Pimples behind the ears and on the neck: causes and treatment in adult women

  • Pimples behind the ears and on the neck: causes
  • Pimples behind the ears and on the neck: causes in adult women
  • Pimples behind the ears and on the neck: home treatment
  • Tea tree oil
  • Remedies for treating acne behind the ears and on the neck

Every person is concerned about the beauty and health of their skin because perhaps everyone wants to look beautiful Pimples can be quite annoying They tend to cause swelling on the skin and usually fill with pus Pimples typically occur when the sebaceous glands become overactive in their nature The oil secreted from these glands causes a blockage in the pores, which in turn become infected with germs and bacteria, henceforth leading to swelling on the surface of the skin, nose, behind the ears, neck, etc.
They can affect both men and women. women of any age, but they are common in those undergoing hormonal changes such as teenagers (during puberty), pregnant women and during some periods for women. They may be white or red in appearance depending on whether they are infected Whether they are or not Additionally, you may have one clustered area of ​​acne, or the rash of acne may be scattered across the entire front, side, or back of your neck.

These breakouts can also affect a person psychologically and that's why people are looking for the best treatments for these pimples. The following article explains how to avoid pimples behind the ears and what causes and factors influence their appearance in the area behind the ears and on the neck .

Pimples behind the ears and on the neck: causes

There are many reasons why you might get pimples behind the ears and on the neck. Some of the common reasons include the following:

  • Hormonal problem during puberty in all teenagers and pregnancy in women: Androgen hormones influence the appearance of acne in both boys and girls during puberty, and stimulate the sebaceous glands, increasing and producing more sebum, which clogs the pores of the skin , after which acne appears.
  • Hormonal imbalances associated with pregnancy and hormonal contraceptive use in adult women may also affect sebum production. Finally, the small amount of androgens circulating in a woman's bloodstream can also worsen breakouts and the amount of acne that appears on one area of ​​the appearance, including acne. behind the ears and on the neck.
  • Stress: According to a Stanford University study published in the Archives of Dermatology, it was found that college students had acne flare-ups during exams, a period when they reported more stress compared to periods during normal classes. The researchers concluded that the severity Acne is highly correlated with an increase in stress and depression, and the health of your skin is highly correlated with the health of your uneven system and its endings.
  • Shaving: The wrong choice of shaving products or tools or aftershave gels can lead to ingrown hairs, which are itchy spikes, especially on the front of the neck and behind the ears. Sometimes, such pimples can be caused by using dirty equipment or shaving without washing hands.
  • Cosmetics and makeup: Cosmetics or makeup can worsen skin conditions and neck acne, especially if you wear oily makeup that clogs pores or wear makeup for long periods of time. Mayo Clinic has more insight into how cosmetic makeup can worsen breakthroughs.
  • Hair care products or cosmetics, detergents used to wash your clothes, and body care products can cause acne on the neck.
  • Diet: Research suggests that certain dietary factors, including dairy and carbohydrate-rich foods, may cause acne. Studies reviewed report a direct relationship between poor diet and acne.
  • Dead Skin Cells: When dead skin membrane builds up in the pores and then mixes it with skin raw material, a sticky liquid-like form of the substance, the process of clogging the pore opening in the skin, including the areas behind the ears and on the neck, occurs. Bacteria found in the follicles are added and the combination results in for acne "Gentle exfoliators will help remove those dead skin cells," says Dr. Henry Gasiorowski.

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Blackheads (open comedones) in the ears

Acne in the ears pops up completely unnoticed by the person himself.
The sebaceous glands can sometimes secrete more than necessary. Skin pores, clogged with fatty secretions, sulfur, dust, and periodically dying cells, are filled with a thick, dark-colored mixture. The pores expand, and a dark tubercle appears at the outlet. Comedones in the ears look like black plugs protruding from holes in the dermis through which the skin must breathe.

Reasons for appearance

It is quite difficult to notice black plugs in your own ears. Open comedones are usually located on the inner surface, on the skin of the cartilage tissue. Sometimes they can be seen on the earlobe; in some patients, blackheads mainly accumulate on the back side.

This area is more likely to be contaminated. In the absence of proper hygiene, the accumulation of oxidized fat, dirt, bacteria, pores become clogged. Black plugs grow in them, which are more difficult to get rid of on your own.


