Laser décolleté rejuvenation: features of the procedure and stages of implementation

Peeling procedures on the facial skin have not been a novelty in cosmetology for a long time and are widely used to solve a variety of problems from acne and problematic skin to the correction of age-related changes. But for a healthy appearance, beauty alone is not enough. It's no secret that the condition of the skin in the décolleté, neck, and chest areas also plays an important role.

The skin in the area of ​​these delicate areas is significantly different in its structure, there is a much thinner muscle layer, fewer blood vessels and a very small number of sebaceous glands. The skin in the neck, chest and décolleté is much thinner than other areas of the skin and is much more susceptible to premature aging, wrinkling, and age spots. In addition, after complicated acne, stagnant spots and scars often remain in the décolleté area, which seriously worsen the appearance of this delicate area.

All these features of the skin of the décolleté and neck not only require special care, but also need products that will not cause harm, special, effective, but delicate and gentle. The best way to exfoliate skin in sensitive areas at the moment is a glycolic acid peel.

Causes of aging neck and décolleté

The first signs of aging on the neck and décolleté appear for several reasons:

  • weak muscles;
  • regular loads on the cervical spine;
  • frequent stay in one position;
  • strong bending of the neck while reading and viewing gadgets;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Also, the appearance of wrinkles and sagging on the neck occurs due to improper care of the thin and delicate skin of the décolleté area.

Problem areas - peeling at home

Peeling is done to remove dead skin particles and renew it. You need to do it once every 3-4 days. Apply peeling like a massage, along massage lines, do it slowly. After 10 minutes, rinse with warm chamomile decoction.

  • 1 tsp. Mix sea salt with 3 tbsp. l. sour cream.
  • Oatmeal 1 tbsp. l., 2 tbsp. l. cream, 1 tsp. almond oil and beaten egg white.
  • Grate the apple and mix with 1 tsp. granulated sugar.
  • Olive oil 1 tbsp. l. and coconut flakes 1 tbsp. l.

Rules for caring for the neck and décolleté

We bring to your attention the top 10 rules on how to properly care for your neck and décolleté:

  1. Correct posture must be maintained when sitting and walking. It is also useful to practice swimming and ballet - regular training straightens the skin in the cervical area, smoothes out folds and wrinkles.
  2. Balance your diet; the basis of your diet should be vegetables, fruits, eggs, dairy products, cereals, lean meat and fish.
  3. Provide regular nutrition and hydration according to your skin type, using products based on herbal ingredients and natural oils. After 35 years, cosmetic formulations containing collagen and other biological active substances should be used.
  4. Protect skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. It is useful to use products containing antioxidants, coenzyme Q10, vitamins A and C.
  5. Every morning, rinse your neck and face with either cold or warm water. A contrast shower will not only improve blood circulation, but also provide a boost of energy for the whole day.
  6. Massage regularly using a softening cream, which will improve muscle tone and help smooth out unevenness.
  7. Perform light gymnastic exercises to tone and strengthen the muscle frame of the neck.
  8. To avoid straining weak neck muscles, it is recommended to sleep on your back.
  9. Avoid sleeping on a high pillow; it is better to give preference to an orthopedic pillow that takes the shape of your head.
  10. Adhere to a comprehensive approach to neck care, which includes three essential steps: cleansing, toning/moisturizing and nutrition.

Home care is one of the components for maintaining the beauty, youth of the neck and décolleté. Don’t forget about professional salon manipulations that will eliminate a double chin, smooth out wrinkles and even out skin tone.

Skin toning and nutrition

Tonics can also be made at home. They will be better than store-bought ones, since they are made from natural ingredients without additives that extend shelf life. For this reason, they, like homemade creams, are not stored for long. Tonics containing water can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days, no more.

Homemade tonics are used 2-3 times a day, applied to a cotton pad and wiped over the skin.

  • Separately brew chamomile flowers, table. l. and natural leaf green tea, add ½ tsp. aloe juice
  • Prepare an infusion of 1 tbsp. l. linden flowers and mix it with ¼ macadamia oil with the addition of 1 drop of rose or jasmine oil. Shake before use.
  • For dry and sensitive skin, can be used as a spray. Pour half a glass of still mineral water over finely grated fresh cucumber, let it brew for 60 minutes. Then strain and mix with 1 drop of lavender oil. Refreshes and nourishes.
  • Prepare a chamomile decoction from 1 tbsp. l. flowers and a third of a glass of boiling water. Combine the strained and cooled broth with 1 tbsp. l. aloe juice and ¼ tsp. grape seed oil. This toner nourishes, moisturizes and tightens. Shake before use.

Neck care: which procedures are best to choose?

Specialists from Dr. Korchagina’s clinic will help you maintain a youthful neck and décolleté area.

