Xeomin injections into the forehead and between the eyebrows - description of the procedure and results

The drug Xeomin is botulinum toxin type “A”. Its main features: high degree of purification - the drug does not contain complex protein impurities, safety and effectiveness of use for smoothing out deep expression wrinkles in the areas of the forehead, eyes and nasolabial triangle. Unlike other drugs, injections with Xeomin do not create the feeling of a mask on the face and allow you to completely preserve the facial muscles' facial capabilities.

Xeomin has been produced since 2001 at the factories of the German pharmaceutical company Merz (Merz Aesthetics), one of the leaders in the field of aesthetic medicine. The drug is registered and used to rejuvenate and tone the facial skin in many European countries.

Benefits of Xeomin

Xeomin has a number of undeniable advantages over similar products:

  • fills wrinkles and folds, while maintaining active facial expressions;
  • minimizes the likelihood of complications and allergic reactions in patients;
  • guarantees a fairly quick result (already 2-3 days after the injection), a noticeable effect within a week;
  • practically does not create local edema;
  • Conveniently packaged: there are 50 individual ampoules in a box; the product is always opened in front of the patient, which guarantees safety.

Indications for use of the drug Xeomin

  • “crow’s feet” around the eyes, bags and swelling in the periorbital area;
  • drooping eyelids and corners of the mouth, correction of eyebrow shape;
  • superficial and deep wrinkles on the forehead, between the eyebrows, around the lips and in the nose area;
  • wrinkles and loss of skin elasticity in the décolleté and neck area;
  • increased sweating (hyperhidrosis).

Injections using the drug Xeomin are a fairly comfortable and painless procedure. It will take 30-40 minutes to complete. The effect of botulinum toxin will become noticeable after two days. The full cosmetic effect will appear on days 10-17, its duration will be 3-6 months.

Due to the absence of protein in the drug, as well as the purified Xeomin formula, adverse reactions are extremely rare, are expressed only in small reactions in the form of swelling or redness, go away on their own and do not require special therapy.

What problems does the drug solve?

The injection rejuvenation procedure using Xeomin is indicated for patients with problems in the following areas:

  • Forehead area to the bridge of the nose - botulinum toxin helps smooth out vertical folds between the eyebrows and horizontal folds on the forehead.
  • Area around the eyes (outer corners) – injections help get rid of the so-called “crow’s feet” in the corners of the eyes.
  • The middle zone of the face (lips, nose, nasolabial triangle area). With the help of botulinum toxin, you can smooth out nasolabial folds and wrinkles around the mouth (“smoker’s lines”) that appear with age. The areas where injections are made are the muscle responsible for the mobility of the upper lip, the smile muscle, the area of ​​the wings of the nose and the orbicularis oris muscle.
  • Neck – Xeomin corrects vertical folds and fine wrinkles, and is also used to smooth out “necklace” lines in tandem with other drugs.


Age-related skin changes most often begin with the appearance of wrinkles, first small and then deep. The face reflects everything that happens to us - accumulated life experience, adversity, joy and sorrow. For a long time, Botox and Dysport injections to remove wrinkles were the most popular, but the world of cosmetology does not stand still. A worthy and effective rival to Botox and Dysport today is the drug Xeomin. What is Xeomin and what are its benefits? The action of botulinum toxin when injected under the skin causes temporary paralysis of muscle fibers, which ultimately leads to the smoothing of facial wrinkles. Xeomin is produced in Germany and has been successfully used in cosmetology clinics in the Russian Federation and other countries since 2008. The small molecular weight of Xeomin (150 kDa), which today is less than the weight of all other drugs containing botulinum toxin, allows Xeomin injections even into the smallest facial muscles. Natural facial expressions after Xeomin administration are preserved because the drug is not able to influence the facial muscles located in the injection zones. Xeomin does not contain protein, unlike Dysport and Botox, the drug contains only active neurotoxin, without impurities or preservatives, which significantly reduces the risk of possible allergic reactions.

Who are Xeomin injections indicated for and how is the procedure performed? In aesthetic cosmetology, Xeomin is most often administered in the upper part of the face to eliminate transverse and longitudinal folds on the forehead. This allows you to smooth out facial features and make them softer. After Xeomin injections, patients are simply unable to frown or give a stern expression to their face. Xeomin injections are also indicated for the correction of “crow’s feet” or a fine network of wrinkles that form around the eyes when smiling. In the middle and lower part of the face, the drug is administered in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold, around the lips or in the nose area, if small wrinkles form here when wrinkled. And finally, the injections produce an excellent smoothing effect when correcting the neck and décolleté area, especially if vertical bunches of wrinkles form in this area. Thus, Xeomin injections can be used in any area of ​​the face, neck and décolleté and rejuvenate the entire face in one procedure. This technique is called Full Face. In addition to the smoothing effect, Xeomin helps well with excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis). Injections are given to various areas of the body with increased sweating, which can reduce sweating for several months. If necessary, botulinum therapy with Xeamine is repeated. The procedure for administering Xeomin will take no more than 30-40 minutes. The therapeutic effect of botulinum toxin is noticeable literally after two days. The peak cosmetic effect occurs on days 10-17. The effect lasts from 3 to 6 months, then muscle spasm gradually returns. Results after injections

After the procedure, it is not recommended for several days:

• Massage your face and apply cosmetics.
• Visit a sauna, steam bath or solarium. • Drink alcoholic beverages. • Engage in heavy physical labor and sports (fitness). • Do not take certain medications (blood clotting agents and antibiotics) for 2 weeks. Contraindications for the administration of Xeomin
Xeomin in cosmetology has not only indications, but also contraindications for administration.
These include the following conditions: • Myasthenia gravis or the presence of muscle weakness. • Acute skin infections. • Acute and chronic diseases. • Oncological diseases. • Allergic reactions. • Pregnancy (lactation period). Which is better: Dysport or Xeomin?
To the question “which is better Dysport or Xeomin?” It is impossible to answer unequivocally, even despite the fact that these drugs contain botulinum toxin. But according to the results of observations by cosmetologists, a more gentle effect of Xeomin was noted compared to Dysport. That is, facial expressions after Xeomin injections are more lively than after Dysport. But the effect that Xeomin gives is somewhat less, which is quite justified. In addition, there are differences between the drugs, such as storage conditions, dosage per procedure, and production technologies. Our job is to choose a good cosmetologist, and not to choose a drug that should be selected in each case purely individually. The most important thing is the fact that all drugs based on botulinum toxin have a reversible effect and a period during which the effect is noticeable.

Name of injections Prices in rubles
Dysport 1 unit 110
Xeomin 1 unit 300
Xeomin Full Face 20 000

The cost of one procedure depends on the number of units.

Recommendations after the procedure

After injections of Xeomin, inflammatory local reactions and manifestations of allergies are almost completely absent. Antibodies are not produced even with prolonged use: such injections can be “given” for as long as you like, and the body will not “get used to it.” Emotional reactions of the face are preserved, facial expressions do not become unnatural, since this type of botulinum toxin does not penetrate into the deep layers of facial muscles.

But it is important to remember that for safety and to achieve a better result after the injection, sports, baths, strong physical activity, facial massages and overheating are contraindicated for some time.

For our clients - affordable prices for Xeomin in Nizhny Novgorod.
This drug is widely used in aesthetic medicine and helps women feel younger and more confident. Sign up for a free consultation on the day of the procedure or in advance, we will answer all your questions. PRICE LIST

Consequences and complications

The administration of botulinum toxin does not have a negative effect on the functioning of the nodes of the sympathetic nervous system. Xeomin has a soft, purified formula without any impurities or proteins, so the risk of side effects is reduced to zero .
However, in rare cases the following complications may occur:

  • headache, dizziness;
  • increased body temperature;
  • symptoms similar to ARVI;
  • tearfulness;
  • swelling;
  • hematomas at the injection site;
  • painful sensations;
  • redness, feeling of skin tightness, numbness;
  • itching and burning;
  • facial asymmetry.

The success of the procedure largely depends on the qualifications of the specialist. It must be remembered that the administration of botulinum-containing drugs is possible only by a cosmetologist who has undergone special training and has the appropriate certificate (or better yet, practical skills). If the dose is incorrectly selected or if the drug is administered ineptly, the most unfavorable consequences may occur in the form of swelling, bruising, facial asymmetry, etc.

Bumps on the forehead after Xeomin injections

Small “bumps” may appear at the injection site. This is quite rare (about 5% of cases). The occurrence is due to the fact that the patient currently has poorly developed target muscles located on the face. One of the contraindications for the administration of botulinum toxic drugs is diseases with impaired neuromuscular impulse transmission.

The appearance of bumps at the injection site is also possible (but not always) after drinking alcohol , since the drug affects the transmission of neuromuscular impulses. Therefore, when planning the introduction of Xeomin, in the future it is necessary to refrain from activities related to drinking alcohol for 7-10 days.

If swelling similar to a lump appears, apply ice to the injection site for 10–15 minutes.

“Xeomin is not friendly with alcohol ,” so for injection therapy you need to choose an appropriate period of time when you do not have to worry about the development of side effects from the administration of the drug. After all, no one wants to see “bumps”, puffiness and muscle twitching on their face.

In addition, the administration of a muscle relaxant (Xeomin) should not be combined with the simultaneous administration or use of antibiotics or aminoglycosides.

How is the procedure done?

The procedure is a subcutaneous injection of the drug into the area requiring correction (this point is discussed in consultation with a cosmetologist).

The effectiveness of the procedure depends on the correctly selected dose and the individual characteristics of the body.

The dosage is determined by the number and depth of wrinkles, their location and other factors.

The injection is made with the thinnest needle, so the risk of microdamage is minimized . The duration of the procedure is from 30 to 60 minutes.

Procedure steps:

  1. First, all makeup is removed from the face.
  2. The doctor applies markings, i.e., places injection points.
  3. At the patient's request, local anesthesia is performed in the form of applying a special cream to the skin. The product is left for some time to take effect.
  4. Next, Xeomin is administered directly, which takes about 15-20 minutes. Before the injection, the patient may be asked to smile or relax the facial muscles so that facial wrinkles are more accurately identified.

“Xeomin” – it’s possible to make your skin smooth in 1 session

Before the injection, the doctor will find out if there are any contraindications to the procedure. These include:

  • skin diseases in the treatment area
  • glaucoma;
  • oncology;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • infectious diseases and chronic ones in the acute stage;
  • allergy to botulinum toxins;
  • damage to the nervous and muscular systems, leading to muscle weakness;
  • poor blood clotting.

If you are being treated with antibiotics, the procedure will have to be postponed until you have fully recovered. During the session the doctor:

  1. Mark the injection areas.
  2. Clean your face and treat it with an antiseptic.
  3. Will administer the drug. The thinnest needle is used for injections, it will not hurt. But if you are afraid of injections, tell the doctor about it - he will treat the skin with an analgesic.

The session takes from 20 to 40 minutes.

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