Reviews of the best face creams with Botox effect

Cream with Botox effect for the face is a gentle alternative method against wrinkles. In the fight against age-related changes, people used to mainly resort to injections of Botox and other drugs based on botulinum toxin. The use of creams with the Botox effect smooths out wrinkles, restores elasticity to the skin and does not cause a negative reaction, unlike injections. The cream with a rejuvenating effect has accumulative properties and acts in stages. To maintain the effect, the cream must be used regularly for 1-1.5 months. The product will help not only rejuvenate the skin and improve metabolic processes in cells, but also neutralize the activity of facial muscles.


Botox and other drugs based on botulinum toxin are effective means for rejuvenating facial skin and smoothing out wrinkles. The result is achieved by paralyzing the facial muscles using targeted injections of a neurotoxin of natural origin. The drug blocks the transmission of nerve impulses to contraction, causing gradual muscle relaxation. The injection can reduce even the deepest wrinkles.

Botcos-effect creams do not contain neurotoxins, since these substances are quickly destroyed when exposed to oxygen. The active ingredients in such creams are organic peptides of plant and animal origin. In the composition of a cosmetic product, they can be replaced by substances synthesized from amino acids and having a mechanism of action identical to botulinum toxin. Most often these substances are argireline, SYN-AKE and SNAP-8.

A cream with a Botox effect has a cumulative effect. Peptide molecules penetrate tissue structures quite slowly, partially relaxing muscles due to inhibition of nerve impulses. The effect becomes noticeable only after regular use of the product for a month.

The composition of creams with Botox effect mainly includes the following components:

  1. Argireline or acetyl hexapeptide-8. This is a synthetic low-molecular peptide widely used in cosmetic production. In order to ensure that the skin's protective barrier is overcome, the substance is modified with salts of palmitic and acetic acids. Regular use of the substance leads to inhibition of the transmission of impulses to muscle receptors. Combination with other peptides provides a more pronounced result. Using a cream containing argireline may cause varying degrees of skin numbness for 3-5 hours.
  2. Inyline . The substance is developed and supplemented on the basis of argireline. In addition to relaxing muscles, it activates the process of natural collagen production and prevents the destruction of existing fibers.
  3. Matrixyl or palmitoyl pentapeptide-4. The action of this substance is identical to the function of Botox. Belongs to the category of stimulating peptides that activate the production of natural collagen and smooth out even deep wrinkles. In creams, the substance is included as an auxiliary ingredient.
  4. SYN-AKE or dipeptide diaminobuterol benzylamide diacetate. Most often, this component is used in Korean cosmetics. The synthetic peptide molecule imitates the structure of the venom molecule of the Indian temple viper. A cream containing such a component may cause slight numbness of the skin after application. It differs from other peptides in its small molecular size. This feature helps to better overcome the lipid barrier and be absorbed in large quantities.
  5. SNAP-8 . The substance is a complex combination of different elements: glutamine, methionine, aspartic and glutamic acids. Provides maximum visual effect of wrinkle smoothing due to pronounced muscle relaxation.

How to choose?

First of all, you need to study the label. It must indicate one of the following components:

  • argireline - has been used in the production of cosmetics for more than ten years. It appears quite strongly after application, giving a slight feeling of numbness;
  • matrixyl is a stimulating peptide that increases natural collagen production. Most often serves as an auxiliary substance;
  • inyline is an improved version of the first peptide on the list. Its task is to relax muscles and stimulate collagen production;
  • SYN-AKE is a substance that is similar in action to snake venom. It penetrates the skin more easily and is often included in Asian cosmetics;
  • SNAP-8 is a mix of various substances that perfectly smooths out wrinkles.

This list can also include natural nucleosides, for example, adenosine.

In addition, it is desirable that the rejuvenation effect is supported by other components that are aimed at hydration and nutrition.

What should you pay attention to?

There are substances that should not be present in high-quality cosmetics due to their toxicity. Harmful substances that can adversely affect health include:

  • Parabens (Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Ethylparaben, Butylparaben) - debates about them still do not subside, but scientists agree that parabens are toxic and can accumulate in the body.
  • Formaldehyde (DMDM hydantoin, Imidazolidinyl urea, Sodium hydroxymethyl glycinate, Diazolidinyl urea, Benzylhemiformal, Quaternium-15, Methenamine, 5-bromo-5-nitro-1,3-dioxane, 2-bromo-2-nitropropane-1,3-diol ) is a carcinogen, toxic in high concentrations. Used as a preservative to increase the shelf life of the product. In Japan and Switzerland it is prohibited; in the USA and European countries it is allowed only for products that need to be washed off. In Russia, the use of formaldehyde is not regulated in any way.
  • Hydroquinone - used to whiten pigmentation. It is a toxic substance, causing premature aging and increasing the risk of cancer. With prolonged use, withdrawal syndrome or ochronosis is possible. In Europe it is banned; in Russia its use is not regulated in any way.
  • Ethanolamine (Ethanolamine, Monoethanolamine/MEA, Diethanolamine/DEA, Triethanolamine/TEA, 2-aminoethanol) – can cause structural changes in the skin, causing premature aging. In the USA and Europe, it is allowed to be included in those products that must be thoroughly washed off with water.

If you don’t want to carefully read each label, parsing small letters and long words, you can use a special beauty application to check the composition of cosmetic products.

Advantages and disadvantages

Compared to beauty injections, products with the Botox effect have the following advantages:

  • There are practically no contraindications.
  • If the injection is given by an inexperienced specialist, the appearance of a “mask” is still possible. When using the cream, such consequences are completely excluded.
  • Can be applied to any area of ​​the face, unlike injections that are “placed” in the upper part of the face to avoid sagging.
  • At the moment of injection, the tissue is injured, which increases the risk of infection.


