How to prepare scrubs with coffee and honey for face and body

Coffee and honey body scrub: YouTube/My Hobby Beauty is a great power. Every person dreams of being attractive in the eyes of others. And cosmetic products do an excellent job with this task. For beautiful, smooth skin, a coffee and honey scrub is often recommended. This product is easy to make yourself. From the article you will learn how to prepare a homemade body scrub, as well as its benefits for the skin.

Beneficial features

Honey coffee scrub for cellulite will help make your skin firm and smooth. Coffee-honey mixtures are used in many popular beauty salons. Such cosmetic mixtures allow you to safely and quickly get rid of cellulite and stretch marks.

All of them are made only from natural ingredients, so they are all safe and suitable for many skin types. Many girls choose this anti-cellulite mixture.

Advantages :

  • Exfoliation . This procedure is ideal for dry skin;
  • Scrubbing helps remove the old and rough layer of skin, so the skin becomes smooth and elastic;
  • Getting rid of cellulite . The composition contains special hard particles that help smooth the skin and cleanse it of toxins and impurities. Also, such cosmetic substances help get rid of various irregularities and small scars;

Many hot scrubs help get rid of cellulite and other problems in just a few steps.

Coffee and honey facial scrub. Coffee face scrub

All women in the world, of any age and nationality, dream of preserving their natural beauty and youth for as long as possible. Some are more fortunate (genetics, living conditions, etc.), others are less fortunate (not everyone has enough finances to use the services of a cosmetologist). But what should those who simply do not have the opportunity to contact specialists do? Everything is very simple. The best care is natural products. The most interesting thing is that most of them can be found in every housewife’s kitchen. For example, coffee, from which you can make a scrub and pamper yourself with its wonderful properties.


The beans contain not only caffeine, as we used to think, but also a huge amount of useful elements and acids both for the body as a whole and for the epidermis:

  1. Fruit and organic acids play an important role in “alkalinizing the body.” After oxidation, they saturate the body with carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H20).
  2. Fats ensure long-term evaporation of moisture.
  3. Alkaloids are complex organic compounds saturated with large amounts of nitrogen, which allows the surface to “shine”.
  4. Iron. The female body contains less iron than the male body. This is due to the large loss of blood during menstruation, pregnancy and the period of feeding the baby. It is the lack of iron in the body that gives a pale and dull complexion, which most women are forced to struggle with.
  5. Potassium and magnesium, the main natural fighters against aging. Consuming enough minerals will give elasticity, which means wrinkles will appear much later.
  6. Caffeine. This is what we think of when we hear the word coffee. It is useful because it perfectly tones, improves circulation, and also breaks down fat and helps get rid of swelling.

Recipe and cooking tips

There are a huge number of options on how to make a coffee and honey scrub. To deeply cleanse the body you need to use various oils. It is possible to prepare a coffee remedy with honey at home. To do this, you just need to carefully study the necessary information in order to choose the right ingredients and not violate the technology. Ingredients:

  • Linden honey – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Ground coffee beans – 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • Olive oil – 1 tbsp. l.


You can use different types of honey for this recipe. But it is best to use lime, as it contains many useful elements. Buckwheat honey increases the elasticity of the skin.

Heat the honey product and oil in a water bath, stirring gently with a spoon so that the mixture does not stick to the bottom. Once the honey and oil have reached room temperature, slowly and carefully add the ground coffee beans. It is necessary to add in small portions, stirring well so that no lumps remain.

Sea buckthorn-honey scrub simple recipe. Sea buckthorn contains many beneficial oils and vitamins, so it is often added to various cosmetics. Altai sea buckthorn oil deeply nourishes all layers of the body. Ingredients:

  • Fresh or dried sea buckthorn – 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • Linden honey - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Ground coffee – 1 tbsp. l.


Sea buckthorn berries must be crushed to a homogeneous mass. This can best be done in a blender. It is better to use honey when it is warm, as this will make the mixture more homogeneous. It is best to heat linden honey in a water bath, as it is less likely to burn or stick to the bottom.

Add crushed coffee beans in small portions, stirring thoroughly until smooth. You can use coffee grounds instead of coffee beans. It can also be added to the mixture. Cosmetic cleansing mixtures containing coffee grounds are ideal for the delicate sensitive layer.

Recipe for coffee and honey scrub for cellulite.

Making an anti-cellulite scrub yourself is quite difficult. Experts recommend adding more ground coffee to the mixture to improve the effect.


