Professional face masks. Rating of the best: cleansing, alginate, with hyaluronic acid, Botox effect, vitamins, tightening pores

A face mask is, so to speak, heavy artillery for resuscitating tired skin, providing extra nutrition and hydration that cannot be obtained from everyday products. Would you like to know which masks are the most popular this year? We have collected the top best especially for you! At the same time, we proceeded from reviews of real customers, personal sales statistics of KrasotkaPro, open data from the Yandex search engine. Attention: since the vast majority of brands have several product lines, in our rating we are not considering a specific type, but all products from one manufacturer in the aggregate. So here are the best face masks of 2022!

The criteria by which we evaluate masks from each brand:

  • Moisturizing and nutrition. After all, these are the main functions of face masks.
  • Perform additional functions. It’s great if the products also help reduce wrinkles.
  • Compound. Most users prefer natural composition. And, of course, the mask should not cause an allergic reaction.
  • Texture. The more pleasant and “convenient” it is, the higher the score.
  • Smell. Should be neutral or unobtrusive, soft.
  • Price. Saving is always good, but as usual we are looking for the perfect example of price-quality ratio.

Point system:

By quality:

  • 1 point for excellent hydration;
  • 1 point for additional functions: reduction of pigmentation, reduction of wrinkles, etc.;
  • 1 point for natural composition;
  • 1 point for pleasant texture;
  • 1 point for neutral odor or light aroma;
  • We deduct 1 point for allergy complaints.

By cost:

  • 4 points for costs up to 500 rubles;
  • 3 points for a cost from 500 to 1000 rubles;
  • 2 points for a cost from 1,000 to 1,500 rubles;
  • 1 point for a price over 1,500 rubles.

By popularity:

  • 6 points for more than 30,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 5 points for 24,000-30,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 4 points for 18,000-24,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 3 points for 12,000-18,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 2 points for 6,000-12,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 1 point for less than 6,000 queries in Yandex per month.

Once we've covered each of the top 10 face mask brands and assigned a score, we'll compile all the data into a table. When collecting information about products, we used: sites with reviews of real customers, personal sales statistics of KrasotkaPro, open data from the Yandex search engine. Please note that several masks can be in the same place at once - it all depends on the number of points.

Classification of professional face masks

Cosmetics can be classified according to different criteria. They can be professional or home use masks. Beauty salons use only professional cosmetics, which have a complex composition of active and basic components.

Professional masks differ according to the type of production:

  1. Cream . Such masks can perform different functions, for example, cleansing, moisturizing, etc.
  2. Film masks . This type of cosmetic product cleanses the skin of the face and is also a good rejuvenating and tightening product.
  3. Paraffin. An ideal remedy for eliminating cosmetic defects such as sebaceous plugs on the face.

  4. Fabric . They are textile plates impregnated with active substances. Depending on the composition of the impregnation, the mask can have a tightening, nourishing or moisturizing effect.
  5. Silicone . Such masks are good because they help the skin absorb active ingredients more efficiently.
  6. Collagen . They have some similarities with fabric masks. Their main composition is lyophilized collagen. It also contains additional components in the form of extracts of fruits, plants and vitamins.
  7. Plaster . This product is used only by professionals, since only a cosmetologist can apply and remove the mask correctly. Plaster masks are considered a good remedy in the fight against aging facial skin.
  8. Biomatrices are the latest achievements in the field of cosmetology, made on the basis of collagen, seaweed and microbiological active substances.

Professional face masks are the most effective way to care for your skin. They are selected taking into account the characteristics of the skin, its type and age-related changes. They differ in purpose and effect. They can be classified according to skin type. For example, a mask for normal, dry, combination skin, etc.


  1. Cleansing . Masks are made based on clay, since this component is an excellent absorbent. Cleansing masks include peeling masks, masks for mechanical and chemical peeling.
  2. Moisturizing . The products are made on the basis of hyaluronic acid, natural components and lactic acids.
  3. Nutritious . These are vegetable oils, bee products, vitamins A and E.
  4. Anti-aging masks . This is an opportunity to prolong the youth of cells. These include lifting, smoothing, modeling and restoring face masks.
  5. Whitening . They help fight pigment spots thanks to melanin, and also even out the complexion and activate cellular metabolism.
  6. Calming . These maxis are unique in that they contain only plant extracts (chamomile, linden, jojoba, etc.) and mineral water. The product helps fight facial skin irritation caused by negative environmental influences.

