Tyndall effect after fillers - what is it and can it be eliminated?

The use of fillers for contouring and wrinkle elimination is a current cosmetology trend. Often the need for surgical techniques can be avoided. Noticeable visual rejuvenation is ensured; the specialist injects hyaluronic acid-based fillers under the skin.

It has a natural composition for the skin, therefore it restores elasticity and volume, ensuring smoothness of the surface. It is carried out exclusively by a specialist in the clinic, the results last for 6-12 months.

Defects requiring filler removal

Facial features will not immediately become similar to what the clinic’s advertisement promised. There must be a rehabilitation period, during which the injection site heals, swelling goes away and the body as a whole gets used to the filler.

How can you determine whether the healing process is proceeding normally, or whether the situation is out of control and the filler needs to be removed? Indications for the “do everything as it was” procedure may include:

  • Asymmetrical and unsightly contouring . The hyaluronic acid should be distributed evenly over the lip, but if the drug forms a noticeable relief, nodules, or is present on one side in greater quantities than on the other, there is probably too much filler or the injection was carried out at an insufficient depth.
  • Distortion of facial proportions. If the filler is injected too deeply or due to the individual characteristics of the patient, the filler can move under the skin, changing the contours of the lips.
  • Hypercorrection of lips , which end up looking not just unnatural, but ugly.
  • Hematomas , severe redness and swelling for more than 7 days.
  • Tissue necrosis , which is diagnosed by whitening of the skin.

Based on the scale of the problem, there are several ways to remove lips after hyaluronic acid: massage, physiotherapy, applications with special gels, injections of the enzyme hyaluronidase.

Find out which method of correcting scars and stretch marks is optimal for you!

doctor Svetlana Viktorovna Ogorodnikova.


Depending on the density of the filler, the substance remains in the tissues for six months to a year. During this time, the filler is gradually destroyed and removed from the body naturally, which is bad if the procedure has a positive effect, and good if the “beauty injection” was unsuccessful.

The process of removing small amounts of hyaluronic acid can be accelerated by simply stimulating blood circulation. Intense sports, walks in the fresh air and healthy eating will help with this. If the problem requires decisive action, then you should turn to injections or physical therapy with the enzyme hyaluronidase or collagenase.

Read on our blog:

Application of the collagenase enzyme in cosmetology

Causes of the Tyndall effect

First, let's figure out what the Tyndall effect is. In fact, it is found not only in cosmetology, but also in everyday life: it is the transmission of a beam of light through a relief texture. A striking example: the sun's rays, which are visible through the foliage.

In this article, we consider such a defect as filler showing through the skin - a phenomenon that is not as picturesque as the crown of trees, but, fortunately, you can get rid of it. How to do this - read on.

The Tyndall effect after filler occurs in the following cases:

  • too thin and light skin (usually occurs in people with Celtic or Scandinavian phototypes);
  • age - over the years, the skin becomes thinner, which means that the older the woman, the more likely it is that unpleasant swelling will occur;
  • cosmetologist’s mistake: incorrectly calculated amount of the drug or incorrect administration technique;
  • false diagnosis of the problem or lack of indications for the procedure;
  • poor quality of the filler itself;
  • failure to follow skin care recommendations after the procedure.

Before the procedure, an experienced cosmetologist will definitely ask:

  • are you currently taking medications, especially hormones and antibiotics;
  • are you allergic to any medications?
  • How old are you;
  • Are you sick with anything at the moment, do you have any chronic diseases?

It is also important to understand the condition of the skin and the facial contour of the patient - the selection of the filler itself and the calculation of its quantity depend on this.

After the procedure, the specialist must observe the girl’s condition for another hour and schedule a second appointment in a few days. This is a necessary measure, because darkening and swelling do not appear immediately - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

Is it possible to remove filler from lips without injections?

Until recently, the only available filler removal methods were Lidase injections . This drug is widely known among cosmetologists and regularly appears in their arsenal. But, unfortunately, Lidaza is an old generation drug that has a number of contraindications, including pregnancy and lactation. In addition, the injection method is traumatic and painful. Currently, there is a more progressive and environmentally friendly way to remove excess hyaluronic acid from the lips - the innovative product Fermenkol.

