Acne on the back of a teenager - causes and treatment

Good afternoon, dear parents and teenagers! Acne appears on the back of a teenager - today we will tell you what to do and how to cure it. Internal changes associated with growing up, which actively occur in the human body during puberty, entail external consequences that cannot be ignored, and sometimes they cause a lot of inconvenience to a teenager.

Adolescence is almost always accompanied by severe acne. The areas most affected by acne are the back, face and chest.

While a rash on the face is easier to deal with, acne on a teenager’s back may not be so easy to treat.

But it is still possible to cope with them. So, let's look at what to do if a teenager has pimples on his back.

Causes of acne on the back during adolescence

Adolescence is a special time when the child’s body, under the influence of various numerous hormones, is completely rebuilt and matures.

It is because of hormonal imbalance in adolescence that the first “fuzz” on the lip begins to appear, the voice “breaks”, and of course, most teenagers develop pimples on the back and more.

The first and main reason for the appearance of acne on the back in adolescents is the increased work of the exocrine glands, which is provoked by the intensive production of hormones.

The mechanism for the appearance of acne on the skin is as follows: the sebaceous gland secretes too much secretion, and the hole (pore) becomes clogged with scales of dead epidermis, the same sebum and dust, as a result, sebum accumulates inside the pore and bacteria actively multiply in it, which leads to inflammation .

Along with the increased work of the exocrine glands, there are things that contribute to the formation of acne on the back of a teenager. Here's what can make your acne worse.

  • Poor nutrition.
  • Lack of hygiene.
  • Synthetic clothing.
  • Unsuitable care products.
  • Too much sugar in the diet.

Therefore, in order to get rid of acne on the back, you will need not only local treatment, that is, the use of ointments or creams, but you also need some changes in diet, clothing, and possibly in the choice of hygiene products. Let's look at how to get rid of teenage acne on your back.

Acne in adolescence: problem or normal?


Every child reaching adolescence (12-17 years old) may encounter such a problem as skin rashes. This often leads to dissatisfaction with one’s appearance or even certain complexes. It is worth noting that this phenomenon is an absolutely normal reaction of the body to growing up.

What is acne and how does it form?

The entire human body is covered with hair follicles; due to some unfavorable factors, they can become inflamed. pimples ( acne form . Also, so-called “black dots”, which are the result of the secretion of excess sebum and are clogged sebaceous ducts, can cause inconvenience for adolescents. If acne untreated or treated incorrectly, pigment spots or scars may form on the skin.

What is the cause of acne formation?

The main reason for the formation of skin rashes, as a rule, is an internal change in the body: hormones and sebum begin to be actively produced. Of course, this reason is far from the only one. There are others:

  • poor nutrition. Nowadays, any teenager is not averse to snacking on a burger and drinking soda after school, which, naturally, will negatively affect the condition of his body. Fast food, carbonated drinks, and sweets contain substances that the liver simply cannot cope with;
  • poor hygiene. Do not forget that each person should have his own towel, his own washcloth, his own toothbrush, and so on. your face can also be a bad thing ;
  • stress. Stressful situations caused by hormonal imbalances can also lead to acne ;
  • heredity. The factor of heredity should not be excluded: in children whose parents are prone to acne , unfortunately, there is no way to avoid this disease;
  • low quality cosmetics. It is during adolescence that girls encounter cosmetics; it is necessary to pay attention to the selection of quality products, and it is better to consult a cosmetologist .

How to treat acne?

The most common places where acne are the face , chest , thighs and upper back .

Herbal infusions or special tonics can help get rid of rashes on the face To prevent the appearance of new acne , girls need to give up low-quality cosmetics. You should also not use scrubs with coarse particles, because they further damage the epidermis, facilitating the spread of infection.

Special body gels and ointments help cure acne on the chest , back

In cases where the number of pimples exceeds 20, you should consider having your face in a beauty salon.

squeeze acne on your own at home! There is a high probability of additional infection entering the follicle and damaging the epidermis.