The best masks for dry skin

Avene Soothing moisture mask

Using this product you can provide soothing and actively moisturizing skin care, especially if your skin is highly sensitive. The mask can be applied not only to the face, but also to the neck. It returns natural radiance to the skin and reduces hypersensitivity. With the help of this composition it is possible to get rid of irritations and damaged areas. The product is very effective in dealing with redness, sunburn, tightness, tingling, and so on. The composition contains a high concentration of medicinal thermal water, in addition, there are coconut and karite oils. With their help, it is possible to provide an excellent restorative effect.

The mask will soften the skin and maintain its hydration at an optimal level. The manufacturer allows the use of this composition not only for sensitive, but also for normal and even oily skin. Apply a thick layer to the facial skin, which has previously undergone a deep cleansing procedure. It is kept for about 10-15 minutes so that it is well absorbed. Excess composition is removed from the surface of the face using a special soft napkin. To achieve optimal results, apply the mask daily during the first week. In the future, use it once a week.


  • Does not cause allergic reactions;
  • Well suited even for hypersensitive skin;
  • There is no need to wash it off.


  • Small bottle volume;
  • Quite a high cost.

Avene Soothing moisture mask

Librederm Aevit

It contains a large number of natural ingredients that can significantly saturate the skin with nutrients. They help get rid of moisture deficiency and make cell membranes more dense. This product also contains a lot of vitamins A and E, which nourish the skin well and protect it with a high concentration of antioxidants. These substances enhance cell renewal processes, which significantly increases the elasticity of the skin. After using such a mask, the effect of getting rid of age wrinkles is clearly visible, and new ones do not appear. The skin acquires a healthy glow, an even and healthy color.

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The formula of this cosmetic product contains capric glycerides, which have excellent protective characteristics, eliminate the results of peeling and prevent its subsequent formation. In addition, there is an extract of grape seed oil and peach kernels, which increase skin elasticity. Rosehip extract prevents the appearance of age spots, removes excess sebum, and tightens pores. Apply this mask approximately once or twice a week in a thin layer. It is not necessary to wash off the product; it is quite enough to remove the excess with a soft cloth. This mask is also quite suitable for self-massage.


  • Significantly improves complexion, and the effect lasts for a long time;
  • There is no need to rinse off after use;
  • Very soft and pleasant texture.


  • Doesn't work very well against deep wrinkles.

Librederm Aevit

The best moisturizing masks

Regular moisturizing is the basic rule of beautiful skin. Loss of moisture is the main cause of wrinkles.

Moisturizing face masks will help replenish moisture deficiency and restore a healthy and beautiful appearance to your facial skin.

Let's note the 3 best moisturizing masks: A'pieu Good Night Water, Avene Tolerance and Tony Moly Tomatox Magic White:

  • A'pieu Good Night Water - a night moisturizing face mask from the Korean manufacturer APIEU, which has been producing decorative cosmetics for young women for many years. The main component of the mask is birch sap, which produces collagen. Butylene glycol, which eliminates dryness, softens and makes facial skin elastic. As well as glycerin, propanedione and niacinamide, presented in the form of water-based forms of vitamin PP. (Price 600-700 rub.)

  • Avene Tolerance from the French company AVENE , known throughout the world for its medicinal products. The cosmetics are based on water extracted from thermal springs located near the village of AVENE. Avene Tolerance moisturizing face mask nourishes and tones the skin. Makes the face smooth, soft and silky. The main component of the product is thermal water enriched with minerals. Squalane – prevents moisture evaporation and slows down the aging process. Saffron oil is endowed with strong antibacterial and antioxidant properties. (Price 850-1000 rub.)
  • Tony Moly Tomatox Magic White is a Korean brand that produces high-quality cosmetics to combat aging facial skin. Tony Moly Tomatox Magic White tomato mask allows you to restore freshness and radiance. The mask contains the main vitamin of youth - retinol, which plays an important role in cell metabolism and also accelerates the process of their regeneration. Another essential component that removes toxins from cells is tomato extract. This vegetable is rich in vitamins and minerals that nourish facial skin cells and have a whitening effect. Lycopene protects the DNA of cells and prevents their oxidative process. (Price 800 -1000 rub.)