Many blackheads in the ears:

  • may appear during puberty, which indicates hormonal changes in the body:
  • in case of neglect of hygiene procedures;
  • too intense secretion of fatty secretions due to dysfunction of the sebaceous glands;
  • polluted external environment, with a specific profession, adverse weather conditions;
  • using dirty hearing aids or headphones.

What tests to take

To make sure there is no inflammatory process:

  • A general blood test is sufficient;
  • in case of severe dysfunction of the sebaceous glands, the doctor may prescribe additional examinations to find out blood sugar levels;
  • hormonal background.

How to get rid of it quickly

Cosmetologists recommend that in order to quickly get rid of acne in the ears, there are several ways:

  1. Special cosmetics for problem skin. The composition of such preparations includes fruit acids and salicylic acid. These ointments normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eat away impurities, and whiten the skin.
  2. You should not squeeze out the black plugs of thickened fat. This procedure is best done by an experienced cosmetologist. The specialist has special sterile instruments and antiseptics for treating the skin. You should check the level of sterility in the beauty salon you contact. Instruments must be disposable or sterile. A blue quartz lamp should be run periodically in the room to sterilize the air.
  3. It is easier to cleanse the skin after steaming. Comedones are removed using strips with fruit acid. They are applied to clean skin and removed after drying. But in the ears and behind the ears it is difficult to do this on your own. You can turn to a friend or sister, beloved mother for help.
  4. To prevent such problems from recurring, the ears should be rinsed well with chamomile decoction and lubricated with alcohol tinctures with aloe juice, lilac, and calendula.
  5. If a person works in a highly polluted environment, it is necessary to wear ear protection. A light gauze cap will prevent pores from clogging.

Pimples behind the ears and on the neck: causes in adult women

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Adult breakouts are definitely different from the ones you had in high school. Teenage acne usually appears in the middle of the face, these acne lesions are easier to remove because they were just below the surface of the skin. In contrast, adult acne and pimples in women are usually more often found on the neck , chin and along the chin, as well as in the area behind the neck, which appear as deep cysts or subcutaneous pimples that often cannot be completely removed until the skin is sufficiently exfoliated through the use of gels or lotions for problem skin.

So, what are the main causes of acne in women around the neck and behind the ears? The main culprit is changes in hormone levels: premenstrual dips in estrogen and fluctuations that occur during menopause, pregnancy or the floating cycle of menstruation, which can cause such pimples to appear and cause or worsen breakouts on the neck, behind the neck and other areas.

But there are other causes of acne. Your makeup, skin care regimen, food choices, cell phone, and ingrown hairs behind the neck and behind the ears in women may also be to blame. The good news is that we can control their occurrence and We can make changes to the regime and methods of skin care.

Characteristics and locations of acne behind the ears and on the neck

Pimples on the back of the neck

Breakouts in this part can be caused by the use of certain lotions, shampoos, conditioners and hair products that clog the pores and cause problems in the skin in the form of acne.

Pimples on the back of your neck are often caused by oils from your hair, which can clog your pores. This is especially true if you have long hair, or if you experience excess oil in the pores on your scalp.

Large pimples behind the ears

This can happen due to polycystic ovary syndrome, which can cause some changes in hormone levels that can cause irregular cycles. Some male hormones that cause abnormal hair growth, including large amounts of hair, or are associated with acne on the neck.

Small pimples behind the ears and on the neck

According to WebMD, small pimples behind the ears and on the neck are usually associated with heat rash, which is caused by swollen sweat ducts in the neck gland. Heat rashes can be pink or red in color and can also develop on the neck and shoulders. Heat rashes are more common in infants, but in Adults can also develop a similar skin condition. Any of the reasons we discussed earlier can cause small pimples like this.

On the neck and lower jaw

The neck and jaw are the most common areas prone to breakouts due to various factors such as hormonal shifts and imbalances in the body that lead to acne appearing in these areas.

Coconut oil is a powerful natural remedy for long-lasting acne!

Pimples on the underside of the neck

Typically, pimples on the underside of the neck appear as large, deep, sometimes cystic pimples. These spots are full of fluid (pus) and can be painful to the touch. Some are blind pimples or breakouts that are not very noticeable but are deeply rooted, they are uncomfortable and have been under the skin for a long time.

