Recommendations for caring for lips after lip augmentation

Lip augmentation procedure is very popular. After all, with the help of fillers, which are injected using thin cannulas, you can quickly and without surgery increase the volume, make them plump and exciting, and give them a seductive shape.

Lip correction Juvederm Volift. Photo from Instagram lidiakogan. There are contraindications, consultation is required

In order for the result to meet all expectations, not only the qualifications of the doctor and the correctly selected drug are important, but also how correctly and accurately the patient will follow the doctor’s recommendations after beauty injections.

If the patient has a tendency to herpetic rashes, then perhaps, after punctures, the body may react with a decrease in immunity. Therefore, 7 days before contouring, it is advisable to take a course of antiviral drugs.

An example of the result of lip correction after 5 months, Instagram of cosmetologist L. Kogan.

Lip augmentation: about the procedure

Lip augmentation using contouring and intramuscular injection of hyaluronic acid is a popular procedure that helps make the appearance more attractive. The natural drug is well absorbed by the body and is not rejected when administered. Hyaluronic acid injections add volume to the lips depending on the injection site and change their shape. Using this method, you can easily correct any defects, including asymmetry, adhesions and scars in the mouth area.

How to disguise bruises and hematomas

No woman likes to walk around with bruises on her lips. Therefore, girls try to hide defects under foundation. A cosmetic pencil will help disguise a bruise.

When painting, it is worth considering the tone of the corrective agent and the color of the bruise. So, an orange tint will help against cyanosis, and green will hide red spots. Light purple hematomas are best tinted yellow. Upon completion, you should retouch the skin with powder.

First days

To correct the contour of the lips, various drugs are used, which differ in composition. There are silicone and biopolymer gels, as well as substances based on collagen or hyaluronic acid. Recently, biopolymer gels and other synthetic drugs are losing their relevance due to the fact that they cause the greatest number of complications.

The most commonly used is hyaluronic acid, which helps the body restore its hydrolipid balance, stimulates rejuvenation processes and is gradually eliminated from the body naturally.

Regardless of the naturalness of the components, injections used for contouring are perceived by the human body as a foreign substance. Therefore, in the first days after the procedure, some unpleasant symptoms occur, which then disappear. These include:

  • slight swelling and swelling at the injection sites;
  • local redness;
  • hemorrhages in the puncture area;
  • painful sensations.

A preliminary sensitivity test to serum components helps to minimize such a reaction. A slight swelling of the tissue occurs in any case. This is the body's response to the use of a substance. This effect goes away on its own after 2-3 days. To alleviate the condition, special tonic compresses with ice are used. They are applied for 2-3 minutes at intervals of 2-3 hours.

After administration of the drug, the redness inside the border of the lips is noticeably greater, but after a few hours this effect disappears on its own. If the symptoms do not go away, it is better for the patient to consult a doctor for additional advice.

Before the procedure itself, a special anesthetic cream is applied, but the injection may still cause discomfort. During the first three days after injections, painful bruises may remain on the lips, and swelling disappears after a week. In order not to damage your lips, which are already injured as a result of the procedure, to alleviate your condition and speed up healing, you should not use decorative cosmetics, go to a bathhouse or sauna, or other places with temperature changes in the first 7 days.

How to get rid of lumps?

You can get rid of lumps in your lips in different ways. With the home method, you can get rid of the seals within 7-10 days. Usually, if the side effect does not disappear after one or two weeks, then you need to contact a professional who will recommend the right method.

At home, massage and gymnastics will help get rid of the balls. Strengthening is aimed at uniform distribution of hyaluronic acid in the skin. They are easy to perform and do not require much time.

In severe cases, gymnastics and massage are not enough, so more radical measures have to be used. A cosmetologist may advise getting rid of filler through surgery, injection, or ultrasound.

Home methods

If you notice that 5-6 days after lip augmentation the side effects do not subside and the balls remain in place, then it’s time to go to a specialist. The first thing he will advise you is massage and gymnastics.

Gymnastics for the lips is designed to evenly distribute the injected drug over the area of ​​the lips and restore their shape. This method includes three exercises :

  • First: to perform it, you need to gently close your lips and move them left and right;
  • Second: you need to clearly pronounce vowel sounds, while moving your lips as much as possible;
  • Third: you need to take in more air into your lungs and blow it out by pursing your lips into a tube.

The exercise should be performed for 1-2 minutes several times a day. The more often you do it, the sooner the result will come.

