Vacuum facial cleansing: features and advantages of the procedure

There are many methods by which high-quality facial cleansing is carried out. They differ not only in the degree of impact, but also in effectiveness. One of the effective and most gentle procedures is vacuum facial cleansing.

A special device has minimal impact on the skin, which allows you to clean the epidermis carefully and not injure the sebaceous glands. Manipulation, like other cleansing cosmetological techniques, has its own characteristics, indications and contraindications, which it is advisable for the patient to know about before signing up for vacuum facial cleansing.

Why is the procedure performed?

The hardware method of cleansing the skin helps get rid of blackheads that clog pores. Blackheads look very unsightly on the surface of the skin and block the access of oxygen to the pores. Due to insufficient nutrition of the epithelium with oxygen and other beneficial substances, a deterioration in complexion is observed and acne often appears.

Vacuum cleansing of facial skin is good because the device is used to clean hard-to-reach problem areas, for example, the chin, nose, etc. Other methods of cleansing the epidermis are not able to treat the skin so well and get a 100% result.


  • Why is the procedure performed?
  • Features of cosmetological manipulation
  • Who is vacuum cleaning recommended for?
  • About contraindications of the procedure
  • Stages of facial cleansing using a vacuum
  • How effective is vacuum cleaning?
  • Pros and cons of vacuum facial cleansing

Preparing for the Hydrafacial procedure

The procedure does not require special preparation, but there are still recommendations that must be followed before it is carried out. A week before the procedure, do not perform any cleansing, peeling, or injections.

At your appointment, tell the doctor about past illnesses, possible allergies, medications you were taking at the time of the procedure, as well as previously performed cosmetic procedures. After consultation, the doctor can perform a Hydrafacial session immediately, or set a date for you at a time convenient for you.

Features of cosmetological manipulation

Vacuum cleaning is carried out using various replaceable attachments that are produced for a special device. The cosmetologist selects the right attachment depending on the patient’s problem. To treat oily skin types, it is advisable to use a beak-shaped tip. To get rid of fine and deep wrinkles, use a flat nozzle. Round tips should be used to activate blood vessels and improve lymphatic drainage in the body.

After connecting the device, the desired nozzle is applied to the skin, as a result of which an area of ​​​​strong pressure is formed. The skin, along with blackheads, comedones, pimples and other formations, is sucked into the cavity of the nozzle. In this way, blackheads, dirt deposits, pus and remaining sebum are drawn out from the pores.

During facial cleansing, the stratum corneum begins to peel off, and this is considered normal. In order to get rid of the residual layer of the epidermis, peeling is done, then a mask is applied to the face, which helps to narrow the pores. The restorative mask will have a nourishing effect on the epithelium. After hardware therapy, there is no redness or swelling left, which is one of the advantages of cleaning.

The cost of the Hydrafacial procedure in Moscow and detailed prices at the Novikov clinic

In our clinic we adhere to the principle: accessibility and excellent quality. Prices for the Hydrafacial procedure
at the medical center are the most affordable in Moscow.
You can attend the initial consultation with our specialist for free. The price list, which is presented below, indicates the list of services and the scope of hardware facial cleansing; the price may depend on the condition of your skin, as well as on the use of additional types of services and cosmetics.

Initial consultation0 rubles
Program update5,500 rubles
Deep cleansing program6,500 rubles
Half an hour to perfection7,800 rubles
Rejuvenation program6,950 rubles
Launch program7,250 rubles
Recovery/rehabilitation program6,100 rubles

Who is vacuum cleaning recommended for?

If the patient has an oily skin type, then mechanical cleansing cannot be done, as it can cause injury to the skin. Due to injuries to the epidermis, the sebaceous glands begin to work very intensively, as a result of which existing problems on the skin intensify (inflammation occurs, acne and pimples appear, pores become clogged).

The cosmetic procedure is indicated for: impaired turgor, lumpy skin, decreased tone and elasticity of the epidermis. If there are minor defects on the skin, acne, blackheads and large pores, vacuum facial cleansing is prescribed. Manipulation is carried out on the face only when there are no obvious inflammatory processes on the epidermis.

For severely contaminated facial skin, the technique is also used, but more sessions will be required to achieve the desired results. A cosmetologist spends much more time on heavily contaminated skin, and the doctor has to do some manipulations himself.

Question answer

The effect of the procedures is similar. But mechanical cleaning is more painful, because the cosmetologist works with his hands, putting pressure on the skin. The vacuum procedure is painless.

The total duration of the procedure is 30-40 minutes.

It is enough to do this cleansing 1-2 times a month if you have oily skin. If the skin is dry, then perform the procedure less frequently.

Remember that at home you cannot clean inflamed skin with acne. This condition requires treatment by a dermatologist and care procedures by a professional cosmetologist.

About contraindications of the procedure

Facial cleansing using a vacuum is considered a relatively mild and painless procedure, so it is often combined with other cosmetic procedures. During hardware therapy, blood circulation increases and a strong drainage effect is exerted on the skin. If the patient has problems with blood vessels, then cleaning should not be performed.

Contraindications for vacuum facial cleansing:

  • rosacea;
  • advanced dermatosis;
  • inflammation on the skin and in the body itself;
  • rosacea;
  • pimples with pus.

