Tired of condylomas - How to get rid of the problem forever

The papilloma virus is highly contagious; when it comes into contact with the skin and mucous membranes of a person, it penetrates into cells, where it begins to divide at a rapid pace. As a result, visible condylomas are formed. Condylomas that are not removed in a timely manner continue to grow and multiply. Condylomatous masses and growths can cause discomfort and pain, although sometimes the disease occurs completely without symptoms.

The difficulties of treating condylomas lie in their ability to recur repeatedly, as well as the possibility of their cancerous degeneration.

Let's discuss how to get rid of condylomas forever.

Rice. 1. How to get rid of condylomas forever?

Choosing a technique for removing genital warts in men

The choice of technique for removing genital warts in men is determined by:

  • their number,
  • sizes,
  • localization
  • individual characteristics of the patient’s body,
  • capabilities of the medical clinic.

Genital warts, laser removal

If a diagnosis of genital warts has been made, removal by laser or diathermocoagulation can lead to the formation of scars.

Therefore, such techniques are undesirable when localizing warts in the area of ​​the external genitalia.

Removal of genital warts in a medical facility

In the case of treatment of human papillomavirus infection in a medical institution, regardless of the chosen technique, their removal is carried out by a dermatovenerologist.

This eliminates possible incomplete removal of warts with subsequent relapse of the pathological process.

In the clinic, measures are taken to prevent complications.

Such as bleeding, damage to healthy cells or infection of the area of ​​manipulation.

After removal of a wart, a venereologist gives recommendations regarding the prevention of their reappearance.

Removing genital warts at home

It is impossible to carry out high-quality removal of genital warts at home.

This is due to the lack of necessary equipment to perform various therapy techniques.

The use of aggressive chemical compounds to cauterize warts can lead to serious complications such as burns of healthy areas of the skin, as well as incomplete removal of genital warts.

To remove genital warts, it is best to go to a medical facility and see a specialist.

This will allow for high-quality treatment, reduce the likelihood of relapse, and provide not only a therapeutic, but also a cosmetic effect.

Is it possible to remove condylomas yourself?

If they are large or have spread to large areas of the skin, then you should not try to remove them at home.
This will only lead to the addition of a bacterial infection, bleeding, and degeneration into a malignant tumor. Expert opinion

Sakania Luiza Ruslanovna

Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, trichologist

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And even small condylomas on open areas of the body should not be removed or cauterized.

This can damage nearby tissues, and it will not be possible to completely get rid of the formation.

How can you treat growths yourself?

So, therapy should be carried out against the background of strengthening the immune system. At home, we can recommend drinking echinacea tincture for 21-30 days, enriching the diet with citrus fruits, bee products, drinking more juices and clean water.

Removal of condylomas: tests

A study must be carried out before removing any growths.

Tests help not only to identify the virus, but also to identify malignant neoplasms.

The best method for detecting the virus is PCR diagnostics.

It is based on identifying the DNA of the causative agent of the disease.

Even in a small amount of material, the virus will be detected.

Tissue samples from growths are used as biomaterial.

If there are a large number of condylomas, it is important to take samples from different places.

As a result of the analysis, the doctor receives quantitative indicators on the basis of which a diagnosis is made.

Important! After treatment and removal of condylomas, it is necessary to take a second test.

It will show whether the therapy is chosen correctly.

Quantitative PCR can be used to monitor treatment.

How to get rid of condylomas forever?

Some practical tips:

  1. It is advisable to get vaccinated against HPV infection before starting sexual activity. This will significantly reduce the risk of contracting the virus. If infection does occur, the disease will be much easier.
  2. If you didn't get the HPV vaccine at age 14, don't wait, get it now.
  3. If condylomas appear, get tested, visit a gynecologist, urologist and proctologist.
  4. Remove condylomas in a way that is accessible to you. Of course, it is better to give preference to laser vaporization of condylomas.
  5. Get treatment for HPV infection.
  6. Stimulate your immune system.

Removal of anal warts

The localization of condylomas can be very different.

They are also found in the anus.

Growths can be single or group.

When condylomas grow, they become like cauliflower inflorescences.

In this case, the question of their radical removal is raised.