If gymnastics is not enough, then they resort to massage for help. It is made using different objects. You can use your own toothbrush, ice, or your fingers. It is best to use all three methods, alternating them with each other:

  • Rub your lips with a soft brush. This will provide additional assistance in the distribution of hyaluronic acid. Also, a light massage will increase blood circulation and metabolism;
  • Ice is a great aid during rehabilitation after augmentation. Freeze a decoction of chamomile, sage or calendula and rub it on your lips 2 times a day;
  • Apply pressure to lips to distribute localized excess product. Remember that lip massage should not be done for several days after enlargement, especially in the first 24 hours. Even a slight physical impact on the lips in the first days can lead to migration and deformation of the filler;

If pain begins to appear during the massage, the procedure is performed incorrectly. Movements should be soft and smooth and not cause discomfort. If the recommendations are followed correctly without complications, the balls disappear after 7-10 days.

Professional methods

Most often, the balls disappear after home gymnastics and massage , otherwise it is the cosmetologist’s turn to deal with the problem. It is best to contact the specialist who performed the enlargement, as he can determine the specific cause.

Professional methods for removing beads after enlargement include :

  • Application of hardware cosmetology. With the help of ultrasound and Darsonval, you can significantly speed up metabolic processes, which will allow you to quickly remove gel clots. This method is prescribed if there is no inflammation, fibrosis or hemorrhage on the skin;
  • Additional installation of filler. This method has a masking nature and is effective for minor lip asymmetry. There is a risk of the gel being pushed to the surface with the formation of new clots;
  • Anti-scarring enzymes. The introduction of these enzymes promotes the resorption of lumps and balls. The method is used if clots have formed due to the reaction of the immune system to a foreign body. Drugs are used to correct scar or connective defects, for example, Lidaza, Longidaza, etc.;
  • Plastic surgery. The method is used in case of complications in the form of nodes or cysts. A small incision is made on the side of the oral mucosa, then the ball is surgically removed;
  • Hyaluronidase injections. This drug allows you to dissolve the hyaluronic filler in a few days. Hyaluronidase is a protein enzyme that has a resorption effect.

If you do not take care of removing lumps and balls from the connective tissue, they will turn into hard nodes that can only be removed surgically. In order not to lead the skin of the lips to cosmetic methods of combating complications, it is better to take preventive measures.


Heat or extreme cold negatively affects the structure of the gel, which is only absorbed by the body during the first seven days. Because of this, punctures on the skin do not heal well, and minor damage occurs inside the soft tissues of the lips. Such wounds can become an excellent environment for the appearance of pathogenic bacteria.

Under the influence of inflammatory mediators, blood vessels dilate, and blood flows more and more to the soft tissues. The already existing swelling can become much greater due to the characteristics of hyaluronic acid. It attracts water molecules to itself, causing lymph to accumulate.

Low temperatures affect the gel itself. Because of them, it is distributed unevenly, and the skin itself becomes excessively dry. Lack of water stimulates the healing process to slow down. The edges of injection wounds may crack.

The elimination of the drug can be slowed down by maintaining the correct temperature. Do not overheat in the sun, go to the solarium or bathhouse. Additionally, refrain from drinking hot or cold drinks, as well as any food, for at least the first 4-10 hours after lip contouring.

Too spicy and salty foods can stimulate blood circulation and cause fluid retention in the skin.

Apply ice immediately after treatment

After dermal filler, it is normal to experience some swelling. Your esthetician will provide you with some ice to reduce the amount of swelling that occurs. Apply every 5-10 minutes as needed, up to six hours. It's also important to keep in mind that this initial fullness will decrease as the swelling subsides to reveal your natural new look. It may take several treatments to achieve your desired lip size.

Massage lips according to instructions

Your esthetician will advise you on how and when to massage to help create a natural-looking end result. Sometimes you may be asked not to massage them at all. It is extremely important to follow the cosmetologist's recommendations! If you are not sure when you will return home, call the treatment clinic for clarification.

The main advice of a cosmetologist: buy Bepanten from your pharmacy to help massage your lips. The antibacterial properties of this product (typically used on babies' soft skin) are ideal for healing and reducing potential flaking.

How to care for lips after augmentation

What is possible and what is not

After introducing the drug into the lip contour, it is prohibited:

  • use active lip expression, smile widely or open your mouth;
  • make physical efforts with your lips to bite off hard foods (for example, fruit or apples);
  • visit the dentist and other specialists where you need to open your mouth wide.

