Mask with ascorutin for rosacea - excellent results with regular use

How is the drug useful?

Ascorutin is a complex vitamin preparation containing equal parts ascorbic acid and rutin.
The substances are powerful antioxidants and have a strong restorative effect. Ascorbic acid strengthens the walls of blood vessels and protects against damage. Rutin normalizes blood clotting and reduces the permeability of vascular walls. Included in one complex, they mutually enhance each other's effects. Ascorutin is useful:

  • With a deficiency of vitamins in the body
  • For rheumatism
  • For recovery after illness
  • Strengthening the walls of blood vessels, preventing varicose veins
  • Prevention of diseases of the brain and spinal cord.

One of the purposes of Ascorutin is to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, which not only has a healing effect on the entire body, but also counteracts the development of rosacea. In addition, Ascorutin helps rejuvenate the skin, enhance its resistance to the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, and minimize the development of pigmentation.

The product is intended for oral use, but it can also be used for external purposes. Ascorutin tablets are often added to masks, tonics or lotions to get rid of rosacea and pigmentation.

Skin care tips for rosacea

This disease affects delicate, dry skin, which requires regular and careful care. There are some rules you should know:

  • It is not advisable to steam this type of epidermis in a bathhouse, sauna or with hot compresses;
  • It is not recommended to do chemical facial cleansing (peeling);
  • Creams that contain salt or any citrus fruits should be avoided. These components act very aggressively on the skin;
  • should not sunbathe;
  • you need to spend as little time as possible under the scorching sun;
  • use protection from ultraviolet rays (SPF at least 20);
  • Avoid using various fruit acids on your skin. These substances make the epidermis thinner;
  • use cosmetics made from natural ingredients;
  • When going outside in winter, smear your face with a rich cream;
  • It is advisable to add aromatic oils (jojoba, almond, avocado and others) to caring cosmetics. 3-5 drops are enough for one tube. Such substances strengthen blood vessels well, toning them;
  • adhere to the correct daily routine;
  • eat quality food;
  • use cosmetics that are designed to combat rosacea.

Homemade recipes for face masks from ascorutin

At home, it is effective to use homemade cosmetics. For aging skin with loss of turgor and elasticity, pharmaceutical vitamin C will be the best cocktail of youth. Ascorutin acts against age spots, enlarged pores and purulent pustules.

Anti-wrinkle mask

As a result: it is worth using ascorutin for the skin for deep static wrinkles and thin, sensitive dermis. Blood circulation processes accelerate, collagen and elastin synthesis increases. It is useful to prevent vitamin deficiency in winter by repeating cosmetic sessions twice a month.


  • 5 gr. ascorutin;
  • 20 gr. sour cream;
  • 10 ml aloe juice.

Production and method of application: turn the tablet into powder, add sour cream and squeezed plant juice. Clean your face with thermal water, distribute the liquid mass, leave for a quarter of an hour, repeat the procedure three times a week.

Acne mask

As a result: recipes based on ascorutin can cure acne, speed up healing, and normalize internal processes at the cellular level. The mask is also used to smooth out the relief after improper removal of acne.


  • 10 gr. ascorutin;
  • 10 gr. pea flour;
  • 4 drops of orange essential oil.

Production and method of application: crush the tablets in a mortar, add yellow flour and aromatic drops, add a lot of mineral water for uniformity. Steam the skin, then treat the problem areas with healing gruel, rinse, wait six/eight minutes. To restore the epidermis, carry out three/five caring sessions.

  • How to take Ascorutin for varicose veins

Anti-pigmentation mask

The bottom line: Ascorutin helps with pigmentation, and also gets rid of freckles and dull gray complexion. To prepare the skin before sunbathing, carry out two/three procedures.


  • ascorutin tablet;
  • 10 gr. buckwheat flour;
  • 15 gr. honey.

Production and method of application: mix honey with cereal flour and crushed preparation. Clean the surface of makeup, apply the composition, avoiding the nasolabial triangle and eyelids. Complete facial care after half an hour in the usual way.

Acne mask

As a result: against inflammation, increased secretion of glands in oily skin, unhealthy complexion, it is worth using folk secrets. The tonic properties of the drug will help restore the epidermis, dry out purulent formations, and remove inflammation and redness.


  • 5 gr. ascorutin;
  • 5 gr. plantain;
  • 10 gr. zinc ointment.

Production and method of application: grind the tablet together with the herb in a coffee grinder, mix with the ointment. In the evening, after cleansing the skin, spread a generous layer over acne-affected areas. When you wake up in the morning, remove any residue with a damp cotton pad.

Anti-redness mask

As a result: ascorutin is effective for rosacea and redness due to the strengthening of facial vessels and accelerating the microcirculation process. It is useful to prepare the skin with a mask for temperature changes, solar ultraviolet radiation and dry air.


  • 5 gr. ascorutin;
  • 10 gr. yogurt;
  • 5 gr. decoys.

