3D facial modeling, volumetric facial modeling

“When blood supply and nervous regulation are perfect, when all parts of the body move in harmony and know what each other needs, there is health in the body” - Andrew Taylor Still, founder of osteopathy.

Osteopathic cosmetology is a section of osteopathic therapy aimed at restoring health to facial tissues, natural color and turgor of the skin (capillary blood flow), optimal function (facial muscles).

Aesthetic manual facial modeling is an alternative to surgical methods of rejuvenation and correction of facial contours.

Effect of osteopathic facial modeling

During osteopathic manual modeling of the face, there is a deep impact on the facial tissues and self-healing of the facial muscle frame. Using certain techniques, the specialist relieves spasms, achieves muscle relaxation and allows the facial muscles to assume a natural position.

Due to the deep effect on the tissue, lymphatic drainage occurs - “pumping” of intercellular fluid, blood microcirculation in the subcutaneous tissues improves, and metabolic processes are activated. The skin tightens and acquires a healthy color.

Osteopathic cosmetology suggests not trying to change the skin itself (i.e. the consequences), but looking for and eliminating the causes.


There are many types of manual facial treatments that include lifting massage techniques. The most effective and popular types of massage are:

  • Plastic. All movements during the procedure are made strictly along massage lines. First, the massage therapist makes relaxing strokes, which alternate with plucking manipulations and vibrations. With the help of plastic massage it is possible to work out different layers of the skin. At the end of the procedure, the skin becomes red as blood circulation increases. Metabolic processes and tissue regeneration are also accelerated, so after just a few sessions the face looks rejuvenated, rested, and beautiful in appearance.
  • Sculptural. Facelift massage can be compared to non-surgical lifting procedures that provide an instant rejuvenating effect. The essence of the procedure is the high-quality treatment of not only the skin, but also muscle tissue. After a course of manipulations, the facial muscles are strengthened, soft tissues are tightened, the double chin disappears, and the outlines of the cheekbones become pronounced. Sculptural massage is an excellent preventive measure aimed at combating premature skin aging. The technique combats facial wrinkles, gravitational ptosis, swelling and bruises under the eyes, so it can be prescribed to patients at any age.
  • Modeling or chiroplastic. During massage manipulations, there is a qualitative effect on the skin, muscles, and subcutaneous fat layer. The intensity of movements is determined by the specialist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. The massage therapist works primarily with his fingers, fingertips, and ribs of the palms. After a course of procedures, facial wrinkles, double chin, and sagging disappear. Metabolism is normalized, tissue regeneration is accelerated, nutrition and oxygen supply are improved, which has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

Any massage technique should bring pleasure to the patient. Discomfort and pain indicate a violation of the technology, which is often accompanied by post-procedure side effects in the form of bruises, hematomas, swelling, and hyperemia.

Causes of lymphatic congestion in the face

Uncompensated psycho-emotional reactions, leading to a protective spasm of the facial muscles, play an important role in the disruption of lymphatic drainage in the facial area. In this regard, tissue metabolism deteriorates and thereby aggravates the spasmodic state of the facial muscles - the most “reliable” way to acquire deep wrinkles, a double chin, “sliding cheeks and drooping eyelids.” All this leads to an imbalance of muscle tone and, accordingly, to visible deformation of the face and a change in its expression. Disruption of the normal relationships and functions of the bones of the facial skull and especially the lower jaw also affects the drainage system of the soft tissues of the face.

Using special manual techniques, the balance of muscles and ligaments in the face, neck and décolleté is restored.

Aesthetic problems of the face and neck owe their appearance to three main factors:

  • Myofascial dysfunction (impaired tone, both upward and downward).
  • Lymphatic drainage disorders.
  • Changes in the positions of the facial skull.

The appearance of deep wrinkles due to deformation of connective tissue fibers is a consequence of these factors.

Lifting effect of facial massage

Lifting facial massage in our clinic is performed by real professionals with medical education. They know how to maintain a precise balance between delicacy and effectiveness. Delicate facial skin requires careful handling. Therefore, facial massage requires precisely dosed intensity to ensure a tightening effect. Such precision comes only with the experience that our employees have. This means that in search of the best specialists in the field of modeling facial massage in Moscow, you should opt for the Evolution clinic.