Among the methods used in medical practice to remove perianal condylomas, the most popular are:

  • Removal using laser,
  • Exposure to liquid nitrogen,
  • Radio wave therapy,
  • Use of an electric knife or scalpel.

In the latter case, the wound heals within a month.

With laser removal, regeneration is quite fast.

What is vulvar condylomatosis

Vulvar condylomatosis is characterized by the appearance of papillary growths on the surface of the epidermis or epithelium of the genitals, rectal opening, perineum and groin. Condylomas of the vulva on the labia (photo), anus and other areas of the external genitalia outwardly look like growths with a sharp end. These formations affect the labia majora and minora, grow in the genital area, rectal opening, perineum and groin.

It can also spread to the cervix and vaginal passages. These are benign formations, but some strains of the pathogen tend to become malignant and transform into atypical cells. The appearance of the formations directly depends on the location in which they are located. They can be single, or they can merge, forming one large growth. It is with multiple locations of growths that genital condylomatosis is classified. Condyloma enlargement occurs through blood supply through blood vessels that connect to the growth. Color can vary from flesh to scarlet. Outwardly, they resemble a scallop or cauliflower.

Removal of mucosal condylomas

The mucous membrane is a favorite place for the formation of condylomas.

Their localization can be varied: from the mucous membrane of the genital organs to the oral cavity.

The growths cause severe discomfort and interfere with the patient’s normal life.

Important! Condylomas can be removed only as prescribed by a doctor.

Making decisions on your own is not recommended.

If removal is unavoidable, the following methods are used:

  • Laser removal. In this case, the risk of condylomas reoccurring is reduced.
  • Liquid nitrogen can destroy the structural structure of the growth. After such exposure, condylomas die off.
  • Electrocoagulation. Using electric current, the cells of the growth are destroyed.
  • Radio wave method.
  • Surgical intervention. This method is not used very often.

After removal of condylomas from the mucous membrane, the next stage begins - healing.

In the oral cavity the process occurs faster than in the genital area.

Removal of condylomas on the mucous membrane is possible with the Surgitron device.

This is a modern and safe technique.

How long does it take for wounds to heal after removal of condylomas with Surgitron?

Quite rapid healing is noted; the very next day, the wound heals.

Complete regeneration takes 2–4 weeks.

Much depends on the location of the growth.

Is it painful to remove condylomas in men,

What pain relief is used when removing condylomas for men?

Emla cream is often used as an anesthetic if the procedure is performed on the skin.

When removing in a sensitive area, a solution of 10% lidocaine is used.

Sometimes the doctor applies intradermal ultracaine and lidocaine to the surface of the skin.

Treatment with traditional methods: effective recipes for alternative medicine

In addition to drug therapy, which can be used at home, there are a number of traditional methods of treatment that will help speed up the healing process. It should be noted that the use of folk remedies as the main treatment is a fundamentally wrong approach. Alternative medicine methods only help get rid of existing condylomas, but do not in any way affect the reproduction of the virus. Thus, there is a high probability that condylomas will appear again and again.

It should also be remembered that traditional methods of treatment do not have a sufficient scientific evidence base that would indicate their effectiveness. Thus, folk remedies can be used only after consultation with a doctor, otherwise the risk of complications increases tenfold. In addition to consulting a doctor, before using alternative methods of therapy, you need to conduct an allergy test. Medicines prepared at home often contain highly allergenic products, so you need to protect yourself by testing.

The advantage of treatment with folk remedies is, first of all, that they are available to absolutely everyone - the ingredients they contain are often very cheap, and sometimes they can even be found in the kitchen. This is why alternative medicine is so popular - all components of treatment can be purchased quickly and inexpensively. In addition, some folk remedies can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding (but most medications are prohibited for use during this period).


To treat condylomas in men and women, garlic is used in the form of compresses, and sometimes the juice is squeezed out of it. In the initial stages of the disease, only using garlic juice is sufficient. You need to take a few cloves of garlic, grind them and squeeze out the juice. They need to lubricate areas of the skin where there are condylomas. This should be done 2-3 times a day. In severe cases, compresses may also be useful. To do this, wrap the homogeneous mass obtained after chopping the garlic in 3-4 layers of gauze and apply it to the sore spot. You need to keep such a compress on the skin until the paste dries completely. According to reviews from the Internet, garlic is quite an effective and popular remedy that helps get rid of condylomatosis at home.


