Sunken cheeks: features, possible causes, diagnosis and consequences

With age, a person's face changes. Sudden changes in weight also do not have the best effect on your appearance. Subcutaneous fatty tissue is displaced, proportions are disturbed. Sunken cheeks appear, questions begin to worry about what to do and why this is happening.

The quality of the cheeks depends on the tone of the facial muscles. In youth, the cheekbones are in hypertonicity. We smile more often, enjoy life, and the best exercise machine for the facial muscles is a smile. With age, there are fewer and fewer reasons for joy. The muscles that pull the corners of the lips down are involved. The chewing muscles shorten due to tension, and the zygomatic muscles weaken and stop working. The skin, along with fat packets, moves down and towards the center, forming nasolabial folds, and sunken cheeks appear. Neck muscles with incorrect posture aggravate this effect, tightening the face.

Let's look at several ways to remove sunken cheeks in women. This information is also relevant for men.

Non-surgical solutions

Massage will help remove tension, relieve tension and relax the facial muscles. In addition, it is necessary to work on the back of the head, temporal zones, and parietal region.

You can do it yourself by watching training videos, or contact a professional massage therapist.

To look perfect, you need to start doing facial gymnastics as early as possible. Adjust your diet according to your skin's needs.

If you notice severe sunken cheeks, go to a beauty salon or plastic surgery clinic.

How to reduce the size?

Fat accumulates in the body as unspent energy. How to lose weight so that your cheeks fall in? Additionally, you need to do physical exercises:

  1. You need to purse your lips, while inhaling, pull your cheeks in and freeze for a couple of seconds. First, this is done with both cheeks at once, and then in turn.
  2. You need to take air into your mouth to get rounded cheeks. Then they move it under the upper lip, to the right side, to the left and to the chin.
  3. The tip of the tongue is moved along the inside of the mouth 10 times from the corner of the lips to the 7th tooth. Then perform the same exercise on the other side.
  4. You need to hold the pen with your lips, drawing letters in the air with it. The exercise is performed until the facial muscles become tired.

Physical exercises are effective. It is enough to do them regularly.


If the above methods do not give the desired result, surgery will help correct sunken cheeks. Any surgical intervention involves a rehabilitation period. The patient experiences mild pain for several days. Swelling and hematomas persist. In some cases it is necessary to wear a bandage. The duration of rehabilitation depends on the type of surgery.

There are several methods to get rid of sunken cheeks:

  1. Removal of Bisha's lumps is carried out surgically. The operation is performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia. Lumps are excised completely or partially. Sometimes excess fat moves to the cheekbones if there is a lack of volume in that area. As a result, cheekbones are raised, the volume of sagging cheeks is reduced, the oval becomes clearer, and the face takes on a perfect shape. The operation is recommended for indications after 25 years. There are no complications after the procedure.
  2. To get rid of jowls, a method of facial correction with biocompatible threads is used. They are carried up to the chin and fixed behind the ears. After six months, they dissolve and are eliminated from the body naturally. A collagen framework is formed at this site.
  3. A lower face lift will lift the corners of the lips, eliminate nasolabial folds, and make the contour clearer. The number of incisions in inconspicuous places is minimal. The tissues are separated from the bone and fixed in their new position. You will get a sculpted face that is close to Hollywood standards.

Why are the cheeks round and large?

There are several factors behind a plump midface. This is often due to:

  1. Overweight. Typically, part of the excess weight lingers in the middle, and gradually in the lower lobes of the face. The problem can be solved by losing excess weight.
  2. Features of facial structure. With a normal weight, it can also be voluminous.
  3. Incorrect posture. Puffy cheeks appear due to raised shoulders and a constantly lowered head.

On forums, many people write like this: “I’ve lost weight and my cheeks have sunken.” Often the problem disappears after eliminating excess weight. Other measures may also be required, which are described below.

How to make your cheeks bigger

Everyone has different views on beauty. Some people suit thin cheeks, others wonder how to make their cheeks bigger. Professional cosmetic and surgical methods will help solve this problem.

The lipofilling method involves transplanting the patient's fat deposits from the buttocks and thighs. Produced by microinjections into the facial area. Material rejection is excluded. The procedure allows you to supplement the lack of volume, smooth out folds and wrinkles.

Implantation will help solve the problem of how to make sunken cheeks more plump. The silicone implant is inserted through an incision under the lower eyelid. This method allows you to correct the shape of your cheekbones and cheeks.

Correction of sunken cheeks with fillers is a non-surgical method. It takes place under local anesthesia. Injections of hyaluronic acid or preparations based on calcium hydroxyapatite are injected under the skin. The procedure does not cause allergic reactions and does not leave scars. The result lasts for 3 years.

Using cosmetics

Do your cheeks sag without exercise? Without them it is difficult to achieve such a result. This can be done temporarily with the help of appropriate makeup. To do this, you need powder or matte blush a tone darker than the skin, a wide fluffy brush with a beveled end. Having drawn in your cheeks, you should draw a wide line in the middle of each of them from the ear to the center. Then they do the shading. The blush should be under the cheekbones.

Light shimmer is applied above these lines. Then, using a natural pink blush, marks are placed on the convex areas of the cheekbones. It's easier to do this while smiling. The blush needs to be blended.


