Scrotal atheroma: symptoms and modern treatment methods

The scrotum is located in the perineum between the penis and the anus and is considered the most delicate and painful organ in the male body. For some reason, men protect this place only from blows, forgetting about dangerous urological pathologies that can cause many painful minutes, even if the organ was not injured. Among them, it is worth highlighting scrotal atheromas - cystic formations in the hairline area.

What is atheroma and atheromatosis

The content of the article

The scrotum is a male reproductive organ, which is a skin-muscular sac in which the testicles are located. The peculiarity of the organ is that it is covered with hair.

Atheroma is a common subcutaneous formation that is formed as a result of blockage of the sebaceous gland duct located in the hair follicle. The secretion (discharge) of the sebaceous gland accumulates in the pouch, causing stretching of the walls, which visually manifests itself in the form of a dense round formation that can be movable when pressed. If the mouth of the duct is not completely closed, the atheroma may look like a large blackhead.

Such formations most often occur in the area of ​​dense hair, including in women, but in men atheromas are often observed in the scrotum area. This is due to the large number of sweat glands located in this area and poor air access due to tight clothing.

Being benign cystic neoplasms, atheromas often appear in the form of multiple structures, which in medicine is called atheromatosis.

Preparing for the study

A gynecological smear for flora is a study of the condition of the female genitourinary tract. Diagnosis of flora in men is called a urogenital smear.

To obtain a high-quality and definite result, you must prepare for the procedure. Doctors say that the following steps must be followed:

  • 2 days before the study, be sure to exclude sexual intercourse ;
  • do not douche 48 hours in advance, and do not use drugs that are administered intravaginally ;
  • do not use solutions for rinsing the mouth, throat, or drugs with antibacterial activity;
  • In women, biological material is collected on days of the menstrual cycle when there is no active bleeding .

Regarding intravaginal contraception, these rules do not change: it is not recommended to use them 2 days before taking a smear for flora.

Before visiting a doctor, you should hygienically wash your genitals, and you should not use various detergents.

You are not allowed to take a bath the day before the test.

A few hours before taking a smear for flora (2-3 hours), you should not urinate. Urine excretion will wash away the active flora and if there are abnormalities, the doctor will not see them, because the flora was washed away by a stream of urine.

Reasons for the formation of atheroma of the scrotum

Statistics say that about 20% of the stronger sex face the problem of atheromatosis of the scrotum, which is explained by the high content of the hormone testosterone in the male body, which is responsible for the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

In addition to the hormonal factor, there are several other reasons that cause the appearance of such an unpleasant neoplasm as atheroma. Most often, a cyst is formed due to:

  • mechanical injury to the tissues of the scrotum or excessive friction of too tight underwear;
  • inflammation in the area of ​​the hair follicle;
  • failure to comply with general hygiene rules;
  • increased sweating in the scrotum area;
  • spending a long time in trousers while sitting, especially if the room is hot or the car uses heated seats.

Pathology is diagnosed most often in young patients whose age does not exceed 35 years.

Rash on the scrotum: photo and list of possible causes

Rash on the testicles in men is varied and appears for many reasons. Before sounding the alarm, you should pay attention to the type of rash and accompanying symptoms. In some cases, this phenomenon is safe or easily treated at home. But sometimes you can’t do without medical help.

When not to worry

In some cases, rashes can be dealt with on your own. The main thing is to accurately determine the cause of the problem. If in doubt, it is better to consult a doctor.


An allergic reaction in the scrotum area usually occurs to hygiene products or the fabric of panties. If itching and burning appear, small red or pink pimples form, the source of the allergens should be identified and eliminated from everyday life. It is advisable to choose underwear made from natural fabrics, wash with soap and shower gel without dyes or strong fragrances. For shaving, it is recommended to use a special foam, and not the one applied to the face. To relieve unpleasant symptoms, you can take an antihistamine.

Fordyce granules

A white rash on the testicles appears due to blockage of the sebaceous glands. This happens if the glands are located close to the skin and their ducts are narrowed. The problem usually occurs during adolescence, when sebum is actively produced due to hormonal fluctuations. Pimples usually do not exceed 2 mm in diameter and barely protrude above the surface of the epidermis. There is no physical discomfort. Fordyce granules are not a disease and do not require treatment. For reasons of aesthetics, they can be removed, but the harm from the intervention is much greater than the benefit. In addition, the rash will soon appear again.

