What is biorevitalization: a detailed description of the procedure

From this article you will learn:

  • biorevitalization: what kind of procedure is it, reviews,
  • photos of patients before and after,
  • injection and non-injection techniques,
  • how much does biorevitalization cost - price for 1 procedure (for 2022).

Facial biorevitalization is a procedure for intradermal injection of high concentrations of active substances, which can significantly improve the appearance of the skin, increase its elasticity, as well as achieve a lifting effect and reduce the depth of wrinkles. Most often, hyaluronic acid, vitamins, microelements, amino acids are used for this, and in older age - components for intensive skin lifting, for example, peptides, DNA-RNA complexes and DMAE.

The composition of the drug is selected individually for each patient. The age of the patient, the condition of the facial skin, and, what is very important, the type of skin aging are taken into account. For example, for fine-wrinkle and deformation types of aging, completely different drugs will be indicated. An important problem is the training of specialists. How often, for example, do mesotherapists tell patients that capillary mesotherapy must be done before administering biorevitalizants? But in many cases, the severity and duration of the biorevitalization effect will depend on this.

Biorevitalization: photo of the procedure

Indications for biorevitalization –

  • therapy for biological skin aging,
  • photoaging therapy (including hyperpigmentation and rosacea),
  • prevention of aging,
  • wrinkles, thinning, decreased elasticity, dry skin,
  • deterioration of the skin as a result of smoking (including the appearance of small vertical wrinkles on the lips).

Thus, the biorevitalization technique will allow you to improve the color and texture of the skin (especially for smokers), increase its elasticity, reduce the depth of wrinkles, and achieve a skin lifting effect. Additional effects of this procedure may include correction of hyperpigmentation, reduction in the severity of rosacea, as well as inflammatory elements of acne. The severity of a particular effect will directly depend on the composition of the chosen drug.

Why is biorevitalization needed?

Every 10 years, the skin loses about 6% of endogenous hyaluronic acid. Biorevitalization helps replenish the level of hyaluronic acid, restore youthful skin and activate the production of its own hyaluronic acid. The composition is injected locally into those areas that especially need it - forehead, nasolabial folds, cheeks, neck, outer corners of the eyes, bridge of the nose, décolleté, hands.

Due to the targeted effect, the active substances penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, and the production of elastin and collagen is activated. They are responsible for smoothing the skin, literally filling wrinkles, and they are smoothed out.

What analogues does laser biorevitalization of the face and neck have?

The indications for most cosmetic services are similar, but the effectiveness may vary depending on the existing problem and skin condition.

To prevent age-related skin changes

Cosmetology offers the use of injection types of mesotherapy and biorevitalization. Active substances enter those layers of the skin where the most intense metabolic processes occur.

But the injections damage the skin, making the face not very attractive due to bruises and papules. In addition, this carries the risk of infection through wounds. Such exposure is fraught with allergies and other complications.

To increase skin hydration

There are care sessions using alginate masks or collagen biomatrix. As a result, the skin acquires a noticeable radiance, but the procedure provides only a superficial effect.

Only the upper layers of the skin receive moisture; the active substances of these masks do not affect the deeper layers. It is recommended to repeat sessions every 7-10 days.

Laser biorevitalization of the face is aimed at saturating the deep layers of the skin with moisture and stimulating the skin tissue under the influence of a laser beam. To achieve a lasting effect, it is necessary to conduct three sessions at intervals of a week, and after sufficient maintenance procedures once a month.

To improve the appearance and volume of lips

Plastic surgery using fillers with hyaluronic acid serves these purposes. Modern cosmetology allows you to achieve the effect of natural plump lips. But fillers have disadvantages, which include migration (movement) of the gel, the risk of fibrosis, and uneven placement in tissues. Laser biorevitalization of lips provides a gentle increase in lip volume without injections.

