How to achieve a lasting effect in rejuvenating and tightening facial skin

What is a clear oval face?

The correct oval face consists of 3 zones:

  • pronounced cheekbones with a graceful transition from the cheekbone to the cheeks;
  • smooth mandibular line without ptosis and jowls;
  • rounded jawline, emphasizing the V-shape of the face.

A clear oval looks not only smooth and fit, but also has a pronounced youthful angle. In correct proportions, the angle of youth is 110 degrees, located between the lower jaw and neck.

How to recognize facial ptosis?

The loss of clear facial contours occurs unevenly, and certain signs appear with age

Depending on the development, there are 3 degrees of facial ptosis:

  • first degree - appears at a young age, characterized by slight drooping of the eyebrows, upper eyelids and corners of the lips; nasolabial and nasolacrimal grooves are also visualized on the face;
  • second degree - the signs of the first degree of ptosis include bags under the eyes, a double chin and jowls;
  • third degree - excess skin appears on the face with a pronounced downward displacement of fat packets; ptosis of the eyelids appears , folds are observed on the forehead and between the eyebrows.

Can it be cured?

Cosmetologists and specialists in the field of aesthetic medicine are engaged in eliminating and reducing the symptoms of gravitational ptosis of the face. Their actions are aimed at correcting the oval shape, combating wrinkles and folds.

The choice of technique is carried out taking into account the degree of development of age-related changes and the individual type of facial aging. Doctors usually offer a set of procedures.

Treatment with salon methods

Salon procedures are based on the use of equipment and various chemicals that have a profound effect on the epidermis.

It is important to remember: many devices are difficult to use, all methods require an individual approach using specially selected programs. Clinics and beauty salons must have trained specialists (qualification confirmed by a certificate).

Hardware procedures

The techniques are based on stimulation of problem areas with electrodes, vacuum units, laser beams and other equipment. They are distinguished by safety and quick achievement of the desired result. Recommended for people with stages 1 and 2 of facial ptosis.

Hardware cosmetology regularly introduces new methods to combat age-related changes. The most popular include:

  1. RF lifting.

The method is based on supplying weak high-frequency radio waves to problem areas. It is carried out in several stages with a gradual increase in current strength (usually no more than 8 sessions are required). The procedure is painless.

Penetrating into the deep layers of the epidermis, radio waves:

  • improve blood circulation;
  • increase the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • trigger the production of collagen fibers.

The achieved result lasts for a long time: wrinkles disappear, the top layer of skin is leveled, and the oval of the face acquires clear outlines.

The method is often used as preparation for plastic surgery and during the recovery period after surgery.

  1. Ultrasonic SMAS lifting is a circular facelift.

The method is based on squeezing the facial muscles under a directed ultrasound pulse. The uniqueness of the method lies in the effect of the device not only on the dermis, but also on the deep layer of subcutaneous muscles. As a result, a lifting effect occurs: facial tissues are tightened, wrinkles are smoothed out, and natural metabolic processes are activated.

  1. Microcurrent therapy is popular among cosmetologists as a method of strengthening the epidermis and renewing the production of collagen fibers.

In addition to restoring muscle tone and elasticity, the procedure eliminates age-related pigmentation. During the session, a weak electric current is applied to the skin. The method is painless. The result is achieved quickly and lasts for a long time.

  1. Fractional photothermolysis or Fraxel.

The method is based on the structural destruction of individual sections of tissue with laser beams. The method belongs to the category of negative stimulation: during the session, the skin is exposed to thermal burns. The principle of the procedure is based on activating the process of natural cell regeneration and resulting rejuvenation. Fraxel works great on deep wrinkles. The method gives lasting results, especially at the first signs of aging.

How to get rid of problems with beauty injections

Subcutaneous administration of various drugs gives very good results, provided individual doses and points of influence are correctly selected.

The procedure must be carried out in a clinic that has a certificate for this type of service: a positive result depends on the doctor’s experience. Unskilled manipulations can lead to the opposite effect (for example, ptosis of the upper eyelid).

