Sculpting a new look: all about sculptural facial massage

What is facial sculpture massage?

Sculptural massage is a technique that improves the oval of the face, tones the epidermis and increases elasticity, and also helps to relax facial muscles. This manipulation is often called non-surgical lifting or plastic massage. After the session, the skin becomes tightened, the oval is clearer, and wrinkles are smoothed out. The peculiarity of the manipulation is that the effect occurs not only on the skin, but also on the muscles. It was originally prescribed to people who had had a stroke. This helped restore normal mobility. After some time, the rejuvenating effect of sculptural massage was noticed. For this reason, the procedure began to be carried out in beauty salons, and later they mastered the technique at home.

What effect should you expect from a massage?

Having studied all the features of modern buccal techniques for influencing the skin, as well as correctly applying its principles in practice, you can count on colossal results. One of the brightest advantages of the technique is the fact that it, like myofascial facial massage, allows you to achieve the desired results with minimal time and financial costs . The result of a responsible procedure is:

  • No damage. Unlike injections and plastic surgery, the sculpting technique does not cause any damage to the dermis, but at the same time allows you to achieve a similar effect.
  • Training. In the process of manipulation according to the rules of the buccal complex, you work out every muscle on your face, which guarantees an excellent tonic effect.
  • Stress relief. In addition to physical stress on the dermis, psycho-emotional effects are also relieved. The skin becomes more elastic, supple and pleasant to the touch.

  • Complete relaxation. Although the process itself is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, as a result it will definitely give you the desired levels of relaxation. The skin becomes completely at rest.
  • Directed therapeutic effect. A pleasant effect of the procedure is the stimulation of cells to regenerate. The healing of the skin improves, and the muscles gain additional mobility, which was inherent in them in the past.
  • Burning fat deposits and smoothing out facial wrinkles. Directed influence allows you to fight the first signs of age-related changes and the result of poor nutrition.

Note! One session of buccal massage can last from 15 to 30 minutes. The procedure is accompanied by painful sensations, which is why experts recommend starting with 10 minutes of manipulation and gradually increasing it.

Indications for sculptural facial massage

Sculptural massage is indicated for the face in the following cases:

  • women over 30 years old;
  • girls under 30 with oily skin type;
  • acne;
  • presence of scars;
  • swelling of facial soft tissues;
  • fuzzy outline;
  • loss of elasticity of the epidermis, which is expressed in sagging skin;
  • wrinkles, including around the eyes;
  • drooping corners of the eyes and mouth;
  • deterioration of the color of the epidermis;
  • pronounced nasolabial folds;
  • having a double chin.


Any massage manipulation in the facial area of ​​a modern woman should begin only after 25 years. Young skin does not need additional stimulation, and your excessive zeal for youth, on the contrary, can play a cruel joke on you. Improper use of massage can only speed up the aging process due to excessive stretching of the dermis. At the same time, in the case of the buccal technique, the process is generally recommended to be carried out from the age of 30.

Younger representatives simply will not appreciate the effectiveness and practicality of manipulation, since they do not have the problems that massage solves. The main indications for the use of the technique include:

  • Various changes in facial contour that lead to the formation of blurry and indistinct lines.
  • Loss of firmness and elasticity.
  • The appearance of yellowness and gray spots.
  • Increased swelling that does not subside throughout the day.
  • Increased body fat and double chin.
  • The appearance of deep wrinkles.
  • Problems with facial expressions that arose after neuritis or stroke.

If you are faced with the above problems, then with the correct use of sculptural massage, after just a couple of sessions you will notice colossal positive changes for the better.

Note! You can perform a sculptural massage from any position. The person can sit, lie down, or be in a reclining position. Experts recommend the latter location option, as it provides maximum conditions for relaxation.

Advantages and disadvantages of sculptural massage

This rejuvenation method has the following advantages:

  • improvement of external condition;
  • affordable price compared to plastic surgery;
  • the result can be assessed after several sessions.

This type also has disadvantages:

  • soreness, however, the pain syndrome goes away after several procedures;
  • There is a lack of professional cosmetologists, so the procedure is not always carried out by a highly qualified master, which may not only not give a positive effect, but also lead to undesirable consequences.

Characteristics of methods

The most common method is to cleanse the face manually. The skillful hands of a cosmetologist make this operation very effective, especially for oily skin.

To open the pores, special products are used, which contain medicinal components. With their careful protection, the procedure is completely safe.

Mechanical facial cleansing ends with anti-inflammatory measures. Exposure of the skin to D'Arsenval currents, special masks and cryomassage help reduce traumatic manifestations. In general, mechanical cleansing of pores is considered a painful and traumatic procedure.

