Russian botulinum toxin Relatox - full review of the product and comparison with analogues

For many, Botox injections have become a common procedure. Several injections help maintain a young, fresh appearance for a long time. A half-hour manipulation is an excellent alternative to exhausting methods of regular anti-aging effects. But the choice of drug for injection often makes you think. Classic Botox has long been competing with Dysport, Xeomin, and Relatox. Developments in different countries differ slightly from the original version. The Russian drug managed to interest cosmetologists and patients. Relatox, reviews of which are mostly positive, deserves the attention of lovers of injection appearance correction.

General characteristics of the drug

Relatox is the only Russian-made drug based on botulinum toxin type A. The manufacturer is FSUE NPO Microgen. The substance is classified as a new generation of botulinum toxins. The Russian analogue of Botox has a slightly modified composition.

The substance contains:

  • botulinum toxin with low molecular weight (150 kDa);
  • gelatin (6 mg);
  • maltose (12 mg).

The composition, unlike the classic version of Botox, does not contain albumin, which reduces the development of allergic reactions. Gelatin and maltose provide mild stabilization of the main active ingredient. The drug is tolerated more successfully than its analogues and is less likely to cause adverse reactions. A feature of Russian Botox is pain during injection.

The small mass of the botulinum toxin molecule determines the ability to diffuse. This property allows you to cover a large area with a single injection. In the inept hands of the performer, this results in negative consequences. The small molecular weight of botulinum toxin guarantees rapid action. The effect of the injections is noticeable after half an hour. After 3–7 days, the patient receives a full result from the botulinum toxin injection procedure.

The drug is available in bottles of 50 (100) units. The substance is in powder form. The substance requires dilution with saline solution. The liquid form of botulinum toxin is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. The drug is sterile, non-toxic, and can be stored in a sealed (dry) condition at a temperature of 2–8°C for up to 2 years. All basic information about the drug is presented on the company’s official website.

What will be the effect after Relatox?

Due to a decrease in gamma activity, the intrafusal fibers of the muscle spindle relax and the activity of Ia afferent nerve fibers decreases. This leads to a decrease in the activity of muscle receptors responsible for stretching, as well as to the efferent activity of motor neurons (alpha and gamma).

These processes lead to pronounced relaxation of the muscles into which the injections were made, as well as a significant reduction in pain in them.

Simultaneously with the process of denervation, a process of reinnervation occurs in these muscles, which consists in the formation of lateral processes at the nerve endings. This in turn leads to initial muscle contraction about six months after the injection.

Indications for use

Relatox is used in medical (cosmetology) practice. The drug is effective for correcting:

  • ophthalmological disorders (strabismus, blepharospasm);
  • spastic muscle conditions (torticollis, cerebral palsy);
  • increased sweating (hyperhidrosis);
  • defects in appearance due to excessive muscle activity (expression wrinkles, ptosis).

Relatox is used to treat adults and children over 2 years old. The dosage of the substance and the method of correcting the existing problem are determined by the doctor. The Russian version of botulinum toxin is sold only to licensed institutions.

Cosmetic corrections with Botox are performed only on patients aged 18–65 years. For those who have not reached the age of majority, the use of Relatox is available exclusively for medical reasons. Informed consent is required for cosmetic procedures. The domestic analogue of Botox is popular among middle-aged men and women to correct age-related changes.

Important point! With regular use of Relatox, a decrease in effectiveness is sometimes observed. When using large doses (more than 250 units) and frequent injections (2-4 month interval), the formation of antibodies is observed, which makes further treatment with botulinum toxin impossible.

Botox injections for men

Men do it too!

They strive to look young and refresh their appearance. Not every man will decide to take this step

Wrinkle correction with Botox:

  • this is the fastest way to restore youth and attractiveness to your face,
  • This is an effective way to remove deep wrinkles,
  • This is an opportunity to minimize the likelihood of new wrinkles forming.


  • wrinkles between the eyebrows;
  • “crow’s feet” in the corners of the eyes;
  • folds in the forehead;
  • facial wrinkles on the nose;
  • age-related cervical folds;
  • age-related skin atrophy.


  • Duration of effect 4-8 months
  • Fast
  • No muscle atrophy
  • Painless

Norway Timelapse

Norway Timelapse


Efficiency of use

In cosmetology, Relatox is used to eliminate vertical and horizontal wrinkles located on the forehead, between the eyebrows, in the eye area, nose, chin, oral area, neck, and décolleté. Problem solving and administration regimens are similar to those adopted for the classic version of botulinum toxin.

The substance is most effective for those with oily, normal skin. Dry skin with a finely wrinkled type of aging is best treated using the mesobotox method, which is rarely used based on Relatox (due to the increased pain of injections).

