Top 10 masks for the skin around the eyes, prepared at home

A woman’s gaze is a powerful weapon, sometimes you don’t even have to say anything - you just have to look eloquently so that everything immediately becomes clear to your interlocutor. Apparently this is why we women pay so much attention to our eyes and their makeup, wanting to emphasize the look, color, shape, cut, and natural beauty. Sometimes without even thinking that the delicate skin around the eyes needs the same close attention.

However, we also remember about it when we see the first wrinkles, redness, and signs of fatigue. And then panic begins - what to do, where to run, to whom to take the millions in order to restore the former freshness of the skin and clarity of vision, turn back time and erase age-related changes from the face.

Fortunately, nature has already taken care of us, we just need to use its gifts correctly. Today I suggest you learn how to make masks for the skin around your eyes at home. Who agrees"?

A few facts about the skin around the eyes

The skin around the eyes is different from the skin on the face, it’s hard not to notice. But besides the obvious differences, there are also those that you cannot see in the mirror even upon close examination.

Let's figure out what features the skin of the eyelids has in order to better understand how to care for this ultra-sensitive area.

Do you use homemade eye masks?

Not really

  • The facial muscles are close to the skin around the eyes. Due to this, it is extremely mobile, which is why it is so quickly covered with facial wrinkles - including those same “crow’s feet” that first form in the corner of the eye.
  • Due to its thinness (it is many times thinner than the rest of the skin on the face), capillaries and muscles are visible through the skin around the eyes (thus forming false dark circles, which we try unsuccessfully to get rid of).
  • It has no natural protection, since there are catastrophically few sebaceous glands on its surface. It's always dry skin. Even if the rest of your facial skin is oily.
  • Prone to swelling because it has a loose structure of fatty tissue. Therefore, you should not drink a lot of water at night.

Contraindications, possible negative consequences, precautions

Despite all the possible benefits, in certain cases eye masks are contraindicated:

  • tendency to excessive lacrimation;
  • chronic eye diseases, especially in the acute stage, accompanied by inflammation;
  • multiple spider veins on the eyelids or near the area where the mask is applied;
  • any dermatological diseases that appear on the face;
  • facial neuralgia;
  • purulent inflammation, unhealed mechanical damage to the skin (burns, scratches, abrasions, microcracks), manifestations of allergic reactions;
  • skin hypersensitivity;
  • revealed intolerance to any ingredient of the mask;
  • the rehabilitation period has not yet ended after any cosmetology salon procedure;
  • recently undergone plastic surgery, after which the stitches on the face have not yet been removed.

Any masks for dermatological diseases can further worsen the skin condition

Before applying the mask for the first time, be sure to do an allergy test. Apply a small amount to the inside of your elbow or wrist, behind your ear, or on your temple. If after 25–30 minutes a negative reaction (itching, burning, rash, redness, swelling) does not appear and there is no deterioration in well-being, the composition is suitable for you.

If your skin condition worsens even slightly during the allergy test, discard this mask.

It is worth focusing on the technique of applying the mask. You can’t do this with sudden, rough movements or press hard. The skin of the eyelids stretches easily, but you can get the opposite effect.

  • At any stage of pregnancy and during the entire period of breastfeeding, it is advisable to choose a mask together with a cosmetologist. He will be able to give advice on its mechanism of action and the active ingredients included. The reaction of an organism experiencing hormonal changes to some of them can be unpredictable.

A scientific look at the components of masks

Now, understanding that this area has a number of features, you can draw conclusions and answer your question - which masks for the skin around the eyes can improve its health and give it elasticity. So what does sensitive skin around the eyes need?

Firstly, it needs moisture. You can't argue with that. Hydration is the surest path to success. It is a sufficient amount of moisture that makes the skin elastic, elastic, smooth, and not prone to the appearance of early wrinkles. It provides an even, healthy color. And in general, we are made of water, we must not forget this. Moisturize your skin in every way possible - inside and out.

Secondly, the eyelids need “fat”. Don’t be surprised, our skin needs a protective layer, and we found out above that the thin skin around the eyes has practically no fat glands. Therefore, you need to add oils to eye masks. You can have vegetable ones – olive, sunflower, fruit. Or it can be of animal origin, i.e. cream, milk, butter.