To eliminate signs of aging on the skin of the face, neck and décolleté

Peeling and microdermabrasion enhance the regeneration of skin cells and improve metabolic processes. When the upper layers of the skin are damaged and peeled off, the reparative activity of the skin is activated, as a result of which wrinkles disappear and the face becomes smooth.

Peels successfully combat enlarged pores, post-acne and other skin problems. But both peelings and microdermabrasion can hardly be called pleasant procedures. After them, the skin requires special, rather expensive care. In addition, the recovery period is characterized by a large number of restrictions; after the session, not very pleasant redness and noticeable peeling appear.

Laser biorevitalization of the face stimulates internal regeneration processes without damaging the skin. This procedure is free of discomfort. The skin does not require any special care.

For tightening facial skin after weight loss, eliminating dark circles around the eyes and puffiness of the face

Facial massage successfully helps to increase muscle tone, improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. But only when caring for very young skin can one avoid the additional use of hyaluronic acid.

Achieved effect from biorevitalization

The result depends on age and individual characteristics. For some, the effect is noticeable after the first session. Others will take time to “wake up” the cells.

The older the woman, the more pronounced the effect. A few days after the procedure, the cells will begin to produce collagen, and wrinkles will be smoothed out. Skin defects disappear after a few weeks.

You should not expect that a miracle will happen the next day and you will wake up without age-related changes. It must take at least a week for rejuvenation to start. But after the first procedure, you will notice that your face is fresher and looks younger.

What does biorevitalization give, what results can be achieved:

  • get rid of swelling;
  • remove dark circles under the eyes;
  • reduce wrinkles;
  • lighten pigmentation;
  • restore healthy complexion;
  • smooth out the skin.

The injections work progressively over 3-4 weeks, the results last up to six months.

Laser biorevitalization of the face: prices

The price of a course of laser biorevitalization of the face is influenced by the location of the cosmetology clinic and the level of service. The cost of one procedure for laser biorevitalization of the face, neck and décolleté ranges from 18 thousand to 24 thousand rubles. If you want to treat only your face, the session will cost about 12 thousand rubles.

The table presents data on prices for laser biorevitalization of the face in some cities of Russia:

City Price
Moscow 20 thousand rubles
Saint Petersburg 20 thousand rubles
Kazan 17 thousand rubles
Krasnodar 18 thousand rubles
Novosibirsk 17 thousand rubles

Many cosmetology and medical centers, taking into account the high cost of the procedure, offer discounts if the client wants to use several services at once. In addition, you can often find interesting offers with seasonal discounts.

Read material on the topic: Plasmolifting of the face - a breakthrough in domestic cosmetology

At what age can biorevitalization be done?

The procedure is recommended to be carried out from the age of 25-27, in some cases earlier if the skin is very dry. To replenish the deficiency of moisture, breathing, nutrition and cell resuscitation, the course can be prescribed from the age of 18.

At the age of 30-35 years, the procedure shows excellent results.

Let us take a closer look at the age at which biorevitalization loses its effectiveness.

After 40 years

At this age, hyaluronic acid injections are the best way to maintain skin tone. After the procedure, the features do not change, the rejuvenating effect appears naturally.

People over 40 years old should not choose products with maximum concentration, this can lead to swelling. Although the epidermis requires more moisture, it is necessary to act carefully.

After 50 years

The skin ages more intensively. This is caused by hormonal changes that lead to disturbances in the structure of elastin and collagen. At this age, biorevitalization becomes less effective due to gravitational ptosis and age-related changes. Sessions are best carried out together with other rejuvenation procedures. Courses of 5-10 procedures are prescribed with an interval of 10-15 days. The amount depends on the condition of the skin.

After 60 years

The course is carried out 2 times a year or more often, depending on the condition of the skin and the rate of elimination of the drug. They use preparations that contain, in addition to hyaluronic acid, vitamins, amino acids and peptides.

Effect duration

The effect will be noticeable immediately after the procedure. The face will have a fresh and radiant appearance, and the skin will feel rested. The full effect will be noticeable only 3-4 days after the procedure for restoring the youth of the face is carried out.

