How to cleanse your face of red spots, pimples, ulcers, enlarged pores and blackheads

Types of facial cleansing for acne

Let's look at the most popular facial cleansing methods used in cosmetology.


The most common method is manual cleaning. The procedure is aimed at clearing clogged pores using fingers or special cosmetic devices. [152]

The manual technique is suitable for problematic and oily skin. It helps remove sebaceous plugs, whiteheads (milia), and comedones. [135]


To normalize sebum production, improve the structure and color of the skin, as well as prevent age-related changes, a vacuum device is usually used. It has a superficial effect, so it is not able to solve very complex problems. A special nozzle creates negative pressure, which helps quickly remove pore contents. The procedure is carried out in courses of 3 to 8 sessions with a mandatory break of 14 days. [135, 152]

Chemical peeling

Chemical peeling is also used to remove sebaceous plugs, prevent acne, and improve the structure of the epidermis. Depending on the depth of impact, it can be superficial, medium, or deep. [135]

The procedure is quite traumatic and therefore requires certain preparation of the skin. The concentration of acids is selected in accordance with the skin type, as well as the tasks set.

Superficial peeling is often used in the treatment of acne*, while medium peeling helps eliminate scars, scars, and post-acne. The effect of deep peeling is comparable to the effect of anti-aging plastic surgery. [135]


If you have acne, facial cleansing from acne* is often carried out using the ultrasound method. It is based on the effect of high-frequency vibrations on the skin, which literally push epithelial particles, impurities, and sebum out of the pores. [152]

The ultrasound procedure combines well with chemical and manual methods, which allows solving complex aesthetic problems. This technique is universal, so it can be used for all skin types. [135]


Atraumatic cleansing is also widely used in cosmetology, which helps improve the structure and color of the skin. It involves the use of special drugs that break down the contents of pores and stop inflammation. But it cannot solve serious problems due to superficial effects. [135, 152]

Cleansing your face from acne and blackheads

The appearance of acne on the face most often occurs during puberty, but can occur at any age. According to expert research, acne can appear between the ages of 12 and 24 years.

It is believed that the main reason why acne appears on the face is an increase in androgen levels. Androgen is a type of hormone whose levels increase during adolescence. In women, it turns into estrogen. An increase in androgen levels leads to the growth of subcutaneous sebaceous glands. Excess sebum causes the cell walls in the pores to break down, causing bacterial growth and acne. In some cases, this leads to infections and inflammatory processes, and acne on the face, the causes of which can be determined by a cosmetologist, can cause a number of unpleasant sensations.

Taking care of your appearance and beautiful facial skin worries many people, so when faced with this problem, we are interested in how to get rid of acne on the face in a short time and painlessly. To find out the causes of acne on the face of women, it is advisable to consult a cosmetologist. Today, eliminating this condition is possible with the help of ultrasonic cleaning.

Is it effective to cleanse your face if you have acne*?

Vacuum, ultrasonic, atraumatic, mechanical facial cleansing for acne is quite widely used in domestic and foreign clinical practice. Despite the lack of full-fledged research on the effectiveness of these techniques in the treatment of acne*, doctors' observations show that in some cases they can have a positive effect. [152]

But it is important to correctly optimize the use of any of the available technologies. To achieve a sustainable result, the procedure must be carried out in compliance with sterility and safety measures, as well as at a certain frequency, which depends on the characteristics of the patient’s skin. [152]

Features of the procedure

Acne on the face of women causes discomfort, discomfort and self-doubt. To find out how to quickly get rid of acne on the face using ultrasonic facial cleansing and improve the condition of the skin, you need to consult a specialist cosmetologist who professionally and painlessly carries out cleaning using ultrasound.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing is a water-based exfoliating procedure. Ultrasound helps remove dead skin, blackheads and cleanse the face of impurities.

The method of skin cleansing using an ultrasonic spatula is the most effective and gentle professional facial cleansing; it is recognized as the first step in all aesthetic procedures.

Treatment of acne on the face using the above procedure is an excellent alternative to classic facial cleansing in a cosmetology salon.

Effective ultrasound treatment methods are characterized by their availability and affordable cost, but acne can be persistent, so more than one session will be required for effective treatment.

Depending on its severity, acne can cause emotional stress and leave scars on the skin. Timely treatment will help avoid unwanted consequences, as well as get rid of acne on the face for a long time and effectively.

Ultrasound provides gentle skin peeling; it can be performed at any time of the year without the risk of developing post-traumatic skin pigmentation or other unwanted complications.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing is an emergency remedy for dull facial skin with imperfections and blemishes. This is the best way to refresh your face and get a new look when you don't have time to prepare your skin for an important event and need to look great.

For those with problematic oily skin, it is advisable to combine ultrasonic cleansing with mechanical facial cleansing to achieve the best results. This procedure is perfect for dry and mature skin.