The best compositions for blackheads

L'Oreal Clay Magic Detox and radiance: three natural clays + charcoal

Contains exclusively natural ingredients with which you can successfully fight toxins and restore the skin to its natural shine. The composition contains kaolin - a clay composition with a high content of silicates that can easily absorb any kind of dirt and remove greasy shine. There is also ghassoul - this is clay, which contains a huge amount of microelements that allow the skin to return a fresh and healthy color. The third clay component of this mask is montmorillonite - you can find useful minerals in it, in addition, this material quite successfully fights various skin defects.

The manufacturer recommends applying the product to moisturized facial skin three times a week. The mask should be kept on the face for no more than ten minutes, after which it is washed off with plenty of warm water. The smell of the product is quite strong, but pleasant. Many users note that it would be better if it were not there at all. The texture is very plastic, gel-like. The mask is easy to apply to the skin, but cosmetologists advise applying the composition not with your hands, but with a brush - this allows you to reduce the consumption of the product and ensure a tighter fit of the active ingredients to the surface of the skin.


  • Easy to apply;
  • The effect is noticeable quite quickly;
  • Removes oily skin after the first use;
  • Nice looking packaging;
  • Tightens pores without causing a feeling of dryness and tightness.

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  • Not everyone likes the smell of the composition;
  • Not suitable for women with very sensitive skin.

L'Oreal Clay Magic Detox and radiance: three natural clays + charcoal

Innisfree Super Volcanic Pore Clay Mask

It contains titanium dioxide, walnut shell extract, palm cactus, zinc oxide and lactic acid. This mask intensively absorbs sebum, reduces its production, removes it from the depths of the pores, and removes toxins. The volcanic capsules it contains remove dead skin flakes, making the face smoother and color even. In addition, a cooling effect is provided. Thanks to zinc oxide, the mask has high antiseptic and astringent characteristics. It also removes minor irritations and relieves inflammation. A protective layer is formed on the skin, which will significantly reduce negative external influences.

Lactic acid stimulates fibroblasts aimed at the formation of endogenous hyaluronic acid. This allows you to increase skin hydration. With its help, it is possible to prevent blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands. The pores themselves become smaller in size. This substance also has good antibacterial properties. Walnut shell extract has soft massaging properties and improves blood flow. This mask does not contain artificial flavors or dyes. Apply the product to previously cleansed facial skin and leave for about 10 minutes. The manufacturer allows this composition to be mixed with facial wash in equal proportions. Recommended use once or twice a week.


  • Gives the skin a matte shine;
  • It tightens pores well and reduces sebum production;
  • Quickly cleanses of impurities, removes irritation and inflammation.


  • Except for the high price, not found.

Innisfree Super Volcanic Pore Clay Mask

Anti-aging masks

It is impossible to prevent skin aging. But if you eat right, move more, get enough sleep and choose the right ally in the fight against aging, then you can look attractive at any age. Specially designed cosmetic masks moisturize, nourish and tighten the skin. When choosing anti-aging products, age, skin type and condition are taken into account.

You should not use express masks that only provide a visual effect.

Professional face masks help the body begin to produce collagen on its own. For example, a product from the Italian manufacturer KLERADERM, which contains marine collagen and retinol, as well as jojoba and avocado oils. This complex of components strengthens the skin fibers and accelerates the rejuvenation process. (Price 1100-1200 rub.).

The French company YVES ROCHER offers an intensive anti-aging mask Ovale Lifting Supra Lift Mask. The structure of the mask includes natural components and plant AHA acids, thanks to which the facial skin becomes tightened and radiant. (Price 1200-1800 rub.)

TEANA rejuvenating mask from a domestic manufacturer. The product contains seaweed, minerals, essential oils, as well as myoxinol, which provides a rejuvenating effect. The mask accelerates cell restoration and improves facial skin tone. (Price 600-800 rub.)

At what age should you use masks?

Most girls, of course, know about the effectiveness of face masks, but neglect them because they don’t have enough time or are simply lazy. Therefore, we advise you not to be lazy and devote yourself an hour a day, which will then become hours of pleasure with your own face.

This is especially true for girls who are over 25. It is at this age that it is best to start doing such procedures in order to preserve youth for many years.