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Purchase nuances

All drugs based on botulinum toxin, regardless of the name, are sold exclusively for professional use. A narrow circle of specialized pharmacies work with substances. The drugs are released only to clinics that have the appropriate license. You cannot buy botulinum toxin in a standard retail pharmacy.

Such a sales scheme guarantees the buyer a quality product, excluding counterfeits. Control over the purchase of drugs by holders of licenses to work with botulinum toxin ensures confidence in the quality use of the substance. This is necessary not only for patients, but also for the manufacturer to form a positive opinion about the product.

The average price for a tube of 50 units of the substance is 9,500 rubles, 100 units can be purchased for 11,000 rubles. The dry product is diluted with saline solution without opening the tube. The needle of the syringe with liquid is inserted into the cap of the bottle. The prepared botulinum toxin solution is also withdrawn using a needle.

The amount of liquid administered depends on the required concentration and the initial number of units of the active substance in the tube. 1–8 ml of sodium chloride solution (0.9%) is introduced into the bottle. One division of an insulin syringe (0.1 ml) yields 1.25–5 units of botulinum toxin ready for injection. The package always contains an instruction form that will help you figure out how to dilute the drug.

Preliminary preparation

No special preparation of the skin or injection sites is required for the procedure. It is enough to provide complete care for the integument, implying the absence of dirt, inflammation, and irritation. The skin should be healthy, and thinning by various procedures (peeling, polishing) is excluded. Conditional preparation for the procedure is considered:

  • avoiding alcohol and medications that affect blood quality (thinning, clotting) 1–2 days before injections;
  • ban on taking antibiotics and anticoagulants for 1–2 weeks;
  • stopping activities that cause blood flow to the injection sites (physical activity, massage, bending head down) 12–24 hours before the procedure.

On the day of the proposed Relatox injections, you do not need to drink excessive amounts of liquid, wear complex makeup, smoke, or experience nervous tension.

Administration of the drug

The procedure for administering domestic botulinum toxin involves 3 stages. Initially, the patient undergoes a consultation with a cosmetologist. The doctor assesses existing problems, determines the possibility of performing manipulations, informs about restrictions, and sets a date for injection procedures.

On the day of manipulation, the patient’s skin is cleaned, treated with an antiseptic, and the puncture sites are cooled with ice. In some cases, the use of local anesthetics before the procedure is stipulated.

Attention! Relatox injections are painful; doctors often recommend using a reliable method of pain relief.

The cosmetologist marks the injection sites. To do this, the patient is asked to actively use facial expressions. The doctor administers a botulinum toxin solution at the marked points. Use a thin insulin syringe. The input method is determined by the cosmetologist and depends on the problems being solved.

The doctor determines how many units of Relatox to use individually. During the initial administration of the drug, cosmetologists prefer to underestimate the dosage, eliminating the risk of undesirable consequences. For different areas there is a maximum possible number of units:

  • forehead - 20;
  • between the eyebrows - 25;
  • raising an eyebrow - 5;
  • crow's feet - 15;
  • nose - 5;
  • lips - 6–10;
  • chin - 6;
  • oval lift - 60;
  • neck - 50.

After administration of the drug, heaviness and pain are felt at the puncture site. Unpleasant symptoms disappear within 30 minutes. At this time, the doctor monitors the developing picture and well-being. The body can react to the administration of botulinum toxin in different ways. Swelling and bruising may occur in the injection areas.

The procedure lasts no more than 30 minutes. A qualified doctor copes quickly, leaving no obvious traces of manipulation. A cosmetologist will help you quickly rehabilitate, avoiding unwanted manifestations. At the end of the session, it is permissible to get behind the wheel and go to work.

The average cost of a unit of Relatox in Moscow clinics is 150–200 rubles. This is almost half the price of classic Botox. Often the price is decisive for the decision in favor of choosing a domestic analogue. Especially if the procedure involves the participation of a large number of units of the substance.

The last stage of the procedure is a control visit to the cosmetologist. The doctor evaluates the achievements and makes corrections if necessary. An experienced cosmetologist rarely misses the dosage. If the restrictions of the recovery period are observed, undesirable consequences after the procedure do not occur.

Recovery period

Relatox injections are fast-acting. The first results are noticeable within half an hour, the maximum effect is achieved in 2–5 days. Effectiveness depends on individual characteristics, the skill of the performer, and the number of units entered. Compliance with the restrictions of the preparatory and recovery periods has an impact. After the procedure you cannot:

  • take a horizontal position, bend forward, make sudden movements 4–6 hours after injections;
  • touch the affected areas, rub, stretch the skin (1–2 days);
  • exercise physical activity (up to a month);
  • sleep on your stomach (2–5 days);
  • drink alcoholic beverages, many medications (5–7 days);
  • warm up and steam for a week (massage, bath, sauna, hot shower, tanning in a solarium or in the sun).

