Mesoscooter for the face: rules of use, tips

From this article you will learn:

  • how to use a mesoscooter,
  • how to choose a gel or serum,
  • Which is better to buy a mesoscooter for the face, hair and body.

A mesoscooter (dermaroller) is a compact device for fractional mesotherapy, which consists of a handle and a moving roller, into the surface of which microneedles made of surgical steel or titanium are inserted. The movement of the roller ensures controlled superficial damage to the skin by microneedles, in response to which the body responds by enhancing the processes of regeneration and collagen synthesis in the skin. This is a fairly cheap, effective and safe device that you can successfully use at home for skin rejuvenation procedures.

The concept of using controlled skin injury with microneedles originated in 1995. Initially, the method was used to improve the appearance of post-traumatic scars, but thanks to the work of the German inventor Liebl and plastic surgeon Fernandes, it began to be used to stimulate collagen production in the dermis. It was Fernandes who, in 2006, independently developed a device consisting of a handle and a moving drum into which thin needles were inserted.

Mesoscooter: photo

Indications for use of the mesoscooter –

According to statistics, reviews of mesoscooters are approximately 85% positive, and according to them, this product is an extremely simple, convenient and safe way to achieve rejuvenation of your skin on the face and neck, as well as to tighten slightly sagging skin, increasing its elasticity and tone. Of course, you will not be able to achieve a significant reduction in the depth of wrinkles, but a course of treatment will improve the appearance of your skin, even out its texture, make it more radiant, and reduce the depth of fine lines. The device will also allow achieving moderate skin lifting in patients with gravitational ptosis.

The use of this device is justified in the presence of skin hyperpigmentation (both age-related and as a consequence of exposure to solar radiation). However, this method is quite safe for patients with dark skin tones, who usually have a very high risk of developing post-inflammatory pigmentation in response to damage to the epidermis. The high effectiveness of mesoscooters is observed for improving the appearance of post-traumatic and burn scars, stretch marks in pregnant women, as well as for correcting atrophic scars after acne.

But for acne therapy itself, it is not a mesoscooter that is more suitable, but a hardware technique (fractional RF therapy). Relative effectiveness can be achieved in the treatment of alopecia. Mesoscooters are absolutely not suitable for correcting cellulite and local fat deposits. And if for these pathologies it is worth using a mesoscooter, then only at the final stage of treatment, when it is already necessary to tighten the skin that has sagged after lipolytic therapy.


Devices are divided by purpose - for the face, eye area, body and hair. Mesoscooters are also usually divided according to the size of the needles into 3 types:

  1. Home. The size of roller needles is from 0.2 to 0.5 mm. This length is safe, since the skin is practically not injured.
  2. Cosmetic. The length of the needles is more than 0.5 mm. Only specialists use this roller. If you use it at home, without proper knowledge, you can damage the basal layer of the skin. A cosmetic mesoscooter will help with deep scars, pronounced wrinkles, ptosis and hyperpigmentation.
  3. Medical. These mesoscooters have the longest needle lengths - from 1 to 2.5–3 mm. When pierced, they reach the nerve endings. Cosmetologists use it only under local anesthesia to remove deep scars. To perform this type of work, a cosmetologist must have not only a higher education, but also an appropriate certificate.

Why can’t you use professional equipment yourself?

A mesoscooter is a truly effective cosmetic tool in the hands of specialists. For home use, you need to purchase a device that is easier to use and will definitely not harm the skin. Moreover, it is almost impossible to buy a professional mesoscooter; this requires medical education and relevant diplomas. In the age of information technology, you can buy such a device without special skills, but no one can guarantee that the buyer will not only make things worse for his body. Improper use of such devices can lead to irreversible consequences. The dermaroller penetrates the skin; under unsanitary conditions, there is a high probability of causing an infection, which can cause various diseases.

Important ! The advice of cosmetologists and dermatologists is that if the patient wants to achieve good results, it is better to go to a clinic or beauty salon, or use a device specially designed for home use.