To summarize, we can say that acne in boys and girls is an absolutely normal physiological phenomenon that does not require harsh medical interventions. It is almost impossible to prevent their appearance, so all that remains is to continue to take care of your skin and love yourself as you are.

Published in Dermatology Premium Clinic

Acne on the back of a teenager - how to get rid of it

Visit to a dermatologist

For some reason, many parents have formed the strong opinion that teenage pimples are as natural as breathing.

Many people believe that if a teenager has acne on his back, he should simply “outgrow” it, and that everything will go away over time.

There is no doubt - of course it will pass, but only if you let everything take its course, there can be dire consequences, including the need for surgical intervention.

Therefore, you should not ignore teenage acne, and at the same time there is no need to panic - no one has ever died from acne on the back.

Just take your actively growing child by the hand and go for an examination to a dermatologist, who will prescribe you the appropriate treatment based on the severity of the rash.

As a rule, in the case of acne on the back in adolescents, topical antibacterial drugs are prescribed, as well as ointments based on zinc oxide.

In some cases, when there is too much inflamed acne, severe pimples break out on the back of a teenager and have a “core” inside, an intramuscular antibiotic is prescribed, as well as local ichthyol ointment, or balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky.

In some cases, when there are medical indications, a course of autohemotherapy may be prescribed - intramuscular venous blood transfusion.

Why do acne appear on my chest*?

There may be several reasons for the appearance of acne* on the chest [4, 50, 29]:

  • Hormonal imbalance. The presence of gynecological diseases, puberty in adolescents, and certain periods of the menstrual cycle cause a surge of hormones that provoke rashes.
  • Poor nutrition. Although the influence of nutritional factors on the formation of acne does not have reliable evidence, there is an opinion that some products can indirectly provoke an exacerbation of acne. In particular, these include milk, cakes, sweets, fatty, salty foods.
  • Wearing tight, uncomfortable clothing. Rashes may occur on the chest due to wearing synthetic clothing, which does not allow the skin to breathe and increases sweating. Rashes can also appear due to constant rubbing or squeezing.
  • Cosmetics with comedogenic ingredients. Its use leads to clogged pores and the development of acne.

Acne occurs for various reasons - heredity, mechanical stress, long-term use of certain medications, stress [4, 50, 29]. Before treating acne* on the chest, you must be examined by a specialist.

Normalizing nutrition will help

To treat acne in a teenager, you will need to follow a diet for at least some time. No strict restrictions, but only normalization of nutrition.

That is, if your offspring ate French fries, chips, and deep-fried foods, then this has to end.

It is necessary to exclude from the diet all deep-fried or high-fat foods. Fried and at the same time fatty foods help to strengthen the work of the already active sebaceous glands.

In addition, it is necessary to exclude spicy foods - they irritate the sweat glands. What enhances their work? Another important dietary prohibition is sweet foods.

It is better to eliminate sugar altogether for a while, and instead offer the teenager fructose or honey.

Cosmetic professional procedures

Caring for teenage skin should be comprehensive. In addition to home procedures, you can also use the services of beauty salons if possible.

Today, more than a dozen different professional procedures are provided for the effective treatment of teenage rash.

There are cheaper options, but there are also those that not everyone can afford.

For example, chemical peeling for problem areas of the skin is an effective and inexpensive procedure that works both for the prevention and treatment of acne, and costs tens of times less than a session of equally effective mesotherapy.

Here are some salon treatments that are most popular and effective in combating teenage pimples and acne.

  1. Cryotherapy.

This is a relatively “young” method in cosmetology, which allows you to almost completely get rid of acne in just 5-7 sessions. This method is based on the use of liquid nitrogen, the temperature of which is about -250 degrees.

Performing this procedure at home is impossible, as appropriate equipment is required.

  1. Peels – chemical and mechanical.

Either one or the second version of peelings can be performed both at home and in a beauty salon.