The most common procedures:

  1. Botulinum therapy involves the subcutaneous administration of various drugs based on botulinum toxin type A.

A strong organic poison in cosmetology is known as Botox. Once in the body, it causes muscle paralysis for some time. Due to this, the area of ​​skin over the blocked muscle is smoothed out.

The method provides optimal correction of the upper third of the face: eliminates facial wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, forehead, and between the eyebrows. The disadvantages include a long recovery period.

  1. Fillers or dermal fillers are the most popular means of minimally invasive intervention.

The procedure is carried out quickly under local anesthesia, the result is visible immediately. The disadvantages include a short-lived effect; repeated injections are required to maintain skin and muscle tone. Fillers also cannot cope with grade 3 ptosis. The drugs eliminate wrinkles and correct the shape of the face. Fillers cannot cope with severe sagging skin.

Dermal fillers are divided into 3 groups: temporary, semi-permanent and permanent.

The safest temporary fillers for the body. The effect of the procedure lasts up to 6, less often 12 months. These include:

  • injections of hyaluronic acid (smooth out wrinkles)
  • collagen-containing fillers strengthen the structure of the skin, activate the body’s production of its own protein;
  • Calcium hydroxyapatite fillers are injected deeper than previous products; the dense filler effectively models the oval of the face, tightens the skin, eliminates creases and folds.

Semi-permanent fillers (usually poly-L-lactic acid) due to their dense consistency cope with deep wrinkles. Valid for up to 18 months.

Permanent fillers have a prolonged effect (up to 5 years). They are made on the basis of polymethyl methacrylate. The substance in the form of tiny spherical particles is administered to correct nasolabial folds and other dense areas of the skin.

Important! Some beauty salons offer silicone fillers to treat ptosis. Qualified doctors are against the drugs: this type of injection is dangerous to health due to numerous side effects.

  1. Plasmolifting, a new rejuvenation technique, successfully corrects the face, removes the “double chin”, deep folds on the neck and décolleté, and gets rid of “bags” under the eyes.

Platelet-rich plasma isolated from the patient's own blood is used as an injection. Plasmolifting affects the deep layers of the epidermis of the problem area. As a result, metabolic processes are activated, and hyaluronic acid, collagen, elastin and other biologically valuable substances begin to be intensively produced.

To achieve a positive result, a course of 3-4 injections will be required.

  1. Softlifting is a Swedish technique for voluminous modeling of the oval and contours of the face.

For injection, gels of varying densities based on hyaluronic acid are used. They are injected under the skin and into the deep muscle layers, individually for each zone. The method helps solve the following problems:

  • raise the corners of the eyes and eyebrows;
  • tighten the lower part of the face, eliminate sagging cheeks;
  • correct facial contours, remove bags under the eyes and overhanging folds on the eyelids;
  • restore skin elasticity.

The softlift procedure is expensive, but in terms of effectiveness it is not inferior to full-fledged plastic surgery.

How to remove wrinkles with skin peeling

There are superficial, medium and deep peelings. The method is based on stress therapy. In response to mechanical damage to the stratum corneum of the dermis, cells turn on restorative functions. The effect depends on the type of skin aging and the degree of ptosis.

It is important to remember: with ptosis, the procedure is rather auxiliary.

Peels will help get rid of stage 1–2 signs of age-related changes: smooth out fine wrinkles, improve complexion, increase skin elasticity, and correct oval shape. Even deep peeling cannot lift sagging contours or eliminate deep folds.

Based on the method of exposure, peelings are divided into the following types:

  1. Mechanical, using abrasives or vacuum. Typically used for superficial procedures using AHA acids.
  2. Hardware (physical), suitable for medium peeling. The procedure is carried out strictly in salons using special devices.

This includes:

  • laser resurfacing, in which a section of tissue is evaporated under the influence of a laser beam;
  • dermabrasion with a CO2 laser, a method similar to the previous one, but considered more gentle. A carbon dioxide beam is used, penetrating to a strictly defined depth (50 microns);
  • Diamond dermabrasion, peeling is carried out with a special attachment with the finest diamond coating.
  1. Chemical using various compounds, including acids, alkalis, vitamin complexes, antioxidants.

