Face masks for acne for teenagers: 10 best recipes, care for oily skin, reviews

Acne has ruined the lives of more than one teenager. Happy are those who were spared this misfortune. However, these are a minority; more than half of teenagers experience the appearance of pimples and acne to one degree or another. There may be several reasons for this, as well as treatment options. Let's study the main causes of skin problems and figure out which face masks will help fight them.

Causes of acne in teenagers

Why do teenagers suffer the most from acne? Why is a difficult period emotionally and socially, when external attractiveness becomes crucial, overshadowed by the appearance of imperfections?

Hormonal background

The transition from childhood to adolescence is determined by a hormonal surge. Active hormone production causes increased sebum production and changes in skin PH. This leads to clogged pores and the appearance of comedones (blackheads). Bacteria (Propioinibacterium acnes) can appear on comedones, the proliferation of which leads to redness and suppuration - this is how a pimple appears.


Hormonal levels change for all teenagers, but not everyone has acne? Alas, heredity is the decisive factor in this case. According to scientific research, 81% of how skin behaves during adolescence depends on genes. If the parents had acne, then most likely the children will have it too.


We found out that pimples appear due to bacteria - acnes. Lack of thorough cleansing of the skin, incorrectly selected skin care products, abuse of cosmetics - all this leads to blockage of already overworked pores.

Poor nutrition

Eating foods high in carbohydrates with a high glycemic index can also cause skin problems. Having received pocket money, teenagers become addicted to just such food: chips, carbonated drinks, sweets and baked goods.


Stress is one of the causes of rashes in adults. Adolescence, like no other, is rich in experiences and emotional reactions.

demodex mite

Demodex or iron mite is a type of mite that lives in the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. In itself, it is not harmful and does not cause discomfort. However, with weakened immunity, stress and vitamin deficiency, endocrine diseases, it causes skin inflammation.

How to clean

The patient sits in a cosmetology chair. Teen facial cleansing begins with a cleansing procedure. A cosmetologist uses professional cosmetics that have a healing effect. To open access to the sebaceous ducts, it is necessary to expand the pores. This is done using a steam bath. For this purpose, there is a device in the cosmetologist’s office - a vaporizer. To soften the accumulation of sebum, the specialist performs manipulations using warming agents. After this, the specialist manually squeezes out the sebum. The procedure can be performed using fingers and a napkin, or using additional tools: an UNO spoon (metal loop) to remove particularly deep impurities in the pores and a Vidal needle to soften and pick up comedones. At the end of the cleansing procedure, the skin is treated with an antiseptic lotion. The procedure ends with applying a soothing cooling cream or mask to the skin. Completing the procedure with a mask allows you to tighten the pores, remove burning sensations and irritation on the skin. The total duration of the procedure is 90 minutes.

Contraindications to the use of masks

The article discusses acne masks, that is, masks applicable to problematic, oily skin. As a rule, they are contraindicated for dry and sensitive skin, in the presence of purulent inflammations, wounds and scars. Often, masks contain allergenic products, such as honey and kiwi. Therefore, before using masks, it is recommended to conduct an allergen test and apply the composition to the elbow. If swelling, redness or rash occurs, do not use this product on your face.

Stories of teenagers: what helped whom?

Which acne masks to choose at home for teenagers? Please note that inflammations are the result of poor nutrition, stress and natural stages of development of a boy or girl, therefore the use of funds should be discussed with the attending physician.

One of the most effective and harmless methods for removing acne in teenagers is tar soap. They not only wash with it regularly, but also apply it as a mask on the face for 5–7 minutes, after which they wash off with warm water. Here are some reviews:

My daughter has entered a difficult age (14 years old) – restructuring of the body’s internal system, hormones. We thought for a long time about how to get rid of the problem and agreed to try making a mask from aloe juice. As it turned out, it is easy to do, and the effect is excellent. As a result, the pimples first dried out and then disappeared.

At the age of 15, I had a problem - my skin became excessively oily. When I started to fight it, peeling appeared and the skin lost its color. A mask of honey and lemon juice helped. At first there was no noticeable effect, but at the end of the course some of the pores cleared up. Mostly I made masks at night.

How long will the acne treatment process take?

Inflammations on the face cause a lot of discomfort and do not add confidence to their owner. And, of course, everyone wants them to pass as quickly as possible. However, even if you determine the exact cause of their appearance and strictly follow the prescribed treatment and proper care, it will take time to get rid of acne.

The speed of getting rid of acne directly depends on the cause of its appearance. If they are caused by gynecological and hormonal problems, then treatment may take time. On average, you can expect a noticeable improvement in skin condition after 3 months; positive dynamics will be noticeable within a month. Pimples and acne necessarily require treatment and careful care, otherwise they can drag on for months or even years.

