Restrictions after botulinum therapy: recommendations after Botox

Before we touch on the main topic of our article, let's find out what Botox is and why it is so important to do injections in specialized clinics such as ours, and be sure to seek the qualified help of a specialist who will not only competently carry out a series of injections, but also explain what You can do it before Botox, but you can’t. The amazing drug botulinum toxin is injected under the skin to immobilize the muscle, thereby allowing the skin to become smooth. Over the past decade, millions have resorted to anti-aging injections, and the number of fans is growing. Botox and other similar drugs smooth out wrinkles that inevitably appear with age. We smile, we are sad, we frown - any emotion that manifests itself in our facial expressions is an active action of the subcutaneous muscles. Few people manage to live from childhood with a face that resembles a frozen mask. Some of us constantly think about how to avoid the premature appearance of wrinkles, it comes to the point that recommendations appear from all sides on how to smile, how to sleep, how to sit and even how to lie down correctly. After Botox, these problems automatically disappear: and we enjoy our own transformation.

Despite the fact that botulinum toxin was discovered a long time ago, it was first used in medicine with a positive effect by the American ophthalmologist Alan Scott, and this was a purely medical study. People started talking about the side effect of smoothing out wrinkles in the 90s of the last century. And they began to actively use it in cosmetology only 10 years later. Now achievements in this area demonstrate that correctly performed manipulation is safe and harmless to humans. The result of Botox injections and other derivatives is individual and depends on the susceptibility of each individual organism, the intensity of muscle work, and even on external factors and the use of cosmetics. The effect lasts from 4 to 8 months, Botox is gradually removed from the muscle. Of course, there are certain restrictions after botulinum therapy.

Many aesthetic medicine clinics will provide you with wonderful rejuvenation injections using Botox. We will also be happy to offer you sessions of magical injections with this drug and will definitely tell you what not to do with Botox injections, what effect you will get, and how to take care of your skin before and after the procedure. But this article, first of all, will be devoted not only to the specifics of manipulations and the history of the drug, but also to recommendations after Botox injections.

If you are wondering what benefit or harm Botox injections can bring to you, don’t guess, contact a professional. They will explain the details to you in detail. Botulinum toxin is used in all aesthetic medicine clinics, most often to remove facial wrinkles and folds around the mouth, nose and eyes - that is, where they appear first and treacherously demonstrate our age and aging skin. Botox fixes the facial muscles for a while so that it “freezes” in the right areas and regains its smoothness and firmness. When the effect of the drug stops, the muscle remains fixed naturally, so the formation of new wrinkles does not occur for a long time.

What not to do before Botox

It is worth starting to prepare for a session of injections with botulinum toxin in advance in order to avoid negative consequences and get the most pleasant result. Pay attention to this list, in many ways it duplicates the recommendations after facial Botox. Immediately before the procedure, you should avoid alcoholic drinks, antibiotics, strong physical activity, warming facial massage and injections, chemical peeling, visiting a solarium or sunbathing. Avoid spicy and salty foods, especially in combination with drinking plenty of water, this will help avoid severe swelling. If someone is wondering if there are special rules that list what should not be done before forehead Botox, then general recommendations apply. Be sure to discuss contraindications for botulinum toxin injections with your cosmetologist.

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  1. After determining all indications and contraindications for the procedure, the patient gives informed consent to the procedure;
  2. On the patient's face, areas in which muscle tone is increased, which leads to the formation of wrinkles, are determined, and these areas are marked with a marker;
  3. For each area, mark the drug injection site with dots, circle the dots with a diameter of 1-1.5 cm (size of the drug distribution zone in the tissues around the injection site). The distribution zones must be in contact.
  4. The injection sites are cooled with ice or an anesthetic drug such as Emla is applied;
  5. Using an EMG device, the location of the syringe needle with the drug is determined exactly in the thickness of the muscle, and the drug is injected;
  6. In some cases, after removing the needle, the injection site is lightly pressed to prevent hematomas from forming, and pressed with gentle massage movements away from the eye area or other muscles located in this area so that the toxin acts only where it is necessary;
  7. The patient is under medical supervision for 30 minutes;
  8. The patient is given recommendations for facial care after the procedure.