It not only breaks down excess hyaluronic acid, but also eliminates pathological collagen, which forms fibrous tissue in the deep layers of the skin and makes lips unsightly. Fermenkol has undergone many clinical trials and in a comparative analysis has proven its superiority compared to other anti-scar agents.

Fermenkol has a scientifically proven mechanism of action and consists of 9 active collagenase enzymes - a substance that destroys deformed collagen and excess hyaluronic acid. Fermenkol breaks down fibrous tissue in the lips and returns them to their original appearance.

Why might the procedure be refused?

The use of fillers is safe and suitable for almost everyone, but there are pathologies that make the procedure impossible:

  • oncological diseases;
  • allergy;
  • period of lactation and pregnancy;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • predisposition to keloid scarring;
  • abnormalities in blood clotting;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • inflammation, wounds or diseases localized in the injection area.

When visiting a specialized clinic, all indications and contraindications will be taken into account. An individual approach and assessment of the relevance of fillers taking into account existing problems is required.

How to remove hyaluronic acid from lips with physiotherapy

The main advantage of this method is the ability to remove lip filler at home. Physiotherapy can be performed using Nevoton devices for electrophoresis or Reton devices for phonophoresis.

Both methods involve applying Fermenkol gel to the problem area. Active components are transferred to the deep layers of the skin using electric current or ultrasound. Unlike injections, these methods do not damage the epidermis, do not require a rehabilitation period, act locally without affecting healthy tissue, and have a cumulative effect. The procedures last no more than 20 minutes a day, and the course is 10–15 sessions.

Leading doctor Svetlana Viktorovna Ogorodnikova will help you select the necessary product from the Femenkol line. Ask her a question in a special section and get a free consultation. Start taking action today to restore your lips to their original appearance as quickly as possible.

How to remove filler from lips using injections

As such, the enzyme hyaluronidase is not used in its pure form . But it is actively used in cosmetic products that have an anti-scar effect, for example, in the drug Lidaza. But Lidaza is an old generation drug; at the moment there are more effective methods for removing scar tissue from the lips. An innovative product in cosmetology - Fermenkol. It not only breaks down excess hyaluronic acid, but also eliminates abnormal collagen. Fermenkol has undergone many clinical trials and in a comparative analysis has proven its superiority compared to other anti-scar agents.

It contains 9 active collagenase enzymes, a substance that breaks down unhealthy collagen and excess hyaluronic acid (which fills the space between collagen fibers). Fermenkol removes fibrous tissue from the lips and removes it naturally, due to which the filler breaks down and the face returns to its original appearance.

Fermencol should be injected into deep areas of scar tissue using ultrasound, microcurrents or electrophoresis. Fermenkol acts only on scar tissue without affecting healthy cells.

Why does a nasolacrimal trough occur?

Anatomically, the nasolacrimal groove is the space between two fat pads: infraorbital and medial buccal fat. It is connected to the bone of the infraorbital region by a special muscular septum - the septum. With age or under the influence of stress factors (poor diet, alcohol, smoking, sleep disturbances), the density of muscle fibers decreases, the septal ligaments stretch and lengthen, pulling other tissues with them. A pronounced arched fold forms under the lower eyelid, and the area between the inner edge of the eye and the bridge of the nose darkens due to impaired microcirculation of blood and lymph. Taken together, these changes give the face a tired, haggard expression.

Location of the nasolacrimal groove on the face

The timing of the formation of the nasolacrimal groove is individual: for some it can remain in a sketchy state for years, while for others it can go from slightly noticeable to pronounced in less than six months. Its formation is significantly accelerated by sharp fluctuations in body weight and diseases of the endocrine system. Therefore, if a nasolacrimal groove quickly appears, you should think about visiting not only a cosmetologist, but also a therapist.

Watch the video on how the nasolacrimal trough is corrected in Face&Body

How to remove hyaluronic acid from lips with physiotherapy

The main advantage of using this method is the ability to remove hyaluronic acid from the lips at home. Physiotherapy can be applied using a phonophoresis apparatus with ultrasonic waves or using electrophoresis with a constant galvanic current.