Features of application

Face masks for teenagers will be most beneficial if used correctly at home:

  1. Any mask must be tested (description above).
  2. It is recommended to perform the procedure twice - three times a week.
  3. Apply only to skin that has been steamed using a hot or steam bath.
  4. Before the procedure, you can use a gentle cleansing scrub.
  5. The mask must be prepared strictly according to the chosen recipe; it is not recommended to change the dosage or mix the compositions of different masks with each other.
  6. The procedure time is no more than 15 - 20 minutes.
  7. The components included in the composition must be natural and fresh. It is better to use homemade eggs and dairy products, and fruits, vegetables, and herbs grown without the use of chemicals.
  8. It is best to wash off the mixture with water at room temperature or cool.

How to properly care for oily skin

Oily skin prone to the formation of comedones and pimples requires careful care. It consists of several stages:

  • Cleansing

Regular cleansing of the skin is a mandatory stage of care. Oily skin requires thorough cleansing: not only from cosmetics and impurities accumulated during the day, but also from the sebum it secretes. You need to wash your face at least twice a day (morning and evening), using special gels and foams designed for oily skin. Pay attention to the composition: it should not contain soap and alcohol, which dry out the skin. For oily skin, washing with hot water is not recommended, as it increases sebum production. For makeup removal, you can use hydrophilic oil.

Additional information: hydrophilic oil is applied to dry skin with massage movements, and then washed off with water. The product begins to foam under the influence of water and cleanses the skin.

  • Toning

The cleansing stage is completed with a facial toner. It should also be chosen based on the needs of oily skin. The tonic is applied to a cotton pad, which is used to wipe the face after washing. It removes possible remnants of impurities, restores the PH balance of the skin, refreshes it and prepares it for applying cream.

  • Humidification

Oily skin needs hydration no less than any other. Moreover, dry, oily skin is a very unpleasant phenomenon when acne begins to coexist with peeling and tightness. Light gels and serums are best for moisturizing oily skin. It is important that the product is non-comedogenic. As nighttime products, you can use non-greasy creams rich in nutrients. In the morning, gel mattifying textures are preferable.

  • Additional care

Additional care includes scrubs and masks that cleanse the pores deeper. They should be used no more than 1-2 times a week. Scrubs should not contain large abrasive particles so as not to injure the skin and spread inflammation. Scrubs should not be used if there are wounds or ulcers. Masks should also be used carefully, observing the application time. To combat existing pimples, you can use point-to-point drying pencils.

It is strictly not recommended to squeeze out pimples and blackheads on your own; this can lead to the spread of the inflammatory process.

  • Cosmetics

If you have acne, you have a strong desire to cover it up. For this purpose, it is better to use not dense foundation creams that clog pores, but light textures of tinting creams, such as BB or CC, and spot correctors.

Cosmetics must be non-comedogenic.

In addition to cosmetic care, it is important to monitor general hygiene:

  • do not touch your face with dirty hands;
  • Clean makeup brushes and sponges immediately after use.

Diet is also important. Avoiding excessive consumption of sweet, salty, starchy, spicy and fatty foods will help fight teenage acne.

The appearance of acne is provoked by stress, so for a sustainable result you should avoid it and give the body time to rest - a full 8-hour sleep.

Homemade face masks for acne

To use acne masks at home for your face effectively, learn more about them.

There are several types of masks designed for different skin types:

  • black;
  • from honey;
  • with aloe;
  • with soda;
  • made of clay;
  • from aspirin;
  • from an egg;
  • with cucumber.

Let's consider the options in more detail.

Black mask

Purifying black acne mask is a film mask that draws out impurities from the skin pores. Its viscous structure evens out skin tone, increases its softness, and removes oily shine. Masks can be purchased at cosmetic stores, but it will be cheaper and faster to make them yourself. There are many ways - we’ll tell you how to make the simplest and most effective options.

Option "charcoal and gelatin". You will need several tablets of activated carbon and a tablespoon of gelatin. The recipe is as follows:

  1. Activated carbon tablets are crushed into powder (use a coffee grinder or spoon).
  2. Add gelatin and 3-4 tablespoons of water to the resulting mass.
  3. Stir what you get and heat it in the microwave (8-10 minutes).
  4. Let the mask cool (about 1 minute) and apply to your face.
  5. After 20 minutes, the mask will harden - remove it carefully, trying to make it a continuous layer.

Option "coal and egg". The mask is designed to restore a healthy complexion. You will need 2 chicken eggs and 2-3 tablets of activated carbon. Recipe:

  1. Take the eggs and separate the yolks from the whites.
  2. Beat the egg whites using a whisk or fork.
  3. Add pre-crushed activated carbon tablets to the whites
  4. Mix the resulting mass and apply to the skin. It is better to apply this type of mask not with your palm, but with a brush.
  5. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask.