Usually used:

  • ANA acids (fruit): citric, glycolic, tartaric, lactic and others. They have a strong antioxidant effect and inhibit skin aging;
  • TCA peeling using trichloroacetic acid, which has a cauterizing effect. The method has a strong stimulating effect;
  • retinoic (yellow) peeling, has a positive effect on mature skin, has a prolonged effect;
  • Jessner peeling, a combined composition based on lactic, salicylic acids and resorcinol, eliminates expression lines and tightens the skin.


The technique of thread skin tightening came from South Korea. The procedure is aimed at three-dimensional modeling of facial contours.

Using a flexible thin needle, mesothread is introduced subcutaneously at certain levels. It is made of self-absorbable polydioxanone material, coated with polylactic acid.

A kind of frame is created under the skin, which does not allow the contours of the face to slide down. Gradually, the threads become overgrown with collagen fibers. They continue to perform a supporting function after the threads are absorbed.

Threadlifting has a long-lasting effect (up to 2 years) and is safe. The greatest effect is achieved at stage 1 of ptosis. If signs of aging are evident, the method is recommended to be supplemented with other anti-aging procedures.

How to fight with plastic surgery methods

Plastic surgery methods are usually used for stage 3 gravitational ptosis. Specialists offer a circular lift of the entire face or correction of individual zones.

The most commonly used surgical interventions include:

  1. Facelift (general facelift).

The procedure is aimed at restoring facial contours by cutting off excess dermis and fatty tissue. Includes several techniques:

  • rhytidectomy or a circular facelift eliminates deep wrinkles and creases, nasolabial folds, and a “double chin.” The oval acquires clear outlines without the slightest signs of ptosis;
  • Front lifting is a lifting of the forehead area, raising the eyebrows and the upper eyelid. The method is used to eliminate deep transverse wrinkles and eyebrow folds;
  • check-lifting is used for ptosis of the middle parts of the face: sagging cheeks, lower eyelids, deep wrinkles.

Other methods of facelift are also known.

  1. Blepharoplasty is aimed at correcting the periorbital area. With its help, they tighten the circular muscles, raise the corners of the eyes, and remove fatty hernias on the eyelids.
  2. Platysmaplasty or correction of the contours of the neck, lower cheeks and chin area. The operation restores the contour between the chin and neck, eliminates sagging skin, sagging folds, and a “double chin.”

Ways to combat aging at home

Home treatment methods give good results at the initial stage of development of gravitational deformation. The methods are aimed at strengthening the facial muscles, increasing skin elasticity, and improving blood circulation.

Masks with a lifting effect

The application of natural home remedies tightens, moisturizes and nourishes the dermis, stopping the onset of physiological aging. The treatment mixture is applied in a thick layer to any problem area for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. Egg white and yolk, gelatin, and potatoes are used as a base.

  1. Pour a sachet of gelatin (10 g) with cold water and let it swell. Prepare a paste from 1 tsp. zinc ointment, 2 tsp. honey and glycerin. Combine all ingredients and heat slightly.
  2. Beat the egg yolk, add 5-10 drops of olive or sesame oil.
  3. Potatoes have excellent lifting properties. The raw vegetable should be grated on a fine grater and put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Then the mass is applied to the desired area.

Firming massage

Mechanical action tightens the skin and strengthens the muscles. The method is useful as an auxiliary procedure in the treatment of grade 1 ptosis and for preventing the development of age-related deformity.

Massage of the lower eyelids is done in a circular or stroking motion from the outer corner to the inner, the upper - in the opposite direction.

Massage against jowls is carried out using a terry towel. It must be twisted and moistened in a salt solution. For 15 minutes, vigorously pat the lower jaw with a towel.