There are other results that can be achieved with biorevitalization:

  • Increased tone;
  • Turgor;
  • Improved complexion;
  • Lifting effect;
  • Increasing skin resistance to harmful external influences;
  • Improving local immunity.

It is recommended to carry out the procedure once every 2 months, but with proper care, the period can be doubled, since the skin will retain the effect. The procedure can be either one-time or constitute a whole complex of restoring the youth of the skin. In the case of complex recovery, the interval between sessions does not exceed 2 weeks, and it is possible to continue such procedures up to 2 times every six months in order to maintain the effect obtained.

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Pros and cons of biorevitalization

  • Eliminates dryness, the skin is filled with moisture. After the first session, dehydration disappears.
  • Wrinkles go away. Hyaluronic acid fills wrinkles and reduces their depth. The procedure is indicated for aging skin.
  • Improves complexion. Without moisture, the skin looks dull. Deep hydration makes the face look young and full. The skin becomes more beautiful and smooth.
  • Tightens tissues. Biorevitalization helps solve the problem of a double chin. If there is no obvious drooping, after the first session the oval will noticeably tighten.
  • Stops the development of pigmentation. The procedure itself does not eliminate the defect; other methods are used for this. But it makes the spots less noticeable. The procedure is recommended after prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Speeds up metabolic processes. Blood circulation in the skin improves.

How dangerous the procedure can be

After injection, bruising may occur as the needles damage blood vessels. Hematomas go away on their own within 1-5 days. The process will go faster if you use special tools, which we will discuss below.


Biorevitalization is recognized throughout the world as a highly safe procedure. However, it has an extremely small number of contraindications. Nevertheless, they exist and must be taken into account before undergoing the procedure. Biorevitalization is not carried out if:

  • serious dermatological diseases;
  • tendency to form keloid scars;
  • oncological diseases;
  • exacerbation of herpetic infection;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • exacerbations of inflammatory diseases;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Women are not recommended to carry out the procedure before the 14th day of the cycle, as during this period there is an increase in sensitivity to pain and hormonal fluctuations. This may negatively affect the result.

How is biorevitalization done?

You need to properly prepare for the procedure. The doctor collects anamnesis to identify contraindications, assesses the condition of the skin, determines the injection site, and selects the drug.

Depending on the individual characteristics of the skin, the cosmetologist determines how many injections are required using the injection method. For some, 1 session is enough, others will need to visit the doctor several times - usually 3-4 procedures are performed.

The procedure consists of several stages:

  • removing decorative cosmetics;
  • assessment of the condition of the skin;
  • facial cleansing;
  • treating the skin with an antiseptic;
  • application of anesthetic (with the injection method);
  • carrying out the procedure;
  • application of sedatives;
  • care recommendations.

Injection or hardware biorevitalization: what is effective?

Non-injection biorevitalization allows you to quickly rejuvenate your face with maximum safety. Despite the fact that this procedure appeared not so long ago, it has every chance of becoming a popular cosmetic procedure that is performed in clinics.

The injection method of biorevitalization is also effective, but has more contraindications and negative consequences. Hyaluronic acid has a gel structure, so it is impossible to distribute it correctly using injections. Remember, no matter what method of introducing acid into the skin is chosen, you should contact only professional doctors, as this guarantees a high-quality procedure and a reliable result.

Preparations used for biorevitalization

The composition of injection preparations includes hyaluronic acid and other components. The doctor, depending on the patient’s age and the severity of age-related changes, determines which drug to use for the procedure.

They use either ready-made drugs or hyaluronic acid, which needs to be diluted.

Popular drugs:

  • "Aquashine";
  • Teosyal meso;
  • Jalupro;
  • IAL-System;
  • Juviderm Hydrate;
  • Meso-Wharton;
  • Yvoire Hydro;
  • Restylane Vital;
  • Filorga M-HA 18.

