Hardware facelift: The best methods of “A Clinic”

Non-surgical facelift is a set of methods for cosmetological correction of age-related changes. Cosmetology offers many options for eliminating wrinkles, moisturizing the skin and tightening the oval of the face. The doctor’s individual approach allows you to achieve results comparable to surgical lifting.

You can engage in anti-aging correction after 25 years, when the synthesis of collagen and elastin in cells slows down. At an early age, minimal effort is enough for a non-surgical lift. For middle-aged and elegant patients, there are more radical ways to combat the signs of aging. The sooner you pay attention to your appearance and begin prevention, the less pronounced age-related changes will be in the future.

Classification of facelift methods

Thus, non-surgical lifting is:

  • hardware;
  • laser;
  • injection;
  • thread

Manual methods are also effective: massage, peelings and treatments. The best result is demonstrated by a combination of different rejuvenation methods. During the consultation, the cosmetologist, after assessing the condition of the tissues, will suggest the optimal transformation complex.

Injection group

  • Mesolifting

Rejuvenation with mesothreads refreshes the appearance and significantly tightens the tissue. The advantage of this procedure is its low invasiveness and complete removal of the drug from the body over time. Mesothreads eliminate unevenness, strengthen the oval, eliminate jowls, pronounced nasolabial and nasolabial folds. Installation of mesothreads is not an operation, so immediately after it you can return to your normal rhythm of life.

Mesotherapy is also effective in combating age-related changes. In each case, an individual cocktail is used to target imperfections. Mesotherapy improves skin condition, relieves inflammation, normalizes blood circulation and metabolism.

  • Plasmolifting

The very name of the procedure contains the word lifting, but it is not a classic lifting in the usual sense. The goal of plasma lifting is to enhance regeneration and restore metabolism in skin cells. It has a beneficial effect on its tone and color, and also eliminates imperfections: acne, other inflammations, post-acne, fine wrinkles. Plasmolifting is an effective supportive procedure for everyone who is used to looking irresistible. It has virtually no contraindications, rehabilitation is comfortable, and the result is noticeable immediately after the session.

  • Gel filler injections

Fillers cannot provide significant anti-aging correction, but they can significantly refresh your appearance. By means of contour plastic surgery, you can correct the oval of the face and make the chin more defined. Fillers fill nasolabial folds and nasolacrimal grooves, which eliminates the tired appearance. With the help of absorbable gels, you can replenish the missing volume of the cheekbones and lips, which is lost with age. Hyaluronic acid in the filler base stimulates natural metabolic processes in cells, triggering the natural rejuvenation mechanism. Fillers perfectly complement plastic surgery.

In our clinic, injections of a collagen-containing drug are popular. By analogy with hyaluronic acid, collagen promotes cell self-rejuvenation. At the same time, these injections significantly improve the skin structure, its turgor and color.

  • Botulinum therapy

Botox or Dysport injections are effective in combating mesh and expression wrinkles. Forehead, eyebrow area, eye area - these areas are the most popular for Botox correction. By smoothing and relaxing specific facial muscles, Botox stops you from frowning, raising your eyebrows and laughing with your eyes. With regular use of botulinum toxin preparations, a habit is developed of not using these muscles. If you stop injecting Botox, you will still look younger - due to this very habit.

Hardware facelift methods

  • Ultrasonic vacuum massage Le Prus

Non-surgical lifting using the Le Prus device strengthens the facial muscles, relieves swelling, and restores moisture balance. Thanks to improved blood microcirculation, the skin becomes elastic and smooth. Its color improves. This effective method is still not a complete alternative to surgery.

  • Laser rejuvenation – Palomar and DOT resurfacing

Laser resurfacing gently removes the top layer of skin, renewing cells and stimulating metabolic processes. After rejuvenation using a laser device, pigment spots disappear, mesh wrinkles are smoothed out, deep wrinkles and creases become less pronounced. Improves complexion and skin quality. Sanding can also be used on delicate areas such as eyelids and décolleté.

Botox injections

These injections smooth out the facial muscles, making the face look younger and fresher. Botox is great at fighting expression lines.

The drug is based on botulinum toxin and blocks nerve impulses going to the facial muscles. The injections will not interfere with facial expressions or distort them.

No anesthesia is required - the needle is so thin that it does not cause discomfort.

Avoid alcohol before your session. Doctors believe that due to drinking alcohol, swelling and bruising may occur after Botox injection. If you have been prescribed antibiotics or blood thinners, do not visit a cosmetologist and wait until the end of the course of treatment.

Botox injections are not suitable for everyone.


  • high sensitivity to botulinum toxin;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • high degree of myopia;
  • taking strong medications;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • infections.

Do not touch the injection sites. For quick recovery, avoid physical activity for 2-3 days. In the first days, it is not advisable to even bend over. Get all recommendations from a cosmetologist.


  • Skin tightening with threads

For thread lifting, mesothreads can be used, which completely dissolve over time, as well as gold threads or Aptos. Rejuvenation occurs due to the formation of a framework under the skin. This eliminates ptosis, relieves you of pronounced nasolabial folds, jowls, and unclear contours of the chin. Installation of threads stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the youth of the skin and its elasticity. Mesothreads can be used for early age-related changes; gold threads and Aptos are indicated for more pronounced signs of aging. Thread lifting goes well with surgical rejuvenation.