Molluscum contagiosum

Although it is a disease, it does not pose a danger to life and health. Appears when infected with a virus. Transmission occurs predominantly during close physical contact. Hemispherical growths with a pit at the top appear on the skin. When pressed, a white plug comes out of the recess. There is no physical discomfort. The rash disappears on its own within 3-6 months. Treatment with antiviral drugs is indicated for people with weakened immune systems, as well as in cases where the growths are constantly rubbed and injured by underwear and clothing.


A red rash on the testicles may be a sign of skin inflammation due to ingrown hairs. If the shaft grows in the wrong direction, a bump will form around the hair follicle. A loop or the tip of a hair sticks out of it. There is slight pain when touched. Ingrown rods must be pulled out using a thoroughly disinfected needle or tweezers. The skin should also be treated with an antiseptic before and after the procedure.

Rash on the testicles in men photo

Possible pathologies

Often, a rash in the scrotum area is caused by diseases. In this case, you cannot do it on your own. You should seek medical help.


A disease caused by the human papillomavirus. With this pathology, soft growths appear in the genital area on a thin stalk or flat base. When they grow, they look like cauliflower. Discomfort is caused only by rubbing underwear or during sexual intercourse. If such rashes are detected, you should get tested to determine the type of HPV. If it turns out that the virus has a high risk of oncogenicity, the growths must be removed. Removal is also indicated if they are damaged regularly. It is impossible to get rid of HPV forever. But a well-chosen course of antiviral drugs and strengthening the immune system will help put the pathogen into hibernation for a long time.


A rash on the scrotum may be a sign of inflammation of the hair follicle under the influence of streptococci or staphylococci. In this case, the area around the hair becomes inflamed and festers, becoming painful. You can't squeeze pimples. This threatens to worsen the situation. The lesions should be treated with antiseptics and antibacterial ointments prescribed by a dermatologist should be applied. If the abscess grows, you should consult a surgeon. The doctor will open the boil and clean out its contents.


Genital herpes is a viral disease. Characterized by the formation of watery blisters. The rash is accompanied by itching and burning. After opening the elements of the rash, erosions and spots remain. Treatment consists of the use of antiviral ointments and tablets.


Dermatitis caused by scabies mites. The parasite often enters the body through close physical contact, so the first symptoms in adults usually appear in the groin area. Scabies rashes appear as white, black and red dots and blisters. Characteristic passages may appear - grayish winding lines about 1 cm in length. The unbearable itching intensifies in the evening and at night. Pathology is treated with special ointments applied to the entire body except the face and head.

Pediculosis pubis

Lice infestation. Insects bite through the skin, leaving small bruises on it. Usually parasites can be easily seen among the hair. They cause severe itching, which intensifies after water procedures. Patients are prescribed ointments and sprays with insecticides. The most effective method of getting rid of lice is complete depilation of the groin area.

Athlete's inguinal

A fungal disease characterized by the appearance of red or pink spots with a flaky surface. The affected areas grow and merge. The formed lesion is a ring with healthy skin in the center, covered with nodules and blisters along the outer edge. The affected epidermis becomes wet and itchy. Treatment consists of using drying and antifungal ointments and antiseptic surface treatment.

Testicular rashes in men can be dangerous. Although in some cases medical attention is not required, it is still worth visiting a dermatologist. There are always exceptions, and in each specific case, even a seemingly safe condition can turn into complications.

Symptoms of atheroma of the scrotum

Initially, atheroma of the scrotum is defined as a small compaction in this area, which may be accompanied by minor pain. In the absence of rational treatment, the risk of formation of adjacent atheromas increases significantly, which ultimately leads to the formation of multiple cysts.

The consistency of the neoplasm is characterized as dense or jelly-like. Quite often, a pigmented point in the center of the compaction becomes a typical symptom of atheroma of the scrotum. As for mobility, an atheromatous neoplasm can be either fixed (linked to epidermal (skin) structures) or freely mobile.

The danger of scrotal atheroma lies in the likelihood of severe inflammation and infection in the area of ​​stagnation of the sebaceous secretion of the gland. As a result, suppuration may develop, which is manifested by redness and intense pain. One of the unfavorable consequences of atheroma is scrotal abscess. This condition requires immediate surgery. If an abscess ruptures, you can lose your testicles.

Treatment methods for scrotal inflammation

Inflammation is usually caused by infection in the scrotal tissue. Treatment of the disease is taking antibiotics. The doctor prescribes medications depending on the patient’s age, type of infection, presence of other diseases and other factors. During treatment, the doctor conducts periodic examinations of the patient.

