Features of various types of peelings for facial skin: before and after 40 years

Today we will look at reviews about which peeling is best for facial rejuvenation after 40 years and beyond. After all, women need cleansing, rejuvenation and stimulation of natural processes in the epidermis and dermis, starting from the age of 30.

During this period, the primary task is to help the body mobilize hidden reserves. And peelings play an important role in this matter. They act on different layers of the epidermis and dermis, depending on the type of procedure. Whether you do the manipulation in the salon or at home, you need to clearly know all the visible benefits of your actions.


In addition to the standard contraindications common to all types of chemical peeling, for phenolic (the most common type of deep) there are a number of additional restrictions:

  1. Any cardiovascular problems, and not just acute failure, as usual. This is due to the fact that phenol can provoke arrhythmia and even cardiac arrest. The procedure cannot be performed on patients with a built-in pacemaker.
  2. Impaired liver and kidney function. Being in fact a fairly strong toxin, phenol must be actively eliminated by these organs so as not to cause serious harm to the patient. If their operation malfunctions, it is quickly absorbed into the blood and can provoke severe toxicosis or allergies.
  3. Eczema, psoriasis and other skin diseases. They worsen the protective properties of the skin and promote rapid absorption of phenol. This leads to poisoning of the body and exacerbation of the ailments themselves. The manifestations of acne may also intensify if it is caused by pathogenic bacteria.

The procedure cannot be performed if there is an exacerbation of existing chronic diseases, reduced immunity or taking any medications. In pregnant women, especially in the early stages, phenol can cause the development of fetal defects or spontaneous abortion.

In patients with diabetes, the skin does not regenerate normally and there is a high probability of scarring after such an aggressive procedure. It is contraindicated in oncology and autoimmune problems, serious disruptions of the endocrine system and mental disorders.

What benefits will a woman receive after undergoing professional peeling?

The very name “professional peeling” implies the influence of a cosmetologist on the skin. It is worth understanding that such a procedure is impossible at home; it only requires stationary implementation. It uses stationary equipment and professional knowledge of a specialist, which guarantees excellent results and complete safety for human health.

By performing professional peeling from a specialist, you can get a number of benefits:

  • All procedures are performed strictly under the supervision of a cosmetologist, who clearly knows the cleaning rules and the features of each device. The specialist knows what unforeseen situations may arise, what needs to be done to avoid the development of complications at the initial stage;
  • It is the use of professional equipment that guarantees that all the effects will be precise, aimed at a specific area of ​​facial skin. During peeling by a professional, the risk of thermal or chemical burns is minimal, possible damage to healthy tissue or insufficient cleaning during deep intervention is reduced to zero;
  • only a professional doctor will be able to accurately determine the skin problem, choose the best option for the procedure, and develop an individual approach to each client;
  • certified beauty salons that value their name and reputation, do not use low-quality cosmetics and ingredients for equipment, monitor the serviceability of each device, and conduct regular maintenance;
  • a professional cosmetologist will definitely draw up a complete program for the planned manipulation. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the possible consequences, talk about preparation and subsequent care after cleaning;
  • beauty salons that directly specialize in this procedure will certainly offer several options for solving one problem. The patient will have the opportunity to choose his option based on the characteristics of the skin and the price list.

Despite the enormous benefits of professional peeling, you need to understand that any effect on facial skin can also have negative consequences. The most common are:

  • hyperpigmentation. This problem can occur in isolated cases among representatives of the fair sex who have fair skin. Some areas affected by the devices may acquire a dark tint;
  • hypopigmentation. This problem occurs in women with dark skin. Some areas become very light;
  • erythema. Some women face a problem when the skin has redness in certain areas of the face for a long time;
  • rosacea, telangiectasis. After cleaning, blood vessels on the face may rise to the surface of the skin;
  • scarring. These are isolated cases that almost never occur.