The preparations moisturize the epidermis at the cellular level, smooth out relief and wrinkles, improve complexion, and make it radiant. After applying the composition, the tightening effect is noticeable, the tone and elasticity of the skin returns.

Indications for the procedure

Indications for biorevitalization using this method may include:

  • age-related changes and wrinkles, sagging skin;
  • loss of skin elasticity not only on the face, but also in the décolleté and neck;
  • peeling and dryness on the face;
  • flabbiness, which is often observed with sudden weight loss;
  • acne and narrowing of pores on the skin of the face.

In addition, this procedure is used to consolidate the results obtained with mesotherapy. Many users leave positive reviews about laser biorevitalization as the safest and most convenient method of rejuvenation.

What you can and cannot do after the procedure

Biorevitalization requires virtually no recovery period, but you need to know what not to do after the procedure:

  • During the first 24 hours, touch your face with your hands as little as possible.
  • Do not use decorative cosmetics for an hour.
  • Do not play sports, avoid physical activity – 1 day.
  • Do not visit the sauna or bathhouse – 1 week.
  • Do not drink alcohol – 1 day.
  • Don't sunbathe for a week.

Recommendations for facial care after administration of the drug:

  • On the first day after the session, you should not wash your face with water. To cleanse your face, use a chlorhexidine solution. Cosmetologists recommend using the product for the first three days, and then switching to soft cleansing formulations without SLS.
  • You should smear your face with products that accelerate healing. For quick healing of punctures, ointments “Panthenol”, “Bepanten”, “Traumel S” are suitable, which promote accelerated regeneration.
  • If bruises appear, heparin ointment, Troxevasin and Lyoton will help.
  • When going outside, protect your face from the sun.
  • After completing the procedures, disturb your skin less. For the first 2-3 days, sleep on your back, wear a new, well-ironed pillowcase to prevent any inflammation.
  • Drink enough fluids - at least 2 liters of water per day.

Complications and risks

When performed correctly, facial biorevitalization extremely rarely leads to undesirable consequences. In some cases, the formation of microhematomas is possible, the risk of formation of which increases the proximity of blood vessels to the surface of the skin and some other features. The drugs can also cause allergic reactions. To avoid this, before introducing them, the cosmetologist must check how the body of a particular patient reacts to the chosen product and only in the absence of an allergic reaction proceeds to its introduction into the skin of the face.

If the injection technique or subsequent care is not followed, infection may occur. Also in such situations, other serious complications are possible, examples of which are abundant on the Internet.

Thus, whether biorevitalization is needed or not should be discussed with a cosmetologist. But you need to be scrupulous in choosing a doctor and contact only a specialist with a higher medical education. Only in this case can you count on getting a good result and no complications.

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Possible complications after the procedure

Injection cocktails use drugs that are close to substances produced by the body. However, the patient may have an allergy or individual intolerance to a number of components. The side effect manifests itself in the form of swelling, bruising, and inflammation at the puncture site.

Possible consequences:

  • The face itches - this is how the skin reacts to damage and the administration of the drug. Don't touch your face with your hands, and the discomfort will soon pass.
  • Redness and itching are an individual reaction that can last up to 2 days. Make sure the intensity decreases. If the sensations get worse, consult a doctor.
  • The skin is peeling. The cause may be improper care (applying decorative cosmetics), a natural reaction to an intervention or a drug. New cells are formed in the skin, and old ones die off in the form of scales.
  • The face burns - a natural reaction to a puncture, which should go away within 24 hours.
  • Feeling of tightness. You need to endure this, as the skin reacts to contact with the drug. Follow the care instructions and everything will be fine.
  • A headache is normal because your metabolism is activated. Minor headaches may occur in people with low blood pressure.