Highly qualified cosmetologists in Moscow will select for you the best effective procedures for caring for the neck and décolleté:

  • correction of sagging skin – elimination of sagging skin is carried out with the effective drug Sculptra, which provides long-term lifting for 9-12 months;
  • collagen rejuvenation NITHYA (Nitya) - an innovative technology using the biocompatible drug Nithya corrects the skin framework and also returns clear contours to the face and body;
  • contour plastic surgery – a minimally invasive technique using fillers to smooth out the horizontal rings of Venus and vertical wrinkles on the neck, and also normalizes the skin texture of the décolleté area;
  • botulinum therapy – injection of botulinum toxin eliminates vertical and horizontal wrinkles in the neck and décolleté;

To make an appointment for correction of wrinkles on the neck and décolleté, write on the website or call

Compresses for tightening and smoothing wrinkles

Contrast compress for aging skin

Improves blood circulation, increases elasticity. It should be done once a week.

For the compress, you need to place two containers with water: one with hot, the other with cold. Prepare 2 towels. You need to start with hot water: soak a towel in it, squeeze it out and apply it to the décolleté and neck, hold for 1 – 2 minutes.

Then wet the second towel in cold water, also squeeze it out and apply it for 5 - 7 seconds. Alternate 4 – 5 times, finish with cold water.

After the compress, apply the cream with massage movements.

Honey and olive oil for tightening

You need to take 2 tbsp of honey. l. and mix with 2 tbsp. l. olive oil. Soak a pre-prepared gauze or cotton cloth with the resulting mixture. Apply the soaked napkin to the problem areas and cover with plastic wrap and a scarf or handkerchief on top.

Soak the compress, remove with heated milk, doing a light massage. After you have washed off the remnants of the compress, you need to wait 5 minutes and let the milk absorb.

At the end of the entire procedure, wash with warm chamomile decoction.

At first glance, such a compress may seem complicated, but it is easy to do and gives an excellent effect for smoothing out wrinkles.

Salt wrap to eliminate sagging

For this compress it is better to use sea salt, you need 2 tbsp. l. Dilute salt 1 s. l. warm water, soak gauze folded several times in the solution and immediately apply to the desired areas. Leave for 5 minutes, then soak the gauze again. The main thing to consider is to soak it in a warm salt solution! Then apply the gauze again to the desired areas.

Reconsider your lifestyle

Skin care is not just about using cosmetics. Nutrition and lifestyle play a big role. Get rid of bad habits, try not to lower your head too low, for example, while reading. Wear clothes made from natural fabrics (synthetics irritate the skin, which causes dryness, flaking and loss of elasticity). Include in your diet as many plant-based foods as possible that contain vitamins A, C and E. After all, it is these substances that ensure elasticity and youthfulness of the skin.

Taking care of the skin of your neck and décolleté is much easier than it seems. The features of this process are practically no different from those that are relevant for facial care. The main thing is the regularity of the procedures and the correct choice of cosmetics.

How to smooth the skin in the décolleté area?

Procedures recommended at the initial stage of aging of décolleté skin.

If wrinkles have just formed or are not too deep, then mesotherapy procedures and resurfacing are suitable.


The procedure helps remove the upper keratinized layer of cells, which stimulates the development of regeneration processes. The result of peeling is skin rejuvenation, it acquires a healthier and more even color, and fine wrinkles and pigmentation are removed.

Peels vary in depth and type of impact. Which peeling option should be used is decided by the cosmetologist after examination.

For example, ultrasonic peeling provides a kind of micromassage that promotes the resorption of adhesions of the sebaceous glands. The skin is cleansed of impurities, sebum, and dead cells. Pores are narrowed and texture is evened out.

Another therapeutic factor of the procedure is the acoustic wave that is formed in the tissues. Depending on the power of ultrasound, it penetrates to different depths, improving blood flow, lymph flow, reducing stagnation of fluids, and swelling. Ultrasonic peeling also gives a good lifting effect. After all, under the influence of ultrasound, muscles are toned.

Ultrasonic peeling can be carried out at any time of the year, even in summer, without fear of the appearance of age spots. It is especially suitable for people who cannot tolerate baths or saunas. The effect after the procedure is comparable to that achieved through the action of steam: the skin is cleansed, acquires a healthy color, and begins to breathe.

Jet Peel peeling is a cleaning using a directed jet consisting of oxygen and tiny drops of water. The gas-liquid jet delicately, painlessly, and effectively washes away dead cells from the surface, deeply cleansing the pores. At the same time, Jet Peel is not only an exfoliating procedure, but also a gentle massage that improves blood circulation and improves skin tone.

Microdermabrasion is a cleansing of dead skin cells with an air jet containing microparticles of aluminum oxide. At A-Clinic, this procedure is carried out using the latest generation Maya Peel System, which allows you to control the cleansing process and the depth of removal of dead epithelial cells with exceptional precision. The effect is enhanced by vacuum treatment, which powerfully accelerates the processes of skin renewal and rejuvenation.