Both methods involve applying a cosmetic substance to the problem area, and transferring its particles into the deep layers of the skin using physical influence with electric current or ultrasound, without damaging the epidermis, as happens with injections (an injection hole remains, additional trauma). The procedure takes no more than 20 minutes, and the course is 10–15 sessions, the duration of the procedure is 20 minutes per day.

  • Electrophoresis involves the transfer of particles of a medicinal solution due to the potential difference of electrodes, which are connected to the device at one end and inserted into a gasket moistened with the solution at the other. It is installed on the lip, then a comfortable current strength is set on the device until a pleasant tingling sensation is felt.
  • During phonophoresis, a thick layer of gel is applied to the lip (during the procedure, greater absorption occurs). The device is pressed tightly against the defect, however, without pressure or discomfort. The required wave frequency is set, and the ultrasonic emitter of the device is held on the problem area throughout the entire session or slowly moved with translational movements.

Both procedures can be done in a clinic at your place of residence, or at home using Elfor for electrophoresis or Reton for phonophoresis devices. Both devices can be used in the future for other cosmetic procedures; this is a successful investment in your beauty and health.

You can order physiotherapy devices and Fermenkol products on our website, or buy them at a pharmacy in your city. To get a free consultation with a doctor, fill out the form and we will answer you as soon as possible!

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Tyndall's symptoms

The sooner the problem is diagnosed, the easier it is to get rid of it. The Tyndall effect becomes noticeable after a few days and looks like a hematoma. You should not hope that the swelling will go away on its own. The effect can last for about a year, and in some cases up to 5 years!

In addition to external edema, the Tyndall effect is accompanied by:

  • dizziness;
  • low blood pressure;
  • nausea;
  • general weakness in the body.

The symptoms listed above usually go away within a day and are associated with the body’s response to the filler itself, but blue or blackening of thin skin after injection lasts a long time and clearly indicates the presence of a complication.

If you notice something similar in yourself, contact your doctor immediately.

Signs of the Tyndall effect on the lips

The fashion for lips “like Angelina Jolie” has influenced many women and even men! However, injections sometimes give not a seductive plumpness, but swelling, as if from bee stings.

Tyndall on the lips appears immediately or some time after the injection in the form of symptoms:

  • severe persistent swelling;
  • facial asymmetry;
  • change in lip color to blue, gray or black at the puncture sites;
  • painful sensations on palpation.

For some people, the “hematoma” may go away in a couple of days, but most often it takes 2 months for the defect to disappear without the intervention of a cosmetologist.

Experts advise not to wait for natural recovery, but to trust medicine. Firstly, the Tyndall effect after lip augmentation does not look aesthetically pleasing, and secondly, it is dangerous due to possible tissue necrosis when an infection gets into an unhealed injection wound.

Signs of the Tyndall effect under the eyes

If filler is injected into the lips to increase volume, then an injection under the eyes can be done to smooth out wrinkles or eliminate dark bruises from insomnia.

However, the skin under the eyes is especially thin, which means there is a high risk of damaging blood vessels and having the opposite effect in the form of increased bruising.

After the fillers are injected, the injection site is covered with a bandage to protect against infection. While the wound has not healed, it is recommended to apply ice, this will partially reduce the swelling. When filler is injected into the area around the eyes, the Tyndall effect most often occurs within a week after the procedure.

To accurately diagnose edema, it is better to immediately contact a specialist : perhaps this is a temporary phenomenon that will disappear on its own without additional manipulations in a few days. But we also cannot exclude the possibility of manifestations of the Tyndall effect!

Signs of the Tyndall effect after nasolabial sulcus filler

The area between the nose and lips is a particularly noticeable sign of age. If a woman smiles often, small wrinkles are inevitable after 30 years; then they will only deepen. It is not surprising that many patients are tempted to inject filler into the nasolabial fold, but sometimes this provokes a worsening of the situation.

Typically, the Tyndall effect appears as gray and dark blue hematomas in the upper region of the nasolabial folds, since the blood supply is more intense there.

To avoid complications, you should prepare for the procedure several weeks in advance. Especially if you are prone to herpes and are a carrier of this virus. In this case, the doctor prescribes a course of antiviral drugs 2 weeks before the injection of fillers and 2 weeks after the procedure.

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