How to use oil for age spots on the face, effective recipes

There can be several reasons for pigmentation. Which remedy should I choose to get rid of the problem? Ready-made cosmetics (masks, creams, serums) act quite aggressively. In contrast, oils for age spots on the face whiten the skin much more softly and are suitable even for sensitive types of epidermis.

You can read further in the article about which natural vegetable and essential oils are best to choose for age spots on the face, as well as effective recipes using them.

What is zinc ointment

This is a time-tested, inexpensive medicine for eliminating skin inflammation. Has an antiseptic, astringent and drying effect. The main active component of the ointment is zinc oxide. Available in the form of a viscous, homogeneous white or grayish substance. Packaged in glass or plastic bottles or metal tubes of 25 g.

The base of the ointment is white paraffin or petroleum jelly. Based on the zinc content, the dosages of the drug are 5, 10 and 20%. Variants of the drug with salicylic acid or sulfur are also produced, which have a similar effect.

Precautions, contraindications

Essential oils should be tested for sensitivity before use. To do this, a small amount of a substance diluted in water is applied to an area of ​​the skin that is not exposed to sunlight. If irritation occurs within 24 hours, you should stop using this oil.

Citrus derivatives have a phototoxic effect: when exposed to sunlight, burns may occur on the treated skin. Treatments using orange, lemon or bergamot oils should be carried out before bed.

Essential oils are powerful natural substances. They should be used with caution and carefully read the instructions, which serious manufacturers must include with the bottle. With proper use of aromatherapy, essential oils will help lighten the skin and restore its natural beauty.

What does zinc ointment treat?

Zinc has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, and in combination with petroleum jelly acts as a protector, forming a protective softening film on the skin. This allows the drug to be used for various injuries of the integument:

  • diaper dermatitis;
  • insect bites;
  • mechanical injuries;
  • abrasions, abrasions;
  • bedsores;
  • dermatitis, eczema;
  • chickenpox rash, urticaria;
  • other lesions, including infectious ones.

Due to its properties to disinfect, soften and whiten the skin, zinc ointment is popular as a cosmetic product. Its use helps smooth out fine wrinkles, even out facial tone, prevent inflammatory formations and other imperfections.

The drug loosens the stratum corneum of the epidermis, activates the process of regeneration and cell renewal, stimulates microcirculation, and prevents tissue damage from free radicals. As a result of regular use, the severity of facial folds decreases, pores narrow, microcracks, pigment spots and freckles disappear, and emerging pimples do not leave noticeable marks.

Whitening mask recipes

Today there are many recipes that can be used to cope with pigmentation. To remove stains, you can use lemon alone or mix it with other ingredients.

Citric acid mask

This product copes with pigmentation and oily sheen of the dermis. To prepare the composition, ordinary water is suitable. To make the lightening effect more noticeable, you can use herbal infusions - parsley, dandelion, mint.

To prepare the product, you need to take 1 small spoon of citric acid and mix with 5 tablespoons of water or decoction. Apply the composition to problem areas for 5 minutes.

Mask with oatmeal and milk

This product is suitable for girls with dry or normal skin. To make it, you need to grind 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, add 1 small spoon of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Then pour warm milk into the mixture to get the consistency of sour cream. You need to keep the composition for a quarter of an hour.

Lemon-egg mask

The product has a whitening effect, reduces the oiliness of the dermis, and copes with acne. To make it, you need to beat the egg white, add 1 small spoon of lemon juice and mix well. Apply with a brush to problem areas. After 10 minutes, wash your face.

Oil mixture

This composition has pronounced whitening characteristics. To make it you will need essential oils - 6 drops lemon, 14 drops wheat germ, 8 drops chamomile. Mix all ingredients thoroughly, add 3 g of salt.

Rub the composition into age spots twice a day. After the procedure, it is prohibited to go outside for 1.5 hours. Otherwise there is a risk of burns.

Whitening age spots with lemon is a fairly effective procedure. With the correct use of medicinal products, it will be possible to significantly improve the condition of the skin in a short time.

How to use zinc ointment correctly

The drug must be applied to cleansed skin. It is recommended to pre-treat damaged epidermis with an antiseptic: for example, Miramistin. The required amount of product must be carefully distributed over the affected areas. The procedure should be repeated 1-3 times a day, depending on the problem.

It is not advisable to cover the skin with film, patches or bandages after applying the medicine, so as not to create a greenhouse effect. When using other external medications simultaneously, it is necessary to discuss their compatibility with your doctor.

What basic and essential oils will help get rid of age spots on the face?