Gymnastics for the face: effective exercises

Gymnastics slows down the process of sagging skin. You need to devote 20–30 minutes to it every day. Do each exercise at least 20 times:

  • puff out your cheeks strongly, exhale after a few seconds;
  • stretch out your lips with a straw, blow out an imaginary candle;
  • make movements with the lower jaw left and right;
  • press your fingertips firmly to your cheeks and try to smile (one of the best exercises for strengthening your facial muscles);
  • close your eyes, press the skin of the outer corners of your eyes with your fingertips, try to open your eyes wide, overcoming resistance;
  • make smooth rotational movements with your head.

Hardware massagers for home use

Small devices for independent use will increase the quality and intensity of home massage. They are classified according to their operating principle:

  • microcurrent massager;
  • apparatus for radiofrequency exposure;
  • ultrasonic massager;
  • device for vacuum massage and others.

They all usually work in several modes. Effectively eliminate wrinkles and improve muscle tone. Additionally cleanses and nourishes the skin.

Before purchasing a device, it is advisable to consult a cosmetologist and dermatologist.

The author of the video shares tips on how to restore the triangle of the face using a certain massage technique.

Why does the oval of the face “float”?

Facial skin sags due to the following reasons:

  • water balance disturbance;
  • skin dehydration;
  • minimal physical activity;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • improper skin care;
  • prolonged exposure to sunlight;
  • decreased production of collagen and elastin;
  • slow tissue regeneration;
  • presence of bad habits.

Sometimes facial ptosis is caused not only by aging, but also by sudden weight loss or atrophy of the facial muscles.

The method of correcting the “floating” oval of the face is chosen by a specialist, taking into account the condition of the dermis and existing skin defects.

Psychogenic causes of facial neurosis

Undoubtedly, disturbances in facial sensations quite often become a consequence of pathology of internal organs and blood vessels.

But often they are caused by psychological disorders and pathological thoughts that arise in our heads.

Facial paresthesias can be situational in nature and develop during episodic nervous excitement: as a result of quarrels, prolonged and intense screams. Such phenomena cause overstrain of the muscles, especially the cheeks and those located around the mouth. As a result, we experience facial numbness and even mild soreness.

The feeling of fear causes us to breathe quickly and shallowly, or to hold our breath. Disturbances in the respiratory rhythm can also provoke impressions that are atypical for us. A feeling arises that is characterized as a “chill running through.” Moreover, it is more concentrated at the roots of the hair. In this case they say: “chills to the marrow of the bones.” The face also becomes cold, a slight tingling appears in its area.

Such phenomena are disturbing when we are overwhelmed by strong emotions. But they accompany people suffering from mental disorders systematically.

A special type of neurotic facial manifestations is a nervous tic. It is characterized as an uncontrolled and systematic contraction of the facial muscles.

The disorder more often accompanies men. And it manifests itself with the following symptoms:


  • frequent blinking, winking;
  • setting the lips with a tube;
  • nodding head;
  • constant spitting or sniffing;
  • opening or upturning of the corner of the mouth;
  • wrinkling of the nose.

2. Vocal:

  • screaming;
  • grunt;
  • coughing;
  • repetition of words.

There are also signs – precursors – that signal the appearance of a tic.
These include itching, facial heat and other paresthesias. Naturally, these signs are considered pathological if they occur in an inappropriate situation. It happens that only the patient himself feels them, but they are not visible to others.

But often twitching and other nervous symptoms become noticeable by other people, and they cause a lot of discomfort to the patient.

Tics can be simple, when there is only one symptom, or complex, which combines several manifestations.

The most common, main cause of tics is mental stress. It can be caused by a strong stress factor of one-stage action. Perhaps you were very scared of something, or broke up with your loved one. That is, the shock was so strong for you that your nervous system lost control.

Or, on the contrary, disorders develop as a result of prolonged monotonous exposure. Symptoms often appear due to lack of sleep and overwork.

Their duration varies. A situational nervous tic disappears a few hours or days after the cause is eliminated. In another case, it persists for years or haunts the patient throughout his life. In such a situation, in addition to eliminating the provoking factor, subsequent psychological work with the patient is required. This type of disorder is called chronic.

A nervous tic can be one of the signs of mental disorders such as neurosis, obsessive thoughts and phobias, depression.

