Poor result of biorevitalization: what is the reason?

What is skin biorevitalization and why is it needed?

Biorevitalization of facial skin

- one of the best methods of combating the signs of skin aging, without surgical intervention. This is one of the sections of injection therapy, which allows, through the introduction of drugs that are analogues of the body’s natural biological substances, to breathe fresh breath into tired skin. The technology not only restores elasticity, tone and color of the skin, but also fights many of its defects, such as hyperpigmentation, rosacea, wrinkles.

Side effects

Biorevitalization is a minimally invasive procedure, and therefore is rarely accompanied by undesirable manifestations. But due to the injection of drugs, complications may arise:

  • swelling of the treated area;
  • microhematomas at injection sites;
  • redness of the skin.

These signs disappear after some time. If after 48 hours the treatment area is still bothering you, you should contact a specialist. He will prescribe a wound-healing and anti-inflammatory ointment that will help relieve negative consequences.

How and what the biorevitalization procedure is done

The procedure is based on the subcutaneous administration of gel-like products, the main active component of which is low concentration hyaluronic acid (HA). This substance is naturally found in large quantities in the human body and is involved in many biochemical processes in the body. Therefore, injections with this biopolymer are perceived by the immune system as natural and are not rejected. The most popular brands of gels: Hyalual, Juvederm, Neauvia Organic, IAL System, Aquashine, Profhilo and others.

Operating principle

The basis of skin renewal using Skin-R technology is fragments of hyaluronic acid that can activate fibroblasts, as well as amino acids that promote the natural production of dense collagen. In the process of exposure to the natural components of the drug, structural changes in the dermis occur, aimed at increasing its hardness. This is why the Skin-R technique is called biorestructuring.

The role of hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is synthesized in the body, its production maintains skin elasticity. The older a person gets, the less it is produced. Because of this, the appearance loses its shine, wrinkles and sagging appear.

Biorevitalization products help saturate the dermis with hyaluronic acid from the outside, as well as increase its synthesis from the inside. This returns turgor, which instantly improves the condition of the face and visually removes up to 10 years of age. This effect is achieved due to the properties of the active substance of the drugs:

  • moisture is retained inside the cells, straightening them and removing creases;
  • the skin becomes dense in appearance and elastic when pressed;
  • sagging areas are tightened due to improved structure and powerful hydration;
  • the thickness of the deep layers increases.

Hyaluronic acid molecules are too large to penetrate through pores. Therefore, they are administered by injection.

This allows you to act from the inside, causing a noticeable effect immediately after use. Due to the fact that the active substance is normally present in the skin, biorevitalization preparations extremely rarely cause allergic reactions.

What happens after hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin?

The skin of young people contains up to 70% water. With age, this figure gradually decreases. As a result, the dermis loses elasticity and firmness, and wrinkles appear on it. One of the participants in the mechanism of maintaining the water balance of the dermis in a normal state is hyaluronic acid.
This is a powerful moisturizer, which, due to its special structure, attracts water to itself like a sponge (1 molecule of polysaccharide can hold more than 100 molecules of water).

Answers on questions

How often can SKIN-R biorevitalization be done?

The manufacturer recommends performing one session every 15 days 4 times. Then take a break for two months, then repeat the cycle three times.

Will the procedure help with sagging abdominal skin after a caesarean section?

The effectiveness of the procedure depends on the condition of the skin and the extent of the problem area. If the area of ​​the lift is large, it is better to use the services of a surgeon. If the size of the sagging allows it to be corrected by biorevitalization, then this method is a higher priority due to fewer complications and contraindications.

How much does the procedure cost?

The price depends on the clinic and the chosen drug. The approximate cost of one session with the drug SKIN-R is 6,000 rubles. When purchasing a subscription, discounts are usually provided. The cosmetologist will tell you the exact amount after an in-person examination.

What happens to the body after biorevitalization

Once in the body, hyaluronic acid

quickly begins to attract liquid and moisturizes the skin layers.
But replacement therapy is not the only effect of hyaluronic acid. It stimulates cellular processes, due to which the production of own HA is resumed, collagenogenesis and elastin production are normalized. And antioxidant activity
against free radicals accumulated in the body with age increases the effectiveness of the fight against aging.

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Product Description

Biorevitalization SKIN (Skin) is an injection procedure using drugs from the Italian company Italfarmacia.

The know-how of SKIN products is the use of short fragments of low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, consisting of 20-38 monomers.

A number of studies indicate that it is precisely such small chains that more easily bind to specific CD44 receptors on fibroblasts, activating their production of the most important substances for the skin - collagen and elastin.

In addition, the composition includes amino acids necessary for the synthesis of dermal protein structures.