In addition, along with antibiotics, the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs that help relieve pain, relieve swelling in the affected area and prevent further inflammation. In the acute form, when the patient experiences severe pain, medications are used to relieve pain. You can get rid of unpleasant sensations without medications: in particular, doctors recommend that men wear tight underwear. This improves lymph and blood circulation in the tissues of the scrotum, which leads to a reduction in the inflammatory process.

Treatment is more difficult if the patient has suppuration at the site of inflammation. Such complications develop with a recurrent form of pathology in testicular tuberculosis. You can get rid of this unpleasant pathology surgically. The doctor removes the purulent formation; in severe cases, the testicle or its epididymis. At the very beginning of the development of the disease, treatment with physiotherapy methods is possible, but they are not always used. At these stages, patients rarely seek help, and later physical therapy becomes ineffective.

When the scrotum becomes inflamed, not only the testicles and their appendages can become inflamed, but also the skin of the scrotum itself. This process is of an allergic-infectious nature and affects older people. Inflammation of the skin tissue of the scrotum can develop against the background of diabetes mellitus and weakened immunity. In addition, inflammatory processes are affected by the presence of other infections in the body and damage to the skin.

Inflammation of the skin of the scrotum begins with fever and chills. Subsequently, the patient begins to vomit and develop pain in the muscles and joints. The immediate symptoms on the skin of the scrotum are redness and swelling. In some cases, blisters filled with blood or another substance appear on the skin. Treating the disease yourself is dangerous. Inflammation of the skin is treated with the same means as diseases of other organs in the scrotum. In addition to antibiotics, patients may be prescribed vitamins and medications to boost immunity.

If you want to receive high-quality treatment, we recommend contacting the Poema Health clinic in St. Petersburg.

Diagnosis and treatment of atheroma of the scrotum

Diagnosis of atheroma is usually limited to visual and physical (palpation) examination, while treatment of atheroma requires mandatory removal of the cystic neoplasm.

In medical practice, several methods are used to eliminate atheroma of the scrotum:

  • surgical opening and cleaning;
  • electrocoagulation using an electric loop;
  • laser destruction (destruction);
  • Radio wave excision is the latest method using a radio wave knife.

Laser and radio wave treatment make it possible to remove atheroma very quickly without affecting healthy tissue. In addition, after using these devices there is no bleeding, since both the laser and radio waves seal the vessels. There is no residue left after removal of tumors or scars—everything heals very quickly. Since the urologist applies anesthesia, the patient does not feel anything.

Relapse Prevention

To prevent the problem from recurring, you need to get tested for hormones - it is especially important to measure testosterone and undergo treatment to normalize hormonal levels. You also need to constantly take care of the cleanliness of your genitals and wear loose cotton underwear. This is enough to avoid relapse and another operation on the scrotum.

The choice of the optimal technique, as well as the appropriateness of a particular method of pain relief, is determined by the doctor. Medical offers the services of a highly qualified specialist in the field of urology and andrology. Urologists will perform a full diagnosis and treatment of atheroma of the scrotum. Removal of any tumors is carried out with a laser or radio knife.

Causes of redness

As for the reasons, they can be very different:

  • Spermatocele – when a cyst forms on the testicle. Actually, this disease is considered to pass without symptoms, and perhaps redness may be a sign of its onset. The doctor must prescribe an ultrasound for diagnosis, and the disease can only be treated through surgery.
  • Varicocele – when the veins in the scrotum are damaged. In particular, the spermatic cords can be compressed, as a result of which the blood supply process becomes difficult. The condition may also be accompanied by swelling, swelling, and increased body temperature. Veins are noticeably visible just under the skin. An ultrasound will be needed to diagnose the condition. Treatment will require surgery. However, timely contact with a urology specialist significantly speeds up treatment and reduces related problems. One of the most undesirable negative consequences can be infertility.
  • Torsion is considered a very unpleasant condition when one testicle becomes twisted. An urgent visit to the doctor is necessary, because soon after the situation worsens, the pain will become stronger, the person may vomit, and will feel a slight collapse. The causes of the disease can be injuries, long-term abstinence, too sudden movements and simply muscle tension.
  • Fournier's gangrene - redness in this case is accompanied by sharp pain, swelling of the penis, the appearance of a rash, and increased temperature. Since the disease is quite dangerous, the treatment method should be selected by an experienced andrologist to avoid further spread of gangrene and organ necrosis.
  • Testicular cancer should not initially be considered a death sentence. In reality, it all depends on the stage at which the disease is detected and surgical treatment. Redness is considered the initial symptom, and therefore it is so important to note changes in the color of the skin.
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