Problems after the procedure occur extremely rarely; in most cases, they are caused not by skin characteristics, but by an error by the doctor who performed the procedure. Therefore, when you decide to perform professional peeling, ask what kind of education the cosmetologist has, how long he has been performing these procedures, and what reviews there are about the doctor’s work. Remember that you are giving not only a lot of money for the work, but also your face, mistakes on which will be difficult to correct.


Reviews from cosmetologists about which facial peeling is best

It's time to consider the most effective peeling for each specific age. And naturally, the authoritative opinion of specialists will play a key role in choosing a rejuvenation method.

For rejuvenation after 30 years

Cosmetologists recommend turning to superficial facial peeling services. Age-related changes at this age are minimal and a deeper impact is hardly justified.

  1. Brossage is one of the most gentle and gentle methods. The procedure involves removing dead cells from the surface using rotating brushes or sponges. A special peeling cream is first applied to the skin, and the cleansing tool is selected according to the client’s individual parameters.
  2. Ultrasonic cleaning is another soft hardware method that does not cause pain and does not require a long rehabilitation period. Using ultrasonic vibrations, the upper dead layer of the epidermis is removed. At the same time, the waves affect the tissues, improving blood circulation, accelerating regeneration processes and stimulating internal processes not only in epidermal tissues, but also in the dermis.

Victoria Igorevna, cosmetologist, Moscow

“I recommend to my young clients not to resort to too aggressive methods of affecting the skin if the aging process is minimal. Although at this age there may be different options. But, as a rule, women from 30 to 35-40 years old only need to undergo a course of ultrasound procedures or brossage to put their appearance in order. It should be noted that preventive sessions must be repeated at least once every six months."

Chemical exfoliation using fruit acids is a method that can be used not only as a salon treatment, but also at home. After 30 years, such peeling provides gentle care, removing not only dead cells, but also pigmentation. Both purchased products and home-made products from natural ingredients can be used as the active composition.

Inga, cosmetologist-dermatologist, St. Petersburg

“I myself use acid peels to solve age-related problems. I want to say that I never recommend that my clients at this age resort to radical measures such as deep cleansing of the skin by any means. After 30, a superficial effect is enough to make your face glow with youth and beauty. And, of course, regular use of skincare products based on your skin type and age. An integrated approach is the key to success"

For rejuvenation after 40 years

Facial procedures after 40 years are more aggressive and involve a whole range of effects on the skin in order to eliminate signs of age-related changes.

Only a professional can definitely answer which peeling is best for people over 40 years old. The cosmetologist conducts a comprehensive examination of the epidermis, takes into account all problems, possible contraindications, and only then prescribes a course of procedures.

Please note, this is a course, since it is simply impossible to resolve all the issues that arise at this age in one session. The effect can be noticeable after the first manipulation. But to consolidate the result, it is necessary to bring the matter to the end.

Exfoliating peels for the face after 40 years are chemical. Light, superficial acid peels with an active substance concentration of 10 to 20% can be performed at home. But it is better not to use more aggressive means on your own.

Medium chemical peels (salicylic, almond, retinoic and others) affect the deep layers of the epidermis, stimulating the internal processes of metabolism and regeneration, oxygen saturation and tissue nutrition. As a result of this effect, a lifting effect is produced, wrinkles are eliminated, the facial contour is tightened, color and microrelief are improved.

Andrey Maksimovich, dermatocosmetologist, doctor of the highest category, Moscow

“For women over 40 years old, I recommend mid-type chemical exfoliation procedures. You need to do a course of procedures twice a year, not more often. The result reaches its maximum after about a month, when the recovery period is completely over. I would like to note that procedures carried out correctly and in full produce a cumulative effect.”

