Plasmolifting and biorevitalization - comparison of procedures

What is plasma lifting

During plasmolifting, platelets are introduced into the epidermis, which release proteins and their derivatives that stimulate the synthesis of new cells.

Thus, regeneration processes are activated in the tissues, helping to improve the overall condition of the skin and its rejuvenation.

Today this technique is one of the most effective and safe in the field of aesthetic medicine.


  • photo and physiological aging of the skin;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • rashes of various etiologies;
  • scars, scars.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

The essence of the mechanism of action of plasmolifting is the activation of the proliferative stage of inflammation, which is caused by the injection of one’s own platelets. These are essentially not foreign bodies at all, but the fact is that after injection under the skin, they end up in the wrong place, therefore, they trigger the protection process, cause the division of new skin cells and the synthesis of collagen fibers. Almost all cosmetic manipulations using injections of pharmacological agents are based on this reaction.


Plasmolifting allows you to achieve the following results:

  • getting rid of scars, cicatrices;
  • leveling the relief and shade of the covers;
  • treatment of rashes of various etiologies (acne, comedones, acne);
  • increased tone and elasticity;
  • normalization of intercellular metabolism;
  • facial rejuvenation for 5-10 years.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • rejuvenating effect
  • the patient’s own biomaterial is used to initiate regeneration mechanisms
  • no risk of allergic reactions
  • long-term results
  • high cost
  • if there are “dormant” infections in the body, there is a risk of their activation


Any injection procedures are contraindicated:

  • During pregnancy, lactation;
  • With diagnosed oncological, autoimmune, and some endocrine diseases;
  • With a tendency to form keloid scars;
  • During the period of exacerbation of any chronic diseases;
  • If there are rashes in the treatment area, inflammatory processes occur;
  • For bleeding disorders.

In addition, plasma lifting cannot be done within 3 to 4 weeks after an illness or surgery, in the presence of certain diseases of the cardiovascular system.

What is biorevitalization

During biorevitalization, injections of hyaluronic acid are performed, which has the unique property of attracting water molecules while maintaining the original structure. This provides intensive hydration of the dermis, smoothing out wrinkles and restoring elasticity.

The concentration of the active substance is selected individually, taking into account the patient’s age, skin characteristics and the severity of defects.

The purpose for which the therapy is carried out also plays a decisive role, since it is often used as a preparation for plastic surgery.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

Biorevitalization is considered a safe method of mesotherapy, as a result of which the amount of fluid and nutrients inside the skin is replenished, which leads to a healing, and therefore rejuvenating, effect.

Biorevitalization is used in the following situations:

  • age-related changes (loss of elasticity, appearance of wrinkles, age spots);
  • dryness, peeling;
  • numerous freckles;
  • preparation for surgical correction techniques;
  • restoration of integument after deep chemical peels or hardware procedures.


Results of the procedure:

  • intensive hydration of the dermis;
  • elimination of swelling and dark circles under the eyes;
  • lightening pigmentation;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • stimulation of the natural production of collagen and elastin.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • quick effect
  • safety
  • an effective non-surgical method for correcting facial contours
  • the likelihood of an allergy to the components of the drug used
  • high price

General contraindications

Contraindications to both procedures include:

  • blood disease;
  • acute viral infections, colds;
  • malignant neoplasms in the body;
  • diabetes;
  • hepatitis;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

It is not recommended to conduct sessions while taking antibiotics and blood thinners. When introducing hyaluronic acid, the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction to the active component is also taken into account.

External resemblance

At first glance, the procedures are absolutely identical.
These are injection methods of skin treatment and rejuvenation that stimulate natural regeneration processes. The problem area is injected with a syringe with a thin needle manually or using a pneumatic gun, and a previously prepared preparation is injected into the upper or middle layers of the dermis. But in plasma lifting, the active substance is the patient’s own plasma, enriched with platelets and purified from red blood cells. And biorevitalization is done using hyaluronic acid or preparations based on it. Accordingly, these procedures differ somewhat in impact.

The positive effect in both cases is enhanced by skin perforation. Small punctures are multiple microtraumas. The body, trying to quickly restore the integrity of the skin, forces cells to regenerate as quickly as possible. Blood flows to the wounds, lymphocytes rush in and due to this, their healing accelerates.


Stages of plasma lifting:

  1. Venous blood sampling in a volume of 20-60 ml (the amount is determined individually). It is performed on an empty stomach (you can drink a glass of water) immediately before the procedure.
  2. The biomaterial is placed in a test tube, supplemented with an anticoagulant and processed in a laboratory centrifuge, where it is separated into individual components. The injections only require platelets.
  3. The skin is cleansed and wiped with an antiseptic solution. Anesthesia is usually not used, as the process does not cause much pain. In some cases, with increased sensitivity of the skin and at the request of the patient, an analgesic cream can be applied.
  4. According to a pre-planned scheme, the doctor injects a substance obtained from a centrifuge with a syringe with an ultra-thin needle.
  5. Treated areas are disinfected.