The principle of both peeling options is based on the removal of keratinized scales of the epidermis, which clogs the pores, which provokes the appearance of sebaceous plugs, which, when inflamed, form acne on the back of a teenager.

Chemical peeling allows you to cleanse the skin of dead epidermal cells using various acids, while mechanical peeling cleanses it using abrasive particles.

  1. Ozone therapy.

Recommended to enhance the effect of treatment with antibacterial ointments, as an adjuvant. Ozone therapy is a procedure that is used in the treatment of various diseases, and not only skin diseases, therefore only a doctor can prescribe any specific type of ozone therapy.

Acne on the back of a teenager: how to get rid of it using folk remedies

First of all, acne soap works great against acne on the back, shoulders, face, and chest. It contains healing microelements from the Dead Sea, and is not expensive.

“Grandma’s” remedies for teenage acne.

Our grandparents did not run to dermatologists if such a nuisance as acne appeared on their skin. They used the power of nature and centuries of experience to overcome this problem, and were very successful in coping with all this even without visiting salons.

Therefore, today we can use the gifts of nature in tandem with the experience of our ancestors. Here are some folk remedies that have proven themselves to be effective and safe for several centuries.


Since ancient times, people have known about the antibacterial properties of honey and actively used this natural remedy to treat various inflammatory processes. And today honey is used as a powerful antibiotic; moreover, its effectiveness in the fight against microbes and fungi has been proven in scientific research.

Honey can be used to lubricate teenage acne on the back, or as a base for a homemade scrub. If you use honey internally, along with pollen, you can strengthen your immune system, which is also useful in the treatment of acne.


Plantain is also known as an antibacterial and regenerative agent. Using a paste of fresh plantain leaves and stems, you can speed up the healing of pimples and also avoid the appearance of unsightly scars.

It is also recommended to use a decoction of dry plantain leaves to wipe acne.


The classic method of treating almost all skin diseases is the use of baths based on chamomile decoction. Chamomile is a powerful antibacterial agent that also has a drying effect.

With the help of warm baths based on a decoction of chamomile flowers, you can normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Yeast compress

A yeast compress helps normalize sweating and activate the body's defenses. Previously, bread sourdough was used for compresses against acne; today such a wonder is very difficult to obtain, so you can use ordinary live yeast.

Yeast (50 grams) must be diluted in warm water (also 50 grams), apply the resulting mixture to natural fabric. The compress should be tied to the problem area of ​​the skin and left for 2 hours, and then rinsed off.

To get an effective result to quickly cure acne on a teenager’s back, it is advisable to use the above methods in a comprehensive manner.

In addition, it is important not to forget about the need to frequently cleanse the skin using antibacterial agents and wear clothes made of natural fabric.

If acne on a teenager’s back, despite various treatment and preventive measures, gets worse and is accompanied by other symptoms, such as fever, then be sure to consult a doctor as soon as possible - perhaps it’s not acne at all.

Acne on the back of a teenager, what to do?

How to remove and prevent acne* on the chest?

Although there are no means to prevent acne, there are several useful recommendations that, if followed, will reduce the risk of developing rashes in the chest area:

  • After training and physical activity, you should immediately take a shower. Rashes can be triggered by excessive sweating.
  • Do not use aggressive cosmetics in the décolleté area. The skin here is thin and requires a delicate approach.
  • Don't neglect special care. Most girls ignore the décolleté area when taking care of their skin, but in vain. There are special products for this part of the body that take into account its characteristics.
  • If acne* appears on your chest, reconsider your diet. Eliminate fast carbohydrates from it, give up fast food, carbonated drinks, coffee, and alcohol.
  • Give preference to clothes made from natural fabrics, make sure that things do not rub or squeeze your skin.
  • Try to reduce the number of stressful situations. Under the influence of cortisol, the sebaceous glands can secrete more sebum.

Remember that acne is a chronic disease. It cannot be cured once and for all, but you can reduce the risk of its exacerbation.

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