Advantages over injections

The main advantage of this method in comparison with injection methods is that it is a gentle procedure. When hyaluronic acid is introduced into the skin, there is no discomfort or pain. In addition, it is worth noting other advantages of this technique:

  • There are no mechanical damage to the skin or burns, even if the laser acts on the skin;
  • Reducing the risk of infection or bruising and swelling in the areas where punctures were made;
  • There is no pain or discomfort during biorevitalization;
  • It takes very little time - in just a few minutes you can remove wrinkles around the eyes and other minor skin defects;
  • Acid under such influence is distributed evenly;
  • The procedure has virtually no contraindications;
  • The likelihood of complications or side effects is very low;
  • There is no subsequent rehabilitation period after surgery without injection;
  • The effect lasts up to 4 months, but can last longer, and it all depends on how well the person takes care of the skin afterwards;
  • The efficiency is quite high in the absence of restrictions on the number of permissible procedures.

At the same time, the laser biorevitalization procedure does not have a “withdrawal syndrome”, which is typical for many other therapeutic techniques.

Types of biorevitalization

  • Laser – hyaluronic acid is introduced using low-intensity laser radiation, the integrity of the skin is not compromised.
  • Injection is the most popular and effective type, in which a cosmetologist injects the drug under the skin.
  • Non-injection (non-invasive) - microcurrents are used, under the influence of which the drug is injected under the skin. The depth is shallow, so the effectiveness is lower than that of the injection procedure.
  • Hardware - hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin without punctures using oxygen, ions or laser.
  • Fractional - carried out with a special apparatus, depth - 0.4-4 mm. The nozzle consists of 10-12 thin needles, which simultaneously inject the composition under the skin.
  • Peptide is an injection procedure using peptides that affect cell division and maturation.
  • Air agent – ​​hyaluronic acid is injected with a special gun under pressure.

When laser biorevitalization of the face is contraindicated

Laser biorevitalization of the face, like any cosmetic procedure, has contraindications (for the use of hyaluronic acid and for the action of the laser). They can be either temporary or permanent.

Contraindications for the use of “acid of youth” preparations:

  1. Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  2. Disorders of the thyroid gland;
  3. Infection by fungi, bacteria or viruses in the area of ​​the skin where laser biorevitalization should be performed;
  4. Abrasions, scratches or cuts in the area of ​​the skin where laser facial biorevitalization is supposed to be used;
  5. Allergic reaction to the use of hyaluronic acid.

Permanent contraindications for laser use:

  1. The patient has a malignant neoplasm;
  2. Systemic blood diseases;
  3. Severe physical exhaustion caused by illness;
  4. Stage III hypertension, decompensated diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, cerebral atherosclerosis;
  5. Pulmonary tuberculosis;
  6. Epilepsy;
  7. Mental illnesses, for example, psychoses with attacks of psychomotor agitation, hysteria;
  8. Individual intolerance to laser exposure.

Temporary and relative contraindications for laser use:

  1. Pregnancy;
  2. Accumulation of moles at the site of laser biorevitalization of the face;
  3. Puberty;
  4. Infectious diseases characterized by chills, fever, high temperature;
  5. Skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, atopic dermatitis in the acute stage;
  6. Tattoos on the skin in places where laser biorevitalization of the face is planned;
  7. Taking medications that affect the skin's sensitivity to light (photosensitizing).

Comparison of biorevitalization with other procedures

Cosmetologists use many non-surgical rejuvenation techniques. We invite you to compare different procedures and choose what suits you best. A specialist will give precise recommendations, taking into account the individual characteristics of the skin and the desired result.

Carboxytherapy or biorevitalization

The principle of carboxytherapy is the effect of carbon dioxide. It activates blood circulation, dilates blood vessels, and removes metabolic products. During exposure, collagen is synthesized and skin regeneration increases. The method is indicated for dull skin, cellulite, stretch marks, and dark circles under the eyes.

Biorevitalization has a wider spectrum of action. Hyaluronic acid is used to correct oval shapes and enlarge lips - this cannot be achieved with carboxytherapy. The cosmetologist individually selects the composition for the desired effect. It is recommended to combine these methods of influence.