Treatment with this folk remedy is also quite popular, but nevertheless dangerous. Propolis tincture can have an aggressive effect on healthy tissue, so it must be used very carefully. Treatment of condylomas with propolis should be carried out in this way: point-cauterize the condylomas 2 times a day, avoiding contact of the product with the surrounding skin. In addition to the fact that propolis actively fights condylomas, it has a local anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect.


The juice of raw potatoes will help remove condylomas on the mucous membranes and in areas with delicate skin. Experts recommend using it both internally (you need to take 100-150 ml of potato juice 3 times a day before meals) and as a compress (to do this, you need to grate the root vegetable, place it in gauze and apply it to the affected area). Compresses can be done 2 times a day. Typically, the effect of such manipulations is noticeable after 2-3 weeks - this is what experts in the field of naturopathy say. Compresses with raw potatoes are a wonderful alternative for people with sensitive and thin skin, because this product rarely causes allergic reactions and does not damage the skin and mucous membranes.


Aloe juice can help cure single condylomas. It is necessary to lubricate all affected areas of the skin with the juice of the plant several times a day. The procedure must be carried out until the tumor shrinks and disappears. Aloe juice can be prepared at home (if you have a plant) or bought at a pharmacy - this product is quite inexpensive. Aloe also has a local anti-inflammatory effect, relieves itching, burning, swelling and redness, if any.

Apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar lotions, according to reviews on the Internet, can help remove condylomas in just 4 weeks. To do this, you need to moisten a cotton ball with a weak solution of apple cider vinegar and apply it to the tumor. It is very important to gradually increase the procedure time. Initially, it is recommended to remove the lotion as soon as a burning sensation appears (after 5-10 minutes). In subsequent days, you can increase the exposure time to 15-30 minutes. In the second week, the duration of the manipulation can be up to 1-2 hours. But from 3-4 weeks, the lotion can be left overnight. This folk remedy helps to quickly burn out condylomas. It is important to wait for the moment when they disappear on their own. Under no circumstances should condylomas be torn off or cut off - this will lead to excessive bleeding.

Kalanchoe leaves

A houseplant such as Kalanchoe grows in almost every home, but few people know that it can speed up recovery from condylomatosis. The leaves of the plant need to be carefully cut, then cut across and remove the top film (it is very important not to damage the leaf itself). You need to apply Kalanchoe to condylomas at night, and to make the leaves stick better, it is better to wrap them with a bandage.

Onion and vinegar

This combination has long been popular and is often used in many folk recipes for condylomas. This is due to the fact that onions, namely their peels, contain a large amount of a natural antioxidant - quercetin. This substance relieves inflammation well. And vinegar has a detrimental effect on the cells of the neoplasm, burning it out. Thus, the combination of vinegar and onion is very effective.

To treat genital warts, you need to prepare an infusion: take onion peels (enough volume that will take half a half-liter jar), pour 0.5 liters of vinegar into it. The infusion should be stored in a dark, cool place. At the same time, be sure to close it with a lid so that the vinegar does not erode. Then you need to squeeze out the husk and apply it to the condylomas overnight. Sometimes you can just soak ½ onion in vinegar and apply it. It is very important to monitor the condition of the skin during such treatment and prevent it from drying out. In the morning, when the compress has already been removed, it is better to intensively moisturize the skin - baby cream or castor oil are excellent for these purposes.

Treatment with iodine

Iodine is known for being a fairly good antiseptic. It effectively cauterizes various tumors, including condylomas, which is why I often use it at home. Cauterization with iodine is best done 2 times a day - morning and evening. Under no circumstances should you touch healthy areas of the skin, as this can lead to chemical burns, dryness, peeling, and skin atrophy. Before using iodine to treat condylomas, you need to make sure that there is no allergy to this remedy (this happens quite often).

