HPV screening is a sure way to identify and localize the problem

HPV types

The content of the article

Medical experts identify more than 100 types of HPV. However, not all types of HPV are dangerous to humans.

The development of cancerous tumors can be expected when the following types are detected: 16, 52, 18, 68, 45, 31, 58, 33, 35, 39, 59. Types 18 and 16 are considered especially dangerous among them. It is in the presence of such that high mortality is observed. Each carcinogenic type of virus can lead to cancer:

  • cervix;
  • penis;
  • anus;
  • vulva;
  • larynx;
  • mouth

Low chances of getting cancer if types are detected: 11, 43, 42, 6, 44. Not a single case of cancer has been identified so far in case of infection with types: 1, 3, 5, 2, 4.

The peculiarities of the human papillomavirus are such that infection with one type does not mean that a person will be protected from others.

HPV diagnostic methods

The following research methods allow you to detect HPV, establish its type, and assess the risk of atypical degeneration:

  • Enzyme-linked immunosorbent test (ELISA) - used for early diagnosis of the disease before characteristic external signs appear. When a virus enters the body, the immune system produces immunoglobulin (specific antibodies) to fight it. These antibodies are detected by an immunological analysis of HPV DNA.
  • HPV is one of the few microorganisms that have their own DNA, which can be detected using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The study reveals the fact of infection, the type of virus, and their number.
  • Digene test - an amplification test, in addition to quantitative parameters, allows you to assess the oncogenicity of the virus. For examination, a scraping of the mucous membrane is made.
  • Cytological method - studying biomaterial under a microscope allows you to isolate cells modified by the virus. Class 1-2 – not dangerous to health, class 3 – questionable result, class 4-5 – high probability of developing an oncological process.
  • Histological method is necessary to confirm or exclude a cancerous tumor if a cytological examination reveals class 3-5 cells.

In women, condylomas on the cervix can be detected using colposcopic examination. The colposcope provides multiple magnification, allowing you to notice the smallest condylomas, as well as atypical changes in the epithelium.

Causes of papilloma virus infection

The main reason for the spread of the virus is unprotected intimate relationships. At the same time, representatives of the fair sex, as statistics show, are more susceptible to infection. Thus, the probability of infection in men through sexual contact is 25-70%. The risk of infection in women reaches 80-90%.

In addition, the virus can be transmitted in the following cases:

  • blood transfusions;
  • at birth - from mother to child;
  • through household items - personal hygiene products;
  • as a result of cuts, wounds and the like.

How is HPV transmitted and what diseases can it lead to?

Human papilloma virus causes diseases:

  • uterine cancer;
  • condylomas;
  • cervical cancer;
  • genital and anal papillomatosis - the formation of warts;
  • malignant neoplasms of the anus, penis, larynx, esophagus.

The disease is transmitted mainly through unprotected sexual contact. If the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes is compromised, a domestic method of infection in common areas through household items associated with high humidity (towels, handrails and the floor in a swimming pool, bathhouse/sauna) cannot be ruled out.

During childbirth, the mother's virus is transmitted to the newborn and can have a negative impact on psychophysical development. Therefore, it is important when planning a pregnancy to undergo examination and testing for HPV.

Screening - general examination

Many women are interested in what HPV screening is. First of all, it should be pointed out that this is a qualitative analysis that allows you to detect cervical cancer in the early stages, as well as find out about the presence of dangerous types of viruses in the body of a particular person.

In women, HPV screening is done directly during a gynecological examination. In this case, the doctor takes a smear, which is subsequently tested in a laboratory. If a human papillomavirus infection is detected as a result, the woman should undergo a more thorough examination, including to identify pathological changes in tissue.

Several other methods are actively used today to establish the diagnosis of IF.

  1. PCR. Its purpose is to identify the DNA of the pathogen in biological material: blood, urine, secretions. Therefore, it is possible to find out which stamp is present.
  2. Genotyping. Helps determine whether the infection has an initial form or a chronic one.
  3. Digen test. Quantitative method indicates the amount of virus.

It is up to the doctor to decide which test to use and when exactly to screen for HPV.


  • in women, a smear to determine chlamydia, gonorrhea and other infections is taken outside the menstrual period;
  • 7-14 days before the study, stop taking antibiotics;
  • a week before collecting biomaterial, avoid douching, insertion of vaginal suppositories, and application of local antiseptic preparations;
  • do not have intimacy one day before the test;
  • on the evening before the diagnosis, take a shower, and then do not wash yourself again;
  • To get reliable results, a smear for gonorrhea and other STIs should be taken in women and men 2-3 hours after urination.

What does advanced screening show?

For a more complete examination and diagnosis, as well as in case of suspicion of several types of HPV at once, it is appropriate to ask for extended HPV screening. This one contains information about 15 types of viruses. Essentially, this is a quantitative method that makes it possible to detect DNA. The main feature that distinguishes HPV HCR screening is its 100% specificity of determination.