Scrubs against blackheads

If pharmacy methods are absolutely not suitable, then our homemade scrub recipes will help. For example, a scrub with salt, honey and egg can be used to cleanse a face with normal skin. Mix all the ingredients, we recommend using either sea salt or fine salt, and apply the mixture to your face using a cotton pad. Rub the dermis for 3 minutes, then wash without soap.

You can cleanse your face of comedones well in a bath. Especially if you steam a few drops of spruce oil there or leave a spruce branch. The skin will quickly open and begin to get rid of toxins and impurities; you need to have a hard terry towel on hand to periodically wipe your face with it, avoiding the eye area, collecting ulcers. Afterwards, you need to wash your face with chamomile and apply moisturizer to your skin. You can replace the procedure with simple inhalation under a towel, but the sauna will also help you lose weight.

Photo - Girl cleanses her face

Salon-like care is also possible with folk remedies, especially if you know how to clean your face with soap and calcium chloride. You need to take foam from the soap (which you buy for children) and mix it with powder from crushed calcium tablets. For cosmetologists, this recipe is very helpful in completely clearing the face of age spots, acne, and blackheads. It is important to perform the procedure every two days.

Problematic dermis with acne and rashes will quickly return to normal when using tar soap. The method is simple, not working. Just wash your face with a toner and foam of this soap twice a day.

How to prepare tar tonic. We lather the soap, mix the foam with salicylic acid, and wash. The foam can also be used as hand baths, which will help exfoliate and refresh the skin.

Video: how to cleanse your face

The cleaning procedure usually consists of three stages:

1. Preparing the skin for cleaning. It is necessary to thoroughly clean the skin, loosen the surface layer of the epidermis, soften sebaceous plugs (comedones) - to improve the quality of cleaning and minimize pain. For this use:

  • fruit peeling in low concentrations. Used to “cleanse” oily, problematic, combination skin. After cleansing the skin with foam or milk, apply peeling, then a neutralizer and rinse with cool water. For dry, dry aging skin - fruit peeling with a low content of glycolic acid, for oily skin - with a higher one. The use of fruit acids has significantly improved the quality and reduced the trauma of the procedure. AHA acids cause exfoliation (exfoliation) and a decrease in the thickness of the stratum corneum of the epidermis, reduce the viscosity of sebum, which facilitates the removal of comedonal contents. And their anti-inflammatory effect reduces the reactivity (hyperemia) of the skin after cleansing the face.
  • mask for cold hydrogenation. The most modern cleaning method. The mask is applied to cleansed skin for 15-20 minutes. Then, facial cleansing is carried out. The mask loosens the stratum corneum of the epidermis well. Afterwards cleaning is easy.

2. The actual facial cleansing.

  • manual cleaning
  • ultrasonic cleaning (ultrasonic peeling) is carried out with a special spatula for hardware cleaning

3. Completion of the procedure. It is necessary to soothe the skin (reduce hyperemia), close pores, prevent inflammation, and accelerate skin healing after manual cleaning; moisturize and nourish the skin after ultrasonic cleaning; Provide skin protection from sun rays. To do this we use:

  • anti-inflammatory masks after manual cleaning (oily, oily problem skin, moisturizing, nourishing, rejuvenating masks after ultrasonic cleaning (dry, aging skin);

Physiotherapy techniques may be added to complete the procedure. The most popular is D'arsonval. We treat the skin with D'arsonval over a mask (professional masks have a conductive function), for 5-10 minutes. If we use non-conductive masks, for example, alginate or clay, then we do D’arsonval after removing the mask.

After cleaning, you can do Phonophoresis - it is done with an ultrasonic spatula, but with the flat side along the massage lines (ultrasonic peeling is done, on the contrary, at an “angle” against the massage lines). Phonophoresis ensures the introduction of medicinal or cosmetic products into the deep layers of the skin. Usually, when carrying out cosmetic treatment with ultrasound, products (concentrates, serums, gels) that have a special formula are used. Phonophoresis reduces skin hyperemia and closes pores.

We finish the procedure by applying photoprotective cream SPF 30-50

After manual cleaning, skin restoration occurs within 3-4 days. At this time, mild or moderate facial hyperemia (redness), dryness, a feeling of tightness, and flaking of the skin may persist.

3-4 days after facial cleansing is not recommended:

  • visit baths, saunas (high temperatures lead to dilation of small blood vessels in the skin, which increases facial hyperemia),
  • sunbathing (facial cleansing increases skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, which can lead to pigmentation),
  • use homemade peelings, scrubs, and hard facial brushes.

Benefits of ultrasonic peeling

Ultrasonic skin cleansing is an excellent procedure using a special device, the functioning of which is based on the creation of ultrasonic waves and high-frequency vibration. Thanks to this, dead cells are removed and the upper skin is renewed. This is a superficial cleansing that affects the stratum corneum.

Main advantages of the procedure:

  • short duration;
  • minimal traces after it is carried out;
  • painlessness.

