Biorevitalization of the face: what is it, how it is performed, contraindications

No matter how much a woman wants to look attractive, she cannot independently withstand the ruthless influence of time. Starting from the age of 25, aging processes begin in the skin - the dermis loses its natural tone and gradually becomes covered with a network of wrinkles. To solve this problem, biorevitalization is carried out in salons - it promotes skin rejuvenation; many girls prefer to do it at home. But is it really safe and is it possible to carry out the procedure without special cosmetology education?

What it is

Biorevitalization involves the introduction of a special drug based on hyaluronic acid into the subcutaneous matrix through a needle.

As a result, the hydrobalance of epithelial cells is normalized, and processes for the production of elastin and collagen fibers are launched. The skin becomes tightened and radiant.

If we translate the term literally, it stands for “natural return of life.” This is the effect achieved by injection.

Indications for use

Hyaluronate is able to attract water molecules necessary to maintain epithelial turgor and retain them for a long time. In forced mode, regenerative processes are launched, which promotes skin tightening.

There are quite a lot of indications for the procedure. It can be carried out both in the presence of already noticeable aesthetic defects and as a preventive measure.

Invasion is recommended in the following cases:

  • post-traumatic marks (scars, scars);
  • wrinkles of varying degrees of severity (including those near the marionette line);
  • skin creases;
  • crow's feet;
  • aggressive cosmetic procedures performed the day before, including laser resurfacing, dermabrasion and chemical peeling;
  • predisposition to fine-wrinkle type of aging;
  • pronounced nasolabial folds;
  • sick complexion;
  • rehabilitation period after plastic surgery;
  • dry skin;
  • loss of elasticity of the dermis;
  • traces of acne;
  • hyperactivity of sebaceous secretion;
  • dark spots;
  • bags and dark circles under the eyes;
  • rosacea;
  • preparation or rehabilitation after ultraviolet radiation.

Features of the effect on different areas of the face

Biorevitalization can be carried out on any area of ​​the skin. But most often, age-related changes are noticeable in:

  • face;
  • neck;
  • décolleté area;
  • hands

For example, it is quite simple to carry out biorevitalization of the face using a hardware method - you just need to apply the gel and apply microcurrent or radio frequency waves to the skin. The skin on the neck is more sensitive than on the face, so you should be extremely careful when shaping laser beams. In any case, reduce the duration of the procedure to a few minutes.

Interesting point: Recently, biorevitalization of the skin of the scalp has gained particular popularity. It removes oiliness and activates hair follicles. As in the case of the face, apply the gel to the skin and apply the device to the hair for 15–20 minutes. The product is washed off with shampoo.


Regardless of the conditions under which the procedure is intended to be performed, it is necessary to identify a number of contraindications. If ignored, the risk of complications increases, which cannot be corrected on your own.

This aspect is especially important if you decide to administer the biorevitalizant yourself.

List of restrictions:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age under 18 years;
  • predisposition to the formation of keloid scars;
  • intolerance to components in the selected drug;
  • acute stage of a chronic disease;
  • pathologies of internal organs;
  • blood clotting problem;
  • psychosomatic disorders;
  • predisposition to allergic reactions;
  • viral and respiratory diseases;
  • dermatological rashes in the correction area;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • herpes;
  • unsatisfactory blood sugar levels;
  • taking coagulants;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • oncology;
  • the presence of moles in the intended area of ​​influence.

Results that the procedure can achieve

  • smoothing the skin texture;
  • elimination of flabbiness;
  • disappearance of fine wrinkles;
  • restoration of the structure of the epidermis;
  • improvement of complexion;
  • appearance of skin elasticity.

There are two types of biorevitalization - preventive and therapeutic. Prevention with hyaluronic acid prevents early aging due to an imbalance of essential subcutaneous substances and prevents the appearance of wrinkles. The procedure allows you to restore the structure of the inner layers of the epidermis. The therapeutic option of biorevitalization involves a deeper and stronger effect on the skin, helps smooth out unevenness, wrinkles, and eliminates sagging.