The list of safe oil preparations with anti-pigment effects is quite impressive. First, about base oils, these include: castor, camphor, linseed, sea buckthorn, coconut, almond and peach.

Essential oils for age spots on the face that have a strong lightening effect:

  • all citrus fruits (grapefruit, tangerine, lemon, orange, etc.);
  • esters of parsley, vanilla and rosewood.

List of antipigment esters:

  • mint;
  • oregano;
  • limitette;
  • turmeric (especially effective against age spots associated with problems with the liver and spleen);
  • black pepper;
  • blue chamomile;
  • rosemary;
  • patchouli;
  • palmarosa;
  • eucalyptus and sandalwood.

All of them are effective in combination, combining esters in mixtures with anti-pigment effects, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the skin of a particular person. Then the effect of aromatic oils will increase many times over.

By the way

Blue chamomile and eucalyptus esters are especially suitable for getting rid of age spots on sensitive facial skin, as they have the properties of neutralizing a possible reaction to other components of the mixture and soothing the skin.

You don’t need to buy all the essential drugs on the list; one or two are enough. And we must remember that only high-quality esters have a truly strong effect. Therefore, you need to make a purchase responsibly.

Zinc ointment for the treatment of children

The drug is approved for use from 0 years. For diaper rash, diaper dermatitis and other skin problems, the ointment should be applied with light movements, treating all affected areas. The procedure is repeated after each diaper change and water procedures until redness and irritation disappear.

For older children, burns, abrasions, chickenpox blisters or mosquito bites are treated with zinc ointment, applying the product exactly to the affected area as needed. It is not advisable to use the medicine for more than 7 days in a row, so as not to dry out the skin.

What causes age spots to appear?

The uniform color of the skin depends on a special pigment - melanin. When its level increases or decreases, spots of a darker or lighter shade appear on the skin. Melanin activity can change for a number of reasons:

  • hormonal changes: pregnancy, taking contraceptives;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • traumatic skin lesions: post-acne, burns, unsuccessful cosmetic procedures;
  • excessive and frequent exposure to the sun.

Most often, the cause of new moles and freckles is the last two factors. In this case, essential oil for age spots will be an effective remedy. During the treatment period, you should avoid exposure to the sun and use protective cosmetics.

The best time to whiten skin with essential oils is in the fall or early spring.

Regardless of the causes of hyperpigmentation, a comprehensive approach must be used to solve the problem. The skin should be systematically moisturized, in addition, you need to monitor your diet and ensure regular physical activity for the general tone of the body.

How to use zinc ointment for the face

For juvenile acne, it is recommended to apply the drug to the inflammatory elements. You should first remove makeup from your face and wash your face. For acne, salicylic-zinc or sulfur-zinc ointment has a more effective effect, this should be taken into account with frequent severe skin rashes. When treating acne, it is useful to enrich your diet with foods containing zinc and copper: legumes, nuts, beef liver, chicken eggs.

With the initial signs of aging, the ointment can be used as a care product: as a softening, whitening and smoothing mask:

  • Apply as a cream, a thin layer to cleansed facial skin;
  • the medicine cannot be used under a foundation;
  • The application procedure should be repeated 1–3 times a week; more frequent use of the ointment may result in drying out;
  • when used as a mask, wash off the remaining ointment from the face after 20–30 minutes, then apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream;
  • Avoid applying zinc ointment to the thin skin around the eyes.

If necessary, it is allowed to mix the drug with other cosmetics: aloe juice, sea buckthorn or almond oil.

After applying zinc ointment, you should appear less often in the open sun. Ultraviolet light enhances the drying effect of the drug, which can harm turgor.

Properties of essential oils

Parsley oil has an antiseptic effect

Lemon and grapefruit essential oils effectively remove pigmentation, so they are often used when there is a need to whiten the skin. These products have a calming effect and also help get rid of spider veins.

Oil obtained from carrot seeds can rejuvenate and cleanse the skin. Whitening essence perfectly fights pigment spots that appear due to age.

Rosewood essential oil helps get rid of age spots and spider veins on the face. It restores the immune system, puts the body in order, and gives the skin elasticity.

Parsley is a natural antiseptic. The oil obtained from this plant whitens the skin and removes inflammation. But it should not be used during pregnancy or for kidney disease.

Tea tree essence does an excellent job of removing stains left by acne scars. Stimulates the secretion of sebum.

Essential oil extracted from sandalwood moisturizes and softens the skin. It is used to lighten and remove age spots. This anti-aging product keeps skin healthy and youthful longer.

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