French facial massage - three techniques from Christelle Guinet, Joel Siocco, Pascal Coche

This body massage consists of a set of techniques invented by the French physiotherapist Pascal Cochet. The complex is popular among stars and other public figures due to the effect of the procedure, which is achieved not through surgery, but using the most gentle and beneficial methods for the body.

In a narrow circle, masters of French technology are called jewelers. Special skills and knowledge of non-surgical body correction allow for rejuvenation and improvement of appearance using physiotherapeutic techniques.

Interesting: The specificity of the French technique is complete disregard for muscles. Intense, sometimes painful, work involves the lymphatic drainage and circulatory systems, subcutaneous adipose tissue.

The French practice is applicable not only to the torso and limbs. The article on French facial massage details the benefits and effectiveness of the facial technique.

Pros of practice

Cosmetology is the science of skin beauty. Therefore, in pursuit of fading youth, for the correction or return of former facial features, simply for prevention - we go to a cosmetologist, not a surgeon.

Massage stimulates metabolism and restores elasticity to the skin, the cosmetologist makes you beautiful in a natural way. Under experienced hands, the epidermis activates rejuvenating mechanisms at the cellular level. French facial massage uses light and healthy cosmetics. Of course, more than one session is needed for results, but the process is painless, pleasant, does not require recovery and does not cost exorbitant amounts of money.

By the way, on our website there is an interesting article about French gymnastics for the face.

Who may need it

Women over 25 years of age most often need to eliminate wrinkles.
French anti-cellulite massage is often needed by girls over 25 years of age. It is in middle age that the skin begins to lose its elasticity and the first wrinkles appear. Of course, the procedure can be carried out at an earlier age. However, this requires compelling reasons. These include:

  • puffiness under the eyes;
  • puffiness of the face;
  • bruises.

If none of the above is present, massage may not be done.

French massage results

Some effects are cumulative, and some are visible after the first and with each subsequent session:

  • Swelling goes away;
  • Increases skin elasticity;
  • Small expression wrinkles are eliminated;
  • Problematic folds are smoothed out: nasolabial lips, jowls, drooping corners of the mouth;
  • A clear contour and complexion are restored;
  • Pigmentation associated with age or childbirth goes away;
  • Other annoying problems disappear - rashes, increased dryness or oiliness, acne.

Some of the above effects require cosmetic equipment or products to clean the top layer of skin.

Important: You should not do French facial massage yourself without prior training and proper practice. Inept manipulation of facial skin can disrupt the circulation of fluids, promote muscle asymmetry, and cause bruising and inflammation.

What is sculptural massage

The sculptural massage technique is a deep treatment of the facial muscles, affecting the skin, improving blood microcirculation, helping to smooth out wrinkles and tighten the contour. This massage will help restore tissue elasticity and relieve tension from facial wrinkles.

Before this procedure became widely used by cosmetologists, it was used by doctors to restore facial mobility after a stroke. And only a little later, patients noticed a side effect of the procedure - rejuvenation.

As a result, many beauty salons began to use this technique for their clients. Visitors also noticed a good and fairly quick result, making it possible to perform such massage at home on their own.


It is necessary to perform sculptural massage directly along certain lines. The main effect is on the facial muscles, fat layer and the skin itself.


Prevention of youth with French massage can be done once a month, not earlier than 25 years of age. This is often when the first signs of skin aging begin to appear. Therefore, the later the procedure is started, the longer it will take to see results. By the age of 40, a woman enters the last stage of the fertile period, which is most noticeably manifested on the skin of the face.

The full course of French practice sessions is worth taking if you:

  • Fuzzy facial contour;
  • Double chin;
  • Edema;
  • “Sagging” muscles;
  • Irregularities and wrinkles of any depth;
  • Jowls are “bulldog” folds running from the nose to the edges of the mouth;
  • Disadvantages with skin tone;
  • Other cosmetic problems.

How to properly prepare your face for the procedure?

First of all, you should thoroughly wash your hands and warm them slightly, your fingers should be warm. Then you need to carefully cleanse the face itself with a suitable, familiar composition. Just wash your face with a special gel, or cleanse your skin with cosmetic milk. Now you can lightly lubricate your face with cream; apply it with light, stroking movements, from the center of the face to the edges. That's it, the preparatory stage is completed! Let's look at the three most effective French massage techniques.

Classic massage from Christelle Guinet

Once upon a time, one of the largest cosmetic companies ordered the famous cosmetologist scientist Christelle Guine to develop a rejuvenating neck and face massage. Soon the technique invented by Guine became one of the most popular in the world. The main “mission” of this massage is rejuvenation.

Massage technique from Guine:

Having prepared the skin for massage, apply nourishing cream to it. Gently touching the skin, use the fingers of both hands to walk over the face with smoothing movements, from the center to the edges. You should move along the massage lines, and from top to bottom - starting from the forehead and ending with the neck.

You should act on your face in this way for 30 minutes. Do not put pressure on the skin, because the purpose of the procedure is only to smooth it and get aesthetic pleasure. You may think that this classic French massage from Guinet is too simple and not very effective, but this is not so. Having mastered this technique and performing the procedure at least 3-4 times a week, after a month you will see tangible results - in the form of fresher and smoother skin.

Sculptural massage by Joelle Siocco

Sculptural massage from Madame Joelle Siocco, a famous cosmetologist from France, has long been recognized as one of the most effective facial massages in the world. It gives every woman the opportunity to become a real sculptor of her face and make its contours perfect.

