Rules for using Skinoren gel for age spots


Skinoren gel composition: micronized azelaic acid at a concentration of 150 mg/g, polysorbate 80, polyacrylic acid, propylene glycol, lecithin, sodium hydroxide, triglycerides, benzoic acid , disodium edetate, purified water.
Skinoren, produced in the form of an ointment, contains azelaic acid at a concentration of 200 mg/g. The auxiliary components used are: benzoic acid, macrogol glyceryl stearate, a mixture of cetostearyl alcohol, glyceryl stearate, coconut oil and cetyl palmite fatty acid glycerides, cetostearyl ethyl capronate, glycerol 85%, propylene glycol, purified water.

Skinoren: instructions for use, composition

Pharmacological action of the drug Skinoren:

  • Comedolytic effect - this means that preparations with azelaic acid promote the slow dissolution of the fatty substrate that makes up comedones (acne).
  • Reduces follicular hyperkeratosis – follicular hyperkeratosis (FH), along with hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands, are the main pathogenetic mechanisms for the formation of acne and pimples. FG consists of a sharp thickening of the layers of keratinocytes in the hair follicles and a violation of their desquamation. Azelaic acid normalizes keratinization processes in hair follicles (
  • Antimicrobial activity – azelaic acid has weak bacteriostatic activity against the main bacteria that play an important role in the pathogenesis of acne. These include primarily the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes (P.acnes), and also, to a slightly lesser extent, the bacteria Streptococcus epidermidis (S.epidermidis).
  • Reduces the content of free fatty acids - normally, the secretion of the sebaceous glands should not contain free fatty acids (there should only be triglycerides).
    However, when the ducts of the sebaceous glands are colonized by pathogenic microflora, bacterial enzymes break down triglycerides into monoglycerides (free fatty acids), as a result of which their number increases to 20% of the total volume of lipids in the secretion of the sebaceous glands. Free fatty acids are comedogenic (that is, they promote the formation of fatty plugs in the hair follicles), and they also disrupt keratinization processes - both inside the hair follicles and on the surface of the skin. In addition, free fatty acids have “chemotaxis”, i.e. they cause the migration of neutrophils to the follicles. This contributes to the development of inflammation in the follicles - the formation of pustules and papules (pimples) in their place.

Composition of Skinoren gel (in terms of 1 g):

Active substance: micronized azelaic acid – 0.15 g.
Excipients – propylene glycol 0.12 g, polysorbate 0.015 g, lecithin 0.01 g, polyacrylic acid 0.01 g, triglycerides 0.01 g, sodium hydroxide 0.002 g, disodium edetate 0.001 g, benzoic acid 0.001 g, purified water 0.681 G.

* Please note that Skinoren gel does not have the translucency that is typical of traditional gels. It has an intense white color (a slight yellowish tint is allowed).

Composition of Skinoren cream (in terms of 1 g):

Active substance – azelaic acid 0.2 g
Excipients: benzoic acid 0.002 g, macrogol glyceryl stearate 0.05 g, a mixture of glyceryl stearate, cetostearyl alcohol, cetyl palmitate and glycerides of fatty acids, coconut oil 0.07 g, cetostearyl ethyl capronate 0.03 g, propylene glycol 0.125 g, glycerol 85% - 0.015 g, purified water – 0.508 g.

* Skinoren cream has a characteristic uniform white color.

→ Skinoren cream official instructions (PDF) → Skinoren gel official instructions (PDF)

What is better to choose – gel or cream?

The gel is especially suitable for patients with oily skin, but the cream should only be used for patients with dry and/or sensitive skin. You probably noticed that the dosage of azelaic acid in the cream is slightly higher than that of the gel (20% versus 15%), but this does not mean that the cream is more effective. On the contrary, an increased concentration of azelaic acid in the cream is necessary to more or less compensate for its lower effectiveness.

pharmachologic effect

Local treatment of acne. Azelaic acid, which is part of the drug , effectively relieves inflammation and has pronounced antibacterial and keratolytic effects.