Thirdly, to combat swelling and dark circles you need proper microcirculation. Caffeine helps stimulate it. We won’t mix natural coffee in its pure form into masks (although, who knows), but I have one recipe in mind with instant coffee. And we definitely use very strong tea.

Fourthly, any tired and irritated skin needs “sedatives” - compresses from herbal infusions, the same cucumbers cut into circles, which have become classics of the genre.

Expert opinion

Marianna Sergienkova

Expert of the LiteDay project. Pharmacist, certified fitness trainer, leads exercise therapy, Pilates, step and aerobics groups, 27 years old

Ask a Question

Important! Before using home care products, always test them on your skin first to prevent an allergic reaction.

In the end, what do we want to achieve by making masks for the skin around the eyes at home?

  • Get rid of dry skin, or more precisely, its consequences in the form of “crow’s feet”;
  • Tighten the skin;
  • Smooth out fine wrinkles;
  • Remove swelling;
  • Get rid of swelling;
  • Forget about dark bags and circles under your eyes.

Now it’s time to proceed directly to the procedures.

Surgical methods for correcting eyelid ptosis

Surgery remains the only possible method of eliminating any age-related changes in the area around the eyes. Eyelid surgery is called blepharoplasty and involves restoring the natural texture of the skin. There are several types of this operation, and in each specific case the plastic surgeon selects individual tactics taking into account the patient’s personal desires, his anatomical and physiological characteristics.

Indications for blepharoplasty

Direct reasons for the procedure are:

  • circles, bags, bruises around the eyes;
  • drooping or widening of the outer corners of the eyes;
  • drooping upper eyelid;
  • the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes;
  • development of the eyelid-buccal groove;
  • deepening of the nasolacrimal groove;
  • fatty hernias;
  • the effect of a “tired” look;
  • violation of the contour of the eyelids;
  • blurred vision due to overhanging skin.

Upper eyelid surgery

An incision is made in the crease of the upper eyelid. During the operation, the surgeon removes fatty tissue or transfers it from problem areas to areas with insufficient volume: in the nasolacrimal grooves, in the folds between the cheek and eyelids, in the eyebrow area. This tactic allows you to even out the relief of the face and recreate the natural appearance of young skin. Upper eyelid blepharoplasty is performed under general anesthesia.

The procedure allows you to:

  • remove excess skin;
  • eliminate or redistribute excess fat tissue;
  • “open” the eyes, eliminate the effect of a tired look;
  • eliminate violations of the eyelid contour.

To solve a wider range of problems, the technique is often combined with canthoplasty - correction of the shape and height of the outer corner of the eye, and lifting the eyebrows or forehead. The scars after the intervention are hidden under the upper eyelid, which makes them completely invisible.

Upper and lower blepharoplasty (popularly “Circular”)

The procedure allows you to work simultaneously with the upper and lower eyelids. Like upper blepharoplasty, the procedure is performed under anesthesia, and incisions are made in the least visible places: the crease of the eyelid (upper blepharoplasty), along the lash line or from the inside of the eyelid.

The operation allows you to get rid of the most common aesthetic defects in the eye area in one operation. If necessary, plastic surgery is performed simultaneously with correction of other areas of the face, plastic surgery of the corners of the eyes and other interventions to make the face more harmonious. A correctly selected technique allows you to create a smooth texture of the skin under the eyes, eliminate bags and puffiness, and make your face more rested and fresh.

Oil-based masks

Mask 1. Vitamin-oil

I start with it because it is a classic recipe. What if you don’t read the article further, but you’ll know at least one effective recipe. So, first make a run to the nearest pharmacy and return from there with jojoba oil, vitamin E oil solution and sea buckthorn oil. And mix all these ingredients in proportions 4:1:4.

Apply the prepared oil eye mask and fix it in problem areas (corners of the eyes, for example) with pieces of baking paper to enhance the effect. Now just relax, lie down, dream about your vacation for about 20 minutes. Then carefully blot off the remaining oils with a napkin.

In this recipe, each ingredient has its own important role.

Jojoba oil is responsible for moisturizing the sensitive skin around the eyes. And we remember how important this is.