What not to do after the procedure

Our specialists who work with “rejuvenation injections” are well acquainted with the technique of carrying out procedures; they give injections in safe places, in areas where wrinkles occur that need to be removed, corrected or slowed down their formation. Magic techniques and a high level of cosmetologist allow you to perform Botox injections even in the décolleté and neck area. Of course, it is important to use drugs that have undergone clinical trials. They are administered in small doses and gradually,

But even a correctly performed procedure may not have the same effect if you do not follow the basic recommendations after Botox. Already at the preliminary consultation, the cosmetologist will not only carefully examine your face and listen to your wishes, but will also ask about the medications you are taking, possible diseases, allergies, and individual characteristics. The rules that follow after the procedure will be announced to you in order to eliminate possible risks. For example, even scratching the injection site is not recommended; this may stimulate the spread of the composition to unnecessary areas.

Let us examine in more detail the main list of prohibitions after sessions of injection rejuvenation using botulinum therapy (including recommendations after Botox injections in the forehead).

Why is there no effect?

In some cases, the effect of Botox injections does not appear or is barely noticeable. This can happen for two reasons:

  • due to individual characteristics, antibodies to botulinum toxin appeared in the body, which completely or partially neutralized the drug;
  • taking antibiotics of some groups leads to the removal of botulinum toxin from the body.

Do you want great results from Botox injections? Contact OLA beauty centers. Leading cosmetologists in St. Petersburg, excellent working conditions, only original drugs, maximum care for each patient!

Are Botox and sauna compatible?

The answer is clear: no, they are not compatible, but only a week, or at most two, until the composition is fixed in the required areas. Any actions and procedures that have a warming effect are strictly prohibited. This applies to the sauna, hammam, contrast shower and facial steaming. Even active physical sports can have a negative impact, as blood circulation increases and “warms up” the body. High temperature and hot steam act on the blood vessels, expanding them. This threatens the penetration of Botox into the blood and tissues. The consequences of this hit can be very undesirable. In addition, this affects the removal of the drug from the body, which will minimize the desired effect.

But don't be alarmed, these are temporary restrictions. You will be able to visit your favorite sauna just a few days (the period will be determined by your cosmetologist) after the injections. Botox and sauna will work together on your freshness and beauty. The period for excluding warming procedures will be determined by your cosmetologist. It will depend on the individual characteristics of your body and skin, lifestyle and proper care after injections. For basic washing with hot water, the limitation period is much shorter. By the way, even limit the use of a hot air hair dryer for the first days.


The experience of cosmetologists shows that the best results are obtained by injecting Botox into the following muscles:


Injections allow you to lift the corners of your mouth up, remove the “sorrowful” expression on your face, straighten small wrinkles in the corners of your mouth, and remove “puppet lines.”

The Botox injection procedure will be effective only for those who do not yet have significant sagging tissue in the lower part of the face.

A combination of Botox and hyaluronic acid fillers is effective.

Inject 1-2 units of Botox just below the corner of the mouth, 1 point on each side.


Injecting Botox can give the neck a more natural contour, eliminate “turkey band” stretch marks in the subcutaneous muscle, and give the neck skin a more youthful appearance.

In addition, the immobilized platysma stops pulling the skin of the cheeks down, which is an excellent prevention of the formation of “bulldog cheeks.”

An overdose of Botox in this area can cause swallowing problems. Therefore, during the first procedure, only the minimum dose of the drug is administered, the rest of the botulinum toxin is administered no earlier than two weeks later.

The procedure will be ineffective in people with a significant amount of subcutaneous fat in the area of ​​the double chin and neck, as well as in those who have significant gravitational sagging of the soft tissues of the lower part of the face.

Enter 2 units. Botox on both sides of the muscle cord at a distance of 2 cm between the injection sites.


Botulinum toxin is injected intramuscularly only into those areas of the muscle located at the outer corner of the eye.

Botox injections can reduce the severity of crow's feet and prevent deepening of skin creases in this area.

Immobilization of the upper part of the orbicularis oculi muscle allows the frontalis muscle to raise the eyebrow upward and give the eyes and face a generally cheerful and open expression.

At the outer corner of the eye, 6-10 units of Botox can be injected both subcutaneously and intradermally. In the lower eyelid area, injections are carried out only intradermally, using a minimal amount of injected botulinum toxin. To raise the eyebrow, 6-10 units of Botox are injected above the eyebrow line, closer to the inner edge of the eye.


Injections allow you to smooth out purse-string wrinkles around the mouth and visually enlarge your lips by eliminating the habit of constantly pursing your lips.