Vacuum facial cleansing is safer, although it can also injure sensitive skin. A special device literally “sucks out” comedones. The device copes well with shallow pores. To achieve a good effect, it is recommended to combine vacuum and manual facial cleansing.

Ultrasonic cleaning method is considered the most atraumatic. This is the most comfortable and painless method. The highly effective action of the ultrasonic device leads to the complete destruction of pore blockages. In addition to the face, ultrasound can clean the back area.

Professional cosmetologists will be able to suggest the best cleaning option for each client.

How is a sculptural facial massage done?

Sculptural massage should be done using sterile talc. This will help improve the adhesion of the epidermis and fingers. The session is not carried out with oil or any other lubricants. The technique will be as follows:

  • Stroking the face along the massage lines. At the end of the movement, the epidermis is captured and held. Count by 4 and repeat 3 times.
  • Kneading the facial muscles. Circular movements are performed with the back of the hand and the first and second fingers. Move along massage lines in a circle. Do 8 circles with gripping and holding muscles at the end of the circle.
  • Use your palms and all your fingers to knead the muscles.
  • Tapping is performed with the tips of all fingers. Move along massage lines in a circle.
  • All surfaces of the fingers are vibrated. Move in a circle along massage lines.

After the end of the session, stroking is performed. Next, remove the talc with a cotton swab dipped in lotion. It will be useful to make a mask based on medicinal plants. The duration of this procedure is 20 minutes.

Results of sculpture massage

The results of Japanese facial sculpture massage will be as follows:

  • blood microcirculation improves;
  • facial muscles are strengthened, including facial muscles;
  • wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • the elasticity of the epidermis improves, thanks to this sagging disappears;
  • Facial muscle spasms are eliminated;
  • asymmetry disappears;
  • the work of muscles that were immobilized improves;
  • harmful substances are removed from the skin;
  • the condition of the epidermis improves, down to the deep layers;
  • the skin is moisturized;
  • pores narrow, rashes disappear;
  • the facial contour becomes clear;
  • the shade of the epidermis improves.

Carrying out sculptural massage at home

Sculptural massage at home helps to improve the appearance of your face and save you time and money on visiting the salon. The main thing is to master the technique of performing the manipulation. The procedure at home is carried out in several stages:

You should start with preparation for performing manipulations. They do this as follows:

  • the face is held over the steam of a hot herbal decoction for 7 minutes;
  • hands are washed and dried thoroughly;
  • hair is covered so that it does not interfere with performance;
  • cream is applied to the epidermis.

After this, the procedure begins immediately.

1) Kneading the muscles.

Light movements work the muscles of the face, neck and décolleté.

2) Massage of the neck, forearm and décolleté.

Perform the following manipulations:

  • using fingertips and tapping movements, work the area from the neck to the back of the head;
  • work the muscles of the neck and forearm with the pads of the fingers;
  • perform stroking movements with moderate pressure from the chin in the décolleté area.

All movements should be moderate so as not to cause pain.

3) Drainage of lymph nodes.

The lymph nodes located in the neck, chest, shoulders, back of the head, temples and collarbone are lightly pressed and kneaded.

4) Improvement of the contour.

Perform the following manipulations:

  • knead the cheek area with rotational movements;
  • pinch the entire face along the contour;
  • with precise movements they work out the muscle attachment points;
  • stroke the entire face - this is the end of the massage.

Instructions for implementation

It is recommended to carry out the in-depth technique in courses of 10–20 procedures 1–3 times a year (depending on age and skin condition). The interval between exposures is 1–3 days. It is recommended to start the course with procedures of moderate intensity lasting 5–10 minutes.

Before the session, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin. It is advisable to warm up by taking a hot shower (bath). In a salon environment, steaming is carried out using a warm cloth. Depending on the technique being implemented, the skin is left clean and cosmetic oil (cream) is applied.

The treated area must be warmed up with moderate movements. This is an essential condition that helps avoid injury. The skin is stroked and patted with light movements. The movement of the fingers is determined by generally accepted massage lines.

Among the preferred techniques used in deep massage are:

  • kneading;
  • trituration;
  • vibration.

The actions are distinguished by significant pressure and require professional mastery of technology. Carry out the following movements:

  1. A line from the point between the eyebrows to the end of the forehead area near the beginning of hair growth. Carried out with effort. A series of similar effects are carried out, gradually shifting the end point to the middle of the forehead. There is a deep study of the occipitofrontal muscle.
  2. Affects the cheek area. With obvious effort, they are carried out from the corners of the mouth to the middle of the ear. The movements are gradually shifted closer to the nose. The cheek and zygomatic muscles, the muscles of the upper lip, and the corners of the mouth are actively worked out.
  3. Move from the base of the chin to the mouth. The muscles of the lower lip, corners of the mouth, and chin fascia are worked out. Make movements with pressure, rubbing the area.