For many women over 40, cosmetologists recommend laser exfoliation or fractional laser rejuvenation. The laser stream, divided into the finest rays, literally evaporates the upper keratinized layer of the epidermis. As a result of this effect, the production of your own collagen and elastin improves, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

Irina, cosmetologist, Kazan

“Laser peeling has always been considered an effective method of rejuvenation. In addition, it does not cause painful sensations, such as with a medium chemical peel. The rehabilitation period requires compliance with certain rules and precautions. But the result is worth the effort. You will preserve the youth and beauty of your face for a long time"

For rejuvenation after 45 years

What kind of peeling is needed after 45 years depends on the individual characteristics of the client. And also on how carefully the woman took care of her appearance before this period. Naturally, well-groomed skin will not require such drastic measures as neglected skin.

However, nature takes its toll and after 45, age-related changes will be quite pronounced. Superficial procedures are not enough here.

Among the drastic measures for rejuvenation, deep chemical peeling is distinguished. This manipulation is performed only in a hospital setting, often under general anesthesia. The sensations are very painful both during the exposure to carbolic acid (it is on its basis that deep peeling products have been developed) and during the rehabilitation period.

Anna Vasilyeva, aesthetic surgery doctor, Murmansk

“Deep chemical peeling is a procedure similar to plastic surgery, only without the use of a scalpel. In essence, the acid causes such a severe chemical burn of the skin that all layers of the epidermis and even the upper layer of the dermis are affected. But the result is impressive - about 10 years are visually reset. This procedure turns out to be effective even at an older age.”

Laser resurfacing is the same as laser peeling, only the light beam penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis and dermis. After a course of procedures, the client is relieved of even pronounced signs of aging in the form of deep wrinkles, jowls, folds, sagging contours, and a double chin.

Natalya, cosmetologist of the highest category, Samara

“Laser resurfacing is an effective method for mature women. Although the recovery period after each procedure is quite long and difficult. It is necessary to follow the post-mortem rules, protect the face from ultraviolet radiation and many other nuances, which the specialist will tell each of his clients about. But the result is worth the effort - at 45 you can easily look 10 years younger.”

Vitamin peeling

Retinoic (or retinol) chemical peels are often called yellow peels. It is recommended very often because it is not too aggressive, gives good results and is affordable.

The main active ingredient in this case is retinoic acid (one of the forms of vitamin A). If retinol is used instead of retinoic acid, then the peeling will be retinol. They are almost identical in performance.

During the procedure, the removed skin is painted with this component in a bright yellow color, which is why it is also called “yellow peeling”. This scary-looking yellowness does not remain on the skin. On the contrary, after the procedure the face becomes significantly lighter. The effect is so mild that even sensitive or dry skin can be cleaned.

There are practically no complications after yellow peeling, and the periods of skin recovery are very short. It can be carried out even in the summer, when other types of peelings are not recommended. True, you still can’t go to the beach for a while. Therefore, if you are planning a trip to the sea, then it is better to hold off on peeling.

The anti-aging effect lasts for 3-4 months.

There are several types of retinoic peeling:

  • one-day - the composition is washed off 12 hours after application to the skin;
  • two-day - the face is treated with a chemical composition two or three times, the next day everything is repeated.

Thus, for one or two days you will have to scare everyone with a yellow face.

Yellow peeling guarantees maximum safety and minimum discomfort, so it is recommended to almost everyone. Indications for its implementation are:

  • severely clogged facial skin pores;
  • increased fat content or dryness;
  • skin irregularities;
  • fine wrinkles;
  • freckles and age spots caused by the sun;
  • skin photoaging;
  • dull complexion associated with age-related changes;
  • acne scars;
  • black and whiteheads;
  • hyperkeratosis.

For problem-free skin, yellow peeling is not prescribed.

Contraindications for the procedure are as follows:

  • seborrheic dermatitis on the face, eczema, psoriasis and other skin diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • severe chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart;
  • previous hepatitis;
  • fresh sunburn;
  • the presence of neoplasms on the skin (papillomas, acrochordons, fibromas, lipomas, atheromas, and so on);
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • purulent acne, inflamed areas;
  • wounds, scratches, scratches.