Enter 1 unit. Botox in 4 points above the upper lip and two points under the lower lip.


Injecting Botox can smooth out uneven skin on the chin, especially if the uneven skin becomes more pronounced when talking.

Enter 4-6 units. Botox injection into two symmetrically located skins on the chin intramuscularly.


Typically, the nasal muscle is injected with Botox at the same time as botulinum toxin is injected into the procerus and corrugator muscles.

This is due to the possible appearance of longitudinal wrinkles on the bridge of the nose when blinking as a compensatory reaction after immobilization of the muscles in the area above the inner ends of the eyebrows.

The nasal muscle is blocked by injecting 1-2 units of botulinum toxin into 1-2 points.


When these muscles are paralyzed, vertical creases in the skin between the eyebrows are smoothed out.

Botox is administered in an amount of 8-16 units at 4-6 points in the projection of the location of both muscles.


Longitudinal forehead wrinkles are smoothed out.

The drug can be injected into different areas of the muscle and, depending on this, different effects can be obtained: eliminating wrinkles on the forehead, raising certain areas of the eyebrows, creating the effect of an open eye.

An overdose of the drug leads to the formation of a frowning effect, when the eyebrows hang low over the eyes, and sometimes with the inner ends of the eyebrows retracting under the arch of the orbit.

Various techniques can be used to immobilize the frontalis muscle, the most common of which is the V-shape. This area typically requires 12-20 units of Botox.


The first signs of paralysis of the muscles into which Botox was injected will be noticeable within a few hours after the injection.

Weakening of muscle contractions usually occurs on the second or third day after the procedure. It is at this speed that botulinum toxin enters the nerve endings.

The maximum effect of the injection will develop within 1-2 weeks after administration of the drug.

The rate of onset of the maximum effect depends on the administered dose of botulinum toxin and the individual characteristics of the patient and his sensitivity to the action of the drug.

The effect of the injection ends as quickly as new synapses of nerve endings with muscles can form (the zones where the impulse directly transfers from the nerve to the muscle cell). This process usually takes from 3 to 6 months. In some cases, the effect of Botox can last up to a year.

The indication for a new injection is such a weakening of the effect of Botox when contraction of the facial muscles becomes visually noticeable.

It has been proven that with the help of ozone therapy it is possible not only to treat existing problems with the skin of the face, but also to prevent their occurrence.


Before introducing Botox into the skin of the axillary area, a Minor test is performed, thanks to which the exact location of the sweat glands and their functional activity can be determined.

Each armpit requires about 50 units. botulinum toxin. The sweat glands stop functioning for a period of 3 to 6 months. The method is good for those who suffer from excessive sweating.



To smooth out small wrinkles in the lower eyelid area, intradermal papular administration of the drug in a minimum concentration of 1 unit can sometimes be used. There can be no more than 4 such injections in the area of ​​each eye.


Immobilization of the proud muscles and the corrugator muscle is often performed on young patients in cases where there is a habit of constantly straining the muscles or the tone of these muscles is constantly increased.

In some cases, repeated injections in this area may not be necessary for a long time. This is due to the fact that the habit of drawing eyebrows and frowning can fade away within 3-5 months of the drug’s effect, and in the area of ​​creases the skin will have time to smooth out and will be able to resist the formation of creases for some time.


It is extremely rare that nasolabial folds are corrected with Botox. This is due to a high risk of developing complications such as drooping corners of the mouth. At the same time, the simultaneous use of filler based on hyaluronic acid or collagen with injections of small amounts of Botox allows you to get excellent results.

This is due to the fact that when the muscles are relaxed, the preparation of hyaluronic acid or collagen remains in the tissues much longer and helps improve the structure of the skin, especially at the bottom of the creases, where collagen is usually deposited slowly.


Typically, Botox is administered for medical reasons to patients who suffer from migraines more than 15 days a month. In this case, injections are carried out in the head and neck area every 12 weeks.

Such injections only help those who have been diagnosed with a severe form of migraine. If your head hurts from time to time and the pain intensity is weak or moderate, then Botox injection may not give any result. FOR MEN

Yes. Men are now increasingly injecting themselves with Botox to give their faces a well-groomed appearance and their overall appearance to look youthful.