Tip: If you can't find jojoba oil, buy cocoa butter.

Vitamin E needs no introduction; it has long been known as the “vitamin of youth”. An amazing composition that helps nourish cells, slow down aging, and regenerate tissue. And thanks to this vitamin, the skin becomes firm and elastic.

Sea buckthorn oil is another moisturizer, and it also contains vitamin C, which helps the skin maintain a healthy appearance and natural glow.

If you are not lazy and make this eye mask a couple of times a week for a month, you will get rid of fine wrinkles. Guaranteed.

Mask 2. Fruit oil

Nothing complicated, take your favorite fruit oil - apricot, peach or even not very fruity, but very beneficial for the skin of the eyelids - almond. And just apply to the skin around your eyes at night.

Such mini-compresses will saturate the skin with all vitamins, make it elastic, smooth, and give softness. The oil is completely absorbed overnight, has a rejuvenating effect and simultaneously cleanses the skin of dead cells.

The best home recipes for puffiness and bruising under the eyes

Daily stress, exhausting work and lack of sleep are the main causes of swelling and bruises under the eyes. It is not always possible to eliminate these factors, but it is possible to get rid of their consequences if you devote a little time to self-care. Use one of the recipes:

  1. Milk compress. Dip a cotton pad in cool milk and place it on your eyes. Leave for 10-15 minutes, then wash with cool water. Hollywood stars like to use this compress, because it is the easiest and fastest way to get rid of swelling.
  2. Cucumber and aloe. Squeeze juice from fresh cucumber and mix with aloe extract in a 1:1 ratio. Soak a cotton pad in the resulting liquid and place it on your eyes. The compress must be left on for 20 minutes.
  3. Infusion of chamomile or calendula. Steam chamomile or calendula flowers and cool. Soak a cotton pad in the resulting infusion, apply the resulting compress to the area around the eyes for 20 minutes, then wash with cool water.
  4. Apple pulp. Grate the apple, apply the resulting pulp to the swollen area, wait 10–15 minutes and rinse.
  5. Green tea. Brew green tea and rose hips, strain. Soak a cotton pad in the infusion and apply to the problem area for 20 minutes. After the procedure, wash with cool water.

Video: how to get rid of bags under the eyes

Protein mask

Mask 3.

It is very easy to make an eye mask from one protein - just beat it with a mixer until it reaches a stable foam and apply gently to the skin. You can use a cotton swab - it’s more convenient, the foam quickly begins to melt in your hands. Rest for 15 minutes (lying or sitting, the main thing is that your eyes are closed) and remove with a cotton pad (you can moisten it with water or use a micellar pad).

Protein “tightens” the skin, you will immediately feel it, and you may even find these sensations not very pleasant. But this is justified - thereby it has both a toning and tightening effect, and flabbiness is reduced. In addition, protein contains a lot of useful substances that nourish the skin and give it a healthier, well-groomed appearance.

Popular lifting products

There are many tools that have been known to everyone for a long time, but for some reason few people use them. Laziness and unwillingness to take responsibility for the result do not allow many women to use home remedies that have been proven over the years. But in vain, products made with one’s own hands turn out to be not only inexpensive, but also quite effective.

Therapeutic mud

Therapeutic mud is an excellent lifting agent. It helps soothe the skin and improves blood flow. The main thing is to speed up metabolism and soften the skin. It will nourish your skin with beneficial substances. The advantages of this product include the fact that it is enough to dilute the dry product with warm water and apply it to the face. Within half an hour, the mud will have a beneficial effect on facial skin cells. The main thing is to apply the product in a thick layer. Afterwards, the therapeutic mud is washed off, and to moisturize the skin, lubricate it with almond or olive oil.

In cosmetology, masks made from therapeutic mud are often used. This is not surprising because they increase skin tone and promote cell restoration. If facial wrinkles appear on the skin, the mud will help smooth them out. You can also use such masks to relieve inflammation.

Therapeutic mud should not be used by women who experience uterine bleeding. It is not recommended to use the product for diseases of the cardiovascular system and lung diseases. They also do not use mud for fungal diseases and acute inflammations in the body.

Turmeric and fruit juices

Mask 4.