  • Deep peeling

Chemical peeling has a renewing effect on the skin. By removing the cells of the upper layer, it smooths out wrinkles, eliminates post-acne and other scars. It perfectly complements surgical operations, enhancing their effect. This type of non-surgical lift gives results only in terms of skin quality. Peels are not able to strengthen the oval and tighten sagging tissues.

  • Massage for facial skin tightening

By influencing certain points, the cosmetologist restores blood circulation and improves metabolism in skin cells. Puffiness goes away, the skin acquires an even color, its tone increases, and you look younger. This method is most effective for minor age-related changes and as a preventive measure for their occurrence.

  • Choosing a non-surgical facelift technique

The choice of lifting method depends on the patient’s age, skin condition, indications and contraindications for the procedures. Sometimes it is impossible to correct age-related changes only with the help of cosmetology. In case of pronounced sagging tissue and an abundance of wrinkles, surgical SMAS lifting is performed. This technique is indicated for patients over 40 years of age.

Up to 40, contouring with fillers, Botox and threads will help you refresh your appearance. Plasmolifting and mesotherapy will improve the condition of the skin. Upon reaching a certain age, these methods have an auxiliary effect. By combining face and neck plastic surgery with cosmetic services, you will achieve excellent results.


Plasmolifting is skin rejuvenation with injections of your own plasma. Due to its biocompatibility, the drug is ideally absorbed in the body and does not cause an allergic reaction. Cosmetologists use sterile tubes made of hypoallergenic material to collect blood. The procedure is safe.

Before the session, the client's blood is drawn. It will then be spun in a centrifuge to isolate the plasma.

Plasmolifting not only rejuvenates the skin, but also treats acne, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and eliminates post-acne scars.

Before the session, careful preparation is required, including a blood test for infections.

A few hours before the procedure, avoid alcohol, fatty, smoked, and spicy foods. At this time, you should not drink strong tea or coffee. Before going to the cosmetologist, do not eat for 5 hours.

Contraindications to plasma lifting:

  • chronic diseases;
  • oncology;
  • acute infections;
  • tuberculosis, hepatitis, HIV;
  • diabetes;
  • taking blood thinning medications;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • blood diseases.

Photos before and after

Reinforcement of the face with gold threads

Injection tightening with a collagen-containing preparation

Thread lifting

How is the procedure performed?

The Ulthera therapy procedure is simple and comfortable for the patient. It does not require special training.

It takes from 30 minutes to 2 hours depending on the area of ​​treatment. During the procedure, the doctor applies a special gel that conducts ultrasound waves, then applies a handle with a special sensor to the surface of the skin and treats the area. When the sensor is activated, micro-focused ultrasound waves impact various layers of the skin: from the superficial to the SMAS (muscular aponeurotic system) to a depth of 4.5 mm, without damaging the skin. At the moment of each impulse, warmth and a slight tingling sensation are felt.

The number of pulses and depth of exposure of the ultrasonic sensor is selected individually. The more pronounced the fatty tissue and excess soft tissue are, the deeper the attachment and the greater the number of impulses are required. The thinner the skin and the less fatty tissue, the more superficial the sensor is used.

Non-surgical face and neck lift: price

The cost of a face and neck lift without surgery depends on the method. Mesothreads in our clinic cost from 600 rubles. for 1 thread. Fillers cost from 12,000 rubles. Plasmolifting of the face – 6,000 rubles. One unit of Botox costs 380 rubles, this is a promotional price.

A cosmetologist will help you decide on the tightening method during your consultation.

Since 2002, the Medial clinic has been providing services in the field of cosmetological correction of age-related changes. We have extensive experience working with women and men of different ages. The clinic has laser equipment and multifunctional devices. We always have a choice of fillers from different global manufacturers. We pay great attention to a personal approach to anti-aging correction.

Our specialists Galina Rakhimovna Sonn, Valentina Andreevna Moiseeva and Natalya Rafaelovna Babajanova are certified cosmetologists who regularly improve their skills, are experienced and attentive.

To schedule a consultation, call: +7

Purpose of SMAS (muscular aponeurotic system)

The facial muscles are located under the skin. But they make a significant contribution to age-related skin changes.

A distinctive feature of the facial muscles is that they are fused into a single muscular-fibrous layer (in English literature it is called the superficial muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS) - superficial muscular-aponeurotic system), which is “sewn” to the skin in several places. By contracting, the muscles pull the skin along with them, as a result of which the facial expression changes - the eyebrows frown, the forehead wrinkles, the lips stretch into a smile, etc. Although such anatomy provides all the richness and variety of human facial expressions, it also creates the prerequisites for the formation of wrinkles and folds on the skin. After all, when muscles contract, they constantly stretch the skin. And due to the fact that the muscular aponeurotic layer is not connected to the bones of the face, the skin sags over the years under the influence of gravity.

To achieve the best results from a facelift, plastic surgeons work at the SMAS level. But they leave scars. After Altera, the surface of the skin remains even and smooth.

Avdeyuk Elena Vladimirovna

Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

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