Strict restrictions apply 1–2 days after the procedure. After a week, it is permissible to smoothly return to your usual lifestyle. The ban on excessive physical activity lasts 2-4 weeks after the Botox procedure. You can return to taking solar, warming procedures after 1–2 weeks. It is not recommended to become pregnant 2-4 weeks after botulinum toxin injections.

To successfully administer the drug, the doctor will advise you to actively use facial expressions for 1–3 hours. The injection sites do not require special care. More often than not, botulinum toxin works without any complaints. It is advisable to stop using cosmetics for 1–2 days. The result lasts 4–6 months, sometimes up to 9 months.

A repeat procedure is carried out after the effect of the previous manipulation has been completely eliminated. After 1–2 weeks, it is permissible to make a correction (entering additional units of a small amount) if you are dissatisfied with the result. The manipulation is prescribed by the doctor after examination and assessment of the condition.

Drug elimination

If side effects occur, it is possible to reverse the effect of the toxin with medication only within 30 minutes after administration. In other cases, it will not be possible to remove the drug immediately. If you are dissatisfied with the results, cosmetologists offer:

  • massage of injection sites;
  • physiotherapeutic effects;
  • drug treatment.

The effect of botulinum toxin is weakened by the influence of certain medications (antibiotics, B vitamins). You should take medications under the guidance of a doctor. “Treatment” should be carried out no earlier than the result of maximum strength is obtained. Massaging and physiotherapy are also best performed under the supervision of a doctor. Possible increased reaction.

By the way, at home, patients often use steaming to weaken the effect of Botox. Hot baths, steam baths, saunas, supplemented with light self-massage, bring a noticeable weakening effect. Some people practice drinking alcohol, but this is an ambiguous way to help in a difficult situation.

Comparison of popular botulinum toxins

Most patients wonder which drug to choose for injection. Doctors recommend starting your acquaintance with botulinum toxin with classic Botox. They switch to Relatox more often because of the attractive price. There are no significant differences in potency, dosage, or duration of effect.

Many people notice that the domestic toxin is easier to tolerate and less likely to cause unexpected reactions. A significant disadvantage of Russian Botox is the pain of injection.

When compared with Xeomin, they say that the effect of the foreign version is milder, the product does not require special storage conditions. The domestic drug is produced in small doses in original packaging. Find bottles of Xeomin (Botox, Dysport) 50 units each. it won't work.

In terms of price, Relatox compares favorably with foreign analogues. The cheaper Dysport in fact turns out to be equal in cost to Botox, since it requires a larger quantitative injection. Relatox is also characterized by the rapidity of obtaining a noticeable effect. For some this is an important indicator.

Cost of treatment

Dysport /France/ (1 unit)150₽
Botox /America/ (1 unit)380₽
Xeomin / Germany/ (1 unit)310₽
Relatox/Russia/ (1 unit)290₽
Treatment of hyperhidrosis according to protocol “D” 300 units25 000₽
Treatment of hyperhidrosis according to protocol “B” 100 units22 000₽

Compatibility with other procedures

Botox injections are rarely combined with other procedures in the same session. A break is required to perform the complex. When performing plastic surgery (blepharoplasty, contour lifting), the tissue recovery period is at least a month. During this time, the skin returns to normal and swelling subsides. The same applies to the compatibility of botulinum toxin injections with peeling and resurfacing procedures.

It is not advisable to perform surgery after Botox treatment. The surgeon will not be able to determine the natural condition of the skin. The results can be disastrous. It is better to wait for the natural elimination of the drug.

It is not recommended to combine injection correction with hardware procedures or massage. The gap between sets of effects is 2–3 weeks. This is due to a decrease in the effect of Botox from cosmetic interventions.

Some doctors combine the injection of toxin with mesotherapy or biorevitalization. Botox is mixed with a cocktail of drugs and injected subcutaneously in small portions. Mesobotox based on Relatox is rarely used due to the severe pain of administration. More often, cosmetologists separate these procedures, leaving a gap of 2–4 weeks between sessions.

Filling large folds with fillers can be combined with Botox injection. This is possible when affecting different zones. Simultaneous treatment of a single area with Botox and gel is not carried out.

Benefits of our injections

The visible and significant advantages of Relatox over its imported analogue can only be considered when used for cosmetic purposes.