After the procedure, the doctor gives individual and general recommendations that should be followed in order to maintain the effect of the procedure for a long time. On the first day, you should not apply cosmetics other than those prescribed by the cosmetologist, wash your face, or touch your facial skin. For several weeks, it is recommended to avoid taking hot baths, visiting the bathhouse, solarium, and performing physical procedures.

Contraindications to undergoing biorevitalization:

  • skin diseases;
  • inflammatory processes in the areas of drug administration;
  • chronic diseases in severe or acute form;
  • pregnancy;
  • allergy;
  • lactation;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • taking blood thinning medications;
  • keloid scars;
  • herpetic infection in acute form.

Precautionary measures

Taking into account the fact that the process involves a mechanical effect on the skin, the risk of incorrect administration of the drug increases. Even an expert sometimes makes a mistake.

You should first assess your capabilities and readiness to receive an undesirable result.

Complications may arise due to ignoring any contraindications. In the clinic they do several tests for tolerance to the substance and allergy tests, but this is not possible at home.

Side effects

  • Severe swelling.
  • Hematomas.
  • Seals and peculiar “nodules” at the injection site.
  • Itching, burning.
  • Hyperthermia.
  • Soft tissue atrophy.
  • Fibrosis.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Infection.
  • Inflammatory processes.
  • Asymmetry of facial features.

Carrying out at home

Biorevitalization in a beauty salon is not a cheap pleasure. Sometimes you have to spend at least 10,000 rubles in one session. If we take into account that the desired result is achieved in several approaches, then the picture emerges even more costly. This is what pushes some women to rely on their own strength.

The procedure should not be carried out at home, at least due to insufficient sterility of the room.

Some call a private master to your home. But, as practice shows, few of these “pros” have an education diploma.

If the situation is not in your favor, it will be difficult to find this cosmetologist again in order to bring him to justice.

Moreover, at home you have no safety net - there will be no one to provide first aid in the event of an undesirable outcome.

There is also a significant risk in using low-quality filler, which often contains silicone or various chemicals. It’s scary to guess what the outcome of the transformation will be.

Many large cosmeceutical companies sell the product exclusively to specialists; without a diploma it is impossible to purchase it.

Self-injection is not recommended. The only thing that is allowed is the introduction of fillers through the use of devices. In this case, injections should be replaced with special devices that safely act on epithelial tissue.

Necessary devices

There are several devices for carrying out the procedure. Among them are:

  • radio frequency or microcurrent;
  • laser;
  • vacuum.

Radio frequency (microcurrent). The device is considered the most accessible for personal use. Examples: Gezaton Iris 708 or Mezolight 990. These instruments harmoniously combine both quality and price.

Laser systems are many times more expensive, although they are more efficient. They can only be used if you have certain skills and knowledge in the field of cosmetology. It is advisable to purchase them if you intend to open your own salon.

The effectiveness of hardware biorevitalization is due to the ability of the devices to influence hyaluronic acid, during which the substance enters the deep layers of the dermis. Additionally, blood circulation is stimulated, the elasticity of the skin increases and metabolic processes at the cellular level improve.

How is the procedure performed?

All rejuvenation procedures happen quickly. On average, it takes no more than 30 minutes.

  1. The skin is cleaned of dust particles and decorative cosmetics.
  2. Disinfect the surfaces of the face and device.
  3. Hyaluronic gel is applied. Many experts recommend using the drug at a temperature of 40°.
  4. Processing with the device is about ¼ hour.
  5. In the case of a pronounced defect, additional correction is required according to the standard local area scheme.
  6. Remove excess biorevitalizant with a damp cloth.
  7. Applying an anti-inflammatory gel, an hour later - a nourishing cream.

How many procedures are needed?

The effect is achieved after completing the course. When carried out in the salon, the result is noticeable after 3 sessions.

At home, given that the correction occurs using hardware, biorevitalization will have to be done every month.

This is due to the penetration of hyaluronate to insufficient depth.

If it is possible to first contact a cosmetologist, it is better to get recommendations from a specialist regarding the duration of the break between procedures.

At what age can it be carried out?

The optimal age at which biorevitalization is recommended is 30 years. During this period, the formation of hyaluronic acid begins to noticeably decrease, the reserves of which are replenished through liquid gels.