It has bacteriostatic properties against Propionibacterium acnes - Gram (+) bacteria that cause acne, as well as against epidermidis .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The effectiveness of Skinoren in the treatment of acne is due to the antibacterial properties of azelaic acid and the ability of the substance to have a direct effect on follicular (hair) hyperkeratosis .

In in vivo and in vitro models, it inhibits the proliferation of keratinocytes (the main cells of the epidermal layer) and normalizes the terminal processes of epidermal cell acne .

With the use of the drug, there is a significant decrease in the density of colonies of propionibacteria acne , as well as a significant decrease in the concentration of free fatty acids in lipids on the surface of the skin (due to this, the oiliness of the skin decreases).

The mechanism of action of azelaic acid on the pathogenic phenomena that occur with rosacea has not been precisely established. Several studies have shown that in in vitro and ex vivo models, the substance is able to stop the inflammatory process by reducing the production of reactive oxygen metabolites (its free-radial forms) and the formation of anti-inflammatory agents.

Azelaic acid has a dose- and time-dependent inhibitory effect on the growth and viability of abnormal melanocytes .

After local application of the drug, azelaic acid penetrates into all layers of the skin, and the substance penetrates into damaged skin an order of magnitude faster than into intact skin. In total, after a single use of 5 grams of 20% Skinoren cream (equivalent to 1 gram of azelaic acid), no more than 3.6% of the dose is absorbed through the skin.

Clinical studies of the use of the product for acne have shown that the rate of absorption of azelaic acid for the cream and gel is the same.

From the body, the substance is partially eliminated with urine in its pure form, the remainder undergoes a cycle of degradation reactions and breaks down into dibasic carboxylic acids with a shorter chain length. Beta-oxidation products of azelaic acid are also found in urine.

Side effects

Skinoren does not provoke the development of systemic side effects. During clinical studies, only local reactions to treatment with the drug were identified. Typically, symptoms associated with the use of a gel or cream are mild or moderate; often their number decreases with continued therapy.

Most often in clinical studies, itching, burning sensation and pain at the site of application of the ointment were recorded.

paresthesia at the site of application of the cream/gel may be observed In patients with rosacea local swelling of the dermis at the site of application cannot be excluded

In patients with acne, in a number of cases (with a frequency from ≥1/1000 to <1/100), phenomena such as contact dermatitis , peeling of the skin, erythema , a feeling of warmth and discoloration of the skin at the site of application of the drug were noted.

With a similar frequency, the following were recorded with rosacea : contact dermatitis , acne , discomfort in the treated area of ​​skin, erythema , urticaria .

Skinoren, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Skinoren preparations are intended exclusively for application to the skin.

The treatment regimen is selected individually depending on the extent of the lesions, the degree of neglect of the process and the individual characteristics of the patient. Both dosage forms of Skinoren must be applied to dry skin that has been previously cleansed with water or a mild cosmetic.

Following the recommendations in the instructions for use, Skinoren gel or Skinoren ointment is evenly distributed in a thin layer on the skin areas affected by the pathological process and lightly rubbed in. The treatment procedure is carried out twice a day - morning and evening.

It is recommended to use the drug in sufficient quantities, but not in excess. As a rule, in order to treat the entire surface of the face, a strip 2.5 cm long is enough (corresponds to approximately 0.5 grams of gel/cream).

Skinoren is intended for regular use throughout the entire course of treatment, the duration of which is determined by the doctor depending on the clinical situation and the effectiveness of therapy.

For acne and rosacea, improvement in the patient's condition is observed after approximately 4 weeks of continuous treatment. However, to consolidate the achieved result, it is recommended to continue the use of the product for several more months (there is clinical experience of continuous use of the gel/cream for a period of up to a year).

There is no need to use additional protection against exposure to ultraviolet radiation during treatment with the drug.

For melasma, the optimal dosage form is cream. According to the instructions for use of Skinoren cream, the minimum duration of treatment is three months. For more pronounced results, it is recommended to use the ointment regularly.

Throughout the entire course of therapy, it is imperative to use sunscreens that protect the skin from exposure to UVB and UVA rays. This is due to the fact that under the influence of medium and long waves of ultraviolet radiation, the disease can worsen, and already lightened areas of the skin will again begin to change pigmentation.