The muscles of the mouth that are located after contouring during the rehabilitation period become tense, which leads to stretching of the skin. In the first 34-48 hours, the injected gel is gradually distributed among the cells inside the soft tissues. Due to active facial expressions and articulation, the substance can fill the cavities unevenly, skew and the occurrence of asymmetry and various compactions are possible.

To avoid this, you should protect your lips from any physical activity during the first 5-7 days. This is why you should not visit the dentist or other doctors during this period. A wide open mouth puts undue stress on the lips.

What to apply if you have herpes

Sometimes after the injection, herpes appears on the lips. Viral rashes prevent the normal absorption of hyaluronate and its distribution in tissues. In this case, the doctor prescribes anti-herpes medications. These include:

  • Acyclovir;
  • Valacyclovir;
  • Panavir;
  • Zovirax;
  • Gerpevir;
  • Groprinosin.

Treatment also includes treatment with antiseptic drugs and immunomodulatory medications.

Alcohol and smoking

After the procedure, experts recommend temporarily giving up such bad habits as drinking alcohol and smoking, including hookah. In fact, the alcohol molecule does not come into direct contact with hyaluronic acid and cannot cause any harm. But do not forget about the ability of alcoholic drinks to thin the blood and stimulate blood circulation.

If you drink strong alcoholic drinks for several days after contouring, then:

  • the drug introduced into the soft tissues will be processed faster and will be eliminated by the body naturally along with other metabolic products;
  • swelling around the lips will increase due to slower lymph flow.

Smoking mixtures have the same effect. They constrict blood vessels for a short period of time, but do not help slow down regeneration.

The most you can afford is a little red wine.


Lip contouring with hyaluronic acid is one of the most harmless tools in the arsenal of a master cosmetologist. However, the procedure also has a number of contraindications that need to be kept in mind:

  • It is prohibited for pregnant women and women during lactation to undergo lip augmentation;
  • The presence of inflammation, herpes, ulcers and crusts on the lips;
  • Lip augmentation should not be done for people with poor blood clotting, diabetes mellitus, or viral diseases in the acute stage;
  • Hypersensitivity or individual intolerance to the substances of the drug;
  • Fear of needles;

Also, you should not carry out the enlargement procedure during the menstrual cycle. If you follow all the recommendations, you will get beautiful, and most importantly healthy lips without complications.

When preparing the material, consultation was carried out by:

Olga Kirilova (cosmetologist). A specialist with higher medical education and extensive work experience. Helped hundreds of patients cope with various skin problems. Conducts non-hardware and hardware procedures. Proficient in laser and phototherapy techniques.

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Post-procedure care

One of the most frequently asked questions is whether it is possible to use special healing ointments or creams that will help relieve discomfort. This is indeed allowed, but it is important to pay attention to the composition.

The list of approved medications includes:

  • D-Panthenol - relieves irritation and bruises;
  • Dolobene gel - heals the skin, softens it;
  • Traumeel ointment is a homeopathic remedy that contains arnica extract.

Before use, you should consult your doctor. During this period, you should not self-medicate and take medications that reduce blood clotting. Because of this, hematomas may occur at the injection sites. If the pain or discomfort is too unpleasant, the safest painkiller is paracetamol. In addition, it reduces the temperature, which can rise in the first days after contouring. If you took antibiotics during the period of lip augmentation, then there is no need to worry. They do not affect the removal of hyaluronic acid from the body.

After the filler is injected, it is allowed to use hygiene products to soften the lips. Avoid touching your lips with dirty hands to avoid introducing infection and bacteria into the punctures.

There is no need to use scrubbing agents until the soft tissues are completely restored and the gel is distributed inside. You should not apply decorative makeup or use any cosmetics with pigments until the swelling subsides and the former sensitivity of the tissue returns.

When brushing your teeth and other hygiene procedures, be sure to control your usual movements with a toothbrush.

What can replace hyaluronic acid injections?

If you find contraindications to the use of hyaluronic acid on the list, but juicy and plump lips are your long-time dream, do not despair.

Today there are many ways to increase lip volume without injections. For example, the Jelliez Beauty lip enlargement mask is effective. It operates on the principle of patches. Apply it on your lips and leave for 15 minutes. And now, without pain, swelling and any complications, plump lips are ready!

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