Pimples on the front of the neck

Pimples on the front of the neck can be caused by a number of reasons, especially including ingrown hairs. They can be small, large or cystic pimples located in inflamed hair follicles on the outer and inner parts of the skin. They can also be painless, depending on their nature and specific reasons for their appearance.

What to do if it's a boil

An abscess inside the ear canal is very dangerous. Its opening leads to acute otitis, melting of the eardrum and penetration of staphylococcal infection into the skull, into the inner ear. Therefore, waiting and self-medication at the slightest suspicion of a boil is unacceptable.

An otolaryngologist has everything necessary to completely cure a boil at the stage of infiltration or abscess formation. He prescribes local and systemic antibiotics, treats the boil with antiseptics in the form of ointments and compresses, and prescribes physiotherapy with dry heat. Patients with high fever and large boils, which sometimes require opening, are referred to the hospital. After surgical treatment, the boil quickly resolves with continued therapy. In accordance with the general picture of the disease (manifestation of furunculosis or a single boil), the patient is given recommendations regarding prevention.

Pimples behind the ears and on the neck: home treatment

Hot compress

The most effective way to get rid of pimples behind the ears and on the neck and prevent their further occurrence is a hot water compress, which helps dry out the pimple. Using cotton or a towel immersed in boiling water helps in expanding and opening the pores of the face. Once the pores open, the dirt tends to come out, the skin becomes clearer and can help a person achieve a good condition in parallel with the use of other acne treatments when treating acne. It is recommended to use this procedure three times a day.

Application of citric acid

Citrus juice or vitamin C is very beneficial as its use helps in contracting the tissues and pushing out oils from swollen pimples. The medicinal qualities contained in citric acid help in killing germs and bacteria in the acidic environment in the areas behind the ears and on the neck. To get clear skin, You should apply citrus juice before showering and rinse your skin after ten minutes with contrasting cold water.


To prevent the development of acne in the area behind the ear, it is important to follow some simple recommendations:

First of all, you need to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the skin in this area. It is recommended to wash your ears at least twice a day - morning and evening. To carry out this procedure, you can use tar soap. Use a cotton swab and hydrogen peroxide to remove wax.

All manipulations are carried out with care to prevent damage to the eardrum. All accessories and devices that have direct contact with the ears must be regularly treated with bactericidal wipes or antiseptic solutions. Do not wear other people's hats.

Avoid hypothermia of the head, as this can provoke not only the formation of rashes, but also some colds. Eliminate foods that may cause allergies from your diet. Promptly treat all viral and infectious pathologies at the initial stage of their development. Lead a healthy lifestyle.

Quit tobacco and alcoholic beverages.

Only by following these simple rules can you protect yourself from the appearance of rashes behind the ears, which cause discomfort and can develop into more serious illnesses.

If it was not possible to avoid acne, then at the initial stage of development you can try to eliminate it with the help of special cosmetics and salicylic ointment. If there is no improvement or other signs appear, it is recommended to visit a specialist without delay.

Under no circumstances should you take independent measures to get rid of problems. This can cause even more serious problems. All medications should be prescribed only by your doctor.

Tea tree oil

The oil obtained from tea tree leaves as well as milk is very beneficial in treating acne.

The use of lactic acid peeling, which contains alpha hydroxy acids or tea tree oil, helps to displace lifeless skin; The pores tend to break through by removing the outer layer of dead skin along with accumulated oil and dirt. Tea tree oil contains medicinal compounds that kill germs and speed up the healing process of the skin. This process should be done three times every day.

Alcohol and alcohol

Gently rubbing the neck with alcohol or alcohol is very helpful in treating pimples and unwanted blemishes on the skin behind the ears and neck. Using a clean cotton cloth or washcloth immersed in alcohol helps in getting rid of such pimples. This liquid helps in removing germs and bacteria from the skin and opens pores.

Chicken egg yolk

If a person tends to be very prone to pimples on the neck behind the ears or anywhere on the skin, he can use eggs to get the skin back to normal. The presence of vitamins and zinc in eggs helps in fighting pimples. The whites of eggs should be mixed well and used in the treatment. acne on different areas.