Biorevitalization technique:

  1. The skin is cleansed and wiped with an antiseptic.
  2. Future injection points are marked.
  3. An anesthetic substance is applied, and a special film is placed on top to enhance its effect.
  4. A sterile syringe filled with the drug is removed from the individual packaging.
  5. Injections are performed according to a specific pattern.
  6. Treated areas are disinfected.

What to choose and why

Which is better - plasma lifting or biorevitalization - everyone chooses for themselves. Much depends on the patient’s age, skin condition and type, number and severity of defects.

For young people and those with skin prone to rashes and oily skin, the first procedure is more suitable. For ladies who want to get a quick anti-aging effect, injections of hyaluronic acid are preferable.

The final decision on the relevance of a particular technique in a particular situation is made by a cosmetologist.

The table below shows distinctive characteristics that may help you choose the best option.

Effectin a few daysinstant
Age group18-45 years old35-40 years
Number of sessions2-3 with a break of 14-30 days1-3 with an interval of 3-4 weeks
Side effectsbruises, swelling in the injection area
Local anesthesiamostly not requiredAn analgesic gel is applied to the skin
Duration of resultup to three yearsmore than 6 months

Patient reviews

Patients evaluate both treatment options positively. The results of the injections are seen in every case. Sometimes one of the options is called more suitable. Plasma injections are often equated with therapeutic effects, and more dramatic results are expected from the intervention.

The patient sees effectiveness only in plasma lifting, considering a specific area.

Positive impression about plasma injections.

A potential patient is considering the option of combining 2 procedures.

The opinion is that plasma lifting is stronger than biorevitalization.

Cost of services

The cost of one biorevitalization session in Moscow, as well as plasma lifting, varies between 7,000-12,000 rubles.

Despite the lack of difference in price, it is worth considering that the second procedure provides a long-term effect, therefore it is a more profitable option.

When choosing a salon or clinic, you don’t need to chase the cheapest. The main thing here is quality, because health depends on it. It is better to entrust the care of your own skin to an experienced, qualified specialist who will do everything correctly, sterilely, in compliance with the technical requirements within the framework of the technique used.


Biorevitalization and plasma therapy have many common indications. Both procedures are excellent anti-aging treatments, which are recommended by experts to solve the following problems:

  • sagging and loss of skin elasticity;
  • unhealthy complexion;
  • decreased skin tone and elasticity;
  • multiple small wrinkles;
  • swelling of the oval of the face;
  • loss of clarity of contours;
  • dryness and flaking of the skin;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • photoaging;
  • sagging skin after losing weight.

Also, both procedures help to recover faster after traditional plastic surgery or deep peels (chemical or laser). It is advisable to use them as a prevention of premature aging and early formation of wrinkles.

Performed before a vacation that the patient plans to spend on the seaside, plasma lifting and biorevitalization will help to simultaneously look better and protect the skin from the negative effects of summer external factors: ultraviolet radiation, heat and insufficiently clean or too hard water.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Experts cannot say unequivocally what is more effective: biorevitalization or plasma lifting. Both methods are effective, especially in terms of anti-aging correction. To obtain maximum results, it is recommended to carry out procedures in combination, as well as in combination with other types of cosmetic services.

Combination of procedures

According to classical technology, the addition of other substances to the patient’s platelet-rich plasma is not provided. Innovative cosmetologists are trying to experiment and do plasma lifting with hyaluronic acid. However, there is an opinion that such a mix only reduces the effectiveness of the procedure.

But if you correctly alternate plasma lifting with other injection techniques, the results are truly impressive:

  1. + Mesotherapy. This combination is especially effective for medicinal purposes. Thus, Trental injections given a week after plasma lifting of the scalp make it possible to stop hair loss after just a few procedures and even activate dormant follicles.
  2. + Biorevitalization. It perfectly fights not only small, but also quite deep expression wrinkles, perfectly refreshes and moisturizes the skin, improves complexion and eliminates flaking. You can alternate procedures by changing them every other week or performing two of each type.
  3. + Acid peeling. It is especially useful for clients after 40-45, when it is necessary to remove age-related pigmentation, do lifting and restore lost skin turgor. Chemical peeling itself is a fairly aggressive procedure, and the skin after it in mature patients takes a long time to heal. Plasmolifting significantly reduces this process.

Plasmolifting performed two weeks after thread skin tightening, laser resurfacing or plastic surgery gives good results. Biorevitalization is best done as a preparatory stage for the same procedures.

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