Removal of condylomas in the urethra

The appearance of condylomas in the urethral canal causes patients a lot of inconvenience:

  • Discomfort when urinating.
  • Problems with ejaculation.
  • Pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse.

It is necessary to immediately consult a urologist.

Most often, laser destruction is used to remove condylomas in the urethra.

Other methods are used less frequently, as they severely damage the mucous membrane of the urethral canal.

Growths that are located inside the urethra are removed as carefully as possible.

Often limited by therapeutic methods.

Complications after removal of condylomas in the urethra in men:

  • If the wound is poorly cared for, it can become infected.
  • Inflammation of the walls of the urethral canal.
  • Narrowing of the urethra.

To avoid complications, it is necessary to constantly monitor the attending physician and carefully care for the place where the growths were previously located.

Wound after removal of condylomas: care

After the patient has had condylomas removed, the skin requires special care.

This is due to the fact that healthy skin cells that surround the place where condylomas have formed are affected.

After the papilloma is removed, a kind of sore forms in its place, which will soon fall off.

In its place will appear young skin, which must be protected from mechanical damage.

Care is necessary, so the inflammation will go away faster.

Antiviral agents are often prescribed - ointments, gels, sprays.

This helps avoid relapse.

Is it painful to remove condylomas?

In most cases, removing growths in intimate places or from mucous membranes is an unpleasant procedure, but painless.

The most gentle ways to remove condylomas are liquid nitrogen and laser.

These techniques usually do not require anesthesia.

When removed with nitrogen, the patient only feels cold.

Pain may appear after removal of the growths, it all depends on the location of the condylomas.

Removal using electric current is almost painless for the patient.

The doctor uses painkillers during this therapy.

Many people feel pain when anesthesia is administered; this is done using a syringe.

Patients often wonder whether it hurts to remove condylomas with a laser.

When using a high-quality painkiller, the procedure is painless.

You can remove condylomas with Surgitron quite quickly.

If their area is small, anesthesia is not required.

For large volumes or multiple formations, Emla cream or lidocaine is used.

When choosing a good anesthesia drug, removal occurs painlessly for the patient.

During the process of removing condylomas using the radio wave method, the doctor can always change the intensity of the radio wave.

Products that are not recommended for use

Questionable methods that negatively affect the skin and do not eliminate warts:

  1. Using baking soda. The concentration of active substances in the diluted composition is small, but can be used to treat growths on mucous membranes.
  2. Cauterization with hydrogen peroxide. The concentrate cannot cauterize even a small condyloma. Peroxide can only disinfect the wound, but not kill the viral infection.
  3. Castor oil. The composition of the oil is 80% acids, but they cannot fight viruses.

Sex after genital wart removal

Everyone knows that HPV cannot be completely cured.

The therapy is aimed at strengthening the human immune system and reducing viral activity.

After such procedures, HPV goes into a latent state, which does not exclude the reappearance of growths.

Important! Sexual contacts must be excluded for the entire period of treatment.

You can resume intimacy when the wounds have completely healed.

Sex after removal of condylomas is possible after 2 to 4 weeks.

It is important to use a condom.

Only then can infection of the sexual partner be excluded.

Prevention of condylomatosis: safety measures

It is much easier to prevent the development of condylomas than to treat them later. Therefore, experts recommend protecting the body in every possible way from infection with the human papillomavirus. To do this, you should refrain from casual sexual contact, use personal protective equipment (condoms) and undergo preventive examinations on time. If the virus has already entered the body, then it will not be possible to get rid of it - we must do our best to maintain the normal state of the immune system, protecting it from negative influences. For this it is recommended:

  • establish a sleep, rest and work schedule, and nutrition;
  • avoid psycho-emotional stress, stress;
  • eat a balanced diet (take enough vitamins and minerals);
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • antibiotics, sulfa drugs, hormone therapy should be used strictly according to indications, if prescribed by a doctor;
  • adhere to the rules of personal hygiene;
  • avoid microtrauma to the skin and mucous membranes (give preference to soft and natural clothing);
  • choose hypoallergenic household chemicals and skin care cosmetics.

Following these recommendations will help improve the general condition of the body, strengthen the immune system and prevent the occurrence of condylomas.

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