If a black mask does not have an astringent component, then we are dealing with a cosmetic mask, and not a film mask.

Coal and water recipe:

  1. Activated carbon powder (2-3 tablets, crushed with a spoon) is mixed with water/milk.
  2. The resulting paste is applied to the face.
  3. The mask is washed off the face after 15–20 minutes.

From honey

A honey acne mask for oily skin will not only heal inflammation on the skin, but also give it elasticity. The lifting elements contained in the main component of the mask - honey - help. They form a film on the surface of the face - it prevents moisture evaporation, while allowing the skin to breathe. The product can be used for any skin type, but it is strongly recommended to avoid its use if you are allergic to honey.

The most effective and natural method of skin restoration is considered to be a mask with honey and oatmeal. You will need 2 tablespoons of cereal and a teaspoon of honey. Recipe:

  1. Boil the oatmeal (5 minutes, no more) and cool to room temperature.
  2. The gruel is combined with honey and mixed until smooth.
  3. The mask is applied to the face, previously cleansed with a scrub. Hardening time: 25 minutes. At the end, the mask is washed off with water at room temperature.

If your skin is flaking, try a mask with cognac - it eliminates irritation. Ingredients: a teaspoon of cognac, a teaspoon of lemon juice, a teaspoon of honey and one egg yolk.

  1. The honey is heated in a steam bath , and pre-pounded yolk, lemon juice and cognac are added.
  2. The resulting mass is mixed and applied to the face (holding time is 20 minutes).
  3. is washed off with a cotton swab dipped in warm water.

With aloe

A mask with aloe refreshes the skin, and the absorbent properties of aloe allow inflammation on the skin to heal faster and more effectively, clearing the face of acne marks. The disadvantages of the mask are the relative labor intensity of its preparation.

To achieve the effect, pre-prepared leaves are used: they are washed in cold water, wrapped in cloth or paper, and placed in a cold place for 2 weeks. If the leaves turn black during the cooking procedure, they cannot be used.

The simplest masks using aloe are plant extracts and fruits. You will need 1-2 aloe leaves, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fruit pulp (melon, grapes, persimmon, peach, orange - the effect on the skin depends on the acidity of the fruit: more acidic fruit is suitable for oilier skin), 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil.

  1. Aloe leaf is grated . The resulting slurry is ground with 1 tbsp. spoon of the pulp of your chosen fruit.
  2. Vegetable oil is added to the mixture The mass is stirred and applied to the face (retention time 20–25 minutes).
  3. After the expiration date, the mask is removed with water at room temperature.

With soda

Baking soda masks are recommended if your facial skin is oily. Baking soda has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect on irritations, quickly and effectively eliminates redness by removing excess oil and dead skin cells. Baking soda dries out the face and is not recommended for those with sensitive skin.

A mask made from baking soda and salt works effectively. You will need 2 tbsp. spoons of soda and salt.

  1. Before making the mask, wash your face and apply baby cream.
  2. Mix salt and baking soda and rub the mixture into the skin with gentle rubbing movements.
  3. the mixture for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

It’s important to use fine salt. If you want to use sea salt, grind it (use a coffee grinder).

The second method is for delicate skin. You will need 1 egg white and 1 teaspoon of baking soda.

  1. Raw protein is mixed with soda.
  2. The mass is applied to the face in a thin layer and held on the skin for about 20 minutes until it hardens.
  3. After the period has passed, it is carefully washed off the face, after which the skin is treated with chamomile decoction.

From clay

The clay treatment method is one of the oldest ways to improve skin. Clay treats not only inflammation, but also psoriasis, dermatitis and eczema. The substance is a natural antiseptic, whitens the skin, dries it and smoothes out wrinkles. Clay is hypoallergenic and can be used for any skin type.

Recipes for use vary.

The first option - you will need 1 teaspoon of water, 1 teaspoon of fresh cucumber, 2 tablespoons of clay and a little olive oil.

  1. Add cucumber juice and use this liquid to dilute the clay.
  2. Add olive oil and lemon juice to the mixture
  3. Apply the mixture to the skin and wait for it to dry (20 minutes).
  4. When the mask hardens, wash it off with water .

To nourish the skin, make a mask with grapes. You will need 2 tablespoons of white clay, 1 teaspoon of grape juice and 1 teaspoon of honey.

  1. Mix clay, grape juice and honey into a paste.
  2. Apply the paste and wait for it to harden (20 minutes)
  3. After hardening, wash off the mask with water.

From aspirin

A mask for acne on the face made from aspirin is considered the fastest-acting - the effect will be visible the very next day. The mask helps to get rid of not only acne, but also its consequences - uneven skin. Here you will need 4 aspirin tablets and 2 teaspoons of honey.