It’s better to trust a specialist than to try to use professional equipment yourself.

Needle parameters

The more needles on the roller, the less painful the procedure will be and the more pronounced the effect. The thicker the epidermis, the longer the needles should be. This applies to men's skin, which is more rough. The number of needles varies from 200 to 1200 pcs.

  1. The shortest needles (0.2 mm) and a narrow roller are used for the eyelids.
  2. Dermarollers with 0.5 mm needles are effective for fine wrinkles such as crow's feet.
  3. Devices with 1 mm spikes eliminate wrinkles, fresh scars, and enhance collagen production.
  4. Mesoscooters with needles 1.5 mm long are used to smooth out skin texture with deep scars.
  5. Dermarollers with needles longer than 2 mm are used only in beauty salons.

Let's sum it up

In conclusion, we present all the effects that the mesoscooter has when used correctly:

  • smoothing wrinkles, moisturizing and lifting the skin. Also, thanks to stimulation by the device, the independent production of collagen and elastin occurs, which are responsible for youthful skin;
  • mesotherapy restores skin tone, thereby curing the occurrence of rosacea;
  • dermis tightening after sudden weight loss with complete recovery;
  • the device allows you to remove cellulite and smooth the dermis;
  • The microneedling process eliminates stretch marks and softens scars.

The main thing is to follow all the recommendations, and the effect will not be long in coming!

Mesoscooter for the face - action and effect

Positive effects of the mesoscooter:

  • reduction of post-acne scars;
  • lightening spots;
  • skin smoothing;
  • increased turgor;
  • improvement of blood circulation and renewal of the cellular layer in the skin;
  • giving a healthy glow to the skin;
  • launching revitalization (rejuvenation) processes.

Using a dermaroller will slow down aging in the form of sagging, pigmentation and wrinkles. For minor skin defects, the effect will appear after 8 procedures. Aging skin requires 15–20 sessions.

How to choose?

When choosing a mesoscooter, 3 parameters are taken into account:

  1. Materials - it is better to buy a roller with hypoallergenic needles made of medical alloys, stainless steel or titanium.
  2. Needle length - the shortest ones are needed for the eye area (up to 0.2 mm), for the face - 0.2–0.5 mm, for the body and head - 1 mm. If there are scars and post-acne scars, needles measuring 0.5–0.75 mm are better suited. For thin and sensitive skin - 0.2–0.3 mm.
  3. The ratio of the number of needles and the width of the roller. The number of needles on a roller can range from 200 to 1200. The number of needles and the width of the roller depend on the surface area. To treat the eye area, the roller should be 2 cm wide with 200 needles. For the face and neck, the number of needles should not exceed 540, and the width of the roller should not exceed 4 cm.

Important Tips

The article exhaustively talks about the miracle device - the mesoscooter. If you decide to purchase a device, choose the length of the needles and its intended purpose, adhere to the rules, since improper operation without knowledge of safety precautions leads to irreversible consequences.

  1. The main rule is that the device is strictly individual in use; under no circumstances should it be allowed to be used by other people. A mesoscooter is considered a personal item, just like a towel or toothbrush.
  2. When using at home, use only high-quality and certified meso-cocktails. The use of conventional cosmetics, which contain chemical compounds, fragrances and dyes, during such a procedure can cause irritation, allergic reactions and cause significant harm to any skin type. Cosmetic preparations for everyday use are intended for the upper layer of the skin and are not suitable for mesotherapy.

    It is important to use the right products

  3. Before starting the treatment process, be sure to clean the area of ​​application, get rid of makeup, shampoo, hairspray or gel from the scalp, and take a shower without products containing harmful substances. The mesoscooter creates microcracks, and all the components located on the surface of the body get into the smaller wounds.
  4. Do not abuse the device. Strictly follow the course of using the dermaroller. The recommendations of experts describe that the course is no more than 10 procedures with an interval of at least 4 days. Mesotherapy does not like frequent use, since the skin does not have time to rest and heal the wounds.
  5. The frequency of courses of procedures is twice a year. Otherwise, the skin ceases to independently produce the necessary nutrients and regenerate, since the mesoscooter only helps and does not replace the work of the skin.
  6. Pressing firmly with the device only worsens the effect of the procedure.
  7. After all procedures and before them, be sure to disinfect the device. Also, when processing, do not allow disinfectants to accumulate, since when they come into contact with the walls of blood vessels, the process of dulling the needles occurs.