Having received the results of the polymerase chain reaction PCR, the doctor has the opportunity to more successfully select a treatment regimen.

Extended testing, cervical screening is deciphered using a special parameter - control of material collection.

Where in St. Petersburg can you get tested for STIs at an affordable price?

To undergo diagnostics at one of the most affordable prices in St. Petersburg, we invite you to the medical office. Here you can get tested for other sexually transmitted infections 7 days a week, at a time that suits you. Current prices for PCR analysis for gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, mycoplasma, ureaplasma and chlamydia are listed on the website. If you still have any questions about the preparation and cost of the study, you can contact our managers at the phone numbers given in the “Contacts” section.

Is screening reliable?

Today it is difficult to find a more reliable and affordable way to detect the HPV virus than screening. It only takes a few days for specialists to point out the presence of potentially dangerous factors.

Modern private clinics have all the necessary equipment, indicators and tools that allow the test to be carried out with the highest quality possible. For ease of use of the PCR method and ease of interpretation of the results, recalculation into Digene units occurs. Therefore, the probability of error is very low.

What is the importance of performing a PCR test?

If the causative agents of the disease are not detected in time, bacteria and protozoa that have entered the body can cause a chronic inflammatory response. It involves the urogenital tract and organs of the genitourinary system. As a result, the patient suffers from discomfort in the intimate area, painful urination, and discomfort during sexual intercourse.

As the disease progresses, the organs of the reproductive system (uterus, ovaries and tubes in women, prostate gland, testicles and their appendages in men) may be involved in the inflammatory process, which can further lead to chronic inflammation, the formation of adhesions and possible problems with conception and pregnancy . To avoid this, once a year or more often, it is advisable for men and women of reproductive age to take a smear test for gonorrhea, chlamydia and other infections.

Why diagnose a disease?

Timely detection of the virus in women or men makes it possible to save a person from death. It is very difficult to identify the presence of carcinogenic types, because the problem may not manifest itself from the outside for a long time.

Having received accurate results, the doctor can find out whether condylomas pose a threat, whether they lead to the appearance of degenerated tumors, and whether they should be removed at all.

Timely diagnosis helps prevent the development of cancer, and if it is present, select the most effective control regimen.

Who should be screened?

All women over 30 years of age should be tested for HPV. If no carcinogenic types are found in them, then it is worth repeating such an analysis at least once every 2-3 years.

You also need to donate blood to determine the virus:

  • during pregnancy;
  • with severely reduced immunity;
  • if a person is struggling with signs of having HPV;
  • after unprotected contacts, blood transfusion.

Also, all people who have already been diagnosed with the disease should undergo such an analysis from time to time.

When and to whom should I give it?

The optimal age to start testing (PAP test and HPV test) is 21 years.

It is not recommended to examine younger women, due to the fact that in young women, in most cases, spontaneous elimination (“self-disappearance”) of HPV and HPV-associated lesions occurs. A PAP test must be taken annually.

It is important to test for HPV after each change of partner.

If we take into account that you have a monogamous relationship, and your HPV is negative, and there are no abnormalities in the cytological test result, then the next time a Pap test (and without an HPV test) can be done in 3 years.

But, of course, the frequency of examinations must be discussed with the attending gynecologist, because each case is individual!

You can stop the examination at the age of 69 years, provided that the results of previous examinations are normal and there are no diseases of the cervix for 20 years.

What will the doctor tell you before the test?

By contacting a specialist, the client receives the most complete consultation regarding screening and the specifics of its implementation. The patient will receive comprehensive information on how to undergo HPV screening. In women, material is collected in a hospital setting. The gynecologist makes a scraping from the cervical canal.

For male patients, PCR analysis is performed in the same way.

Some other methods of diagnosing the virus involve simply taking a blood test.

What do you need to do to complete the study?

Each patient should prepare before the test: before going to the doctor, you need to carry out normal hygiene procedures, but do not use too much detergent or antibacterial agents or lotions.

We will not have a successful analysis if the patient uses medications during the last three days before collecting the material.

Men are prohibited from urinating for 2 hours before the collection of material.

How to prepare for the test?

It is recommended to take a smear no earlier than on the 5th day of the menstrual cycle and no later than 5 days before the expected start of menstruation.

Swabs should not be taken:

• earlier than 48 hours after sexual intercourse;

• during menstruation;

• earlier than 48 hours after using suppositories and other substances containing fat, vinegar or Lugol solution, tampons or spermicides;

• after a vaginal examination (pelvic ultrasound, colposcopy), douching;

• during the treatment of urogenital infections.

How to evaluate the results of an HPV test

The first fact that the doctor pays attention to is the presence or absence of viral DNA in human biological materials. Normally, its DNA should be completely absent. At the same time, the test results are used to determine the characteristics of the course of the disease.