The technique is as follows:

  • gently, with the pads of your fingers, you need to walk over the face, pressing on the skin, rising from the neck to the forehead, and gradually increasing the intensity of the pressure;
  • then walk along the same trajectory with your fingers, making rolling movements;
  • Now you should stretch your neck and forearms with the phalanges of your fingers, pressing quite intensely;
  • tilt your head back, cup your palms, and make movements from the center of your face to the edges, as if you are washing your face and removing the water;
  • Using circular movements of your fingers, massage your cheeks thoroughly for several minutes;
  • along the entire contour of the face, do first light and then more aggressive pinching;
  • Finish your sculpting massage with gentle, relaxing movements from the center of the face outward, gradually easing the intensity of the pressure.

This interesting technique from Joëlle Ciocco is guaranteed to help make the contours of the face more prominent and clear, as well as tighten the oval. The total massage time is 40-50 minutes, it is enough to perform it 2 times a week.

Lymphatic drainage French massage from Pascal Coche

The procedure is based on lymphatic drainage, its main goal is to remove excess fluid from the tissues, and with it all kinds of toxins. Thanks to this massage, swelling is removed, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the skin structure becomes much cleaner.

There is no need to apply any products, oils or creams to your face. Lymphatic drainage massage from Kosh is a point technique, so to perform it yourself you will need to carefully study the location of the main points on the anatomical map.


  • all actions here are related to breathing, so the process begins with three deep, slow inhalations and exhalations;
  • then you begin with pressing movements of the fingertips, first moderate, then more intense, pressing on all the main points around the lips, nose, temples, collarbone;
  • after this, you should raise your arms high, with a deep slow inhalation, stretch well up, lower your arms with an exhalation, and then relax;
  • the final stage is a scalp massage and light pulling on the hair - this perfectly activates blood circulation.


French facial massage is aimed at rejuvenating and cleansing the skin at the cellular level, so it cannot be performed if you have:

  • Decreased red blood cell count;
  • Many large moles on the face;
  • Low intracranial pressure;
  • Thyroid diseases;
  • Skin infections or allergies;
  • Thinned vascular walls by disease or genetically;
  • Motor nerve neuralgia;
  • Hematomas or signs of recent surgery.

History of creation

Pascal Coche, creator of massage
French massage is a unique technique that was developed by the famous doctor Pascal Coche. It helps prevent the formation of edema and improve the functioning of the lymphatic drainage system. The creator of the innovative technique is a practicing physiotherapist who has been studying the structure and functioning of subcutaneous fat for many years. Pascal Coche is also a specialist in kinesitherapy and has repeatedly participated in Les Nouvelles Esthetiques congresses. He managed to systematize the data obtained to create an innovative massage that will remove skin imperfections, improve metabolism and remove toxic substances.

Is it possible to do it yourself?

The technique of French facial massage is effective and therefore serious. Under no circumstances should you perform it at home for yourself or anyone else unless you have the appropriate diploma. Even long-term self-study “using YouTube” does not count.

As a result of unprofessional intervention, there are banal bruises and external inflammation, up to asymmetry of the facial muscles, which will be very difficult to correct with a specialist.

At the same time, French massage is a procedure that does not require special sterility. Therefore, a certified esthetician does not necessarily have to perform in an office; don't be afraid to go for a home session. The main thing is to get a lot of reviews from other clients and request the appropriate certificate from the master. If all these conditions are met and the environment at home is neat, there is no reason not to contact this cosmetologist for a French massage.

Facial massage performed by a master

The attached video clearly shows the principle of the correct technique for performing French modeling massage. The cosmetologist seems to sculpt the skin and thereby creates clear contours of the face. His movements are fast, neat, but at the same time performed with a certain degree of pressure, so that the lymph flow lines are well engaged and excess fluid does not linger in the nose, cheeks, or under the eyes.

Basic techniques

All original or professionally adapted facial massage techniques have common basic techniques.

Classic anti-aging, author - Christelle Guinet

The technique was born when a popular cosmetics company ordered a facial and neck massage from Christel. This European technique, with classical techniques of cosmetological massage, quickly gained popularity throughout the world.

Correct execution of relaxing manipulations gives a lot of pleasant sensations every session.

Cosmetologists' opinion

The first thing that cosmetologists agree on is that French massage can only be performed by a specialist doctor who knows the anatomical atlas of the face by heart. Turning to impostors can lead, at a minimum, to loss of money, and at maximum, to aggravation of facial problems and the appearance of new flaws.

Cosmetologists do not advise waiting for instant results after the first procedure. A truly noticeable result may take 5-10 sessions, at least every one and a half to two weeks. Women over 35 years old are recommended to undergo French massage in courses up to 12 times, every six months.

Basic techniques and techniques

As has been mentioned many times, the originality of the practice lies in the slivers and stretching of the skin. Correctly performing a French massage, for example for the abdomen and thighs, will help correct the silhouette and acquire the figure so desired by the fair sex.

Important: Performing any technique against the direction of blood flow is absolutely contraindicated.

Softening fat deposits, removing them from the body, stimulating blood circulation and the lymphatic drainage system contribute to weight loss, the disappearance of cellulite and healthier skin.

The sequence of actions of the massage therapist after preparing for the session:

  1. The movements are slow, warming up. Rise from the shins to the buttocks and higher.
  2. Then the main stage of the massage begins, consisting of Kosh techniques.
  3. The speed of lymph movement is 1 cm/s on average. The pace of the master’s movements must correspond to it.
  4. Gradually, the intensity of the impact decreases to slow strokes.

  5. A few minutes of rest on the massage table.

On average, depending on the chosen practice, a session lasts from 1 to 1.5 hours.

The key factors that the master focuses on are: speed of movements, direction and intensity of impact.

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