It is important to follow the rules of the procedure


Indications for skin treatment with a mesoscooter:

  • postoperative scars;
  • acne scars;
  • age-related sagging skin;
  • crow's feet around the eyes;
  • spots on the skin - age or from the sun;
  • dryness and flaking;
  • dullness of complexion.


Tatiana Kuznetsova

The device is not suitable for getting rid of cellulite and treating acne.

What do cosmetologists say?

After conducting research and collecting all the information about reviews from cosmetologists, we can draw the following conclusion.

Beauty experts have a mixed attitude towards dermarollers. Some people often use this device at work, advertising it even more. Others, on the contrary, rarely offer this service to patients or completely exclude the device from their work, offering instead other effective methods and devices, arguing for high efficiency and long-term experience in use.

Important ! Although the mesoscooter is a more affordable means of eliminating many skin-related problems.

Not all experts recommend dermaroller

In any case, each method of combating age-related changes, healing and eliminating damage to the dermis can have different effects on human skin. After all, each organism and all its reactions are purely individual, and the same problem, when using the same devices and medications, will cause an allergic reaction in some, while in others it will produce a better effect in a short time. Therefore, before starting to use the mesoscooter, it is recommended to consult with dermatologists to identify contraindications and possible complications.

Important ! After confirming the harmlessness of use by a dermatologist, you should contact a cosmetologist who will recommend the type and type of device, as well as the best meso-cocktail.

You should first consult with a dermatologist if you want to use a mesoscooter.


The use of a mesoscooter is prohibited in the following cases:

  • psoriatic lesions on the face, eczema, burns;
  • herpes in the active phase;
  • irritation, inflammation, skin damage;
  • rosacea (vascular network on the skin);
  • nevi, moles, warts;
  • tendency to keloid scars;
  • allergy to serum components;
  • low pain threshold;
  • acute infections with fever;
  • fear of needles;
  • epilepsy;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • oncology;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Skin care after the procedure

A mesoscooter involves mechanical damage to the sensitive skin around the eyes, which is why, after using it, you need to pay attention to following the recommendations for caring for the treated area.

Standard recommendations are prescribed:

  • For 4 hours, refrain from washing and applying any cosmetics;
  • For 6 hours, stop smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, and energy drinks;
  • For 3 days, avoid visiting the sauna, swimming pool, or taking a hot bath;
  • During the course, stop taking blood thinning medications and avoid sunbathing.

You need to follow the rules after each use of the mesoscooter to reduce the risk of side effects.

Home use—

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Since the mesoscooter comes into contact with skin and blood, it requires thorough disinfection. To do this, use hydrogen peroxide (6–8%), KwikDes or Bacillol solution, 80–90% alcohol or chlorhexidine. After this, the device is washed with running water and dried.
  2. Treat the skin with a disinfectant and wait for it to dry.
  3. The drug chosen for the mesoscooter is most often ready-made meso-cocktails. The Laura Mesoeffect serum from the Evalar company, ampoules of hyaluronic acid (HA), vitamins E, B, A, plant extracts - chamomile, ginkgo hyloba, parsley, etc. are better suited than others. They are applied in layers, optionally before or after the action of the mesoscooter. .
  4. The face is divided into zones - forehead, nose, cheeks, eye area and décolleté. In each, the mesoscooter makes 10 movements - vertical, horizontal and diagonal. They start from the forehead, then move to the cheeks, eye area, nose, chin. A separate roller is used for the eyes. The device is not used on the upper eyelid.
  5. After the session, a moisturizing or soothing cream is applied to the face.
  6. The device is disinfected, dried and placed in a case.