Contact of the treated areas of skin with clothing should be avoided, and it is also not recommended to cover the application areas with an occlusive dressing.

After each handling procedure, you must wash your hands thoroughly.

In cases where the use of a cream/gel provokes irritation of the skin, the single dose of the product should be reduced or the frequency of its use should be reduced to 1 time per day (until the symptoms of irritation completely disappear). If this is necessary, treatment is stopped for several days.

If there is no improvement a month after the start of treatment, as well as in the case of exacerbation of acne , the drug is discontinued and an alternative treatment is selected. In patients with rosacea, the reason to discontinue the drug is the lack of effect 2 months after the start of the course.

Instructions for use of the drug Skinoren -

The drug Skinoren cream or gel should be used 2 times a day (morning and evening before bedtime). Before using the drug, you need to wash your face with a mild cleanser and dry it. The drug is applied and lightly rubbed into acne-prone areas of the face.

When can you expect results? You will be able to see the very first result no earlier than 4 weeks from the start of therapy. If we talk about a noticeable reduction in the number of acne elements, this will happen no earlier than 3 months from the start of use. A good, lasting result is usually achieved after 4-5 months, but the full course of treatment takes as long as 6 months. Therefore, you will definitely have to be patient.

Due to the fact that the author of the article had to deal with his own acne, I would like to add the following. My personal experience with drugs containing azelaic acid was not very successful (although I did not use Skinoren, but its analog Azelac-gel). Having not seen any noticeable effect after 4-6 weeks of use, I could not stand it and switched to drugs with topical retinoids. But for the sake of objectivity, it is worth noting that drugs with azelaic acid have advantages that topical retinoids do not have.

Firstly, their use will not require the mandatory use of sunscreen in the spring and summer (since azelaic acid does not increase skin sensitivity to the sun). But here we need to make one caveat: although it does not increase, you will still have to use products with SPF 50. Because Solar radiation causes hyperkeratosis of epidermal keratinocytes, which also contributes to the formation of acne and then pimples.

Well, the second point is that azelaic acid is a tyrosinase inhibitor, which means that its use will prevent the development of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation at the site of resolved acne (papules and pustules). And thirdly, in patients with sensitive skin, topical retinoids can cause irritation (redness, dryness, itching), which, however, gradually goes away. In turn, preparations with azelaic acid have less irritating effects on the skin.

special instructions

Skinoren contains benzoic acid , a substance that causes minor irritation to the skin, mucous membranes and eyes, and propylene glycol , which can also cause skin irritation.

It is not recommended to allow the cream/gel to come into contact with the eyes, mouth or mucous membranes. If this does happen, the eyes, mouth or mucous membranes should be immediately rinsed with plenty of water. If eye irritation cannot be relieved, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

During the treatment of papulopustular rosacea, it is advisable not to use alcohol-containing detergents, as well as astringents, abrasives or exfoliants, and alcohol solutions.

Precautionary measures

Skinoren cream and gel is a highly effective medicine, confirmed by numerous reviews from dermatologists and their patients. But the advantage of these drugs is not only their effectiveness, but also their safety.

Since Skinoren contains virtually no toxic substances, this product is approved for use even during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The fact is that the concentration of azelaic acid, which can reach the child through milk, is insignificant and cannot cause any harm.

However, there are some precautions that must be taken when treating excessive pigmentation with this drug:

  1. If the medicine gets into the eyes, severe pain occurs. In this case, you must immediately rinse them with clean running water.
  2. When treating age spots with Skinoren, you should use sunscreens that protect the skin from the entire spectrum of solar radiation, especially if the medicine is used during the warm season.
  3. In rare cases, this drug may cause allergic reactions such as rash, hives, or contact dermatitis. If this happens, you will have to stop treatment with Skinoren and choose other remedies against excessive pigmentation.

Fortunately, any side effects from using this drug are rare. Even with an overdose, no critical conditions were identified. However, you need to take into account the nuances of using Skinoren, and then positive results will not be long in coming.

Skinoren's analogs

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A structural analogue of Skinoren gel (generic) is Azelik . Generic creams are the drugs Skinoklir and Azix-Derm .