We do not advise teenagers to make all these masks. The only mask that can be used at this age is an anti-acne mask, which really helps in the fight against acne. And then it is better to resort to it only in extreme cases.

Masks with a lifting effect

Professional lifting face masks are a combination of components aimed at rejuvenating facial skin without surgical intervention. Systematic use of lifting therapy will minimize noticeable signs of aging and improve the appearance of the skin.

When choosing a lifting mask, you should be careful, especially pay attention to their composition, since the skin of the face must accept each component without side effects. A high-quality decorative product should include components such as linolenic acid, retinol, hyaluronic acid, collagen, natural oils and plant extracts.

Budget masks with a lifting effect include Black Pearl “Intense lifting”. It helps restore the natural functions of the facial skin. (Price 200 rub.)

The rating of the best products with a lifting effect includes the Israeli product Dr.Sea Lifting Facial Mask . The cosmetic product delicately cleanses the skin, smoothes out fine wrinkles, and has a restoring and tightening effect. (Price 1000-1100 rubles.) Also here you can note the night cream mask from L'Oréal Paris, thanks to which the tone of the face is evened out and the number of wrinkles is reduced.

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Mask with peptide complex EGIA Biocare System Biopeptides Peptide Face Mask

Mask with peptide complex EGIA Biocare System Biopeptides Peptide Face Mask Hyaluronic acid, peptides, panthenol, sweet almond oil, vitamin E, goji berry and pueraria extract - what is not in Peptide Face Mask, but the presence of each ingredient is absolutely justified. Some activate the production of collagen and elastin, enhancing the anti-aging effect; others hydrate the skin, neutralizing dull, sallow complexions.

Paraffin masks

Paraffin is a mineral natural fat that has been used in medicine for many years. But it also found its place in cosmetology in the form of cleansing and softening face masks. By using paraffin-based products, the face is cleansed of impurities and blackheads. Fine wrinkles become less noticeable, the facial contour is more expressive, and the facial skin is soft and silky.

Among the manufacturers of this cosmetics, one can highlight the Russian manufacturer “Arabia”. The price of the company's products is quite reasonable (from 300 to 1500 rubles). The company's decorative cosmetics are made based on natural ingredients.

Professional paraffin face masks can be made at home if you choose the right recipe. The main thing is to be careful not to burn your face.

The best products for oily skin

2. Arabia Essential Mask

Designed not only for oily, but also for combination skin. With its help, you can thoroughly clean the pores of toxins, slow down the work of the sebaceous glands and eliminate seborrheic manifestations. Using this composition, you can give your skin a natural matte shine, make it calm and rested. This mask does not violate the water-lipid barrier of the skin. The positive effects are based on the olive oil, corn oil, zinc oxide, glycerin and other active ingredients contained in the mask. The consistency of the composition is quite thick, reminiscent of a cream. It may dry out your face a little, but it washes off very well. The aroma is rich, minty.

The product must be applied to thoroughly cleansed skin and left on the face for about 20 minutes. At first, the effect is not very noticeable, but if you use the composition regularly, it will be quite pronounced. The mask soothes inflamed areas and relieves redness. All pigment spots disappear quite quickly, even the most pronounced ones. Any rashes are first reduced, and then completely disappear.


  • Helps fight acne quite effectively;
  • Well refreshes and moisturizes the skin;
  • Evens out complexion;
  • The effect of use lasts for quite a long time.


  • A positive result is not visible immediately, but only after several sessions.

Arabia Essential Mask

Savonry Top Face with blue clay and alginate

This is the best face mask designed specifically for oily skin. The composition contains no synthetic substances and parabens, it includes exclusively ingredients of plant origin. The blue clay contained in this product has excellent anti-inflammatory properties, copes well with various types of rashes, and quickly heals small wounds. With regular use, the skin becomes younger, tighter, firmer and more elastic. The vitamins contained in the mask allow you to saturate the skin with various useful components.

The composition also contains jojoba, grape seed and almond oils, which allow the vitamin complex to penetrate deeply into the skin structure and have a targeted effect on cells. The manufacturer recommends applying this composition to the skin of the face and neck in an even layer with light massaging movements, leave it for about 10-15 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. During storage, the composition may delaminate. If this happens, you need to mix the mask thoroughly.