Production and method of application: add crushed vitamin C powder and cereal to yogurt without additives or flavorings. Wipe the skin with micellar liquid, apply the composition using a spatula, leave for half an hour, after which wash with cold water.

Mask with ascorutin and clay

As a result: available recipes are used against rosacea, as well as for whitening the face, restoring a smooth, elastic surface. The procedure allows you to clean the ducts, remove toxins and oxidants.


  • 5 gr. ascorutin;
  • 10 gr. clay;
  • 20 drops of linseed oil.

Production and method of application: turn the tablet into powder, add cosmetic clay and nourishing oil, dilute the dry mass with mineral water. Distribute the finished product onto the skin and leave until dry.

  • Why is ascorutin prescribed for hemorrhoids, the effect of the drug

Mask with ascorutin and green tea

As a result: a healing procedure with brewing green tea, together with ascorutin tablets for rosacea, also helps to refresh the color, increase immune properties, and relieve swelling. To prevent cracking of blood vessels and redness from cold, it is worth conducting a course of seven/ten sessions.


  • 10 gr. ascorutin;
  • 15 ml green tea;
  • 5 gr. coconut oil.

Production and method of application: brew a concentrated drink, remove the leaves, stir with the tablet and nut oil. Prepare the skin with a herbal compress and apply the composition for twenty-five minutes.

Mask with ascorutin and chamomile

As a result: chamomile and ascorutin will prevent the appearance of rosacea and speed up recovery from bruises on the face. To relieve fatigue and traces of insomnia, apply fifteen minutes before applying makeup.


  • ascorutin tablet;
  • 20 ml chamomile decoction;
  • 5 gr. shea butter

Production and method of application: prepare and strain a concentrated herbal decoction, while still warm, dissolve the pharmaceutical preparation and thick oil. Apply the product instead of night cream during sleep. When you wake up, remove the remains with a cosmetic sponge.

Mask with ascorutin and gelatin

The bottom line: face masks with ascorutin help care for dry, irritation-prone dermis. Wrinkles are smoothed out, elasticity and freshness are observed after the first use.


  • 10 gr. ascorutin;
  • 15 gr. gelatin;
  • 30 drops of jojoba oil.

Production and method of application: mix gelatin crystals with ascorutin, pour warm tea or decoction, stir well until completely dissolved. If lumps remain, you can heat it in a water bath, without allowing the composition to boil, and add moisturizing oil. Spread with a brush, starting from the chin to the temples, from the bridge of the nose to the forehead, and so on in several layers. Wait about thirty-five minutes, then remove the film without stretching the skin.

Interesting video: How to get rid of age spots on the face at home

How to use Ascorutin correctly

Tablets are recommended to be taken after or during meals. This way the vitamins are better absorbed and act faster. The drug should be taken with plain water. In the absence of contraindications - berry or fruit juices. It is not advisable to use alkaline mineral water, as it neutralizes the acids contained in the tablets.

Adults are recommended to take 200–600 mg. Ascorutin per day (2–6 tablets), depending on the type of pathology present. To prevent hypovitaminosis, it is enough to drink 1 piece. twice a day. For treatment - repeat the dose 3-4 times a day. The drug should be swallowed whole, without chewing, so that the acids do not harm tooth enamel.

Ascorutin is allowed for children from 4 years of age: 0.5–1 tablet per day. For babies, it is recommended to grind the product into powder or dilute it in 1 tsp. slightly warm water. After taking it, it is advisable to rinse your mouth thoroughly with water.

Recommended course of continuous intake of the vitamin complex: 2–4 weeks. If necessary, the doctor can prescribe a prolonged dose - up to 2 months, or a cyclic dose - up to six months. To avoid complications, you should not prolong taking Ascorutin or increase the dose yourself.

general description

In fact, this is an inexpensive and fairly well-known vitamin preparation, which was previously often prescribed by pediatricians to speed up recovery from colds and flu. It contains vitamins C and P, which are the active components. The name of the drug itself consists of two syllables: “asco”, that is, ascorbic acid, and “rutin”, vitamin P. This combination allows the drug to participate in metabolism and help increase the body’s resistance to disease. In addition, this drug ensures optimal hormonal balance.

Features of preparing masks and their use

Self-prepared masks based on ascorutin are no less beneficial for the skin than procedures performed by a professional cosmetologist in a salon. The great advantage of homemade cosmetics is its availability, ease of preparation and use. It is enough to follow the recommendations:

  1. Apply only freshly prepared solution to the skin.
  2. During preparation, use plastic or glass containers, as metal ones can oxidize under the influence of some components of the mask.
  3. Before first use, to avoid an allergic reaction, a standard sensitivity test should be performed.
  4. Apply the solution, following the massage lines that coincide with the lymph flow.
  5. It is advisable to wash off the mask with cool water. For solutions that contain fatty components (vegetable or essential oils, sour cream), you can use a little cleanser. Hot water negatively affects the condition of blood vessels and reduces skin elasticity.
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