Peelings or biorevitalization

These are procedures with different effects that are aimed at rejuvenation, stimulating regeneration, and producing substances for skin tone.

When peeling, drugs are not injected under the skin - acids are used to dissolve the top layer of dead cells. As a result, cell production and metabolic processes are stimulated.

Peeling has an aggressive effect on the skin, helps fight pronounced age-related changes, and has a longer recovery period.

For people aged 30-40 years, biorevitalization would be the best choice. It is more gentle, fills the skin with moisture, and launches natural rejuvenation processes. You cannot combine procedures, you can alternate.

Botox injections or biorevitalization

What is the difference between beauty injections and biorevitalization? Both procedures are aimed at combating aging, but differ in indications and mechanism of action. The choice depends on the condition of the skin and existing contraindications.

Botox helps get rid of deep expression wrinkles and correct facial features. But it does not promote the production of elastin and collagen. Biorevitalizants based on hyaluronic acid act differently - they moisturize the skin, make it more elastic, smooth, and make the complexion fresh and radiant.

The procedures can be combined. It is necessary to consult with a specialist to develop the optimal rejuvenation strategy.

Plasmolifting or biorevitalization

Plasmolifting is an injection technique of rejuvenation. It differs from biorevitalization in the substance administered - the patient’s blood plasma is used, which reduces the risk of allergies and side effects, and stimulates the work of fibroblasts. Depending on the condition of the skin, the necessary technique is selected.

Mesotherapy or biorevitalization

At first glance, the procedures are similar - they involve the introduction under the skin of compounds that rejuvenate at the cellular level. Preparation and subsequent care are almost identical.

Biorevitalization is aimed at deep skin hydration and rejuvenation. Mesotherapy is aimed at solving other problems: getting rid of spider veins, acne, pigmentation, post-acne, local fat deposits. Mesotherapy preparations contain much less hyaluronic acid than biorevitalizants.

If you are looking for a way to replace mesotherapy to achieve a more pronounced anti-aging effect, try biorevitalization. It is worth noting that mesotherapy is cheaper, but it needs to be done more often.

What you need to know about drugs

The exchange of hyaluron occurs quite quickly; without additional stabilization, it is absorbed in 1-2 days. If you give it a gel-like consistency, it will be possible to form a depot in the tissues, which will significantly prolong its resorption. To further increase the period of exposure, the substance is subjected to chemical stabilization, which significantly lengthens the decomposition time.

What facial biorevitalization gives depends on the type of drug used in cosmetology. There are two of them:

  1. Low molecular weight. It retains less water, but small molecules act as signals, stimulating the work of fibroblasts and accelerating the natural regeneration of the skin. Significantly improves the overall condition of the skin and has an increased anti-aging effect.
  2. High molecular weight. Provides a high degree of moisture retention, significantly increases turgor, and promotes rapid smoothing of shallow wrinkles.

Depending on the composition of the drugs, they are divided into:

  • Monocomponent. Contains one active ingredient (hyaluron). Inexpensive, well suited for slowing down age-related changes under the age of 35, in the absence of other health problems. Allows you to normalize the level of moisture in tissues and eliminate fine wrinkles.
  • Combined. They contain vitamins, microelements, and other useful compounds. Well suited for women 35-45 years old who do not have serious skin health problems. The drugs eliminate pigmentation and reduce the degree of photoaging.
  • Powerful biorevitalizants. They contain many active components, such as peptides, various growth factors, amino acids.

Among the drugs is CURACEN from the Japanese manufacturer Japan Bio Products. It allows you to significantly reduce the rate of cellular aging, compact and even out the surface layers of the epidermis. This is achieved by enhancing the synthesis of its own structural proteins, such as collagen and elastin.

When choosing a suitable product, be sure to consult a cosmetologist. Cosmetologist specialists can correctly assess the condition of your body, indicate indications and choose the most effective and safe product.