  • Consists exclusively of natural ingredients;
  • Lasts for quite a long time;
  • Low consumption;
  • Reasonable cost;
  • High efficiency.


  • Short shelf life due to the fact that it consists only of natural substances.

Savonry Top Face with blue clay and alginate

Alginate masks

Alginate masks have gained phenomenal popularity among women. Just a few sessions will achieve amazing results. The basis of cosmetics is sodium alginate, which is secreted by seaweed. It is a harmless substance rich in minerals, vitamins and nutrients.

To achieve a better effect in the manufacture of alginate cosmetics, manufacturers also use other components.

It could be collagen that makes the skin tighten. Chitosal is a substance that improves metabolism. As well as vitamin C and plant extracts. As a result of this complex, facial skin cells are cleansed of toxins, pores are reduced, wrinkles are smoothed, the skin becomes elastic and silky.

Today, a huge number of companies are engaged in the production of decorative cosmetics based on sodium alginate. The most famous are Lysedia (France), Janssen (Germany), Gigi (Japan) and the domestic manufacturer Teana.

Aloe vera

This amazing plant has long been used in cosmetology. It perfectly solves the problem of nourishing facial skin. You just need to find the right recipe.

Aloe juice is able to penetrate deep into the dermis. As a result, the skin is moisturized from the inside. The plant provides disinfection and restoration of problem areas.

Aloe pulp is used for aging skin. Many women give good reviews about the face mask made from this plant. She really helps.

The aloe leaf needs to be cut and placed in the refrigerator. After a week, you can start preparing the anti-wrinkle remedy.

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For the mask you will need two drops of vitamin E and A. You need to add 1 teaspoon of olive oil, as well as 1 tablespoon of honey and aloe juice. Apply the mixture onto your face with your hands for 30 minutes.

Plasticizing masks

Professional plasticizing masks can be used regardless of age and skin type. Such decorative cosmetics have a lifting, detoxing and rejuvenating effect. They increase skin biotone, accelerate cell restoration process and nourish facial skin with beneficial microelements.

The main component of plasticizing masks is alginate, extracted from brown algae. Alginate saturates well with moisture and tightens the skin, relieves inflammation. The masks also contain diatomaceous earth, calcium sulfate, sodium phosphate and active substances of natural origin.

Among the well-known manufacturers of plasticizing masks is the company Alganature (France), which extracts raw materials for its products in the lagoon of the Bretal region. And also another French manufacturer Perkt de Mer, which offers plasticized masks aimed at treating facial skin defects such as acne, rosacea and pigmentation.

Babor Skinovage Moisturizing Foam Mask

Moisturizing foam mask Babor Skinovage Moisturizing Foam Mask The airy-mousse texture of Skinovage Moisturizing Foam Mask, when it hits the skin, immediately melts and penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, saturating it with moisture, as well as stimulating the epidermis’s own hydration mechanisms and maintaining the natural protective barrier.
To make all this possible, Babor scientists combined meadowfoam, almond and macadamia oils, as well as moisturizing polysaccharides and a unique Epigen-Tech peptide. How facial expressions change with age and what to do about it Read

Collagen masks

With age, the skin loses its elasticity and requires more careful care. The use of collagen masks will help restore lost elasticity due to the main source of youth - collagen. Collagen is an active animal protein that is part of the skin, nails and hair. It is like a spring that maintains the elasticity and firmness of tissues.

When a sufficient amount of this substance predominates in the body, then early age-related changes are not scary for a person. With age, the body loses its resources for protein production. The result is dry skin, unpleasant wrinkles, sagging, and peeling. The use of collagen masks will allow the body to restore its strength to produce collagen.

The cosmetic product removes toxins from cells, normalizes blood circulation, moisturizes the skin, smoothes facial wrinkles, reduces severe ones and prevents the appearance of new ones. Professional collagen-based face masks differ in release form. They can be fabric, in powder form, jelly-like, patches, gold collagen with the addition of biogold.

The list of popular collagen masks includes:

  1. Caviar Platinum (Price 700-800 rub.) Ingredients: collagen proteins, vitamins and minerals that fight dry facial skin, slow down the aging process, and give it an even and healthy color.