To get rid of the network of wrinkles that have shrouded your eyes, make a mask with turmeric mixed with pineapple and orange juices.

Tip: Pineapple should be fresh, not canned. The latter contains syrup instead of juice.

The ingredients are taken in equal quantities and mixed to obtain a mixture without lumps. Apply this composition to cleansed skin with your fingertips and, closing your eyes, sit and lie down for about 15 minutes. Now you can carefully remove the residue.

All the ingredients in this recipe have a large supply of substances and vitamins that are beneficial for our delicate skin, and turmeric is also an antioxidant. Thanks to this eye mask at home, you can get rid of wrinkles, moisturize the skin, even out the color, make it fresher, more elastic, and saturate it with vitamin C.

Bread mask

Mask 5.

Do you like to drink milk with bread at night? Did you love it as a child? There is something warm and cozy about this habit. But now we are ladies, and we will use bread and milk to care for the skin around the eyes at home.

Take a piece of white bread (crumb, not crust) and soak it in warm milk.

Tip: Milk can be replaced with cream or even melted butter.

Apply the paste onto a piece of gauze, cover the top with the free edge and place the compress on your eyelids. Rest for about 20 minutes. The culinary recipe will have a positive effect on the sensitive area. The eyelids will rest, the swelling will disappear, and the skin will be saturated with healthy fats.

Prevention of wrinkles on the eyelids

It is not yet possible to reverse aging. But it is quite possible to postpone the moment of manifestation of negative age-related changes. Preventing eyelid skin problems is much easier than dealing with them later.

Effective preventive measures:

  • Try to control your emotions whenever possible. The periocular muscles are involved in almost all of their manifestations. Of course, there is no need to turn your face into a stone mask. But try not to frown or raise your eyebrows often, not to smile unnaturally wide, and not to wrinkle your nose and forehead.
  • Never rub your eyes with your fists, as small children often do. By pressing on the skin of the eyelids, you stretch it, and you can even damage the capillaries. Another very bad habit is resting your chin on your fists.
  • Try to minimize stress. If the specifics of your work do not allow this, regularly devote time to relaxation and facial massage, and use special anti-stress cosmetics.
  • Give up bad habits. Cigarettes and alcohol have never made anyone look good. Proper nutrition and drinking regime are also very important. Carrots, red fruits and vegetables, spinach, and broccoli activate the production of natural collagen.
  • Use cosmetics that are suitable for your skin type and age, changing them at least once every six months. Pay attention to the composition. Ideally, there should be no preservatives or artificial flavors at all. The reason to refuse the purchase is the presence of silicones. These remedies only mask imperfections and do not fight the problem itself.
  • Never use soap to remove makeup. It is advisable to wash your face with soft water, not from the tap.
  • Do special exercises regularly, paying attention not only to the muscles of the eyelids, but also to the forehead area. It is the muscles on the forehead that help keep the eyes “open.” Massage is also very useful. There are many techniques. A good option is, for example, Japanese Asahi massage. If you have deep wrinkles, your own efforts will most likely not be enough, contact a cosmetologist.
  • Don't neglect sunglasses when going outside in the summer. This accessory must be of high quality. In cosmetics, it is desirable to have an SPF factor (20 or higher). Body sunscreen for eyelids is absolutely not suitable.
  • Never go to bed without removing your makeup. Remove all sources of electromagnetic radiation from the bedroom and provide access to fresh air.
  • Try to sleep on a pillow that is not very high. If the head is raised too much, the normal flow of blood and lymph is disrupted, and swelling appears. It is also not recommended to sleep with your face buried in a pillow. Chronic lack of sleep also greatly affects the condition of the skin of the eyelids.
  • At least once a day, wipe your eyelids with cosmetic ice, wrapping the cube in a linen napkin. You can freeze both regular and mineral water, as well as fruit juices and infusions of medicinal herbs.

Video: nuances of eyelid skin care in adulthood

Honey masks

Mask 6. Tea with honey

In life, my hospitality also knows no bounds, but now I will not offer you a cup of aromatic tea. Usually, in addition to dark circles under the eyes, women are very concerned about the wrinkles around them. This mask will help you cope with fine wrinkles and bruises. We'll drink tea later.