To skeptics, of whom there are many in our country, facial massage performed in a cosmetology clinic seems like an empty, costly undertaking. Without any doubt about the benefits of facial massage as such, they justify their position by the fact that it can be easily done independently. Fortunately, there are thousands of step-by-step instructions and videos on this topic posted online. At the same time, skeptics miss two main points.

Firstly, facial massage should be done in long courses to create a tightening effect and fight wrinkles. This requires some discipline. Many self-massage enthusiasts give up as soon as they start. The reason is the lack of immediate effect.

Secondly, it is impossible for an amateur to control the correctness of the entire complex of massage movements. Not a single instruction will give you an accurate idea of ​​the required strength and accuracy of the massaging effect. This can only be felt with your fingertips. Only true masters can perform this.

But even a super-professional cannot guarantee that only with the help of a massage you will keep your face young and fresh forever. Starting from a certain age (it occurs individually for everyone), the speed and depth of accumulation of negative phenomena increases. At this critical point, there is a need for more powerful hardware and injection procedures, which are also available to you at the Evolution Clinic.

Reasons for the formation of facial wrinkles

Wrinkles are a pathological microspasm of facial muscles, also often fixed by inadequate psychological attitudes - “personal masks” of the face - the basis for the formation of wrinkles, disturbances in the trophism / “nutrition” of the skin with the formation of areas of depletion, age spots.

For example: Consequences of stress. A person unconsciously clenches his teeth, thereby causing a spasm of the chewing muscles. When the distance between the top and bottom of the masseter muscle begins to decrease, it is forced to deform and “twist.” Since it is attached to the bones at both ends, the skin of the cheek does not sag, but is pulled up along with the muscle. At the same time, in the area of ​​the chin, the lower jaw moves down and changes its inclination; as a result of this process, the skin of the “jowls” in the area of ​​the angle of the lower jaw begins to appear saggy.

During osteopathic manual facial modeling, a specialist performs a complex effect at all levels:

  • intraosseous – the consequences of bruises and other head injuries are worked out, which affect the state of the whole organism, our mood and behavior;
  • vascular - the vessels of the head are worked out, which improves not only blood circulation in the tissues of the face, but also in the brain, which affects the reduction of the level of depression, despondency, etc.;
  • neuro-endocrine – hormonal regulation of the vital functions of the body occurs, which expands the possibilities for correcting many cosmetic problems and allows one to obtain pronounced and lasting positive aesthetic and somatic-psychic effects;
  • lymphatic – lymphatic drainage improves the circulation of lymph and interstitial fluid, improving metabolic processes in tissues;
  • energetic – energy meridians connected with internal organs pass through the face. The condition of the skin and muscle tone in the area of ​​the meridian reflects the condition of the internal organ. Normalizing energy circulation improves the general condition of the body, improves the functioning of internal organs;
  • psychodynamic techniques allow you to normalize your internal state and “return everything to its place,” including the correction of states that are described by the words “I lost my temper,” “my head is out of place,” etc.
  • soft manual techniques can make fibrous muscles more elastic, reduce wrinkles and folds on the face;

Features of LPG massage

The correctness of the procedure depends not only on the qualifications of the cosmetologist and high-quality equipment, but also on a preliminary examination of the patient. LPG massage is a technique that takes into account the indications for its implementation, since the intensity and number of enderlift procedures depend on them. The LPG massage technique is as follows: the patient’s skin is cleansed of sebum and cosmetics, after which it is subjected to mechanical action using a vacuum apparatus and a special nozzle. This device captures the skin fold and acts on it with mechanical vibrations. Due to this, blood circulation is increased, the trophism of subcutaneous fat is improved, and swelling is eliminated.

LPG massage helps to activate the following processes:

  • Improving microcirculation in tissues, which leads not only to improved blood supply, but also to the forced elimination of metabolites of various products.
  • Increasing the synthesis of elastane and collagen, helping to eliminate facial wrinkles, making the skin fresher and more elastic.
  • Increasing the tone of facial and skeletal muscles.
  • Activates lipolysis processes, resulting in a decrease in swelling and correction of facial contours.

After completing the procedure, all patients noted an improvement in their overall well-being, since the massage helps to increase the production of endorphins and relax facial muscles. It is enough to evaluate the effect of this procedure once and independently verify its ability to improve well-being and prolong youth.

