How to properly use a Vidal loop to cleanse your face and pores

Cosmetology clinics use a variety of tools for effective and safe cleansing of facial skin. But some devices from a cosmetologist’s arsenal can be used regularly at home.

One such tool is a Vidal loop with a needle. When using the loop, it is necessary to observe hygienic rules, otherwise there is a high risk of infectious skin lesions and the appearance of post-acne.

Indications for use

The Vidal loop is a cosmetic instrument for deep mechanical cleansing of the skin on any part of the body. As a result of pressure, the contents come out of the skin pore.

Using a loop you can get rid of:

  • blackheads;
  • acne;
  • acne;
  • closed comedones.

After proper and careful treatment, there are no scars or red inflamed spots left on the body, and the appearance of post-acne is excluded.

You can do cosmetic facial cleansing yourself, but to treat your back, shoulders and other inaccessible parts of the body you will have to ask a loved one for help.


In some cases, a stick for squeezing out blackheads can seriously harm the face. It is better not to use it when:

  • rosacea,
  • increased sensitivity,
  • any dermatological diseases during the period of exacerbation.

To avoid injury to the skin, act very carefully. It is better to repeat the procedure in a few days rather than injure your face.

In addition, do not forget about the rules of hygiene. Such devices are intended for individual use.

If you neglect these recommendations, the consequences can be very serious. Infections and sepsis from unsuccessful home cleaning will require long-term treatment. The recovery period can be painful.

How to use?

Before cleaning with a Vidal loop, the face must be free of decorative cosmetics. It is advisable to use a mild cleanser, but not a scrub. The washed face must be treated with an antiseptic.

If your skin is oily, you can use alcohol lotion, and if your skin is dry and sensitive, it is recommended to take the drug “Chlorhexidine”.

It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the evening, in order to then relax and provide the cleansed skin with complete rest throughout the night. After cleansing your face, you can’t immediately go outside, visit the bathhouse or sauna, or sweat.

Expert opinion

Ekaterina Dudikova

Dermatologist, cosmetologist

Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to prepare the Vidal loop - disinfect it. Treatment with alcohol is sufficient.

The action plan is as follows:

  1. The loop is placed over the clogged pore so that the central point of the pathological formation coincides with the center of the loop structure. The loop is located parallel to the skin surface.
  2. Use a loop to slowly press on the inflamed surface. The contents will come out of the clogged pore.
  3. If the pathological formation is deep, then a Vidal needle should be used to extract the contents. It is used to pierce the clogged opening of the pimple. Next, carry out the above-described manipulations with the loop.
  4. After extracting the contents of each pore, the tip of the instrument is disinfected, and the treated area of ​​the body is wiped with an antiseptic.

Spoon Uno: use

The first stage is disinfection

Immediately after purchase, the spoon should be disinfected using one of the available home methods. It can be boiled for half an hour or placed in a double boiler or multicooker with the “Steam” mode for the same period of time.

You can also put the tool on foil and put it in the oven , preheated to 200 degrees, for half an hour. If you have a special sterilizer , you can use it.

a solution of ethyl alcohol for half an hour . Alternative solutions can be Chlorhexidine or Miramistin. Immediately after use, the instrument is wiped with an alcohol wipe to remove visible dirt, and then placed in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.

Preparing the skin for the procedure

remove all makeup from your face - any foam, gel or special soap will do for this. The skin must be absolutely clean. You can also apply a scrub to damp skin and then rinse with water.

Pros and cons of the tool

The Vidal loop has the following advantages:

  • suitable for removing large, prominent, painful lesions;
  • easily squeezes out purulent mass from pimples;
  • used to get rid of deep comedones;
  • allows you to quickly give your face an attractive look;
  • sold in any pharmacy;
  • Available for cleansing your face and pores at home.

Among the disadvantages of the Vidal loop, it should be noted:

  • aggravation of problems due to incorrect and careless use of the loop;
  • the need for thorough hygiene procedures before and after cleaning;
  • increased risk of complications when using a needle.

Regular ultrasonic peeling and cleansing procedures will return your skin to its natural beauty!

Of course, cleansing is only half the battle, because the skin also requires complete care, and problematic skin needs this doubly. Therefore, experts have selected methods for restoring and caring for the skin that will help restore its natural beauty.

  • Darsonval is truly a “magic” device that allows you to take care of problem skin, and even saves you from purulent inflammatory processes. Pulsed currents ozone therapy produce a pronounced disinfecting and restorative effect, counteracts inflammation and the development of bacteria
  • Cosmetic care is something that helps in caring for even the most capricious and problematic skin. Using creams for oily and problem skin, you can easily consolidate the results obtained from hardware procedures and return your skin to a healthy and radiant appearance. Carefully selected products - masks and serums for oily or combination skin - can regulate sebum production, perfectly restore the skin, and smooth out residual effects.

Facial skin care after the procedure

After cleaning with a Vidal loop, apply an antiseptic compress. A mask with holes for the eyes, nose and mouth is cut out of gauze and moistened with alcohol or Chlorhexidine. Apply to the face for 20 minutes.

A similar compress is made for other areas of the body that have undergone cleansing. It extinguishes inflammation, has a disinfecting effect, and relieves redness.

But if your facial skin is dry and sensitive, this compress will not work. It will dry out the skin and cause peeling. In this case, instead of alcohol products, decoctions of medicinal herbs are used to treat gauze: chamomile, calendula. They act much more gently, soothe, and quickly extinguish inflammation.