The most significant of them are described below:

  1. Product quality. The fact that the cost of the drug is significantly lower than Botox does not affect its effectiveness. It’s just that distributors of domestic products do not spend additional funds on transportation and customs clearance.
  2. Dosage. One injection correction session will require a small amount of the Russian drug, which cannot be said about its imported analogue. In this case, the final result will be absolutely the same.
  3. Positive effect. Smoothing of wrinkles and favorable changes in the structure of the skin can be noticed immediately after the administration of Relatox, and over the course of 3 days, the results will only increase.
    The effectiveness of Botox is noticeable only on days 4-5, and it takes at least 14 days to fully consolidate.
  4. Duration of the result. The American drug eliminates expression wrinkles for no more than 6 months. As for Relatox, the result of its use pleases the eye for up to 10 months.

What defects can be eliminated with facial lipolytics and how the procedure is carried out. In this publication we will discuss which is better – bioreparation or biorevitalization.

Follow the link if you are interested in the price of a surgical facelift.


Limitations and negative consequences when using Relatox are typical of those characteristic of other drugs with botulinum toxin. It is necessary to refuse injections if contraindications are observed:

  • poor health (exacerbation of chronic diseases, occurrence of systemic diseases);
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • diseases of the blood, neuromuscular system;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • somatic disorders;
  • allergy to the components of the solution.

It is not advisable to carry out the procedure during menstruation or during periods of stress. During a preliminary conversation with a cosmetologist, you need to focus on your state of health, medications taken, and lifestyle. Based on this data, the doctor makes a decision about the possibility of carrying out the procedure.

Why is correction of facial wrinkles necessary?

The mechanism of action of drugs belonging to the category of neurotoxins allows you to gradually restore muscle tone of the skin without disrupting the blood supply and nutrition of tissues. With their help you can successfully get rid of the following flaws:

Indications for the procedure

  • Correction of wrinkles around the eyes, crow's feet;
  • Correction of wrinkles between the eyebrows and in the forehead area;
  • Correction of wrinkles on the neck, mainly horizontal, in the décolleté area;
  • Correction of nasolabial wrinkles, restoration of facial symmetry with unilateral drooping of the corner of the mouth;
  • Correction of wrinkles above the upper lip;
  • Tightening the oval of the face;
  • Correction of marionette wrinkles.

Reviews from cosmetologists

Doctors rate Relatox positively. Low prices allow cosmetologists to attract more patients. Working with Russian Botox does not cause any difficulties. The results are similar to those obtained on the basis of foreign analogues. Situations when the drug does not work are rare. Customer reviews are often positive.

Many cosmetologists are afraid to completely switch to Relatox. The drug is young, sometimes problems arise in the work.

After the drug was refined, complaints about its effectiveness appeared. Cosmetologists are beginning to refuse to work with Relatox.

Long-term observation of the results gives confidence in the quality of the product.

Description of the domestic product

Relatox is a muscle relaxant from a domestic manufacturer, which seriously competes not only with the similar drug Botox, but also with such effective drugs as Dysport and Xeomin.

Relatox is produced by one of the large pharmaceutical companies called Microgen. The company is part of the Rostec state corporation, which works in coherent cooperation with the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

The drug was clinically studied many times, and with the onset of 2012 it received the appropriate quality certificates. The drug went on sale at the beginning of 2014.

The main active ingredient is the combination of botulinum toxin type A with hemagglutinin.

This is a kind of toxic substance secreted by prokaryotic microorganisms and provokes the development of botulism. Animal gelatin and malt sugar were used as excipients.

The toxic substance affects the central nervous system. Nerve impulses do not travel well through muscle tissue, which leads to their relaxation. If you become ill with butolism, this will entail the development of paralysis and disruptions in the functioning of all important systems of the body.

If you use the drug for medical purposes, then with the help of poison you can purposefully get rid of muscle spasms and relax a certain muscle group. These can be facial (provoke the formation of wrinkles), eye (can contribute to strabismus) muscles.

Clinical trials have proven that Relatox is a significant drug in cosmetology and can easily eliminate wrinkles and treat increased function of the sweat glands (excessive sweating, hyperhidrosis). The drug is not used in other areas of medicine, however, experts believe that this is only a matter of time.

It is important to note that this drug is a serious drug, the use of which is permissible in specialized clinics.

In addition, the specialist who will be entrusted with its use must have a certain knowledge base, otherwise treatment or rejuvenation may turn into a tragedy ─ after all, this is not peeling with fruit acids.

Patient reviews

Patients' impressions of Relatox are varied. Some people prefer classic Botox. Many are happy to take advantage of the opportunity to receive the same services at a more attractive price. There are complaints that botulinum toxin has not taken hold and does not adhere well. If the upper eyelids droop or asymmetry occurs, then the matter is not in the substance, but in the skills of the doctor. The choice of a cosmetologist is more important than the selection of a drug.

We are happy with Relatox, but the results do not last as expected.

Many people who switch from Botox are satisfied with the effect of Relatox.

Many people like Relatox more than foreign analogues.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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