Another group of provoking factors include:

  • diseases - stroke, brain injury, infections or poisons;
  • neurodegenerative diseases - Huntington's chorea. Characterized by destruction of brain tissue. Accompanied by uncoordinated, sudden movements, as well as neurological disorders of the face. Of these, the first sign is slow eye movements. Then a muscle spasm of the face occurs, which manifests itself in grotesque facial expressions - grimacing. Speech, chewing and swallowing are impaired;
  • burdened heredity;
  • parasitic infestations;
  • eye fatigue due to prolonged eye strain;
  • unbalanced diet, when the body receives little magnesium, calcium, glycine. These elements participate in the normal conduction of nerve impulses and are responsible for the coordinated functioning of the nervous system.

How to tighten the oval of the face with the help of procedures?

The clinic of Dr. Elena Korchagina offers the most effective and safe procedures for facial correction:

  • biorevitalization - injection of hyaluronate into the skin ensures the synthesis of framework proteins that maintain the firmness and elasticity of the dermis;
  • mesotherapy – intradermal administration of meso-cocktails improves skin condition and prevents aesthetic defects;
  • botulinum therapy - Botox injections relax the facial muscles, actively smooth out the epidermis and even out the contours of the face;
  • myostimulation – microcurrent therapy eliminates not only facial wrinkles, but also increases the natural turgor of the skin;
  • bioreinforcement - the creation of an intradermal frame based on gel-like threads rejuvenates the dermis and provides the effect of tightening soft tissues;
  • thread lifting – face lifting with threads slows down the aging process, reduces the depth of folds, and also improves the color and relief of the dermis;
  • RF needle lifting - an innovative procedure 3D lifting Infini tightens the oval of the face and creates a renewed dermis framework;
  • contour plastic surgery – the introduction of fillers eliminates facial asymmetry, smoothes out unevenness, and also replenishes missing volumes of soft tissue.

How to maintain an ideal oval face?

To prolong the youth of the oval face, it is enough to follow a few rules:

  1. To refuse from bad habits. Smoking negatively affects the condition and color of the skin.
  2. Maintain correct posture. A stooped and twisted back leads to the appearance of jowls and facial asymmetry.
  3. Before going outside, you must use sunscreen with SPF filters. Regular use of sunscreen protects the dermis from photoaging.
  4. It is important to get enough sleep at night. Adequate sleep prevents the appearance of skin inflammation, dryness and dehydration of the epidermis.
  5. Take good care of your skin. Your daily cosmetic bag should contain cleansers and moisturizers selected according to your age and skin type.

The aging process is integral to our body. The main rule for maintaining a beautiful oval face is to monitor your health, and if necessary, do not put off visiting a cosmetologist.

To make an appointment with a cosmetologist in Moscow, you need to leave a request on the website or call Korchagina’s clinic by phone.

Force of gravity

First there is a tired look. It seems that you just need to get some sleep to make your face look young and fit again. However, the features of the face continue to change - it seems to be sliding down, and it is enough to look at your photographs from five years ago to be convinced of this. What you definitely shouldn't do is get upset. Modern cosmetology knows everything about the mechanisms of formation of ptosis (gradual drooping of tissues) and successfully copes with the force of gravity.

Expert opinion

Marina Ratkevich, chief physician of the Petrovka Beauty clinic “During life, collagen fibers, which are responsible for maintaining all layers of the skin in their original position, lose their elasticity, stretch and deform.
This happens under the influence of two factors: internal (genetic predisposition, concomitant diseases) and external (lifestyle, stress, bad habits). These changes in the skin, subcutaneous fat and muscle-ligamentous apparatus lead to the fact that the face droops.” “It is worth understanding that the rate of development of ptosis is directly related to excess weight: the heavier the skin and subcutaneous fat, the more it will sag. Undoubtedly, it is possible to reduce ptosis with the help of cosmetic procedures; it is important not to neglect this problem and contact specialists in time,” adds independent expert in the field of dermatology Yulia Gallyamova.

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