If the patient has at least some kind of inflammatory process and vacuum cleaning is carried out, this may lead to the fact that with increased blood circulation, inflammatory foci may spread to other parts of the body. Manipulation should not be performed on people with dry and excessively thin skin.

When the vessels are located very close to the epithelium, hardware therapy is undesirable. Only a highly qualified doctor can judge the appropriateness of the procedure after examining the patient and reviewing the medical history.

Description of the vacuum facial peeling procedure itself

Hydrafacial hydropeeling is performed using a special Vortex-Fusion technology, which includes 6 stages of action on the skin that have a healing effect. The method is based on a combination of mechanical exfoliation, saturation with unique serums and vacuum stimulation.

Today, Hollywood cleansing has become a popular procedure in Russia, thanks to its amazing effect. Our medical center successfully practices vacuum peeling sessions using innovative HydraFacial MD equipment, which allows for deep reading and skin rejuvenation.

At all stages of treatment, patented HydroPeel nozzles are used in combination with unique serums that are developed and produced in our own laboratory

in Moscow.
is carried out step by step, each stage enhances the other and has its own characteristics.

Stages of facial cleansing using a vacuum

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Manipulation in most salons follows the same pattern. First of all, the doctor cleanses the facial skin with cosmetics with an antiseptic effect. Foams, lotions and gels must contain alcohol. The essence of preparing the epidermis is to cleanse it of fat and impurities. Also, the use of cosmetics allows you to disinfect the skin.

The next stage of cleansing is steaming the face. Vaporization is needed in order to remove deep impurities that lurk in the pores. For the steaming procedure, the cosmetologist will use either masks and lotions with an immediate steaming effect, or treat the skin thermally (using steam).

If the patient has very dirty and narrowed pores, disinfection or microcurrent should be used. Under the influence of direct current, the pores open and residual fat is removed. This stage is carried out by specialists very rarely and only when absolutely necessary.

Only now the cosmetologist begins vacuum cleaning, which on average takes from 15 to 30 minutes. The technique is non-invasive and has a positive effect on the skin. The specialist runs the device with the attachment over the surface of the face. At this time, any dirt, fatty deposits and neoplasms are drawn into the nozzle and removed from the epithelium.

During the manipulation, the patient does not feel any discomfort or pain. During hardware therapy, the doctor must constantly treat the nozzle with antiseptic drugs to avoid infection on the facial skin.

The final stage of vacuum cleaning is surface peeling. A cosmetic procedure is needed to completely remove exfoliated areas of skin. After peeling, the doctor applies a nourishing and at the same time moisturizing mask to the skin; it has a beneficial effect on the pores and narrows them.

In our work we use:

  • Certified innovative equipment made in the USA
  • We work using patented Vortex-Fusion technology
  • We approach each client individually
  • We guarantee the safety of all procedures performed
  • We use only disposable consumables

The serum that we use during the vacuum peeling procedure is developed and manufactured in our own laboratory

The hydrafacial hardware cleaning technology has gained popularity around the world and has been awarded many prestigious awards in the field of cosmetology. Now the salon treatment procedure is available to you too.

Visit Dr. Novikov's medical center and feel the effect of a unique procedure for yourself. You can sign up for a consultation by phone number: +7 (499) 719-72-07. Or take advantage of the online registration option and get a free consultation from our experienced specialist.

How effective is vacuum cleaning?

The technique helps to get rid of blackheads on the face and other formations. At the same time, dead skin particles are removed, making the skin smooth and pleasant to the touch again. After one manipulation, most patients experience a positive result.

Hardware therapy also has a rejuvenating effect, since during the procedure blood circulation improves, nutrients and oxygen enter the cells, metabolism improves and the number of wrinkles appears decreases (due to the supply of oxygen to the epithelial cells, collagen begins to be more actively produced).

How to do vacuum facial massage effectively: 6 useful tips

  1. Buy natural oils (for example, cocoa, shea, jojoba) at the pharmacy. In one session you will “kill 2 birds with one stone”: you will perform both lifting and saturate the skin with the vitamins and microelements it needs.
  2. Massage your face gradually: from a single treatment to multiple repetitions. Pay special attention to areas with noticeable problems.
  3. Maintaining hygiene is important during any procedure! The massager attachments should be washed with soapy water. And remember, all devices are for purely personal use!
  4. After the procedure, ensure yourself peace! Avoid cold weather if you don't want to experience dry skin. In the summer, the procedure is not conducive to intense heat.
  5. Do not disturb the movement along the massage lines, do not experiment with the massager. Everything is good in moderation! And no one will be happy about a skin problem if you overdo it.
  6. Is it difficult for you to choose attachments and force of influence? Remember one thing: it is better to choose the smaller option. Overdoing it is dangerous.

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How often to do a vacuum facial massage: 2 frequency patterns

Scheme No. 1 – regular courses of the “vacuum massage” procedure, alternating it with rest:

  • Perform regular courses every other day (10-15 procedure sessions in total).
  • Repeat the course in a month.

Scheme No. 2 – conducting a course of vacuum massage in an intensive form with subsequent supporting sessions:

  • A one-week intensive course with daily massage.
  • After completing the course, maintenance sessions should be performed once every 1-2 weeks.
  • It is recommended to repeat the massage course after 2-3 months.

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