  2. Dizao face mask (Price 600-700 rubles) This product with biogold stops age-related changes, nourishes the skin, makes it soft and elastic.
  3. Collagen face mask Elizavecca Green Piggy Collagen Jella Pack (Price 1200 RUR) This is natural cosmetics from a Korean manufacturer. Its unique composition, which includes collagen and shea butter, stimulates the process of cell regeneration, helps restore elasticity and firmness.

Cosmedix Restore Moisture-Rich Mask

Cosmedix Restore Moisture-Rich Mask Restore Moisture-Rich Mask with squalane, papaya extract and mango seed oil not only hydrates the skin, it also gently exfoliates, reducing the appearance of both fine lines and wrinkles. The luxurious creamy texture of the product is instantly absorbed, without leaving even a hint of greasy traces. But this product has one caveat: the developers of Cosmedix do not recommend using it in the first half of the day, as it can increase photosensitivity.

Cleansing masks

Regular skin care includes several stages. The most important of them is cleansing. Using cosmetic gels, foams and milk during the washing process will only remove makeup and dust particles from the face. But they are not able to penetrate into the very depths of the turf. As a result, the pores become clogged and unpleasant blackheads and acne appear on the face.

In order to remove all this debris from the face, cosmetologists recommend using professional cleansing face masks.

The mechanical effect of such masks is that the product penetrates deep into the pores, splits the ducts, removes toxins, dust and all dirt from them. It also removes dead particles and improves oxygen access. As a result, oily shine disappears from the face, the skin becomes tightened, and the color noticeably improves. The main component of cleansers is cosmetic clay.

Manufacturers can also use wax and various synthetic substances in their production. It is quite difficult to list the best facial cleansers. Sometimes, even the most expensive products are not a guarantee of the desired result.

Based on reviews from ordinary customers, we can highlight:

  1. Fruit face mask Strawberry Toxifying Mask (Korea, price 900 rub.)
  2. Mud mask SpaPharma (Israel, price 700 rub.)
  3. Aqua Nature Blackhead Clean-Off Nose Pack film mask (Korea, price 500 rub.)
  4. Anti-acne mask from Yves Rocher (France, price 550 RUR)
  5. Cleansing mask from Planeta Organica (Russia, price 200 rub.)

Nourishing masks

Nourishing face masks are a quick and effective way to improve the condition of your facial skin. When facial skin receives the nutrients it needs, it becomes smooth and soft. Also, such products help fight wrinkles, restore water balance, and relieve signs of fatigue and irritation of the skin.

The best nourishing masks for oily skin include:

  1. Cosmetic product with natural coal and clay from L'Oreal Paris. Product composition: coal and 3 types of clay. After just 1 session, the unique composition of the mask will help remove blackheads (Price 500 rubles).

  2. For dry skin, you can use Garnier Aqua Mask based on glycerin and pomegranate extract (Price 50 rubles for 1 pack)
  3. La Grace “Hydro Comfort” mask for normal skin stands out for its unique composition: fucogel and biosaccharite from brown algae (Price per pack 300 rubles)

Anti-aging products

Over the years, the skin gradually loses its elasticity and firmness, and wrinkles begin to appear.

Natural compounds will help combat this. With proper and regular use, you can achieve lasting results.

Anti-inflammatory masks

Enlarged pores, acne, redness, irritation are the main signs of oily and problematic skin. To eliminate such defects, cosmetologists have developed professional anti-inflammatory face masks based on natural ingredients. These can be extracts of aloe, chamomile, nettle, flax seeds and regular sulfur.

Products based on blue, green and black clay are excellent at combating skin rashes.

The rating of popular nourishing cosmetics includes the Hydra Absolute Mask cream mask - helps to quickly put problem skin in order (Price 900 rubles), Gafe Latte clay mask - restores hydrolipid balance (Price 200 rubles) and Libre Derm mask - eliminates puffiness and dryness , restores water balance.

Strawberry mask

This product helps with acne and aging skin. The product will require a quarter of a glass of berries and the same amount of sour cream. Mix everything and apply to face.

Strawberries are an allergen and also have a strong whitening effect. It does not need to be kept on the skin for a long time. The procedure takes 10 minutes.


Biomatrices are a modern cosmetic product that will prevent age-related skin changes in a short period of time.

This product is based on biological active substances, thanks to which a positive effect is visible after the first session. Facial skin becomes smooth, soft and velvety.