When administering Botox to men, the following significant differences are taken into account:

  1. Thicker and denser skin, therefore Botox injections often need to be carried out to a greater depth;
  2. The dose of the administered drug is usually greater in men compared to women, since their facial muscles are more developed and their contractions are stronger;
  3. The injection points for the drug may differ significantly in men due to the fact that what is beautiful on a woman's face (for example, raised arched eyebrows) will look bad on a man's face.

Botox and solarium

In this matter, the recommendations are similar to the previous ones: you should refrain from visiting the solarium. As you understand, the answer to the question “is it possible to sunbathe after Botox” is also obvious. Sunbathing and active ultraviolet radiation have a pronounced warming effect, and heating the injection sites is very undesirable. A specialist must warn you about all this. So do not plan trips to hot countries immediately after a session of beauty injections and do not think about lying on sultry beaches after Botox. But after a certain time, you will perfectly pamper yourself and those around you with a fresh bronze tan and elastic skin.

How is Botox removed from the body?

The drug is contained in the body for about a day, then it completely disintegrates into individual elements, and its activity ceases. Botox is excreted from the body through the kidneys as metabolites.

There is a misconception that the drug has a cumulative effect after each injection. The mechanism of the active activity of Botox and its subsequent disintegration is obvious; the drug does not leave the slightest fraction of its content and, moreover, does not have a cumulative effect. It is excreted in full, without causing any negative effects on human health.

Beauty injections and sleep, or how to sleep after Botox

No matter how funny this topic may seem, it is no less relevant for those who decide to become younger with the help of botulinum therapy. In fact, regarding sleep, the recommendations are much more gentle, in contrast to the warming processes that we talked about earlier. Any qualified cosmetologist will tell you how long you should not lie down after Botox: 3-6 hours is enough. Accordingly, the same number of hours applies to sleep. Smile if a specialist advises you to sleep these 3-6 hours while sitting or standing. A few hours before the moment when you fall into the arms of Morpheus, the composition should be distributed over certain zones. If you hold your head down or tilt it to the side, the distribution of Botox will be uneven, since gravity has not yet been canceled. For the same reason, when asked how to sleep after Botox injections in the forehead or other area of ​​the face, cosmetologists answer unequivocally: on the back. This applies to the first night. True, it happens that in the exciting anticipation of a wonderful rejuvenating effect, some cannot fall asleep at all.


The Botox effect is no longer new to anyone. However, not everyone knows that there are no cosmetic creams and serums containing botulinum toxin, since it is destroyed in solution within several hours, and under the influence of oxygen within several minutes.

Basically, such skincare cosmetics contain proteins and peptides that have a Botox-like effect (at least that’s what the manufacturers say).

An example of such a compound is argireline; it is currently the most common cosmetic component that has a Botox effect.

In fact, practical cosmetology does not rely much on the effect of such products, since it is difficult to imagine that the components of cosmetics will be able to overcome the entire thickness of the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous fatty tissue, not enter the bloodstream and lymphatic vessels, reach the muscles and accumulate in them in an amount sufficient to block neuromuscular transmission.

It seems that the action of such cosmetics is based on the pronounced effect of moisturizing and nourishing the skin, as a result of which fine wrinkles are straightened.

Botox and other cosmetic procedures

Mesotherapy and botulinum toxin, peeling and Dysport, Botox and facial massage - the compatibility of these manipulations is of active interest to all our patients. In some cases, we recommend not resorting to anti-aging Botox injections for now, but taking advantage of the possibilities of biorevitalization. Of course, the procedures and their principle of influence are very different. Mesotherapy is intradermal injections that nourish with vitamins and moisturize; they do not affect the muscles. For those who are recommended the overall effect of different types of manipulations, there is one rule - a long time should pass between sessions. As for rejuvenating facial massage and Botox, it is obvious that these are mutually exclusive procedures for a certain period, since they have the opposite effect on the skin. But before the procedure, a massage is even recommended.


  1. Plastic surgery;
  2. Introduction of hyaluronic acid preparations;
  3. Comprehensive skin care using procedures aimed at moisturizing, nourishing and rejuvenating the skin;
  4. Hardware cosmetology.

With hypertonicity of the forehead muscles, bioreinforcement and volumetric modeling of the superciliary and temporal areas with fillers based on hyaluronic acid helps well.

Botox under the eyes for hypertonicity of the orbicularis oculi muscle is administered only intradermally, so its effect is usually not pronounced.

Fractional laser rejuvenation provides a much more pronounced effect in this area.