It is worth noting that a certain version of LPG massage can be used during pregnancy to reduce swelling. However, before carrying out the procedure, you should consult a dermatologist.

Indications for osteopathic facial modeling

Facial modeling using osteopathic treatment is recommended to eliminate the following aesthetic defects:

  • puffiness of the face
  • pastiness of the eyelids and entire face
  • decreased muscle tone;
  • dryness and sagging facial skin;
  • asymmetry of the corners of the mouth, eyes
  • myofascial reversible deep and fine wrinkles
  • double chin
  • tension of facial and chewing muscles
  • greasy shine, blackheads, pimples, enlarged pores.

Basic technique

During the session, they use techniques borrowed from the classical technique, but perform them somewhat differently.

  • Stroking is carried out along massage lines, counting to four and lightly fixing the tissue at the end. Each movement is repeated 3 times.
  • For easy kneading, use the interphalangeal surfaces of the fingers. Move in a spiral, performing small pressures at the end of each circle.
  • When kneading deeply, the fingers and sometimes even the palm are involved. The tissues are worked clockwise, without displacing the skin and trying to reach the deepest structures.

  • Tapping is performed with the nail phalanges, moving from the chin to the ears, from the lateral facial line to the neck, then to the middle of the chest and again to the chin.
  • Vibrations are performed on the surface of all four fingers.
  • Finish with light relaxing strokes.

Any facial treatment should be performed strictly along the massage lines - the places of least stretching of the skin.

A facial modeling session usually lasts from 10 to 20 minutes. The first three procedures are carried out daily, then with a break of 2-3 days. The course is repeated every six months.

Scheme of massage lines on the face

What can be called a tissue “disease” from the perspective of osteopathic cosmetology?

The following conditions can be called tissue “diseases”:

  • puffy cheeks;
  • swelling under the eyes;
  • double chin;
  • wrinkle network;
  • bite distortion.

The reason for all these conditions lies precisely in the disruption of blood supply, lymphatic drainage and innervation (the supply of organs and tissues with nerves, which ensures their connection with the central nervous system).

Unfortunately, there are many options for the formation of wrinkles and various distortions and each specific case must be examined individually.

Before the session

Before you begin the massage, you need to do a little preparatory work:

  • Remove ear and neck jewelry.
  • Hide your hair under a special cap.
  • Wash off your makeup.
  • Using the scrub, thoroughly cleanse your face.

  • Apply a pre-selected massage product. It can be oil, modeling cream or gel. Many practitioners prefer to use talc because it provides greater contact with the skin.
  • If you are giving yourself a massage, remember that your hands should be clean, dry, and your nails short.

The psychological attitude towards the procedure is also important: complete relaxation, the absence of negative thoughts, and a comfortable environment will enhance the rejuvenating effect.

Methodology of the osteopathic aesthetic protocol “Attractive Face”

  • The duration of the procedure is 60 minutes.
  • The frequency of procedures is 2 times a week.
  • The minimum number of procedures is 3-5 (the number of procedures depends on the patient’s age and the condition of the facial skin);
  • The optimal number of procedures is 5 – 8 (the number of procedures depends on the patient’s age and the condition of the facial skin);
  • Positive changes are noticed after 1-2 sessions.

It is recommended, in parallel with osteopathic facial modeling, to undergo a lymphatic drainage massage procedure (from the lumbar area of ​​the body to the feet) using the LimphoPress apparatus (Israel).


One way or another, facial massage at an affordable price, performed by specialists at our clinic, will bring you undoubted and very tangible benefits. Do not forget about the few contraindications to the facial massage procedure:

  • allergic rashes
  • acute infectious skin diseases (herpes, eczema)
  • acne
  • vascular pathologies

Book your first massage session by calling +7 (495) 126-49-72. Make sure it's useful, effective and, as a bonus, enjoyable.

Photos "before" and "after"

Surgical thread lift using Waylock threads (V-lock threads) in the cheek-zygomatic area and in the oval area of ​​the face. Surgiderm 24xp hyaluronic acid filler for lips, nasolabial folds and labio-mental wrinkles. In the photo: “before” and 2 days after the procedure. Completed by: Vasiliev Maxim.

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