Take honey, first heat it to a liquid consistency, add two tablespoons of oatmeal and a teaspoon of black tea (not dry brew, but a prepared, strong drink) into it. If the mixture is too thick, you can add a little more tea. Now you need to heat everything in a water bath so that the flakes are steamed and, after simmering to normal temperature, apply to your eyelids. Leave for a quarter of an hour and rinse.

This anti-wrinkle eye mask has a tonic effect, giving the skin elasticity and at the same time smoothing it out from the effects of active facial expressions.

Mask 7. Honey, coffee and vitamins

For those who prefer coffee instead of tea, I suggest making this mask. It will tighten the skin, smooth out small grooves, and also quickly remove all traces of fatigue - bruises, swelling, puffiness.

Take honey, black coffee (instant, but stronger) (1:1 ratio) and 4 capsules of vitamin E. Mix everything, dip cotton pads in the mixture, put them in a bag and keep in the refrigerator.

Now remove the cool compresses from the bag and apply them to your eyes for 15 minutes.

Mask 8. Honey, sour cream and yolk

We continue our tour of the kitchen in search of delicious recipes that will help restore the healthy appearance and elasticity of the skin around the eyes. Now we need: honey, yolk, sour cream, milk and olive oil (this is ideal, but sunflower oil is also possible).

Mix everything in equal proportions (you can use a little more milk) and carefully spread it on your eyelids, using light patting movements, as if you are driving healthy vitamins into the skin. Remove after 15 minutes with a cotton pad soaked in the same warm milk. This tightening eye mask nourishes the skin well, increasing its tone and elasticity.

Expert opinion

Marianna Sergienkova

Expert of the LiteDay project. Pharmacist, certified fitness trainer, leads exercise therapy, Pilates, step and aerobics groups, 27 years old

Ask a Question

Important! When removing masks and compresses from the skin of the eyelids, do this with extreme caution, without stretching the delicate skin.

Pharmacy eye masks against sagging

The pharmaceutical industry offers products that effectively combat sagging eyelids.

NameActive substanceEffect
BlefarogelHyaluronic acidDeep hydration, elimination of puffiness of the eyelids and dark circles under the eyes, improvement of metabolic processes.
PanthenolDexpanthenolPerfectly eliminates dryness, moisturizing the delicate skin of the eyelids, and prevents the formation of wrinkles.
CuriosinZinc hyaluronateSmoothes the skin of the eyelids. Prevents the formation of wrinkles.
SolcoserylDeproteinized dialysate from the blood of dairy calvesImproves blood circulation and metabolic processes, stimulates the synthesis of collagen fibers.
Zinc ointmentZinc oxideProtects against the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, preventing premature aging.
HydrocortisoneHydrocortisone acetateRetains moisture at the cellular level and effectively nourishes.
DimexideDimexide (dimethyl sulfoxide)Optimizes metabolic processes, normalizes metabolism in tissues.
LyotonHeparin sodium saltRestores cells, promotes tissue compaction, thereby reducing the severity of wrinkles.

Pharmaceutical preparations are applied to the eyelids once a day (preferably in the evening), gently rub in with fingertips and hold for 10 minutes. After the specified time has passed, the product is removed with a cotton pad soaked in warm water.

The duration of the procedures is 8–10 days. Then the skin is allowed to rest and recover for 14 days and, if necessary, repeat the course.

Potato recipes

No, I'm not hungry, don't think anything like that. It’s just that potatoes really fight very well against age-related changes that leave their mark on the sensitive skin of the eyelids. Why not take advantage of this, because this vegetable is very popular and, most likely, is in every kitchen.

Mask 9. Potatoes with cream

Take a raw potato, maybe a small one. Grate it on the finest grater, pour out the juice. Mix potatoes with cream and apply the resulting slurry onto gauze and then onto the lower eyelids. And pamper the top ones with a compress of iced tea - soak cotton pads in it and apply. Keep all this in front of your eyes for 15 minutes.

You will be surprised, but thanks to this eye mask, your skin will noticeably transform. And the upper eyelids will become toned. After all, the skin around the eyes is very thin, it quickly reacts to such compresses. They can be made not only from tea, but also from herbs - chamomile, for example.