With later use, it is more difficult to achieve the desired result.

Injections can also be done up to 30 years of age. However, the situation has two sides: they have a preventive effect on connective tissue, but at the same time inhibit the production of a natural substance due to addiction

Therefore, before carrying out the procedure, you should still contact a cosmetologist who will make an adequate assessment based on individual characteristics.

Preparations for biorevitalization

Despite the fact that biorevitalization is a relatively new area of ​​aesthetic cosmetology, there are quite a lot of products for its implementation on the world market. Among the offered fillers, you can choose the one that is more suitable both in terms of characteristics and price category.

The basis of the preparations is always hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin, which makes fillers safe, they are not rejected by human tissues. Some products are supplemented with components that help maintain long-term results.

The concentration of the active substance varies: denser and more viscous gels are designed to solve pronounced problems.

Among the widely popular fillers are:

  1. Teosial Meso . Swiss biorevitalizant with a hyaluronate concentration of 15 mg/ml. Approved for use in the age category under 30 years, as well as for people with very thin and dry skin.
  2. Ial-System . Drug from Italy. The active substance content is 18 mg/ml. Due to the denser consistency, papules persist for a long time after biorevitalization. Suitable for any skin type and age category.
  3. Gialripayer No. 2 . Russian biorevitalizer with a light structure and hyaluronic acid concentration of 14 mg/ml. Also rich in additional nutritional complex. Can be used on the face, neck or décolleté.
  4. Juvederm Hydrate . One of the most popular products. Juvederm is produced by the American concern Allergan. In addition to hyaluronic acid, the biogel contains mannitol, which prevents the effects of free radicals on epithelial cells.
  5. Hyaluform . Another Russian drug, represented by a wide range. The fillers in the collection differ in the concentration of hyaluron - it ranges from 10 to 25 mg/ml. In this regard, it is possible to solve many aesthetic problems from small wrinkles to modeling the oval of the face.
  6. Princess Rich . Recommended for people with a predisposition to allergic reactions. In addition to hyaluronic acid (18 mg/ml), the composition includes glycerin. In most cases, it is used to eliminate aesthetic imperfections of thin and dehydrated skin.
  7. Restylane Vital . It is considered one of the safest hyaluronic gels, and therefore can be used at home. It spreads quite gently in the intercellular matrix and does not cause rejection or allergies.

What is facial biorevitalization and its effectiveness

Biorevitalization is a cosmetic procedure in which hyaluronic acid is introduced into different layers of the skin through numerous injections or through physical impact. It has long been known that hyaluronic acid is an important compound that is produced in the skin. It ensures the retention of water molecules and is used by special cells, fibroblasts, to synthesize collagen and elastin fibers. They, in turn, are responsible for the elasticity of the skin, i.e. its youth.

Over the years, the activity of fibroblasts decreases, they are destroyed, as well as the content of hyaluronic acid in the skin decreases. This leads to the manifestation of natural signs of age-related changes: loss of skin elasticity, i.e., sagging, formation of wrinkles, jowls, deterioration of complexion, etc.

Hyaluronic acid introduced during biorevitalization helps solve these problems and reduce the rate of age-related changes by replenishing its deficiency in the skin, which means retaining more water and activating the activity of fibroblasts. Thus, the skin is saturated with hyaluronic acid, which makes it possible to moisturize and improve tone. As a result, the face looks fresher and more youthful. It follows that this cosmetic procedure will be useful mainly for people who are already beginning to show signs of age-related changes, i.e. over 30 years old.

At the same time, in the older category of patients, it will give a much less pronounced effect, since after 45 years, doses of hyaluronic acid administered as part of biorevitalization are not able to completely restore its reserves in the skin, nor lead to the formation of a sufficient number of new fibroblasts. Therefore, in this age category, biorevitalization will have an effect, but its severity will be significantly less, as will the duration of preservation.

Biorevitalization is most effective in the age range of 30-45 years.

But this cosmetic procedure can also be indicated at a younger age, in particular at 25 years of age and earlier. But in such situations, it is not aimed at rejuvenating the skin, but at solving other problems with it, in particular eliminating dryness, excessively enlarged pores, acne, and recovery after other procedures or operations.