Thus, indicators up to the number 103 indicate a transient, that is, low-hazard current. In this case, over the course of one year, the person retakes the screening several more times. Confirmation of transientness is a decrease in indicators several times.

If the results indicate a figure of more than 103, the doctor can conclude that the disease is chronic. The likelihood of developing cancer is then very significant.

Indicators of more than 105 indicate the onset of cervical cancer development.

Post-rest health check (HPV test, cervical cancer screening)

Vacation is a time for yourself, when you want to fall in love. Time for holiday romances... It doesn’t matter whether it will continue or not, today we will talk about the most important thing - women’s health, namely, HPV. Why do we remember human papillomaviruses?

Human papillomaviruses are widespread and cause various diseases and lesions of the skin, larynx, male and female genital organs. Most of them are harmless. The most insidious types of HPV are called highly oncogenic, that is, capable of causing cancer. There is a clear connection between certain types of the virus and cervical cancer. The source of infection is exclusively human, the predominant route of transmission is sexual. But a household mechanism is also possible, when infection occurs in saunas, swimming pools, and spa salons. According to recent data, up to 90% of the population is infected with HPV and continues to spread it.

Highly oncogenic HPV types include 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 50, 51, 56, 58, 64, 68. Types 16 and 18 are considered the most dangerous.

However, HPV infection does not always lead to cancer. If, in addition to HPV, there are risk factors, the likelihood of starting a tumor process is much higher. These include chlamydial infection, having multiple sexual partners, chronic inflammation of the cervix, smoking, and stress. A healthy and strong immune system usually copes with HPV and the viruses disappear from the body after 6-15 months.

For the discovery of the connection between HPV and cervical cancer, the German scientist Harald zur Hausen received the Nobel Prize. The peculiarity of the course of human papillomavirus infection is that it has no obvious manifestations. The woman is not worried or alarmed by anything. And at this time, HPV penetrates into the deep layers and integrates into the DNA, changing the structure of the cell, its ability to fully develop and reproduce. Dysplasia, a precancerous condition, gradually forms. If the process is not stopped at an early stage, the cells will turn into tumor cells. Cervical cancer is very insidious and can spread and metastasize, which without treatment leads to mortality.

Now do you understand the importance of timely testing for HPV and cytology? And this needs to be done regularly, and when changing sexual partners - it is mandatory! Even if a man considers himself healthy.

In order to be examined correctly, it is important to remember several important points:

  • If a quantitative HPV test is done, the doctor looks at the concentration of the virus. There are studies in which the lowest concentration of the virus is determined, and in the absence of other signs, treatment is not required, only observation.
  • There are many tests for HPV, and it is wrong to compare the results of studies performed by different methods.
  • Consult a gynecologist. To make a decision, it is necessary to take into account all the data: complaints, the nature of the discharge, which is visible in the mirrors and during colposcopy, the results of the HPV test and cytology, and other laboratory findings.
  • Situations often arise when one type of HPV is first detected, and after some time another, or several, are detected. This situation is possible. HPV rarely works alone and penetrates deeply, “hiding” in cells.
  • It is important to properly prepare for the study: exclude sexual intercourse, local procedures, colposcopy and transvaginal ultrasound 48 hours before; Do not be examined during menstruation.

To establish the correct diagnosis, HPV tests and cytology smears are performed; each test has a specific purpose.:

  • HPV tests - find oncogenic types, provide the woman with observation and treatment to prevent dysplasia
  • Cytological examination - do not miss dysplasia (cell changes)

It is not always the case that each individual study allows us to understand the full picture of what is happening.

  • Simultaneous HPV testing and cytology from the same biomaterial is the best solution, allowing the doctor to develop competent treatment tactics. It becomes clear that the cell is changing under the influence of HPV.

Benefits of KDL laboratory tests

HPV test for high carcinogenic risk (ROCHE COBAS).

  • Detects the concentration of the virus that requires monitoring and treatment (the response “detected” will be received). Lower levels, which are not clinically significant but worry and frighten women, are not detected.
  • The highest risk HPV types 16 and 18 are assessed separately.
  • Other types of viruses are statistically much less likely to cause cancer. They are presented as a summary answer.

Cervical Cancer Screening (BD ShurePath Liquid Cytology) with HPV Test (ROCHE COBAS4800)

  • Performs two tasks simultaneously
  • Liquid-based cytology is an advanced method for cell monitoring that is accurate and reliable. The biomaterial is taken in a special container, and not on glass; the analyzer performs a high-quality and thin smear, allowing you to examine each cell individually; if necessary, you can perform several strokes; the test is carried out in PAP format (Papanicolaou staining), which complies with international recommendations.
  • In countries where this test is mandatory, the mortality rate from cervical cancer is low.

Getting tested for HPV after active recreation is a chance not to miss the virus and prevent precancerous diseases and cancer. Get examined in a timely manner with KDL and be healthy!

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