This procedure is functional, it helps to learn how to remove acne from the face, as well as remove impurities from the surface of the skin, cleanse pores, smooth out wrinkles, improve hemodynamics, provide deep hydration and exfoliate dead skin cells.

Special active ingredients penetrate the skin using ultrasound, enriching it with essential nutrients. Vibration provides a massage effect, stimulating collagen production. This cosmetological procedure is one of the most gentle for delicate facial skin. The procedure improves metabolism, ensuring the saturation of skin cells with oxygen.

It is advisable to carry out ultrasonic cleansing of facial skin no more than twice a month on oily skin or once every three months on dry skin.

Depending on individual skin conditions, one treatment per year may be sufficient for some clients. The frequency of skin cleansing activities using ultrasound is determined by a cosmetologist at a specialized clinic.

Causes of acne

The content of the article

How many of us have encountered such a common problem as acne? Many people are familiar with this skin ailment, so it is worth refreshing your memory with some regularity about the causes and ways to prevent acne.

Reasons for appearance:

  • Improper skin cleansing or lack thereof
    . We spend every day in the bustle of the city, and it is difficult to imagine how many harmful substances settle on the skin.
  • Makeup
    . This is a continuation of the first point. We apply makeup every day, which can already cause discomfort to the skin, since not all cosmetics consist of high-quality components. Using a large amount of decorative cosmetics in the heat provokes the appearance of acne. And if you leave the make-up on overnight, it’s scary to imagine what kind of stress it will put on the skin.
  • Touching with dirty hands
    etc. It’s not even worth commenting here.
  • Rare change of bed linen and towels
    . Just imagine how much time our face is in close contact with the pillow... About a third of the day. And during this time, the settled dust, the remaining dirt on the face, do their job. When it comes to towels, the ideal solution is to use disposable paper towels. But it is recommended to change fabric ones every other day.
  • Increased production of hormones.
    Hormones enhance the work of the sebaceous glands, which is why the latter cease to function normally. fat cannot come to the surface, resulting in inflammation.
  • Poor nutrition
    . Proper nutrition is generally the key to solving many problems. Acne is no exception. By consuming unlimited quantities of heavy and fatty foods, sweets and alcohol, we deprive ourselves of the pleasure of clear and smooth skin. Don't underestimate the power of vegetables, fruits and the nutrients they contain.
  • Cancellation of oral contraceptives. The body gets used to receiving sex hormones from birth control pills, and reacts to stopping their use and changes in hormonal levels with rashes.

Acne cleansing by a cosmetologist: when can and cannot be done?

Facial cleansing is a cosmetic procedure that removes comedones, excess sebum, and dead skin cells. The main indications for its implementation:

  • increased activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • enlarged pores;
  • comedones;
  • acne (except for inflammatory elements);
  • decreased elasticity of the skin;
  • uneven facial tone.

Cleaning the face from acne has some contraindications, including pregnancy and lactation, the presence of wounds, damage to the skin, and active inflammation. The procedure is prohibited for people suffering from epilepsy, diabetes, eczema, severe mental illness, hypertension, and acute infections.

Treatment of comedones with ultrasound

Less painful, in comparison with mechanical manual cleaning, is a procedure during which the skin is exposed to ultrasonic waves. As a result, the face is cleared of acne, the pores are freed from excess sebum, and dead epidermal cells are exfoliated. If before the session there were black spots on the skin, then after completing facial cleansing, the skin is absolutely smooth, even, and fresh.

Medical offers a wide range of cosmetology and medical services. Appointments can be made by phone or on the clinic’s website.

Kozlova Lyudmila Sergeevna The article was checked and confirmed by a doctor


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How to get rid of acne

Contact a qualified specialist

. You should not self-medicate, as acne may indicate serious problems that cannot be missed now. A dermatologist will identify the causes and prescribe appropriate treatment, individually selecting methods.

Improving nutrition quality

. It’s corny, but it’s worth including vegetables and fruits in your diet. Some of them, in particular lemons and apples, contain substances that promote skin regeneration. And to cleanse the body from the inside, bran, dried fruits and legumes are ideal.

Proper skin care

. To choose a product, you need to make sure that it:

  • hypoallergenic;
  • suitable for your skin type;
  • does not contain soap;
  • has a neutral pH level;
  • contains exfoliating agents;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect.


Mesotherapy is a fairly serious way to combat skin imperfections. The procedure consists of injecting under the skin with strong chemical components (antibiotics and immunostimulating drugs), which help destroy harmful bacteria and cope with clogging of pores due to the large secretion of sebaceous secretions from the skin. This type of therapy is recommended for patients with a pronounced problem of acne and pimples.

Mesotherapy is not recommended for persons under 25 years of age, as well as for patients suffering from highly sensitive skin. In general, injections do not cause significant harm to health and effectively eliminate the causes of skin rashes.

Thus, different cosmetic procedures are aimed at different skin problems, have their pros and cons, and in order to determine the right therapy, you should consult a specialist.

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