  1. The tablets are ground into powder, a little water is added to them (no more than 4-5 drops).
  2. The resulting mass is ground with honey and applied to the face for 10 minutes.
  3. After 10 minutes, the mask is washed off with water.

From an egg

Egg is used as an ingredient in many mask recipes, but it can also be used separately.

  • to make a mask from an egg, you need to beat it with a mixer;
  • Apply the resulting foam onto your face using even movements;
  • wait 15–20 minutes and rinse off the mask with water at room temperature.

This mask is an effective solution for teenage rashes and acne.

Cucumber based

Such masks are considered classic - cucumber can refresh the face, moisturize it and relieve irritation. We invite you to try a gentle yogurt mask; it will cleanse your face and relax you after a long day. Prepare one cucumber and half a glass of low-fat yogurt.

  1. Wash the cucumber and mash it with a mortar or spoon.
  2. Add yogurt to the cucumber and stir (there should be no lumps).
  3. Apply the mixture to your face and wait 15–20 minutes, then rinse with water.

All unsuccessful? It's time to see a doctor!

It happens that with proper care, diet and lifestyle, acne does not even think of disappearing. This may indicate that the problem lies deeper. In this case, your doctor will help you understand the causes of acne. Only a specialist will find out what causes acne: mites, skin diseases, disruptions in the endocrine system and hormonal levels. Once the cause is identified, effective treatment can begin.

A dermatologist is the first doctor you should contact. He will identify existing skin problems and diseases, select care and treatment procedures.

Gastroenterologist - solves problems in the digestive tract, the presence of which can provoke the occurrence of acne.

Endocrinologist – hormonal imbalance is one of the most common causes of acne in adolescence. The doctor will determine which hormones are elevated and offer a solution.

Gynecologist – it makes sense for girls to visit a gynecologist, since acne can be a consequence of gynecological diseases, such as polycystic ovary syndrome.

Effect of masks

Many people are interested in why ordinary homemade cosmetic masks are not suitable for use by teenagers. Everything is quite simple: masks for adults solve completely different problems that are not yet typical for the skin of teenagers. And masks for boys and girls have a narrow focus - the fight against rashes and blackheads. These masks:

  • copes well with acne and rashes, as they have anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties;
  • delicately care for the skin of teenagers;
  • cleanse the skin, nourish it;
  • heal small wounds;
  • mattify the skin, tighten pores;
  • not only even out skin texture, but also improve complexion.

For masks to have a greater effect, it is recommended to combine them with a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.


Teenage skin needs special attention. High-quality daily facial cleansing in the morning and evening comes to the fore. At the same time, it is necessary to have your face cleaned by a cosmetologist on an ongoing basis approximately once a month. In particularly advanced cases, the procedure may be prescribed more often. Metabolic processes in the body of a teenager occur much faster than in an adult, so you need to constantly monitor the condition of your skin. The less often professional cleaning is carried out, the larger the comedones become, the longer and more painful the procedure is, and accordingly, rehabilitation will also take more time.

Basic recommendations after the procedure

Facial cleansing during adolescence can achieve impressive results. After the procedure, the skin acquires an even texture, as the pores are cleaned and tightened. It is worth considering that after the procedure you must follow a number of recommendations to avoid complications:

  1. For 1 day, it is forbidden to touch your face with your hands so as not to introduce pathogenic bacteria.
  2. After the procedure, the cleansed sebaceous glands are activated and begin to produce sebum at an even faster rate. In the first day, the skin of the face is constantly shiny; excess fat can be removed with the help of chlorhixedine. Blot your face with a napkin soaked in the product, but not more than 3 times a day.
  3. The first wash can be done 12 hours after cleansing. It is forbidden to wash with soap or running water. It is best to wipe your face with an alcohol-free tonic or herbal decoction.
  4. In the first two days, the use of any decorative cosmetics, including tinting eyebrows and eyelashes, is prohibited.
  5. Cleaning is a traumatic procedure. The skin needs a period of rest to restore natural processes. For 7–10 days after cleansing, it is prohibited to use scrubs and masks with coarse abrasive particles. As an additional means for cleansing pores, it is permissible to use rollers during this period.
  6. If possible, in the first 3 days you should limit your time outside.
  7. For 1 week after cleaning, it is forbidden to visit the solarium, sunbathe, go to the bathhouse, or engage in active physical activity.
  8. To moisturize the skin, it is recommended to use gels, emulsions, and serums. Fatty, thick creams provoke the formation of comedones.
  9. If an area of ​​skin is injured during cleaning, a crust will form. You can't tear it off. You need to wait until it dries completely and then falls off on its own. If you tear off the crust with your hands, a pigment spot will form in its place.
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