Area around the mouth: lipofilling and laser facial resurfacing are perfect for eliminating purse-string wrinkles.


It is usually not recommended to use alcohol a day before the procedure and two weeks after it.

Drinking alcohol before the procedure significantly increases the risk of developing hematomas.

After the procedure, alcohol can cause swelling, as it promotes the expansion of skin capillaries and blood flow to the face (after drinking alcohol, the face turns pink and sometimes becomes noticeably red).

Other recommendations after Botox injections

The list of prohibitions includes:

  • drinking alcohol (even light);
  • taking antibiotics;
  • taking antidepressants (in some cases, be sure to consult a specialist);
  • lack of facial expressions (the opposite is recommended: actively use it so that the muscles work and contract);
  • do fitness;
  • use cosmetics (24 hours).

A general but important recommendation after Botox on the forehead: do not rub, do not knead, do not scratch. Such an active effect on the injection area, unfortunately, will not have the best effect. Refrain from using masks, do not try to smooth your face manually, over time the drug will do its job and you will be amazed at the magical effect. Do not be alarmed by the inability to move your face as before, this is normal, this is a side effect of the drug, in fact, for which they choose Botox. How to behave further after the procedure? Come for an appointment with your cosmetologist in the coming days. He will check how the exposure process is going and give you further advice.


  1. Pain at the injection site.
  2. Hemorrhages at the skin puncture sites can occur due to incorrect technique for administering the drug and insufficient care after the procedure, when the injection sites are not pressed hard enough or for enough time, as well as when the rules of preparation for the procedure are violated.
  3. After Botox, headaches occur in cases where a large dose of the drug is administered at once when several areas of the face are injected at once. This complication usually resolves within a few days after the procedure.
  4. The spread of poison to nearby muscles can disrupt the normal movement of the eyelids, lips and other parts of the face:
  • paralysis of the muscles located in the zygomatic region can cause drooping of the corners of the mouth and drooling;
  • paralysis of the muscles in the eye area can cause disruption of blood flow and lymphatic drainage, which will cause swelling under the eyes after Botox;
  • an unsuccessful injection in the eyebrow area can provoke ptosis of the upper eyelid, in which the eye will not open completely;
  • excessive injection of Botox into the upper part of the orbicularis oculi muscle can lead to a sharp rise of the eyebrow with the formation of a hypertrophied, surprised facial expression;
  • paralysis of the laryngeal muscles during injections in the neck area can lead to impaired swallowing;
  • the transfer of botulinum toxin to the eye muscles located in the orbit can lead to strabismus and double vision;

Unprofessional administration of Botox using large doses of the drug can lead to the formation of a mask-like face, impaired ability to show emotions, smile, eat, and speak.


How exactly do anti-wrinkle injections work?

A small dose of anti-wrinkle injection liquid is injected into specific frown muscles. Which cause the appearance of lines and wrinkles. Once the muscles relax, the frown lines above them may soften or shrink. The procedure usually takes about 10-15 minutes and is minimally invasive and relatively painless.

How long do anti-wrinkle injections last?

Individual results often vary; the effects of anti-wrinkle injections typically last approximately 3-6 months. Results may last longer with repeated treatments. The results will gradually wear off and eventually the wrinkles will return to their pre-treatment appearance.

How quickly will I see results from injection procedures?

You can notice results in as little as 2-3 days. The maximum effect usually occurs 10-21 days after treatment. If you decide not to continue with anti-wrinkle injections, your muscle activity will gradually return. And your wrinkles will slowly appear again, your wrinkles will not be worse than before treatment.

What are anti-wrinkle injections made of?

Anti-wrinkle injections are a type of botulinum toxin, a natural protein extract. And are usually well tolerated in small amounts administered for cosmetic use.

What are the possible side effects of cosmetic injections?

As with any cosmetic treatment, side effects can sometimes occur. These may include headaches, bruising, swelling, and itching. A pricking sensation from needles or redness in the injection area. Typically, most people experience slight soreness and bruising at the injection site. Aspirin taken before service may help reduce this. Sometimes there may be slight temporary weakness in nearby muscles. There are no known permanent side effects.

How long will dermal fillers last?

The effects of dermal lip fillers last a long time, but are not permanent. After initial treatment, repeat sessions are usually recommended to maintain results. Generally, most people choose to return within 6 months. However, depending on the application and filler used, results can last up to 18 months. After just one additional procedure.

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