Placental masks

An alternative to beauty injections are placental masks. Their basis is the placenta of a person or animal, which is saturated with vitamins, fats, proteins and nucleic acid. Professional face masks with placenta are unique in that after their use, the facial skin becomes elastic, the facial contour is restored, the tone improves, and wrinkles are smoothed out.

Well-known placental masks include decorative cosmetics from Amicell from a Korean manufacturer (Price 100 rubles for 23 ml) Diazo placental mask - helps overcome the first signs of aging (Price 600 rubles) TianDe film mask - ideally replaces youth injections (Price 330 rubles . for 80)

How to choose the right mask according to your skin type

When choosing the right cosmetic product, you should take into account the type and condition of your skin. The main thing is not to make a mistake in choosing, so as not to aggravate the problem, but rather to get the desired result.

How to choose by skin type:

  1. Normal skin . This type of face is typical for young girls, and in order to preserve their beauty, it is important to take preventive measures. Here you can choose any mask, from nourishing to deep cleansing.
  2. Dry skin . For those with this type of skin, it is important to keep it well moisturized. Therefore, it is worth choosing professional masks that contain hyaluronic acid and extracts from flowers and plants.
  3. Oily skin . The most problematic skin type, which is characterized by defects such as rashes and acne. In this situation, face masks containing white clay will help.
  4. Combination skin . One of the most common skin types. On the cheeks it can be dry, but in the area of ​​the nose, forehead and chin, on the contrary, it can be oily. Here it is better to choose masks for combination skin types based on clay and seaweed extract.
  5. Sensitive skin . This type is characterized by constant irritating skin reactions, dryness and even pain with strong friction. Here it is worth using masks based on thermal waters and seaweed extract. This composition will help relieve inflammation and neutralize the feeling of dryness.

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The best cosmetic masks to nourish the skin

Intensive nourishing products are mandatory in the care of dry, dehydrated and aging skin. Alternate such masks with moisturizers, otherwise oil-based cosmetics will only aggravate the condition of the damaged epidermis.

For girls with oily and problem skin, nourishing masks are not advisable in their care. Those with normal epidermis will need such products only occasionally - to maintain youth and beauty.

Clarins SOS Comfort Nourishing Balm Mask



editorial assessment


buyers recommend this product

Looking for an express remedy for dry skin? A nourishing cocktail from Clarins will restore smoothness and tenderness to your face after just one use. The secret to the effectiveness of this mask is the high concentration of mango oil in the composition, which has high penetrating ability.

Thanks to this property, the product quickly eliminates dryness, flaking, and tightness of the skin and provides a long-lasting protective effect. The rich creamy texture is applied to the face in a thick layer for 10 minutes, and after washing it off, you can enjoy velvety and healthy-looking skin.


  • Express effect and prolonged nutritional effect;
  • Comfortable texture;
  • Doesn't clog pores;
  • Complex caring effect.


  • Price is about 3800 rubles for 75 ml.

Clarins nourishing mask is recommended for regular use for owners of dry, dehydrated and normal skin of any age.

Kiehl's Avocado Nourishing Hydration Mask



editorial assessment


buyers recommend this product

Kiehl's Ultra Nourishing Avocado Mask is a favorite among women with dry skin. The product has a very dense texture of light green color, like a mashed avocado. The formula contains evening primrose, avocado, shea butter, olive, sunflower oils, lemon ether and vitamin E, which nourish, soften, smooth the skin and give it radiance.

With many advantages, the mask also has one drawback - problematic distribution over the face. To make this process easier, pre-heat a small amount of the mask in your palms, after which the thick, oily texture will easily spread over the skin.


  • Abundance of oils in the composition;
  • Pleasant confectionery aroma;
  • Cost-effective;
  • Deep nutritional effect;
  • Regenerating and softening effect.


  • Problematic application.

Nourishing mask with avocado from Kiehl's will especially appeal to those with dry and dehydrated skin over the age of 30.


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Rules for applying masks

The rules for applying professional masks will allow you to get the desired effect, as well as avoid adverse consequences:

  1. Skin preparation – this is its complete cleansing. Here you can use cosmetics in the form of lotions, tonics, and facial foams. Treatments such as peeling, steam baths and compresses will help provide a deeper cleansing.

    Professional face masks must be applied correctly to achieve the desired result.