The following mechanisms of action are similar to azelaic acid: Klenzit-S , Clindes , Curiosin , Resorcinol .

The price of analogues starts from 157 rubles (about the same amount it will cost to purchase a five-gram tube of Azelik 15%).

Skinoren during pregnancy and breastfeeding

It is not known exactly how safe azelaic acid preparations are for pregnant women. In studies conducted on laboratory animals, no direct or indirect negative effects on the course of pregnancy, embryogenesis, intrauterine development of the fetus, the course of labor and postnatal development were revealed.

Despite the absence of direct contraindications for use in the instructions, the cream and gel should be used with caution during pregnancy.

Newborn children should not come into contact with skin/breast treated with Skinoren. There is no reliable data on whether azelaic acid can penetrate into the milk of a nursing woman.

However, in vitro experiments carried out using the equilibrium dialysis technique showed that this possibility cannot be completely excluded. For this reason, nursing women are advised to use the drug with caution and with the approval of a doctor.

Efficacy of the drug

Dermatologists call Skinoren cream and gel very effective in the fight against age spots on the face and body. This arrangement of specialists is due to the fact that the main active element of the drug is azelaic acid. This is a unique substance that whitens areas of skin affected by excessive pigmentation, without changing the tone of healthy skin. The first results become noticeable after 4 weeks.

In addition, azelaic acid normalizes the production of melanin in skin cells. This prevents the reappearance of age spots.

Judging by the reviews, as a pleasant addition, the use of Skinoren allows you to get rid of acne and their marks, and also improves your complexion.

Reviews about Skinoren

Skinoren cream and gel - and the reviews are proof of this - have proven themselves to be an effective remedy in the fight against acne , and the use of the gel for rosacea allows, in some cases, to influence the links in the pathogenesis of the disease.

Among the main advantages of the drug, consumers note that Skinoren dries out inflammatory elements well, fights closed comedones , kills bacteria that cause acne (acting not only on the surface of the skin, but also in the deeper layers of the skin), eliminates oily sheen , whitens skin, can be used for prevention.

Cosmetologists in reviews of the gel note that the product is really effective, but to see the result, it must be used regularly and for at least three months.

The main secret of the drug is that it has a cumulative effect, so most of the negative reviews related to the fact that Skinoren did not help solve the problem of acne are often due to incorrect and/or irregular use of the product.

Another important property of the drug is that it does not react to exposure to sunlight and does not affect the photosensitivity of the skin, which allows it to be applied independently, as a caring cream under cosmetics.

That is, after analyzing the reviews of experts and users, we can conclude that Skinoren really treats acne, but it does it slowly and gradually.

According to cosmetologists, in order for the effect to be more pronounced and lasting, treatment should be supplemented with proper and regular cleansing of the face, toning using alcohol-free tonics (preferably with herbal extracts or acids), and moisturizing the skin with light non-comedogenic creams.

And in order not to be unfounded, many women and girls supplement their reviews with photos before and after using the drug:

The disadvantages of the product are its high cost, and also the fact that in the first days (and sometimes weeks) its use is accompanied by unpleasant sensations: itching, burning (sometimes quite severe) and tingling of the skin.

Which is better, Skinoren cream or gel?

Like most other drugs for the treatment of acne , Skinoren has more than one dosage form. In this regard, the question naturally arises: “What to choose - cream or gel?”

Having studied the instructions for both products, you can find that the cream and gel have minor differences in composition: for example, the concentration of the active substance in the gel is 15%, and in the cream - 20.

This is due to the fact that the gel has a polymer base, which eliminates the content of fat and alcohol and thanks to which azelaic acid penetrates the skin faster and easier, providing faster relief from acne. Thus, the gel does not require an additional 5% of the active substance.

Approximately 70% of the gel consists of water, the concentration of fats in it is 3%. As for the cream, water makes up 50% of its volume, and fats - 15%.

The ointment (both cream and gel) should be applied to the skin twice a day. At the same time, the gel is the optimal form for people with oily skin, while the cream is recommended for use for dry, normal or sensitive skin.

By comprehensively affecting the negative factors that provoke the appearance of acne and rosacea , the gel/cream does not dry out the skin and is not addictive.