To achieve the best results, you should do face masks every week. They improve metabolism, remove fat and harmful substances that have accumulated under the skin. The procedures nourish the skin, the face becomes toned and elastic.

It is advisable to choose:

  • oatmeal;
  • honey;
  • gelatin;
  • protein;
  • clay.

The masks are applied to clean, steamed facial skin and left on for 20 minutes. Then wash off with warm water using a tonic or herbal decoction. At the end, treatment with a moisturizer is required.


Although signs of a deficiency may be noticeable (collapsed cheeks), it is not always possible to diagnose the pathology due to the anatomical structure of the head. But if there are complaints, the therapist schedules a consultation with a dermatologist. Also required:

  • clinical blood test;
  • general urinalysis;
  • blood sugar test.

Based on the results obtained, conclusions are drawn about the need to carry out research. If concomitant ailments are not identified, then an appointment with a cosmetologist or plastic surgeon is required.


If your cheeks are sunken, placing your own fat in the problem area will help make your face rounder. It is first taken from other parts of the body using the liposuction method. Then purification occurs in a medical centrifuge.

It is then injected into the cheeks. Some fat cells may not take root. And the rest of them gradually dissolves. But this method makes the cheeks rounder for a longer period compared to contouring. Their appearance will be completely natural.


Your diet affects your appearance, so you need to keep your face in perfect order. You should not eat fast foods, buns, fatty and fried foods, and also add a lot of salt. The diet should consist of:

  • cereals, legumes;
  • vegetables, fruits, herbs;
  • lean meat, fish;
  • fermented milk products - cottage cheese, kefir.

15-30 minutes before meals you should drink 1 glass of water. This is necessary not only to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, but also to eliminate excess weight. Lack of fluid also affects the face: dry skin ages faster, loses elasticity, and sags.


This procedure allows you to stimulate facial muscles, improve blood circulation, and tighten the skin. Ideally, you should spend 20 minutes a day on this procedure, preferably after washing. You can do it for 10 minutes in the morning and evening. You can perform a massage with any cream that suits your skin, adding a little oil to it.

It is necessary to mix the composition and rub it into your hands for 15 seconds. Lightly patting your cheeks with your fingertips will improve blood circulation. After this warm-up, you can begin the procedure. First, the face is massaged from bottom to top along the massage lines. Lightly press your fingers onto the skin without making much effort.

Volumetric contouring

This method is also effective if the cheeks are sunken. Filler injections are performed in a special way. In volumetric contouring, a syringe with a cannula is used to administer agents. It enters the soft tissues, pushing them apart. Thanks to this, the procedure will be painless and is performed without anesthesia.

It does not cause bruises or swelling of the face. The effect is ensured by fewer injections. But its duration depends on the filler used, that is, it is present for 6-12 months.


A narrow face will be visually rounder with a haircut or styling:

  1. Cascade with curls. It is important that the hair on the cheeks extends to the middle of the cheeks. It is necessary to perform the greatest volume of hairstyle.
  2. Asymmetrical haircut. The hair around the cheeks should reach the middle of the ears or a little longer.
  3. Straight or oblique bangs and pulled back hair. It is important that the hairstyle is not smooth. You should leave soft, not long curls near the depressions.

Correcting full or thin cheeks can make your face look younger. But when performing it, it is necessary to take into account its features and proportions. You also need to take into account the opinion of a specialist.


If your cheeks are sunken, you can tighten the oval of your face by influencing the facial muscles. They gain tone through the following exercises:

  1. You should open your mouth and place 2 fingers (first on the right) in the area of ​​the lower jaw. Then you need to close your lips and teeth, but at the same time prevent this from happening with your hand. Using your fingers, pull the bottom of the jaw forward and down. Then you need to do everything with your left hand.
  2. You need to place your fingers on the left and right sides into the open mouth. The lips should be folded as if pronouncing the letter “O”. And you need to interfere with this with your fingers.

Insertion of implants – surgery

Sunken cheeks can be corrected with surgery. During the intervention, incisions are made in the problem area, then a pocket is formed and an implant is placed in it.

Endoprostheses come in different shapes; they are selected based on size and face type. With the help of the operation, the oval will be correct for a long period. But one should take into account the natural aging of tissues, their ptosis and the movement of implants for this reason.

Visual reduction of the face

As for a deep bite, its characteristic feature is the overlap of the lower incisors with the upper incisors by more than half (while the norm is one third). However, this may apply not only to the incisors, but also to the lateral teeth. With such a bite, the face appears flattened from below, and the lower lip often turns outward, since it has nowhere else to go. If the owner of a deep bite does not have a very high forehead, then the face looks very small, but if the forehead is high enough, then the disproportion of the upper part of the face relative to the lower becomes noticeable. If a person gets into the habit of pursing his lips (to avoid turning out the lower one), then the lips will appear thin, which will visually make the face appear even smaller.

Facial asymmetry

Closing the list of main variants of malocclusion is crossbite, caused by uneven development of the upper or lower jaw, on one side or the other. Crossbite can be either bilateral or unilateral, affecting both the lateral and anterior dentition. The essence of the anomaly is that the correct overlap of the lower teeth with the upper ones is disrupted. In addition to the pronounced displacement of one jaw relative to the other, crossbite is also characterized by more intense chewing of food on one side, which is why teeth wear away faster on that side. This, in turn, leads to increased facial asymmetry.

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