This is an effective method of skin rejuvenation, which consists of subcutaneous injection of special preparations. During the procedure, numerous shallow injections are made. For administration, syringes with thin needles or a special injection apparatus are used. During one session, a small amount of the drug is injected under the skin, so several procedures are required to complete the course.

For mesotherapy, various types of drugs are used, these can be single-component or complex products. Most often, preparations containing hyaluronic acid are used to rejuvenate the skin in the décolleté area.

The result of the procedure is the elimination of shallow wrinkles, skin hydration, whitening of age spots, skin tightening (elimination of sagging).

Botulinum therapy

Botulinum therapy with drugs such as Botox, Dysport, Xeomin helps relax muscles. Purified botulinum toxin type A helps reduce wrinkles by limiting muscle contraction.

The effect becomes noticeable a few days after the procedure, the result lasts for 8-12 months.

In order to get rid of wrinkles on the neck and décolleté for a long time, botulinum toxin injections are recommended to be combined with mesotherapy and contouring.

Procedures recommended for the development of aging décolleté skin

For pronounced changes in the skin in the décolleté area, more radical techniques are needed.

Contour plastic

A very effective method of injection correction of wrinkles, which is based on the intradermal injection of sterile dense gels – fillers – into the skin.

For the procedure, fillers are usually used, which include hyaluronic acid (Restylane Vital, Juvederm Volbella, Teosyal) and calcium hydroxyapatite (Radiesse). A filler based on polycaprolanctone (Ellanse) is also recommended.

Intradermal introduction of gels of dense consistency helps to instantly smooth out the skin's relief, so the effect of the procedure becomes noticeable immediately.

Thus, Radiesse filler (Radiesse) is a two-phase filler consisting of a suspension of calcium hydroxylapatite microspheres related to the human body and a carrier gel at a concentration of 70%. A few months after the injection, the carrier gel dissolves through local metabolism. As for the role of calcium hydroxylapatite, this component initiates the formation of its own connective tissue - it starts the process of forming new type 1 collagen fibers. The latter takes on the function of a natural filler and supporting frame. The effect of the injections lasts about two years.

Ellanse works on a similar principle. Its main component is polycaprolactone, a fully biodigestible soft medical suture material that has been used in medical practice for over 40 years and has demonstrated excellent safety results.

Polycaprolactone also promotes the production of new collagen, which makes the skin look young and fresh even in adulthood. After correction by Ellans, the result will last for more than 4 years.

The renewal of mature skin is well promoted by polylactic acid, which is used in fillers such as AestheFill and Sculptra.

Estefil is a South Korean drug for contouring. As soon as it enters the skin, it begins to actively fill the voids that form as a result of skin aging and the loss of its own structural proteins. Once in the target area, the drug particles begin an immediate process of tissue renewal and collagen formation, due to which the volume is completely replenished and even deep wrinkles are smoothed out. This happens precisely because of the special properties of Estefil molecules, which, due to their porous structure, provide the most effective collagenogenesis.

In addition, polylactic acid actively stimulates the production of hyaluronic acid by mature skin cells. The uniqueness of the filler is that after the disintegration and complete removal of its main active substance from the body (on average, this process takes 3–4 months), what remains at the location of the gel is not a void, but new collagen and elastin. Accordingly, the result will last a long time - until the moment when, under the influence of age factors, the breakdown of your own collagen and elastin begins. At this point, the procedure can be repeated.​

The process of forming collagen types 1 and 3 is also started by the drug Sculptra, which was developed in France and produced in the USA. Tests of the drug indicate that three months after its introduction into the skin, the amount of collagen in it increases by 66.5 percent. The skin is noticeably tightened, deep folds and wrinkles disappear. The result lasts for more than two years.

Thread lift

This method of rejuvenation involves inserting threads made of biologically compatible material under the skin. The introduced threads perform the functions of a frame, eliminating sagging and wrinkles. The procedure is low-traumatic, so there is no long rehabilitation period required after it.

To perform the procedure, as a rule, biocompatible threads made of polymer materials are used. There are small notches on their surface, thanks to which the skin is fixed in the required position. After the threads dissolve, a supporting frame remains.

Laser treatments

DROT laser treatment is ideal for the delicate décolleté area. This Italian device combines laser and radio wave effects. Fractional laser eliminates dead cells, and thanks to RF radiation, their place is quickly filled with new collagen cells, which achieves a lasting result of rejuvenation.

The device on which DROT is performed makes it possible to work with “hot”, “cold” pulses, as well as a classic CO2 laser pulse. At the same time, radiofrequency exposure, working simultaneously with all impulses, significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment, deeply remodeling the tissue.

For each patient it is possible to select optimal treatment parameters. This helps to reach all layers - superficial as well as deep, and obtain optimal rejuvenation results. Thanks to the combined action of laser and radio wave radiation, the skin becomes elastic, dense, tightened, and acquires an impeccable healthy appearance in just one session.

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