Before carrying out the yellow peel itself, you first need to undergo a series of examinations to identify contraindications, and if there are none, the skin is first prepared. To do this, formulations of fruit acids or creams with retinol are applied to the skin for several days. This loosens the upper stratum corneum, and it is easier to respond to the action of basic drugs. During this time you cannot sunbathe, go to the solarium or the beach.

Yellow peeling is best done in a salon, but if you wish, you can do it yourself - the corresponding compositions are freely sold in stores. Detailed instructions are included with the product.

The effect of soft compounds lasts about one and a half months, after which cleaning can be repeated. But before each course, you need to again consult with a cosmetologist and carry out the appropriate preparation.

After the procedure, the skin must be spared and intensively nourished. In the first 2–3 days, swelling may appear on the face, itching (sometimes severe) and even a rise in temperature. After about a week, the face begins to peel off profusely (but sometimes this goes completely unnoticed), and after another couple of days the final result appears on the skin.

Customer reviews of the best peelings after 40 years

Marina, 42 years old, Tver

“I did retinoic peeling after 40 years, as my cosmetologist advised me. Contrary to all the horror stories I was told about mid-grade chemical peels, I did not turn into a monster with a flaky face. However, I still had to stay at home for a couple of days. The peeling was noticeable and it was necessary to lubricate the face a couple of times a day, first with panthenol, and then with moisturizing and nourishing creams. But a week later I was showing off my “new” face to the envy of my friends and delighting the stronger half of our office.”

Elena, 44 years old, Saratov

“After reading reviews from doctors about peelings for rejuvenation after 40 years, I went to the salon. I’ll tell the truth that I was going to have a hardware procedure – a laser one. But I was stopped by the price and the need to do a whole course. This took a significant toll on my pocket. So I decided to do a chemical peel. I was assured that it was no less effective and cheaper. Salicylic peeling suited me in all respects. I didn’t regret what I did for a minute because I was satisfied with the result. Now I’ll go again in six months”

Anna, 41 years old, Moscow

“I have contraindications against ultrasound and some other hardware procedures. So I didn’t have much choice but to do a chemical peel - I really wanted and needed to look at least five years younger than my peers. A reunion of graduates awaited ahead. A cosmetologist recommended retinoic peeling and said that she does it herself. Imagine my surprise when I found out that she was 43 years old. And she looked at most 32. I trusted completely and was right. Now only this master and only this peeling"

Most women prefer chemical peels. Why? Yes, because hardware procedures cause concern for many. Well, there is a rather impressive list of contraindications, much more than those of chemical procedures. And an important factor is the cost of the issue. Although beauty has no price, but still...

Do no harm

Peeling can be professional, done in a salon, or at home, using self-prepared products. The first is more aggressive, deep, the second is delicate, often superficial. In everything, follow the rule: “Do no harm!”

Any peeling is based on a traumatic factor: removal of the upper stratum corneum mechanically or chemically. New cells replacing old ones transform the appearance. But the first time after the renewal, the skin is more sensitive, susceptible to external factors.

Take this into account and follow the rules:

  • Peeling is not a one-time procedure! To achieve results you will need an average of 5-7 sessions. Each is repeated: for normal and oily skin - no more than once a week, for dry and sensitive skin - no more than once every two weeks and only with gentle means.
  • It is better to do peeling in the evening so that the skin adapts to the new condition overnight;
  • After the procedure, provide your face with hydration and nutrition;
  • At first, avoid going outside or protect your face from heat, cold, and ultraviolet radiation with protective equipment.

Peeling should not be performed for dermatological diseases, purulent inflammations and wounds, as well as around the eyes and lips. How to apply? Only on a clean face: remove makeup, wash with cleansing gel or milk. Now let’s figure out how to do different types of peeling.


Professional cleaning and exfoliation is useful at any age. The skin requires careful treatment, since its appearance is directly proportional to the efforts you put into achieving your goal.

