Get rid of bags under the eyes with fillers

How can fillers remove bags under the eyes?

The main reason for the formation of bags under the eyes is the age-related redistribution of subcutaneous fat packets. The key word here is “redistribution” and should not be confused with “increment”.

Usually the bags are supplemented by a nasolacrimal groove, and its depth depends on the degree of age-related changes and the specific anatomical structure of the face. In fact, the subcutaneous fat layer is depleted in one place and “flows” to another, becoming fixed and accumulating there. The most active growth of fat packets occurs between the ages of 40 and 55+ years.

Bags caused by fluid retention and poor circulation look a little different than age-related fat bags in the lower eyelid area, but often the patient presents with a complex of problems.

The cosmetologist’s task is to use fillers to correct the volume in the lower part of the orbital zone, eliminate “dips” in the area of ​​the nasolacrimal groove, and even out the skin texture of the lower eyelid.

In other words, by adding volume to the area where it is lacking, you can visually even out the area under the eyes.

Injection technique

No special preparation is required before the procedure. But in order for biorevitalization under the eyes to have the maximum effect, you need to give up alcohol and smoking a few days before it is performed. It is forbidden to do aggressive peelings, stay in the open sun for a long time or visit a solarium. Biorevitalization around the eyes is carried out in several stages:

  1. The skin in the injection area is thoroughly cleaned of dirt and fat.
  2. 20 minutes before the start of the procedure, the face is treated with an anesthetic gel.
  3. The drug containing hyaluronic acid is injected with a special thin needle called a microcannula. This allows you to avoid pain and discomfort during injections. A small papule will form at the injection site, which will smooth out in just a couple of days.

The drug administration regimen is determined individually by the cosmetologist. Its main task is to ensure that hyaluronic acid is distributed as evenly as possible in problem areas.

What exactly is used in the area under the eyes?

Choice of drug

Cosmetologists should use preparations with optimal viscosity and plasticity so that the filler is not noticeable under thin skin. Moreover, the accumulated global experience in using drugs in the area under the eyes is important. There are a lot of really inexpensive drug offerings on the market that have just hit the market.

The drugs used to correct bags under the eyes are similar to those used to correct dark circles.

Preparations for correction of the orbital region

  • Sculptra;
  • Surgiderm 18;
  • Teosyal Redensity II;
  • Juvederm Volbella
  • and others.

You should not buy into the inexpensive cost of a drug if it does not have a history and has not accumulated experience of use specifically in the orbital region.

What is biorevitalization

The term “biorevitalization” is translated as natural revitalization and rejuvenation. As a cosmetic procedure, biorevitalization of the skin means bringing its condition back to normal not surgically, but physiologically. The norm is smooth and elastic skin, but due to a lack of natural collagen, it becomes flabby and wrinkled. Since the skin around the eyes is the thinnest by nature, it is the skin that first loses its normal appearance. This conclusion was reached in a clinical experimental study on skin changes under the influence of hyaluronic acid. To return it to its original state, special preparations containing hyaluronic acid are introduced. The molecules of this acid are responsible for the hydrobalance of the skin, so injections allow you to restore elasticity to the skin at the molecular level.

Biorevitalization of the area around the eyes is indicated for patients aged 30-35 years and older. Research shows that at the age of 30, the synthesis of natural hyaluronic acid begins to slow down.

Biorevitalization allows you to overcome hyaluron deficiency and rejuvenate the periorbital area of ​​the face. The rejuvenating effect of biorevitalization increases and lasts for 3–9 months.

The effect of biorevitalization

Hyaluronic acid injections are used not only for tissue hydration. They stimulate the production of their own collagen and activate fibroblasts. Fibroblasts are cells responsible for the production of hyaluronic acid by the skin. Accordingly, the introduction of a small amount of the drug pushes the body to synthesize its own hyaluronate.

The effect of the procedure can be assessed almost immediately – as soon as the swelling subsides. It lasts for 4-6 months. It is recommended to undergo a course of biorevitalization under the eyes, consisting of several procedures. Their number is determined by a specialist, based on age, skin condition, and individual characteristics of the body. Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of the body, and therefore its use has a minimum of contraindications.

Advantages and disadvantages

When choosing a rejuvenation technology, you need to take into account the advantages and disadvantages of biorevitalization of the skin around the eyes.