Mask 10. Potatoes with cucumber

You will need one small potato and a slice of fresh cucumber. All three, chop and mix. Apply together with the juice to the skin near the eyes and leave for a quarter of an hour. If the juice starts to flow, carefully wipe it with a napkin or cotton pad.

There are good reviews about this eye mask - the skin becomes lighter, bruises will go away, swelling will disappear, the look will be fresher. And if you add a drop of cream, the recipe will help maintain the elasticity of the skin, additionally saturating it with fats. The lack of the latter is a serious problem in this zone. Therefore, if you don’t have cream on hand, you can even add a drop of sunflower oil.

Another option for the same composition is that you can simply squeeze out the resulting juice, soak cotton pads in it and make compresses. The effect is the same, the skin is tightened, small wrinkles are smoothed out, dark circles and bruises are lightened, swelling disappears.

Causes of sagging skin

Who is to blame for the fact that the eyelids have lost their tone and treacherously crawled down, succumbing to gravity? First of all, the years lived. They are:

  • “steal” collagen and elastin from the skin, which a mature body can no longer produce in the required quantities;
  • they deprive the epidermis of hyaluronic acid, and with it the feeling of pleasant “fullness” and elasticity;
  • accelerate the accumulation of free radicals that damage healthy cells.

With age, the skin loses the ability to produce substances necessary for elasticity.
However, there is nothing to blame for the merciless time if you yourself actively help him paint his face with the help of:

  • strict diets and a diet poor in vitamins and minerals;
  • non-compliance with sleep and rest schedules;
  • bad habits;
  • inability to relax in order to cope with stress;
  • love for tanning - both natural and obtained under ultraviolet lamps of a solarium;
  • too generous use of decorative cosmetics.

The lifting procedure is designed to restore the face to a fresh look, tighten sagging eyelids and smooth out wrinkles. In difficult cases, it is performed surgically or by hardware; in mild cases, it is performed using masks with a specially selected composition.

Features of using homemade masks

Now you know how you can maintain the health of your eyelid skin without visiting salons or spending money on expensive creams. But still, follow the recommendations and rules for using homemade masks to get the maximum effect from them:

  1. Before applying any product, always cleanse your skin. This should be done with soft products, lotions intended for sensitive eye skin, micellar water, avoiding unnecessary friction.
  2. All products are applied only to the fixed parts of the eyelid, to the skin around the eyes, and under them.
  3. While the mask is in effect, you must take a horizontal position; if this is not possible, then at least sit down and preferably not move. Be sure to keep your eyes closed.
  4. Under no circumstances keep the product on for longer than the specified time; there is a high risk of drying out the already dry skin of the eyelids. Then you have a new problem.
  5. Do not store homemade formulations in the refrigerator for reuse - always prepare fresh, otherwise you will not get the expected effect - many substances simply will not work.
  6. You can wash off the product from your eyelids only with a cotton pad, with light movements, do not rub or pull the skin. It’s better to just blot it and change the disc to a clean one, and so on until it’s completely clean.


Published with permission of the authors

Nadezhda Eremeeva, Moscow: I’ve probably been suffering from bruises under my eyes for about five years now. I’ve also tried store-bought products, patches, masks, there are some good ones, but of course the price is too much to buy. Therefore, I lighten it a little with cucumber and make compresses with cold tea. If you do it regularly, there is an effect. I'll have to try it with coffee too.

Elena Letova, Saratov: There is nothing better than compresses made from seasonal fruits and berries. When the strawberries ripened, I cut them and put the slices on the skin. There is an orange, a tangerine, a pear at home - take a piece and rub the skin. There is a fresh cucumber, the same thing - I cut it, rubbed the cucumber all over my face, and put a slice on my eyelids. And this is how I do everything in my adult life and advise you all. Nature has provided everything for a long time, there is no need to invent a wheel.

Ekaterina B., 29 years old: I don’t have time to bother with masks, although I understand that homemade ones are healthier. And those that the stores offer are also made on the basis of natural ingredients. But they are easier to use - you don’t need to prepare anything in advance, open the jar and that’s it. I also really love compresses made from strong iced tea when I can – I always do it. The eyes really come to life.

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