The effects actually stretch the skin and muscles, but no real stretching occurs. When moving, it is permissible to use only the thumbs and a full palm. When working on a separate area, it is permissible to alternate movements and capture muscles and tissues.

Attention! It is important not to rush in the process of working out muscles. Sudden movements are fraught with microtraumas. Deep study requires attention and experience. The technique is considered painful and fraught with danger.

Performing a sculpture massage in a salon

It is believed that a salon will give better results than a procedure done at home. This is due to the fact that the manipulation will be carried out by a professional master who knows the technique and can apply it correctly. The main thing is to choose a highly qualified master who knows his business. To do this, it is recommended to ask the opinions of friends who regularly perform this procedure or look at reviews on the Internet.

Duration of manipulation

Typically the duration of the procedure in the salon is 60 minutes. At this time, not only the sculptural massage itself comes into play, but also the preparation for the procedure. To achieve a visible positive effect, 8 to 12 sessions should be performed.

The cost of a massage depends on the salon where the procedure is performed. The average price is from 2000 to 6000 rubles. The price is indicated for one session. Consequently, the price of a sculpture course ranges from 24,000 to 72,000 rubles.

Precautionary measures

Deep massage is performed with force. The session often horrifies sophisticated ladies. In this case, the feeling of pain is unacceptable. Patients are embarrassed by the force of pressure and expect unpleasant sensations. The obvious occurrence of such indicates a low qualification of the master. When performing the procedure yourself, it is easier to regulate the pressure. Bruising, excessive redness, and swelling are unacceptable.

Important! You should be alert to different sensations on the symmetrical parts of the impact zone. Muscle training must be built in the same way. The heterogeneous effect on the muscles will be reflected in the appearance.

The technique has contraindications. It is recommended to avoid deep massage if:

  • presence of Botox injections, plastic surgery;
  • rashes, inflammation, rosacea in the affected area;
  • infectious diseases;
  • carrying out peeling several days before the intended session;
  • serious diseases (oncology, problems with the heart, blood vessels, bones);
  • mental disorders.

A reduced pain threshold can become a serious limitation for the deep technique. Doubts about the possibility of the procedure are a reason to consult a doctor. Even bad teeth and the presence of fillings can affect the course of the session. The nuances of the procedure are discussed in advance.

The declared effectiveness of the anti-aging effect is far from the only factor in the choice of technique. Sometimes the decisive factor is the complexity of the impact and the need for sufficient professional training.

How often should I do a facial sculpture massage?

If we talk about how often to do it, then you should do it two full courses a year. One course consists of 12 sessions. Women aged 35 to 45 years are recommended to undergo the procedure every three days. After 45 years, manipulations are done every other day, and the number of sessions can be increased. The more often they do it at this age, the better. Between the main courses, it is recommended to carry out manipulation once a month. Sculptural facial massage is a rejuvenation technique that slows down age-related changes. The procedure can be carried out in a beauty salon or at home. The main thing is to do it correctly. Only in this case will the procedure have a positive effect.

Author of the article:

Practicing: 27 years, Teaching: 20 years

Main contraindications

If certain factors are present, massage is prohibited. To avoid harming yourself, pay attention to what these cases are:

  1. Infectious diseases;
  2. Sensitive skin;
  3. Allergic rash on the face;
  4. Irritation of the epidermis;
  5. Pregnancy, breastfeeding period;
  6. Large moles, warts on the treated area;
  7. Damage to the integrity of the skin: wounds, scratches, hematomas;
  8. Chronic herpes virus;
  9. Dermatitis or psoriasis;
  10. Tumors of a malignant nature.

If there are hormonal problems (especially with thyroid diseases), you need to consult an endocrinologist to see if the procedure can be performed in your case.

Side effects

Structural buccal facial massage can be performed at home; in this case, side effects may occur. With proper exposure, all unpleasant sensations disappear after a few hours. The appearance of prolonged discomfort and nagging pain in the muscles indicates careless or sudden actions, as well as strong pressure. The most common complications are: damage to soft tissues, loss of correct facial shape.

Remember - the benefits of improper exposure are minimal. Make sure the instructor is experienced before starting the course.

Soft tissues are damaged due to excessive pressure on the oral cavity or strong stretching. Minor bruising, bruising, or temporary weakening of muscles may occur. Minor cracks are likely to occur on the surface of the lips and in the corners.

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