Precautionary measures

In the beauty salon, all instruments are thoroughly sterilized. It can be difficult to do this at home, so sometimes they become breeding grounds for infection instead of helpers. To prevent this from happening, the following precautions must be observed before and during cleaning:

  • wash your hands thoroughly and wipe them with a disinfectant solution;
  • lay instruments only on a smooth surface covered with a sterile gauze pad;
  • the ideal option is to work with your face with your hands wearing sterile latex gloves;
  • after squeezing out a pimple, be sure to immediately remove its contents from the instrument and skin by wiping them with a cotton pad soaked in boric alcohol;
  • When the entire surface has been treated, the skin must be completely wiped with an antiseptic again and only then a mask covering the pores must be applied.

After completing all manipulations, thoroughly wash the instruments themselves with running water and soap and immerse them in a disinfectant solution. They should be stored clean and dry in a tightly closed plastic box.

The Vidal needle is a “formidable” but almost harmless solution

The Vidal needle in appearance resembles an instrument of the Inquisition. This is a device with a long thin needle at the end (sometimes there may be a “Vidal loop” at the other end, then you get 2 tools in one ).

Those who have used the tool report side effects. For example, if you have sensitive skin (or if the person performing the procedure is unprofessional), “smudges” and “bruises” may appear.

It is also important for you to come to terms with the fact that this cosmetic procedure is considered one of the most unpleasant and painful . We do not recommend it for pregnant women, children under 14 years of age, or people with nervous disorders or hypersensitivity. People who have overly sensitive skin should not “play around” with the needle.

For which types of acne can a Vidal needle be used?

  • pimples and blackheads that are deep in the skin ,
  • small white pimples that are difficult to squeeze out with your hands (or the risk of inflammation is too high).

The application is the same as for previous instruments: disinfection of both the surface of the skin and equipment is necessary, preliminary steaming is required using baths based on medicines and plants.

You can use a Vidal needle only if the pimples or blackheads are mature! Otherwise, the inflamed follicle does not leave the pore, the pimple is not “ripe”.

Pressing can cause noticeable damage to the skin. If you tried to use a needle, but the pimple did not come out, then simply disinfect the surface of the skin and the instrument, and repeat the procedure after 2-3 days.

If you have profuse rashes or serious acne (for example, teenage acne or associated with hormonal imbalance), then this equipment will not be enough . Additionally, to combat acne, you will have to use drying wash gels, antibiotic tablets, and talkatives.

The needle should not be used more often than once every 2-3 days (for severe rashes).

Why should you pay attention to this particular cosmetic tool for removing pimples, blackheads, blackheads and comedones?

  1. It is less painful than manual cleaning.
  2. It does not cause severe trauma or damage when removing deep acne (it is one of the main means for combating such dermatological problems).
  3. Reduces the amount of time and effort required to cleanse the skin of the face, back, chest, décolleté, and neck.

Facial cleansing brush – a proven cosmetic solution for every day

If you have problematic skin with a lot of pimples or blackheads and excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, then use this solution.

Basic rules for choosing and using a cosmetic brush:

  1. When purchasing, make sure that the bristles have delicate hair (especially important for those with sensitive skin).
  2. You should use a brush for mechanical cleaning of the skin when washing your face 1 or 2 times a day.
  3. To enhance the effect , do not forget gels, cleansing foams, and tonics.
  4. When using a cosmetic instrument, you must gently rub the skin with massage movements.

If you have normal skin, you can use the brush literally once a month (with frequent use there is a risk of damage and an allergic reaction).

What types of pimples and blackheads does the brush combat? In what cases is it effective?

  • prevention of clogging of pores and the formation of blackheads (as well as the appearance of pimples, blackheads, acne),
  • cleaning the surface from keratinized particles,
  • protection against flaky skin.

Regular use of a cosmetic brush will help you reduce the number of comedones and pimples, and restore your skin to a beautiful and radiant appearance.

And using this tool is much more pleasant than a needle, spoon or loop . You simply apply the required amount of cosmetic product to the device, and then enjoy the massage effect.

By the way, many manufacturers offer massage brushes that are battery- or battery-powered. Turn facial care into pleasure!

Preventive actions

To prevent acne from appearing, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • cleanse the skin daily of impurities and cosmetic residues;
  • after washing, apply nourishing cream to your face;
  • The skin should be treated with an antibacterial composition a couple of times a week;
  • cleanse your face once a week;
  • eat right - reduce the amount of smoked meats, alcohol, pickles, coffee, marinades and spices;
  • promptly treat pathologies of the digestive organs and endocrine system;
  • minimize the effect of stress factors on the body.

What is she like?

The Vidal loop is made in the form of a rod with a loop (less often a circle) at one of the ends. Some tools are equipped with two loops of different sizes (see photo below). The small ear is intended for treating cheeks and areas where there are no overly enlarged pores, the wide ear is for the chin, nose and forehead. There is also a combined version, equipped with a loop on one side and a needle on the other. Such devices are considered the most convenient.

Vidal loops are made of medical steel, guaranteeing safe use.


Let's talk about spending. You will need from 3 to 10 procedures in total, depending on the cosmetologist’s assessment of the condition of your skin. And one session costs around 3,000 rubles. But if you do any additional procedures, such as liquid nitrogen, then the price for 1 time can increase to 6,000 rubles. But the effect is equal to the money spent.

There is a myth that after mechanical cleansing, the skin will no longer be able to cleanse itself. The truth is that the skin itself cannot, otherwise cleaning would not be needed! Therefore, do not be afraid of “getting used to it.” The skin still needs to be cleansed, so why not do it efficiently and for a long time?!

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