Medicinal products for mesotherapy

There are a lot of means for mesotherapy using a mesoscooter. Creating a cocktail will eliminate different types of damage to the dermis. Next, we propose to consider the main components and what effect they produce:

  • hyaluronic acid is the main anti-aging agent, helps smooth out wrinkles, increase skin elasticity, accelerates metabolism;
  • collagen – promotes rejuvenation, smoothing, increases skin elasticity and firmness, and evens out skin tone;
  • artichoke (chofitol) – used to eliminate cellulite, as it eliminates tissue swelling;
  • aloe vera – suitable for all skin types due to its moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties;
  • chamomile extract – helps improve the condition of problem skin due to its soothing, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties;
  • ascorbic acid – returns a healthy complexion, brightens and eliminates pigmentation due to its antioxidant and restorative properties.

Each ingredient has its own benefits

Serum for mesoroller

Mesomedicines for working with a mesoscooter at home are all low molecular weight. They are able to penetrate the skin, but provide a low degree of hydration and quickly break down (within 24 hours), that is, they do not differ from conventional anti-aging creams. High molecular weight agents are much stronger - they are used only in salon mesotherapy. They provide maximum hydration and rejuvenation and remain effective for up to 3-4 weeks.

Products with a stabilized L-form of ascorbic acid or with retinoids (forms of vitamin A) are effective. But pharmaceutical forms of vitamin A do not work on the skin. For mesotherapy, completely different active forms of retinoids are used: Tretinoin, Isotretinoin, pure retinol and retinaldehyde. Pharmacy ampoules of vitamin C are also not suitable; here you need drugs specifically for mesotherapy.

The following serums can give good results:

  • Laura mesoeffect with peptides;
  • serum (EGF) with epidermal growth factors;
  • AYUNA DMAE Complex for aging skin;
  • activators of KOSMO-OLIGO type cells with oligoelements;
  • HA 3.5% NEOvial.

Recommendations to avoid possible complications

Experts offer recommendations that will allow you to get the full effect without the risk of complications and damage to the skin.

  1. Dermaroller storage rules. Use a special case for the device that will protect it from mechanical impacts on the needles. Avoid dropping the device. It is strictly forbidden to use a damaged massager.
  2. Be sure to carry out thorough antiseptic treatment with disinfectants before and after the procedure. If treated poorly, there is a possibility of infection entering the skin and, accordingly, the blood.
  3. Choose the period of use of the device according to the time of sleep and proper rest.

    You should choose the right time for the procedure

  4. Contraindications after procedures include visits to baths, saunas, solariums and water treatments. Be sure to treat your skin with sunscreen for three days.
  5. The number of procedures is strictly individual. If obvious redness and “non-healing” of the skin are observed, it is better to postpone the process for several days.
  6. The selection of meso-cocktails should take place in specialized stores with a focus on the type of dermis. Conventional cosmetics that are used in everyday life can cause great damage to the skin.
  7. Follow a strictly prescribed course of therapy with a mesoscooter. Do not overuse the frequency of use and monitor the condition of the dermis. The maximum number of procedures should not exceed 20 times; the course can be repeated after 6 months.

It is necessary to strictly follow the course of therapy


2 years ago I took a course of mesotherapy in the salon. The results were noticeable - there were no bags under the eyes, wrinkles disappeared and the skin became more elastic. Now I bought a mesoscooter. The result, of course, is not the same, but it is there



A mesoscooter will rejuvenate the skin only with the right serum - I’ve known this for a long time. My cosmetologist helped me choose it and already at the third session I noticed that the pastiness and sagging of the skin disappeared, the spots that appeared after childbirth were lightened



I have been using the mesoscooter for 3 weeks now. There are results - the skin has brightened and become more elastic. I would like to complete the course and see the end result.


Saint Petersburg

A cosmetologist recommended a mesoscooter to me. At first there was no effect, but the doctor identified my incorrect approach when using it, advised the right remedy, and within a week the result appeared



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