To achieve the best result, an average of 3-5 sessions are required with an interval of 2-4 weeks. The exact number of procedures and the frequency of their implementation is determined by the cosmetologist based on the severity of the existing problem. On average, this course is enough to maintain the effect for 6-12 months, after which it is recommended to carry out 1-2 procedures to restore the result.

The duration of the effect depends directly on the characteristics of the skin, age, and the nature of the existing problems.

Thus, biorevitalization is indeed a very interesting and useful cosmetic procedure that can solve a number of skin problems of various types in people of different ages. But it is still worth carrying out if there are indications and a reliable absence of contraindications, and not according to fashion trends or recommendations from the environment.

Photos before and after

Healing period

The first time after biorevitalization, swelling and redness may appear in the corrected area; in rare cases, hematomas are observed at the puncture sites.
You should not be afraid of such symptoms - they go away on their own, in a couple of days, without additional therapy. To shorten the recovery period and avoid complications, you should adhere to a number of recommendations and restrictions:

  • the first day do not touch the skin of the face;
  • for a couple of days you need to stop using cosmetics, you can’t even wash your face;
  • It is prohibited to visit the sauna, gym, solarium, swimming pool;
  • You should also not do rough cosmetic procedures in the next few weeks;
  • It is recommended to give up alcohol, smoking, excessive consumption of coffee and salty foods.

Possible adverse reactions

Sometimes after biorevitalization at home, adverse reactions may occur in the form of:

  • itching and burning (manifested in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug);
  • swelling of tissues;
  • skin redness;
  • the appearance of a rash or spots on the dermis at the site of manipulation;
  • signs of burn.

If such reactions occur, you should visit a specialist and find out the cause, as well as ways to eliminate unwanted consequences. Treatment is usually prescribed based on tissue damage. The cosmetologist will recommend another procedure or tell you what mistakes were made during the correction.

After rejuvenation at home, you should not use cosmetics for several days, visit a solarium, beach, bathhouse or sauna, and do not combine biorevitalization with alcohol. It is recommended to moisturize the skin with creams to restore and care for it.

Advantages and disadvantages

The use of biorevitalizants has a number of advantages:

  • a noticeable rejuvenating effect that can be observed for a fairly long period;
  • low invasiveness of the procedure compared to plastic surgery;
  • If the drug is administered through a needle and if there is unpleasant pain, it is permissible to apply a special anesthetic cream.

However, there are also disadvantages: when performing the procedure in a clinic, the price is high, and at home, there is a risk of serious complications.

If the effect on the skin occurs through a specialized device, the likelihood of side effects is slightly reduced, but the result lasts less.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Experts in the field of cosmetology do not approve of performing biorevitalization at home, because they have repeatedly encountered the negative consequences of this amateur activity.

Nelly Mezerya (Cosmetologist):

I am categorically against the use of injection procedures at home, since this entails not only possible complications in the form of infection, but also the possibility of anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema, in which timely medical care is vital.

Here is what the cosmetologist says regarding the procedure at home:

The specialist talks about the effectiveness of the non-injection procedure:

The essence of the method

While a person is young, hyaluronic acid is synthesized in his body in sufficient quantities up to 25 years, regulating water balance, the production of collagen and elastin and maintaining tissues in ideal condition. When growth ends and a person enters the stage of maturity, the production of hyaluronic acid gradually decreases. This process can be accelerated by external and internal factors: diseases, smoking, stress, unfavorable environment. As a result, the first signs of aging become noticeable before the age of thirty.

Anti-aging creams do not provide sufficient effect, because... active substances are not able to penetrate deep into the skin due to the natural barrier - the epidermis, which protects the body from any external influence.

To solve this problem, cosmetologists used a simple and time-tested method - subcutaneous injections. Since 2001, the method began to be used in the field of cosmetology.

The procedure involves injecting hyaluronic acid or cocktails containing it under the skin to a depth of no more than 2 mm. The manipulation is carried out using a very thin needle, which makes it low-traumatic and does not require a long period of rehabilitation.

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