  2. We apply the mask correctly. The product can be applied by hand or using a special brush. You need to start applying the mask from the chin to the forehead, that is, from the bottom up, following the massage lines. It is important here not to affect sensitive areas of the face - the skin around the eyes and lips.
  3. Washing off . The mask is washed off only with water, without any additional means. For dry skin, the product is washed off with warm water, for oily skin - cool. After rinsing, apply moisturizer to the skin.

Rules of application

Masks should be applied to a face that has been cleaned of makeup and washed. There are rules for applying cosmetics depending on the time of day:

  • from 7 to 10 am it is better to apply moisturizing and refreshing products;
  • from 10 to 12 hours you can make medicinal applications with active ingredients;
  • from 12 to 15 hours the effect of the procedures will be minimal;
  • It is not recommended to apply masks at all from 15 to 18 hours, since at this time the skin does not absorb nutrients and vitamins;
  • Cleansing masks can be applied between 18:00 and 22:00.

The optimal time for filling the dermis with nutrients will be between 22 and 23 hours.

How to enhance the effectiveness of masks

The effectiveness of using masks can vary greatly. Many users try to enhance the effect of the mask by extending the session time. But this method can lead to the opposite result.

There are other ways to achieve maximum results from using professional masks:

  1. Gel-like professional face masks designed to relieve irritation and inflammation can first be cooled by placing the tube in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.
  2. The effectiveness of a mask for dry skin will increase if you apply the product using a special method, namely, from the center of the face to the temples. This technique will enhance skin cleansing.
  3. Shower without removing cosmetics. The fact is that the components of masks have the ability to retain moisture from the outside and saturate the skin with it.
  4. When using helium and mud masks, it is important to follow the time indicated in the instructions. The point is that this composition thoroughly cleanses the pores of impurities, but if you do not remove the mask in time, they return everything back.
  5. Regular use of professional masks also enhances the effect. If you do not adhere to the full course, then you should forget about the positive result.

Today, professional cosmetic face masks are an effective cosmetic product for facial skin care. Unlike creams, masks require more complex procedures, but the results are worth it.

The best products for normal skin

Teana “Magic Casket of the Ocean”

Contains cinnamon and clove extracts that promote relaxation and care for facial skin. This mask is supplied in special bags of 30 grams each. It can relieve fatigue and swelling of the skin, smoothes or completely eliminates facial wrinkles. With its help, blood microcirculation and lymph exchange improves. This mask is perfect for women with increased skin fatigue, as well as dull skin. The positive effect is clearly visible even after the first use.

Manufacturers recommend that you thoroughly clean the skin first using a scrub or peeling gel. Before applying the mask, be sure to apply a bioactive capsule selected for your skin type. This allows you to significantly enhance the positive effect of using such a mask. It is advisable to prepare the composition itself very quickly, as it can harden. The bags contain dry powder, which should be filled with a certain amount of boiled water at room temperature. Ultimately, you should end up with a mass with the consistency of thick sour cream. You will also have to apply it quickly enough, keep it on for about 15-20 minutes. It does not tighten the face at all; on the contrary, it creates a feeling of coolness.


  • Consists of natural ingredients;
  • The positive effect is quickly noticeable;
  • Not too expensive.


  • Not detected.

Teana “Magic Casket of the Ocean”

Natura Siberica Frozen Limonnik Nanai

This product has a very pleasant smell, which combines notes of berries and lemongrass - it is very invigorating, gentle, refreshing and enveloping. The consistency of the mask is quite pleasant, the composition is more like a thick cream. It applies quite lightly and densely to the skin and is literally absorbed into it. After 15-20 minutes there is a feeling that there is nothing on the face. After washing off the mask, the feeling of hydration remains for quite a long time. The composition contains a large number of different oils, so washing it off is problematic. The composition contains special components that narrow pores. In addition, nutrients eliminate peeling and protect against it until the next application of the composition.

The packaging is designer and looks very attractive. The composition contains extracts from lemongrass, as well as cedar oil - they provide high-quality saturation of the skin with useful substances. The tone of the face after using this mask becomes even.


  • Reasonable cost;
  • The composition is rich in various nutrients;
  • Quite economical consumption - this product will last for a long time.


  • Washing off can be problematic.

Natura Siberica Frozen Limonnik Nanai

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