Reviews of Skinoren gel indicate that the product is quickly absorbed, leaving no streaks or greasy shine on the skin. In addition, the acne gel has hydrating and cooling effects, which allows it to be used under makeup.

In reviews of Skinoren acne cream, people who have used the product write that the cream not only treats acne , but also effectively removes post-acne , helps get rid of age spots, and returns beautiful color and health to the skin.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which form of Skinoren is better. Although the difference in the composition of the products is minimal, some people prefer gel, while others prefer cream. Some note that the use of the drug (especially in the initial stages of treatment) is accompanied by unpleasant sensations.

Therefore, when choosing one or another anti-acne product, in order not to harm the skin and not aggravate the course of the disease, you should be guided by the recommendations of an experienced dermatologist.

Description and application of Skinoren against age spots

The appearance of age spots is a very common problem. Therefore, cosmetic and pharmacological companies develop and produce a large number of different creams, lotions, ointments and other external products designed to combat this phenomenon. One of the most common medications against age spots is Skinoren.

This drug is available in the form of a gel and cream. As a rule, a cream is used to whiten dry skin, and a gel is used for oily skin. Both release options have a pleasant, light texture and can be used daily. The use of this product does not lead to an oily sheen. On the contrary, the skin tone becomes healthy and matte.

Skinoren is quite easy to use. When using it, you must adhere to the following scheme:

  • clean your face with cleanser;
  • apply cream or gel in a thin layer;
  • Rub the preparation into the skin with massage movements and leave for the whole day or night.

This medicine should be used twice a day for 1-3 months. Reviews say that the result usually becomes noticeable before this period, however, the course of treatment should not be interrupted until the darkening on the epidermis is completely eliminated. During the use of these drugs, a burning sensation on the skin may occur. This is a normal reaction, and you should not be afraid of it if this phenomenon lasts no more than half an hour.

Once the skin healing process is complete, Skinoren can be used to maintain results, as well as to prevent the occurrence of age spots during the summer when sun exposure is high. Also, this medicine can be used before and after salon facial cleansing, since in some cases they also cause excessive melanin production and the appearance of spots.

Skinoren price, where to buy

How much does Skinoren for acne cost in Russian pharmacies?

The average price of Skinoren gel on the Russian pharmaceutical market: for a 15 g tube - from 480 rubles; for a tube of 30 g - from 845 rubles; for a tube of 50 g - from 1170 rubles.

The price of acne cream in St. Petersburg and Moscow varies from 845 to approximately 1,500 rubles.

Cost of Skinoren for acne in Ukrainian pharmacies

The price of Skinoren gel in Ukraine is from 85 UAH. The price of Skinoren cream in pharmacies in large cities (for example, in Kharkov or Kiev) is from 240 UAH.

Price of the drug in Belarus

You can buy gel in Belarus for an average of 65,000 Bel. rubles per tube of 5 grams. The cost of a 30-gram tube is from 160,000 BYN. rubles The average price of ointment (cream) is 170,000 BYN. rubles

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Skinoren gel 15% 50g Bayer Healthcare Manufacturing S.R.L.
    RUB 1,479 order
  • Skinoren gel 15% 15g Bayer Healthcare Manufacturing S.R.L.

    RUR 789 order

  • Skinoren gel 15% 30g Bayer Healthcare Manufacturing S.R.L.

    RUB 1,134 order

  • Skinoren cream 20% 30 gLEO Pharma Manufacturing Italy S.r.l.

    RUB 1,243 order

Pharmacy Dialogue

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  • Skinoren 20% 30 g cream Intendis Manufacturing S.p.A., Italy/ Bayer Healthcare Manufacturing S.R.L., Italy
    305 UAH.order
  • Skinoren 15% 30 g gel Bayer Healthcare Manufacturing S.R.L., Italy

    306 UAH. order


  • Skinoren cream Skinoren cream 20% 30g Italy, Bayer Healthcare Manufacturing

    312 UAH. order

  • Skinoren gel Skinoren gel 15% 30g Italy, Bayer Healthcare Manufacturing

    328 UAH. order

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