  • Ground coffee – 1-3 tbsp. l.
  • Flower or linden honey - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Sea salt – 1/2 tbsp. l.


It is advisable to heat honey products in a water bath to room temperature. Next, you need to gradually add ground coffee beans and salt, stirring thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Coffee and honey scrub removes toxins, leaving the skin thin and smooth. You can also use organic sage extract to add more flavor to the mixture.

Indications for use

The effect of the scrub is not only cosmetic, but also therapeutic. Indications for use are:

  • fine and deep wrinkles,
  • oily skin prone to rashes,
  • swelling.

The presence of stretch marks and cellulite on the skin is also an indication for the use of the scrub.
Honey and coffee improve blood microcirculation. Stagnation in adipose tissue is eliminated. After regular use of the product, the skin becomes healthy and attractive. The greasy shine gradually disappears, swelling goes away, shallow wrinkles are smoothed out. Metabolism improves, the relief becomes smooth, the figure looks more toned.

For body

Your body will thank you if you use a coffee scrub not only for your face, but also for your entire body. For a home remedy to be effective, make sure to use only quality ingredients.

Cosmetologists recommend using ground coffee. The grounds from the bottom of the cup will do. It is better to make a body scrub right before use, but it is also acceptable to prepare several portions and then store them in the refrigerator.

Bergamot oil


Fruit puree

Honey and coffee can be supplemented with the following ingredients:

  • cream for dry skin;
  • fruit puree to increase skin elasticity;
  • juniper, bergamot or sandalwood oils to combat swelling;
  • orange and lemon oils for cellulite, geranium or jasmine for stretch marks.

Before adding components to which allergic reactions are common, perform a rapid test. Apply the essential oil of your choice to the crook of your elbow and wait 10-15 minutes. If itching or redness occurs, the inappropriate ingredient will have to be discarded.

For face

The face requires increased attention. Depending on the type of epidermis, special care is needed. For those with normal to oily skin, scrubs are recommended twice a week. For sensitive and dry skin - no more than once every 14 days. The composition can be applied to the neck and décolleté area.

It is better to carry out the procedure in the evening or on a day off, when you are not in a hurry. The skin may turn red from exposure to abrasive particles, so do not plan to go outside immediately after the session. Do not steam it before applying the product.

It is important to choose a product that suits your skin type

The honey-coffee mixture is carefully distributed over the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. Make sure that the scrub does not get on the mucous membranes. After applying cosmetics, it is recommended to wipe the skin with an ice cube and then apply a nourishing cream.

A face scrub made from coffee and honey at home will transform your appearance if you prepare it according to proven recipes and apply it correctly.

How to choose honey and coffee

Professional cosmetologists recommend using only high-quality products. It is best to use this product with other ingredients to get maximum results.

In order to choose coffee, you need to have special knowledge. Pay attention to the roasting of the coffee beans. It is best to choose a medium degree, because the grains will retain beneficial substances and they will be aromatic. You also need to pay special attention to grinding. Coffee pieces that are too small will not clean out the pores. It is best to choose a medium grind, because it will have maximum beneficial properties. Medium grind grains will not scratch the top layer.

Choosing honey is a complex process. It is best to choose meadow honey, as it is more liquid and will be more convenient to apply to the skin. This honey will nourish the skin with beneficial substances. It is better to choose fresh honey collected this year, as the old one will crystallize. The old product contains less nutrients. When choosing this product, you should pay attention to its taste and condition.

The honey product should have a beautiful, rich color and be quite thick. A product that is too liquid and light is most likely a fake, because it is often diluted with sugar syrup. It is advisable to try the honey product before purchasing, as some manufacturers use starch and sucrose. It is better to purchase from reliable and trusted places to purchase natural products.

What are the benefits of coffee-honey composition?

Coffee in this cosmetic product acts as an abrasive substance to remove dead particles, impurities and cleanse pores.

At the same time, it still contains many useful substances:

  • vitamins: A, E, D, group B;
  • macro- and microelements: potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and iron;
  • organic, fruit acids;
  • alkaloids, fats, caffeine.

These substances cleanse the facial skin of impurities, rejuvenate it, smooth out fine wrinkles, tone and restore its radiant color.

The honey base is also rich in elements that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin:

  • vitamins: A, C, E, K, group B;
  • macro- and microelements: potassium, magnesium, calcium, manganese, iron, phosphorus, copper, zinc, fluorine, boron and chromium;
  • inorganic and organic acids;
  • fructose, glucose.

Thanks to these beneficial substances, the product has strong antioxidant properties, increases blood circulation, which promotes active facial rejuvenation and restoration of elasticity.