The manufacturer claims that thanks to this approach, the procedure promotes not only deep hydration, but also a kind of biostimulation of the skin - activation of its biological functions by stimulating cells to divide and form their own collagen.


Biorevitalizants of the SKIN line are based on the action of the following components:

  • hyaluronic acid of biosynthetic origin in the form of oligosaccharide fragments is designed to improve the elastic characteristics of the skin;
  • amino acids restore the skin, strengthen its immune defense, and exhibit antioxidant properties;
  • The carbonate buffer maintains physiological pH values ​​as close as possible to the natural values ​​of the dermis.


Italfarmacia Ltd. is a company founded in 1995 in Italy, specializing in the production and sale of medical devices, nutritional supplements and cosmetics.

SKIN products were first introduced in 2005. Maurizio Cicarelli, a professor of medicine, director of the International Center for Study and Research in Aesthetic Medicine, who is called a genius in the field of aesthetics, took an active part in its creation.

It was the developments of Maurizio Cicarelli that formed the basis of the drugs.

Indications and contraindications for skin biorevitalization

Biorevitalization of facial skin in Moscow, according to experts, can cope not only with the signs of age-related decline of the dermis. It effectively regenerates the skin after unsuccessful peelings, sunburn, diseases that have left their mark in the form of scars and pits, etc. This is the best way to restore the structure of the dermal layers, strengthen its protective mechanisms and rejuvenate. The main indications are


  • natural skin aging;
  • decreased elasticity and turgor;
  • consequences of injuries and unsuccessful operations, sudden weight loss (scars, scars, stretch marks);
  • spider veins;
  • dry, insufficiently moisturized skin;
  • dark spots;
  • skin disorders after ultraviolet burns and acne;
  • enlarged pores;
  • swelling, dark circles around the eyes;
  • changing the oval of the face;
  • uneven skin texture;
  • small expression wrinkles.

Skin biorevitalization is recommended to be carried out before aesthetic surgeries. It is often combined with other cosmetic procedures, which significantly enhances their results. The procedure is recommended for use from 30 to 35 years old. In some cases, it can be carried out at an earlier age.

There are several contraindications


  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • cancer;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • tendency of the dermis to scar;
  • individual intolerance to the drugs used.

In some conditions, such as acute respiratory infections, exacerbation of some chronic pathologies, menstruation, the presence of injuries and damage to the skin in the intended treatment area, the cosmetologist may temporarily (until the condition normalizes) remove you from the manipulation.

Review of biorevitalizants


Starter preparation for skin biostimulation.

Recommended for correcting early age-related skin changes and preventing their subsequent development. It perfectly moisturizes the skin and evens out the tone, eliminating minor imperfections. Due to its light formula, it is ideal for young skin.

SKIN B is also often used for preparation before injections of other biorevitalizants in this line.


  • the first signs of aging;
  • dry, dehydrated skin;
  • small superficial wrinkles;
  • dull uneven tone;
  • dark circles under the eyes.


Colin product is designed for instant lifting and biostimulation of the skin.

In addition to hyaluronic acid and an amino acid complex, it contains an additional component - choline bitartrate.

It has the ability to stimulate myofibroblasts - cells that are both similar to fibroblasts (skin cells) and smooth muscle cells. By expanding blood vessels, choline improves microcirculation and nutrition of the dermis, and activates gas exchange.

In addition to traditional intradermal injections, SKIN-Colin can also be injected specifically into the facial muscles. Such toning allows you to increase muscle tone, improve the oval and contours of the face, and tighten the upper eyelid.


  • initial and moderate manifestations of age-related skin changes;
  • decreased tone and elasticity;
  • skin dehydration;
  • laxity and sagging.


The drug SKIN-OX combines the effect of biostimulation and antioxidant action.

The active ingredient is sodium ascorbyl phosphate, a stable form of vitamin C.

By blocking tyrosinase, an enzyme that provokes the formation of age spots, it effectively lightens the skin, eliminating existing manifestations of hyperpigmentation and preventing subsequent photodamage.

Glutathione and cysteine ​​in the composition prolong the effect of vitamin C and enhance protection against the damaging effects of free radicals.

The product can be used as monotherapy or in combination with other drugs in the line - Skin-B and Skin-Colin.


  • skin hydration;
  • pigmentation disorders;
  • prevention and treatment of rosacea;
  • "smoker's skin"
  • aggressive influence of the sun.


A powerful drug for starting the process of restructuring and biotransformation of the dermis.

The product has a maximum content of hyaluronic acid, which allows you to achieve a pronounced rejuvenating effect.

The key difference from other products in the series is the use of a hypertonic solution with an altered, acidic pH. This allows for additional trauma to the dermis and the launch of response skin repair processes.