Advantages of the procedure:

  • safety when following injection technology;
  • high efficiency of tissue self-healing;
  • quick moisturizing effect on the skin;
  • compatibility with other cosmetic procedures;
  • short rehabilitation period.

Disadvantages of the procedure:

  • presence of contraindications;
  • the possibility of side effects and complications;
  • exclusion from public life for 2–3 days;
  • painful procedure;
  • high cost.

Hyaluronic acid for biorevitalization

Over the years, the breakdown of hyaluronic acid in tissues begins to prevail over its synthesis. Such an imbalance negatively affects the condition of the skin. Not only age, but also a number of factors accelerate the breakdown of hyaluronic acid:

  • psycho-emotional stress;
  • exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • negative habits;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • taking certain medications.

In cosmetology, hyaluronic acid of animal origin and synthesized in the laboratory is used. The drug is available in two forms:

  • stabilized;
  • unstabilized.

The choice of hyaluronate is made based on the type of procedure. For example, a stabilized preparation is used for facial reinforcement and contouring. This hyaluronate fills the lost volume well. The unstabilized drug is intended for mesotherapy and biorevitalization, as it well replenishes the moisture level in tissues.

What is the difference between Botox and hyaluronic acid?

Botox is a botulinum toxin A protein produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. Until the end of the 80s, the drug was used only by ophthalmologists and neurologists to relieve muscle spasms. Now widely used in cosmetology as a lifting agent. First came Botox, later Xeomin and Dysport.

Botulinum toxin is injected with a syringe into the locations of the facial muscles “responsible” for the formation of wrinkles. As a result, nerve impulses to the facial muscles stop, and the skin acquires healthy turgor. The effect is noticeable after 3-5 days, increases over time and will last up to 6-8 months.

Hyaluronic acid is a product produced by the body itself, and not introduced externally like Botox. Hyaluronic acid actively moisturizes the skin. Its production by the body slows down after thirty years, and then injections help replenish reserves. Biosynthesized hyaluronic acid is identical to natural one, and therefore injections based on it are quite safe.

Hyaluronic acid is widely used in anti-aging procedures:

  • Biorevitalization. Subcutaneous administration of a drug based on hyaluronic acid. The drug rejuvenates the skin through hydration: 1 hyaluronic acid molecule attracts and retains up to 1000 water molecules. The structure of elastin and collagen is restored, as a result, wrinkles are gradually smoothed out. Products for such procedures contain unstabilized hyaluronic acid. It is gradually eliminated from the body. The result appears immediately, and over time it only increases. The skin gains tone and freshness. The effect lasts up to six months.
  • Mesotherapy. Solutions with active homeopathic and medicinal components are used as injection preparations. In addition to hyaluronic acid, it includes antioxidants, vitamins, and microelements that promote regeneration and stimulate blood circulation.
  • Fillers. If it is necessary to correct the contours of the face, hyaluronic acid enters the dermis as part of fillers. Injections are used to combat nasolabial folds and vertical wrinkles above the upper lip, and to add volume to sunken cheeks. The result lasts up to 1-1.5 years.

Methods of influence

If you have a phobia of injections and want to protect yourself from needles as much as possible, then, along with laser, the cosmetic industry offers OXY therapy. The serum, which is considered the elixir of youth, contains hyaluronic acid, vitamins and plant extracts. This procedure is distinguished by the method of administration: an oxygen stream coming from a special apparatus under pressure painlessly carries substances into the layers of the epidermis. This means that there is no rehabilitation period, unpleasant bruises and swelling, and you can leave the salon for your usual business.

Cost of the biorevitalization procedure

IAL-system (1.1 ml)8500
IAL-system ACP (1 ml)10000
Belotero Hydro new10000
Juvederm Hydrate (1 ml)10800
Juvederm Volite (1 ml)14500
Neauvia organic de luxe (1 ml)new10000
Neauvia organic de luxe (2.5 ml)new13500
Aquashine ON (2 ml)12000
Aquashine ON BR (2 ml)12000
Jalu Pro (3 ml)8200
Jalu Pro (6 ml)13500
Restylane vital (1 ml)14000
Restylane vital light (1 ml)11000
Mesowarton (1.5 ml)13500
Meso-Xanthin F 19913500
Mesoeye C7112500
Mesosculpt C7112500
Profhilo (2 ml)18500
Hyalual 1.1% (1 ml)8200
Hyalual 1.1% (2 ml)11200
Hyalual 1.8% (1 ml)9800
Hyalual 1.8% (2 ml)13200
Hyalual 2.2% (1 ml)10500
Hyalual 2.2% (2 ml)14500
Anesthetic cream600