It provides active nutrition, hydration, and relieves inflammation. The product will be useful for restoring the health and beauty of the face.

Moreover, it is suitable for all skin types , you just need to select additional components for each of them.

Problem areas of the body

Every woman has places on her body that need more attention. Problem areas:

  • Belly . Stretch marks and cellulite often form on this part of the body, since this area contains a huge amount of subcutaneous fat. And in order to make the skin on your stomach more elastic and smooth, you need to scrub several times a month.
  • Sides . Many girls complain about excess fat deposits on their sides. Indeed, stretch marks often form in this area.
  • Legs . Many girls and women develop stretch marks and cellulite on their thighs over time, especially on the buttocks. In order to visually hide and eliminate these defects, you can use a coffee and honey cleanser.

These problem areas often cause complexes in women, which is why they should be given special attention. A honey coffee scrub is great for these areas and will help clear out clogged pores.


  • Natalya, 27 years old: “Once a week I cleanse my face with coffee and honey - a remedy accessible to anyone that easily helps remove impurities from pores, tighten the skin and replenish the lack of beneficial microelements.”
  • Valentina, 29 years old: “I have long been looking for an effective way to get rid of stretch marks after pregnancy, and a friend advised me to scrub problem areas with coffee, honey and soap. I’ve been doing the procedure several times a week for 4 months now – the results are excellent. The skin tightened, stretch marks became less noticeable, and the first signs of cellulite disappeared.”
  • Martha, 19 years old: “I have oily skin, and this cleanser with coffee and honey helped me get rid of oily shine, tighten pores and reduce acne.”

Regularly using a properly selected scrub to cleanse the body and face, you can independently get rid of rashes and unhealthy skin color, as well as improve blood microcirculation.

If, when performing the procedure at home, you experience pain, a burning sensation or a severe rash, get examined by a specialist who will help you choose the optimal cleaning method.


Application technology

Correct application of a cosmetic product is very important to obtain maximum effect. How to apply cleanser:

  1. It is best to heat the products to achieve a more effective result.
  2. Apply a small amount of product to clean skin using smooth massage movements.
  3. More mixture should be applied to problem areas. The mixture must be left on the skin for a few minutes so that the honey has time to nourish the skin.
  4. After this procedure, it is advisable to take a warm shower, after which you can apply a cream that will moisturize the skin.

Sweet coffee scrub with oil for dry skin

Mix the coffee grounds after drinking coffee with the same amount of sugar, 1 teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil and half a spoon of cinnamon. Grind the ingredients and apply to a warm face, neck, and décolleté. By increasing the portions, the scrub can be used for the entire body.

Instead of sea buckthorn oil, you can use grape seed oil, olive oil, burdock oil in this scrub, and each time it will have new beneficial properties. We use it as usual.


Before scrubbing, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications for this procedure.

  • Allergy to coffee or bee products. Do not use if you are or are likely to be allergic to the ingredients.
  • Too sensitive skin. Do not use strong cleansers for this skin type.
  • Closely located capillaries. Scrub particles can damage capillaries and cause bruising.
  • Presence of wounds and scratches on the skin. It is better to wait until all the damage has healed so as not to damage the skin.
  • Various skin diseases. It is best to consult with an experienced cosmetologist before use, who will make sure that this product is suitable for you, or will select another method for cleansing your skin.

Additional emollient ingredients

To soften the skin, it is recommended to add the following ingredients to the scrub:

  • almond, flaxseed, grape, peach or olive oil;
  • banana, apple, grape puree;
  • cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir, cream;
  • vegetable milk, steamed oatmeal, rice or semolina;
  • shea or coconut butter;
  • flower pollen.

As an abrasive, you can use a mixture of coffee with salt, clay, oatmeal, kelp powder, coarse sugar, etc.

Anti-cellulite coffee scrub with wheat germ

Take 3 tablespoons of ground coffee, pour 1/4 cup of boiling water. Right there, while the coffee is brewing and cooling, grind 2-3 tablespoons of sprouted wheat in a coffee grinder (you can grind more and store it in a closed jar in the refrigerator). Combine coffee with wheat, add 1 tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of any vegetable oil (sea buckthorn, olive, grape seed).

Apply a mass of homogeneous consistency to a warm, damp body, massage for 5-10 minutes, leave for a while, rinse with warm water and a cool shower. This healthy coffee scrub for a bath has a beneficial effect on the skin, it cleanses, nourishes, tones, and helps remove cellulite.

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