What to do if an unpleasant symptom appears?

Often people discover pimples near their ears completely by accident. In most cases, eliminating the factors listed above is enough for the formations to disappear and not appear again. If this does not help, you will have to take a more aggressive comprehensive approach.

Indications for visiting a doctor

Also, an indication for immediate consultation with a doctor is a deterioration in general condition. Especially if the formation behind the ear hurts, and there is content of any type in it. Situations where pimples appear and go away on their own without causing much trouble should not be ignored either. Refusal of diagnosis and therapy often leads to the need to also treat an ear infection.

Basic principles of treatment

In the process of treating acne behind the ears, eliminating the causes of the problem is only the starting step. Treatment of acne requires a complex of accessible and simple manipulations. There is one universal point - all actions in the affected area are carried out with clean hands, disinfected with an antiseptic.

What to do in each specific case depends on the characteristics of the condition:

  • First, you need to treat the area with tar or antibacterial soap for several days and wipe it with a non-aggressive antiseptic. Sometimes this is where it all ends, as the causative agents of inflammation are eliminated.
  • If necessary, specialized pharmaceutical products are added to therapy. These can be tar masks, special plasters, ointments and creams. The main thing is not to use powerful hormone-based products yourself. Their help should be resorted to only as directed by a doctor if there is no effect from other approaches.
  • Painful internal acne requires a special approach. You can get rid of them using warming procedures. Compresses based on salicylic alcohol have a good effect. We soak a cotton swab in a 2% solution, apply it to the problem area near the ear and fix it with a band-aid. Keep it for at least 6 hours. During this time, the formation will clear, dry out, and inflammation will subside from the tissues.
  • If acne begins to fester in the area behind the ears, you can use Vishnevsky ointment.
  • Placing a blackhead directly in the ear can lead to serious consequences. Such formations are usually treated with Levomycetin drops, which are instilled into the ear canal. Manipulation is carried out only with the permission of the doctor.

The lack of effect from the manipulations may indicate the presence of internal problems. You don’t need to just mindlessly go through other options; you need to see a doctor who will make an accurate diagnosis and suggest the best treatment option.

Remedies for treating acne behind the ears and on the neck

A person should not squeeze pimples as they are removed only from the outside, but the problem still persists on the inside. A rupture can cause another pimple to grow, so one should refrain from such actions. Taking care of the skin around the neck and behind the ears is essential in daily life as proper relaxation and home preventive treatment methods help in secreting endorphins and improving blood circulation in these areas Increased blood flow provides essential vitamins and nutrients, and hence helps in getting rid of acne Your hair should also be washed at least once a day on a regular basis, as dirty hair leads to the growth of germs which can cause acne problems on the face and especially pimples around the ears.

Apply acne cream.

To help shrink a pimple, you should apply an acne cream that includes 2 to 10% benzoyl peroxide, as is the case with Adapalene for acne. Apply the cream strictly to the affected areas of the skin 1 or 2 times a day.

How to speed up the maturation of a pimple?

If the pimple does not mature and does not go away, then you can try to speed up this process with the help of ointments. By the way, they can not only speed up the formation of compaction, but also contribute to its complete elimination.

So, how to speed up the maturation of a pimple? The following drugs are perfect for this:

  1. Ichthyol ointment. It has a warming, anti-inflammatory, and bactericidal effect. However, the drug has a very unpleasant odor and is difficult to wash off. It should be applied to previously cleansed skin in the area of ​​the pimple 2 – 3 times a day.
  2. Levomekol. This is perhaps the most commonly used ointment for subcutaneous acne, which contains chloramphenicol as the main component (also called chloramphenicol). Since the medication contains an antibiotic, as well as a wound-healing component, it can and should be used even after squeezing out or opening the rash on your own.
  3. Sulfuric ointment. How to remove an internal pimple if it is caused by tick-borne parasites? For this, sulfur ointment is suitable, which is applied in a thin layer to the affected area 3 to 5 times a day.
  4. Liniment or Sintomycin ointment. This remedy is great for accelerating the resolution of rashes. Sintomycin contains an antibacterial and regenerating component, so it is classified as a combined medicine for external use. How to fight subcutaneous acne with its help? It is necessary to lubricate problem areas with liniment or ointment 1 – 2 times a day. The medicine should be washed off only before the next application.
  5. Vishnevsky ointment. If you are interested in how to quickly remove a subcutaneous pimple from your face using ointments, then liniment according to Vishnevsky will be the best option for you. It contains exclusively natural ingredients and has a smoother (compared to ichthyol) odor. The product draws out pus well, disinfects, and heals cracks and wounds. But it is dark in color, so it is better not to apply it to rashes before leaving the house. So, how to treat subcutaneous acne with Vishnevsky’s balsamic liniment? To do this, you need to wash your face well and wipe your face dry. Next, apply the medicine to problem areas in thin strips (for multiple rashes, the ointment is applied pointwise). You need to wash off any remaining product after 30 – 40 minutes. Carry out the procedure 3 times a day for 10 – 14 days. Instead of this ointment, you can use birch tar. The method of application is the same.

So, we examined in detail the question of how to get rid of an internal pimple that looks like a lump using ointments. They help speed up the process of maturation of the skin defect, but many of them also draw out pus and stimulate tissue regeneration.

But if the pimple is ripe, but does not want to open, you can try to squeeze it out yourself. The main thing in this matter is not to neglect simple rules.

How to properly squeeze subcutaneous pimples?

How to squeeze out a subcutaneous pimple yourself at home? Before you begin the process, you need to take into account that it is very serious, and if you do something wrong, you can significantly worsen the situation

Therefore, it is important to follow these rules:

  1. Do not puncture the rash with a needle, hairpin or other sharp objects. This is very unhygienic, and if you want to know how to quickly get rid of a subcutaneous pimple without causing harm to yourself, then, first of all, you need to abandon such dubious methods.
  2. When squeezing a pimple, your hands should be clean, even sterile. Before starting the procedure, be sure to wash them with soap and treat them with Chlorhexidine (or any other antiseptic, even peroxide).
  3. Gently “grab” the hard pimple from below – to do this you need to place your fingers a short distance from it, thereby touching healthy skin. Press lightly, then apply more and more force until the contents of the rash come out.
  4. You can complete the manipulation when a drop of blood appears on the surface of the pimple. Until it appears, you need to continue to press, otherwise not all the pathological contents will come out, and the rash will “pick up” with pus again.
  5. After completing the procedure, it is necessary to lubricate the treated area well with an antiseptic - solution or ointment.

Also, if the patient squeezes out a pimple, after which a lump appears, but at the moment it is not possible to see a doctor, alcohol compresses can be applied to such a tumor. This method, such as an iodine mesh, is very effective, but since the defect is on the face, this option “disappears.”

Reasons for appearance

The most common factor in the occurrence of formations in the ear is improper hygiene:

  • Using cotton swabs and other rough cleansers;
  • Neglect of special drops;
  • Water getting into the ear canal;
  • No hygiene at all.

To avoid the appearance of hated tubercles, first of all, you need to maintain proper daily ear hygiene. However, violation of the basic rules for caring for the ear canal is not the only reason for the formation of acne. The following factors often influence the development of inflammation:

  • Hormonal imbalance, accompanied by increased sweating and active secretion of sebum;
  • Inflammation due to draft or cold wind;
  • Excess of fried, salty, smoked and fatty foods in the daily diet;
  • Constant use of in-ear headphones, as well as sharing them with other people;
  • General decrease in immunity;
  • Ear injury;
  • Disorders in the central nervous system caused by frequent stress and depression;
  • Local allergic reaction;
  • Moving to a place with a poor environmental background.

If pimples in the ears appear constantly, it is necessary to establish the cause of this phenomenon. Often, taking vitamins, giving up headphones, or switching to a balanced diet helps avoid relapses.


The simplest rashes appear when pores become clogged with sebum. Over time, more and more of it accumulates, it mixes with dead skin, dust, and sulfur. When bacteria enter such an environment, an inflammatory process begins, leading to acute pain.

Another type of rash that often appears in the ear is a boil. The inflammatory process caused by staphylococcus or any other similar bacterium causes severe suppuration. Such a pimple is considered more dangerous, since opening it incorrectly leads to the development of complications.

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