Opinion of cosmetologists

To reduce the disadvantages of biorevitalization, you should use the main advice of experts - do not save on the procedure by looking for cheap and one-time services. To eliminate the “human factor,” you need to have it done by trusted specialists, for example, at the Moscow Leila Roz Center for Professional Rejuvenation, which guarantees patients minus 10 years. To achieve a long-term effect, you need to undergo a full course of rejuvenation, and not a one-time injection of hyaluronate.

And one more important point. It cannot be assumed that any of the anti-aging procedures guarantees patients eternal youth. It only helps a person who is active by nature to remain attractive for a long time.

Before making a final decision about anti-aging procedures and choosing a technique, read our article about our clinic.

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Comparison with other anti-aging procedures

In cosmetology, there are a number of other anti-aging procedures that differ in the drugs administered. During mesotherapy, less hyaluronate is introduced than vitamin cocktails, which dissolve faster. In addition to hyaluronate, bioreparation preparations contain active peptides and amino acids, which enhance the rejuvenating effect for older patients. The drug administered during plasma lifting is the patient’s own plasma. Botulinum toxin, used in Botox, is a poison that blocks muscle activity and instantly smoothes out facial wrinkles. With the help of contour plastic surgery, age-related folds are smoothed out thanks to the introduction of fillers along with hyaluronic acid.

Age problems

With age, the number of hyaluronic acid molecules decreases in the periorbital area of ​​the face due to the slowdown in the production of natural collagen. The skin “dries out” due to a violation of hydrobalance, that is, a decrease in moisture. Up to 30-35 years of age, moisturizing creams help solve this problem; later, more drastic intervention in natural processes is required. You can resort to plastic surgery, or you can take the path of artificially replenishing the hyaluronate deficiency.

There are several reasons for this:

  • safety of drug delivery;
  • less pain during the recovery period;
  • lower risk of skin injury and other negative consequences of anti-aging injections and hardware administration of the solution;
  • long-lasting rejuvenating effect;
  • simplicity of technologies for delivering hyaluronate under the skin, which significantly saves time on the procedure and adaptation.

Preparation stage

Before the rejuvenation procedure, it is forbidden to smoke, drink alcohol, sunbathe, or take medications that reduce blood clotting. It is allowed to do laser resurfacing, chemical peeling, and blepharoplasty 10 or 60 days before injections.

Be sure to undergo an examination by a cosmetologist and discuss the effect of previous cosmetic procedures.

What drugs are used

Rejuvenation preparations may include either active or stabilized hyaluronic acid. Native acid is easily broken down and penetrates the skin. The gel is resistant to biodegradation, i.e. prolongs the result of correction and the presence of the drug in tissues. Stabilized hyaluronic acid belongs to the second generation drugs and is produced using NASHA (Non Animal Stabilized Hyaluronic Acid) technologies. This composition can remain in the skin for no more than 6 months, since the structure contains stabilizers. The drug is recognized by the skin as its own hyaluronic acid, which restores skin properties, improves elasticity and stimulates collagen synthesis.

The composition of the administered drug is determined by a cosmetologist during a personal consultation. However, there is a list of proven and high-quality products:

  1. Teosyal-Meso. Manufacturer: Switzerland. The drug contains an acid concentration of 15 mg/g. One syringe is enough to treat facial skin; more for other areas. Applicable to patients under 30 years of age.
  2. IAL-system. This biorevitalizer consists of crude and pure acid, the concentration of which is slightly higher - 18 mg/g. This composition has a high density, which means it heals longer. The drug is applicable to all skin types.
  3. Meso-Wharton. Manufacturer USA. The product triggers enhanced tissue regeneration and collagen production. After the injection, small bumps form on the skin, but this is a temporary side effect.
  4. Juvederm HYDRATE. It has high moisturizing properties and contains 2500 kDA/mol of active substance. The composition also protects the epidermis from free radicals and affects the action of hyaluronic acid.
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