As a result of exfoliation, women can look many times younger, more attractive, fresher, and more impressive. So why not take advantage of all the benefits of civilization, which are the new generation of rejuvenating cosmetic procedures?!

Rating of the best brands for professional and home use (Top 5)

In modern cosmetology there are a huge number of brands that create their own facial products

Skin health is very important for every girl, so it is necessary not only to visit good cosmetology clinics, but also to ensure that the procedures are carried out using professional cosmetics. The selection of the TOP 5 best facial peels contains different brands, but they all deserve high praise

Almond Mediderma

The Spanish brand aims to solve many problems in its cosmetics. Mediderma:

  1. refreshes and smoothes the skin;
  2. improves complexion;
  3. activates blood circulation, thus accelerating the regulatory functions of the epidermis.

The Spanish company Mediderma produces lines for both home and salon care, designed to solve various dermatological problems.

This brand is distinguished by its versatility, as the products are suitable for both oily, dry or combination skin. Moreover, the optimized composition of peeling acids is suitable even for sensitive skin prone to inflammation.

All products based on mandelic acid cleanse the skin of blackheads and acne, and also soften the face, evening out its tone.

The photo below shows Mediderma peelings:

Salicylic Mediccontrolpeel

Salicylic peeling of the Russian brand has a high degree of penetration, while providing an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. The drugs actively fight acne, acne, and various forms of seborrhea.

The most effective product for oily and problem skin. Thanks to the action of salicylic acid, peeling does not penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, which, in turn, guarantees the absence of side effects during the rehabilitation period. Salicylic peeling of this brand can be used at any age for problem skin.

The following are the indications:

  • seborrhea;
  • acne;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • senile lentigo;
  • scarring;
  • aging skin and other facial problems.

The effect of peeling is activated when used in a course of up to 8 procedures with an interval of 7-14 days.

The photo below shows Mediccontrolpeel salicylic peels:

Retinol GiGi

The main component in GiGi peeling is retinol, the action of which is aimed at combating:

  • age-related changes;
  • acne;
  • excessive dryness.

This series includes not only peeling, but also soap, lotion and cream, which are prescribed as pre-peeling care 2-3 weeks before the procedure. Depending on the condition and type of skin, a line of products is selected. For sensitive skin, gradual use of peeling is used.

The GiGi retinol peeling is shown in the photo below:

Peeling gel Smooth Egg Skin Re:birth Holika Holika

The Korean brand produces peeling for home use in an interesting egg shape. Manufacturers note that the product:

  1. deeply cleanses pores;
  2. removes blackheads;
  3. evens out the complexion, making it more matte and smooth;
  4. exfoliates dead cells.

The product contains only natural ingredients, such as:

  • blueberry;
  • lemon and orange extract;
  • cane sugar extract, etc.

Thus, the peeling gel is perfect for problematic and sensitive skin. The effectiveness of the product is due to the egg content in the extract. Therefore, peeling gel copes well with many skin imperfections.

Below, the Smooth Egg Skin Re:birth Holika Holika peeling gel is shown in the photo:

New Peel DMAE Lactic Complex

Chemical acid peeling of the Spanish brand is one of the best remedies for combating aging and fading of the skin. DMAE perfectly fights deep wrinkles, increases skin firmness and elasticity, restoring its former smoothness.

Lactic acid contained in the composition provides a lifting effect. The composition of the product is so optimal that its use is acceptable both on the face and décolleté. The cosmetic product exfoliates and moisturizes the skin, preparing it for deep peelings.

Below New Peel DMAE Lactic Complex is shown in the photo:


Hyaluronic acid injections MesotherapyChemical peelingsPhotorejuvenationBiorevitalizationLaser facial resurfacingLaser blepharoplastyLaser rejuvenationPlasma therapy

At the age of approximately 40 years, women begin to undergo a restructuring of processes in the body. One of its manifestations is a decrease in the production of structural skin proteins (collagen, elastin) and the appearance of deep folds and fine wrinkles.

