the inflammatory process grows so much that harmless pimples turn into cysts, which can only be removed through surgery.

No one wants to go under the surgeon’s knife, so it’s best to think through all the risks in advance and contact a specialist without delaying it. The doctor will indicate which tests to take, find out why this happens, and give competent recommendations. Only in this way can you achieve an acceptable result without risking your own health.

Review of La Roche-Posay products for skin prone to imperfections

If you have painful acne on your chin, corrective care for oily problem skin will help reduce visible imperfections. LRP products are highly effective, proven by independent studies. La Roche-Posay's Effaclar product formulas for oily problem skin contain active ingredients that contribute to a noticeable improvement in the condition of the epidermis and noticeable cleansing of the skin.

What products to choose for skin care prone to imperfections:

  1. If you have single imperfections, including those on the chin, try a topical product, for example, Effaclar AI Corrective Treatment for Oily Problem Skin The formula contains Niacinamide soothes the skin and prevents the development of imperfections, piroctone olamine is known for its antibacterial properties, lipo-hydroxy acid gently exfoliates , promoting the process of skin cell renewal.

    Local action corrective agent

    Effectively affects imperfections and prevents the appearance of post-acne.

    RUB 1,417 more details

  3. Effaclar Ultra micellar water for oily problem skin will help to gently cleanse your face without water and effectively remove makeup residues; it mattifies the skin well and visibly cleanses pores. For supporters of classic washing, Effaclar gel foaming gel with physiological pH and hypoallergenic non-comedogenic formula is suitable, delicately cleansing pores and removing excess sebum.

    Cleansing foaming gel against acne

    Cleanses the skin and pores of impurities, removes excess sebum.

    951 rub. more details

  5. After cleansing, wipe your face with a cotton pad moistened with a small amount of Effaclar Pore Tightening Lotion with a mattifying effect, which will help reduce facial oiliness and help even out skin tone and texture.

    Pore ​​tightening lotion

    Smoothes the skin surface, cleanses pores, mattifies.

    RUB 1,468 more details

  7. Also suitable for caring for oily problem skin are products with antioxidants, epidermis-renewing AHA and BHA acids, niacinamide, piroctone-olamine and hydrofixing agents to prevent skin dehydration. Pay attention to the Corrective Emulsion for Oily Skin Effaclar K (+) or the Moisturizing Mattifying Emulsion Effaclar Mat. The product formulas not only help reduce facial shine, but also intensively moisturize oily skin, help strengthen the protective functions of the epidermis and prevent the appearance of new imperfections on the chin.

    Mattifying sebum-regulating emulsion

    Eliminates oily shine, mattifies the skin for 6 hours, tightens pores.

    RUB 1,618 more details

  9. Corrective cream-gel for problematic skin against imperfections and post-acne Effaclar DUO (+) with LHA acid, procerad and niacinamide will help to even out the tone and texture of the face, as well as smooth out stagnant spots after acne on the chin. The product stimulates cellular renewal of the epidermis, helps reduce post-acne, and moisturizes the skin well.

    Corrective cream-gel

    Instantly moisturizes and mattifies the skin, reduces imperfections and redness caused by them. After 8 days of regular use, the number of imperfections is noticeably reduced.

    RUB 1,187 more details

Mistakes in caring for oily skin that can cause acne on the chin

Here are the most common mistakes that people with problem skin types make:

  • The desire to get rid of excessive oiliness and small pimples on the face by intensive cleansing or squeaky cleansing can negatively affect the condition of the problematic epidermis: the natural hydrolipidic barrier of the skin is disrupted, dryness, dehydration, peeling and irritation appear. At the same time, sebum production increases, which in turn contributes to the emergence of new rashes.
  • The use of nourishing and thick creams in the beauty routine, which create a thick, oily film on the surface of the epidermis, can further clog the pores and provoke new rashes on the chin. Such products are more suitable for dry or normal skin types. Non-comedogenic formulas are suitable for caring for oily skin.
  • Using formulas with a high alcohol content will also not solve the problem of oiliness or get rid of breakouts. Alcohol can dehydrate the skin; this ingredient, of course, does not have a soothing or restorative effect. Instead, include products based on AHA and BHA acids, such as salicylic or glycolic acids, into your beauty routine, which additionally have a noticeable exfoliating effect and promote skin cell renewal.
  • Insufficient hydration is another possible cause of facial rashes. Dehydrated, oily skin reacts by increasing the synthesis of sebum in order to self-hydrate. Choose formulas based on mattifying and moisturizing ingredients that prevent dehydration and at the same time reduce facial oiliness.

How to prevent the formation of new acne in the chin area?

To prevent acne on the chin, follow the recommendations of Alexander Prokofiev, a dermatologist and medical expert of the La Roche-Posay brand:

  • Don't forget about moisturizing oily problem skin: lack of moisture in cells causes dehydration, which provokes increased sebum production and excessive shine in the T-zone.
  • If there are a lot of painful acne on your face, be careful when choosing decorative cosmetics - choose formulas that do not clog pores. Try an imperfection-concealing product for oily problem skin with a non-comedogenic composition and a light degree of concealment, for example, Effaclar Duo(+) Unifant Corrective Cream-Gel, which well evens out the tone and texture of the face without clogging the pores.
  • Cleanse your face twice a day using gel cleanser or micellar water for oily skin if you prefer waterless cleansing. Deep cleanse your skin twice a week, use gentle scrubs, peels and clay masks.
  • Choose care with antibacterial, soothing, mattifying properties and formulas based on zinc, niacinamide, acids (AHA, linoleic, salicylic, hydroacids), niacinamide, piroctone-olamine, antioxidants, probiotics.

How to treat acne with a cosmetologist: types of professional cleanings

Facial cleansing is not a daily procedure. It should be performed by an experienced cosmetologist. The following types of procedure exist:

  • Mechanical or manual. It is carried out with your fingers, a special tool (uno spoon) or a vacuum device after preliminary steaming of the face. If you have red pimples* (papules) or rosacea, it is better to avoid manual cleansing in favor of acid peeling, since the likelihood of re-infection is very high, and steaming the inflamed skin can aggravate the problem of painful acne*.
  • Chemical. It is carried out using various exfoliating substances, such as fruit acids (lactic, tartaric, glycolic, citric, malic, salicylic, azelaic, etc.). This is a fairly gentle treatment, suitable for sensitive skin with acne. While cleansing the epidermis, it also has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Iontophoresis. With the help of galvanic current, beneficial substances are transported into the upper and middle layers of the dermis for therapeutic purposes, which narrow dilated capillaries, helping to remove comedones and improve tone.
  • Cavitation peeling. Carried out using ultrasound. Deeply cleanses pores, which promotes the penetration of nutrients into the epidermis and improves oxygenation. Cavitation exfoliates dead skin particles and has a rejuvenating effect.

The cosmetologist should select the procedure. It is not performed in the presence of inflammatory elements.

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