The result is the formation of “fibrotic”, rapidly synthesized type I collagen, skin tissue tension and an instant lifting effect.

It should be noted that due to its osmotic properties, SKIN-R injections may be accompanied by high pain.


  • pronounced age-related skin changes;
  • superficial and deep wrinkles;
  • decreased tone and elasticity;
  • loose body skin.

Procedure and recommendations after the procedure

A facial skin biorevitalization session takes about 30 minutes. Before the procedure, a mandatory interview with a dermatocosmetologist is required. During the consultation, indications and contraindications for manipulation are clarified, the optimal drug and its dose are selected.


  1. Cleansing the skin and applying a layer of anesthetic cream.
  2. Antiseptic treatment.
  3. Intradermal injections of the drug are carried out with a thin needle into areas with signs of wilting. The gel is administered until small papules appear on the surface (dissolve within a day) according to a certain scheme.
  4. Repeated treatment with antiseptic.
  5. Applying a skin soothing cream.

The procedure does not cause any discomfort to the patient; it is absolutely painless and harmless. For a lasting result, a course of therapy is required, consisting of 2 - 4 sessions, the interval between which is about a month.

After injections, create gentle conditions for the skin. Recommendations for further care:

  • avoid direct sunlight;
  • temporarily avoid visiting the sauna;
  • do not apply cosmetics to the skin immediately after the manipulation;
  • To quickly restore the dermis, you can use skin-regenerating drugs.

Precautionary measures

To ensure that the procedure is easy and without unpleasant consequences, special attention should be paid to choosing a doctor.
He must have a higher medical education and specialization in cosmetology. Biorevitalization is not a particularly complex technique; however, it is better to give preference to a doctor who has experience and relevant training certificates.

In addition, special attention should be paid to pre-procedure preparation and subsequent post-injection care.

2-3 days before the procedure you must:

  • give up alcohol;
  • Avoid taking anticoagulants (aspirin, heparin, etc.).

After the procedure, exclude for 2-3 days:

  • physical activity, sports;
  • thermal procedures (bath, sauna, hammam);
  • intense ultraviolet irradiation (including solarium).

Efficiency and advantage of the method

Biorevitalization of facial skin in Moscow today is a very popular procedure. Its effectiveness has been proven by numerous positive reviews. The result is noticeable the day after the injections, when the papules from the injections disappear. Innovative drugs create a prolonged effect that increases over time, due to the normalization of metabolic processes and the acceleration of regeneration, and lasts on average about a year.

Advantages of the technique:

  • safety: with the right choice of product and its professional administration, the risk of complications is minimal;
  • painlessness: the injection needle has a very thin cross-section. Its introduction into the patient’s skin is practically not felt;
  • long-term effect: depending on the chosen drug, the duration of the result is from 6 months to 1 year. The effect can be prolonged by carrying out preventive injections;
  • instant results: tone improves, wrinkles smooth out, skin becomes radiant, fresh, moisturized and tightened.

Healing period

It should be noted that the rejuvenating procedure is accompanied by the formation of papules at the injection site.

The speed of their resorption depends on the density of the selected drug.

Papules resolve most quickly when using Skin B. And the longest recovery period is observed after the introduction of Skin K (up to 48 hours).

Side effects

The injections themselves are quite safe. Most often, patients are concerned about the pain of their insertion, redness of the skin immediately after the procedure, and slight swelling.

If the needle injures a blood vessel, hematomas and bruises may occur.

More serious side effects require immediate medical attention.

Preparations for biorevitalization

  • Neauvia Organic Hydro Deluxe
  • Juvederm Hydrate
  • Filorga M-HA 18 (Filorga M-HA 18)
  • Meso-Wharton P199 (MesoWharton)
  • Meso-Xanthin F199 (Mesoxanthin)
  • Mesoeye C71 (Mesoay)
  • Profhilo (Profilo)
  • Aquashine BR
  • Aquashine RA
  • Hyalual (Hialual)
  • Ial System
  • Novacutan (Novakutan)
  • Plinest
  • Restylane Vital (Restylane Vital)
  • Belotero Hydro
  • SKIN B, R, C, OX (Skin B, R, S, OKS)
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Additional Information

Before you begin the procedure, you need to evaluate whether it is the best method for your problem. We use many techniques that help rejuvenate the skin, moisturize it, and eliminate wrinkles. Before offering you this or that method, we evaluate:

  • Health status
  • Tendency to allergic reactions
  • Pain threshold
  • Age
  • General skin condition
  • The effectiveness of the procedure in your case

In some situations, it is optimal to use combined methods of influence and the use of care systems that will help consolidate the effect obtained for a long time.

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