Skin problems are aggravated by menopausal changes that occur closer to 45 years of age. The slowdown in cell regeneration caused by hormones worsens the complexion and leads to the appearance of age spots.

To maintain an attractive appearance, you need to fight the signs of aging every day. Traditional care includes:

  • cosmetics category 40+;
  • active masks;
  • face massage.


Different acids have different effects on the skin and are used to eliminate various cosmetic defects.

Who are acid peels indicated for:

  • persons with problem skin, both oily and dry;
  • those who experience the first signs of skin aging: loss of firmness, elasticity, sagging skin, the appearance of the first shallow wrinkles;
  • those who have freckles, pigmentation, uneven skin color;
  • those with thick, bumpy skin;
  • for those who have acne, pimples, acne and post-acne.

All acids do an excellent job of exfoliating the skin. Only some work with the stratum corneum of the epidermis (superficial peeling), while others penetrate deep into the skin (medium and deep peeling).

Salicylic acid is the best known and most commonly used component in cosmetics with a strong anti-inflammatory and anti-acne effect.

Azelaic acid is suitable for sensitive skin with rosacea and has excellent whitening properties.

Retinoic and glycolic acids perfectly cleanse the skin surface of dead epithelium and help accelerate facial skin renewal.

Lactic acid is part of the surface moisturizing complex of the skin, so its moisturizing effect can be used to increase the level of hydration of dry skin. You can make excellent almond, glycolic, lemon and milk peels using home remedies.

Curious to know what trichloroacetic acid peeling is? Watch the video where you can learn more about the TCA peeling procedure.

Criterias of choice

Skin type

Those with oily skin types should pay attention to products containing fruit acids, as they help remove excess fat and blackheads.

Dry and combination skin requires careful treatment, which will be provided by peelings with mandelic and lactic acid, as well as excretory treatments.

If the skin is of normal or combined type, it is recommended to choose a product for them taking into account age characteristics (the next selection criterion).

Age. For girls under 25 years of age who do not need to eliminate wrinkles and maintain tone, peelings with fruit acids are suitable

At the age of 25-35, when the first signs of wilting appear, it is recommended to pay attention to products with abrasive particles

As for older people, peelings containing lactic and salicylic acid will be best.

Problem. When choosing a peeling product, you should also consider the purpose of its purchase:

– dryness – lactic acid can best cope with it;

– increased skin sensitivity – mandelic acid will help cope with it;

– wrinkles – it is possible to get rid of them with the help of glycolic acid;

– acne, acne – they and the remaining traces are removed using salicylic acid;

– loss of skin tone – retinoic peeling will restore it;

– pronounced signs of wilting – in this case, experts recommend TCA peeling;

– hyperpigmentation – it is best to remove spots using phenol peeling;

– rosacea and rosacea – enzyme peeling helps them perfectly.

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Cosmetologist's advice

To get the most effective results of anti-aging peeling, it is necessary to take into account the recommendations and advice of experts in the field of cosmetology before the procedure.

For example, doctors do not recommend studying patient reviews to find out which peeling is best for rejuvenation after 30, 40, 50 years. This advice is related to the fact that each organism is individual; what will help one person is not a fact that it will be useful for another. Therefore, it is worth taking into account your age-related defects and other skin problems.

For effective results, you should prepare for peeling in advance. To do this, you should refrain from direct contact with the sun's rays, ultraviolet lamps in a solarium, or elevated temperatures in a bathhouse or sauna.

Expert opinion

Ekaterina Dudikova

Dermatologist, cosmetologist

If it is not possible to exclude contact with the sun, a special product containing protective substances (SPF 30) should be applied to the skin.

Before rejuvenating facial skin with peeling at any age, it is recommended to familiarize yourself in advance not only with the cleansing technique, but also with possible side effects and the recovery period.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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