Anti-age drugs

Bb Laboratories – Hyaluron-elastin-collagen extract

Laennec – solution for injection

Curacen Essence (20 fl x 2 ml)

Two-phase placental serum concentrate

Reviews from patients of our clinic


Great clinic! Doctors are professionals in their field, the staff is responsive! I did pillbox and biorevitalization, my skin became just perfect! Thank you all very much!


I’ve been looking younger for almost two years now, thanks to Denis Anatolyevich and his colleagues. I tried many procedures on myself: biorevitalization, mesotherapy and botulinum therapy. They gave me excellent, really long-lasting results. Thanks to everyone with whom I spoke at the clinic. Every visit to you is a complete pleasure. And I advise everyone who wants to stay young to go to Dr. Gruzdev’s Clinic.

Natalia Vasilievna

I would like to add a review about the cosmetologist Anastasia Yuryevna Saltanova. I came for a free consultation on the problem of aging skin and stayed at the clinic. She approaches every problem as a highly qualified specialist. Anastasia Yuryevna is a neat, delicate and positive person. I did DOT therapy and biorevitalization. The most important thing is the contact between the doctor and the patient, and Anastasia Yuryevna finds this contact. I am very glad that I fell into the magical hands of Anastasia Yuryevna.

Read all reviews about the clinic

Carrying out at home

There are several ways to administer hyaluronic acid:

  1. The use of fillers based on it, which are injected under the skin with syringes.
  2. Hardware method.
  3. A laser technique that promotes uniform distribution of the drug and deep penetration into the epidermis.

The introduction of hyaluronic acid through the use of syringes is considered the most effective method, but doing it at home (doing high-quality acupuncture and correctly calculating the dose) without medical education is very problematic.

You've probably come across an advertisement in the press and on the Internet that a cosmetologist will come to your home and administer injections painlessly with minimal consequences. We would like to note that in practice the opposite effect appears, which only aggravates the situation. There is absolutely no point in trusting people on the street, especially since your health and beauty are at stake.

You should not pay attention to marketing ploys for the following reasons:

  • As a rule, would-be specialists do not have a medical education;
  • if something goes wrong, you will not be able to receive proper assistance;
  • if you incorrectly calculate the dose or administer an expired drug, the product may be unevenly distributed under the skin, giving your face a pronounced asymmetry;
  • in case of an unfavorable outcome, it is very difficult to find the master and make him answer for the consequences.

Using a laser on your skin is much safer than injecting yourself. But the device itself costs fabulous money, unless you rent it.

The only thing that is acceptable at home is to apply a special product to the skin and apply microcurrent to deeply absorb hyaluronic acid into the epidermis. This device is relatively inexpensive and can be purchased online. After the procedure, the skin begins to look much better, and fine wrinkles disappear. The only disadvantage of this method of rejuvenation is the short-term effect.

Stages of implementation

Anyone can perform biorevitalization using special devices. You will need:

  1. Cleanse the skin using regular lotion or tonic.
  2. Treat the skin with an antiseptic solution, preferably one that does not contain alcohol.
  3. Apply the gel to the dermis of the treated area and distribute it evenly over the entire surface.
  4. Lubricate the working area of ​​the device with gel. Move the device over the skin for about 10–15 minutes.
  5. Upon completion of the procedure, remove any remaining gel with a sterile cloth and use a moisturizer.

For the purpose of treatment, hardware biorevitalization is carried out in a course consisting of 6–10 sessions. The interval between procedures is one week.

What to do if the result is not satisfactory

Some women who undergo biorevitalization do not notice rejuvenation even after a month. You should know that in most cases the effect is visible in dry skin types and fine wrinkles.

If you have serious age-related changes, then this procedure will not be able to overcome them.

If you are dissatisfied with the result, we recommend that you contact a cosmetologist who will select the appropriate drug for you and administer it efficiently.

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