  • Wrinkles decrease more slowly.
  • In terms of price, skincare products with the Botox effect are very expensive.
  • To eliminate deep creases, more radical methods are needed.
  • Not every product declared as an alternative to injections will give the desired result; in addition, much depends on the initial condition.
  • Wrinkles that appear as a result of chronic exposure to ultraviolet radiation will not be eliminated, since the action of Botox is aimed specifically at smoothing out wrinkles that appear as a result of facial movements.
  • If you stop using it, it may return to its previous state.

Mechanism of action

The use of creams with Botox effect is analogous to the so-called beauty injections. This gentle and safer method of smoothing out wrinkles was developed thanks to the diligence of scientists who managed to synthesize peptides - active substances that replace amino acids and affect muscle contraction. Peptides do not act as quickly as injections, but without a number of possible side effects.

A cream with a Botox effect intercepts impulses to contract facial muscles like botulinum toxin, preventing muscle strain. The active components of a cosmetic product are able to function as dermarelaxants, acting directly on fibroblasts (the basis of the skin).

For what age are these products suitable?

Creams with Botox effect are recommended at the first signs of aging. They are intended for girls from 30 to 46 years old. Peptides cannot eliminate deep age wrinkles and signs of photoaging that appear after 50 years.

For smoothing out facial wrinkles that may appear on the forehead, under the eyes and around the lips at the age of 25, the cream is also effective. Use the composition pointwise. Apply a small amount to the problem area, massage into the skin 2 times a day.

To determine which Botox creams are right for you, study the packaging before purchasing. Each one has a label indicating which age group the product is intended for.

Rules of application

The use of cosmetics with the Botox effect will provide good results without side effects if certain rules are followed.

Such creams are not intended for permanent use. Botox-effect products are used in courses lasting from 1 to 1.5 months, depending on the severity of wrinkles, during which the cream is used daily. Afterwards it is recommended to use it once every 2-3 days for a period of 6-8 weeks to maintain the effect. Then you need to take a break for 4 months. The course can be repeated several times throughout the year

At the time of using the cream, the skin should be healthy. The use of the cream is not allowed in the presence of acne, severely enlarged pores, hyperpigmentation and rosacea. In cases where problems of mature skin are observed in the form of puffiness, increased dryness, uneven relief and complexion, the use of such a cream to smooth out wrinkles is prohibited if it does not contain auxiliary caring components.

You cannot combine the use of a cream with a Botox effect with gymnastics for the facial muscles in order to increase their tone.

Such products provide good results at the age of 35-45 years. When fighting deep wrinkles and folds that form as a result of sagging skin with reduced elasticity, more powerful means are required, or rather injections.

During the period of using a cream with a Botox effect, it is strictly prohibited to use facial skin care creams containing AHA acids, which neutralize the effect of peptides by destroying their molecules, as well as lifting creams, since gradual muscle relaxation and smoothing of the skin cannot be combined with its simultaneous tightening .

Before applying Botox cream for the first time, you need to do a salon cleansing procedure. The product is applied locally to those areas where botulinum toxin is injected during injections: on the forehead, bridge of the nose, nasolabial folds and outer corners of the eyes.

The cream should be applied instead of a regular facial skin care product, morning and evening, after cleansing the dermis. The composition should be distributed in a thin layer with light massage movements using your fingertips.

Makeup can be applied 20 minutes after using Botox cream. To increase absorption, once a week it is recommended to take a steam bath using medicinal herbs and scrub the facial skin. The cream has the greatest effect on women aged 30 to 45 years.

How to use products with peptides

Cream or serum with peptides should be used in a course. First, these products must be applied daily in the morning and evening for a month.

Then you can switch to a maintenance regimen and apply the product 2-3 times a week, for example, in the morning for another one to two months.

These products have a cumulative effect, so after 2-3 months of use, after achieving maximum results, you need to take a break.

After cancellation, the effect will last for several months. How long depends on your age, the activity of your facial expressions and other individual characteristics. And after 3-6 months you can repeat the course.

To whom are they shown?

Most creams with the Botox effect include components that provide the skin with nutrition, hydration and toning. Such components activate the process of cellular respiration, improving blood microcirculation. Among the large number of cosmetics available, every woman can choose the option that suits her, taking into account her skin type and age.

Prevention cream can be used starting from 25-30 years. Depending on the activity of facial expressions and the specific structure of the skin, wrinkles can appear at different age periods, including very early. When the cream is used to smooth out early wrinkles, it is recommended to apply the product only to the problem area.

Creams with Botox effect are shown:

  • for preventive purposes when the skin is prone to loss of elasticity;
  • with sagging skin, when it is covered with a continuous network of small wrinkles;
  • at the first expression wrinkles, which are localized at the outer corners of the eyes and in the lip area;
  • if skin folds are fixed in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose, nasolabial folds, on the forehead and between the eyebrows.

Effective on the forehead and eyes

Products with peptides are effective for smoothing wrinkles in the forehead and eyes - they reduce longitudinal and transverse wrinkles on the forehead and bridge of the nose, the so-called “proud wrinkles” and “crow’s feet”.

However, muscle relaxants have virtually no effect:

  • On nasolabial folds - these folds are formed as a result of deeper changes and age-related sagging of the skin
  • For small networks of wrinkles on the face caused by dehydration or the accumulation of a large number of dead cells on the surface of the skin - moisturizing and exfoliating procedures are needed here
  • For bags and folds under the eyes - products that relieve swelling and strengthen the skin are effective here


Before using a cream with Botox effect, you must familiarize yourself with the contraindications. The main one is individual intolerance to the components of the cream. Allergies can be caused not only by synthetic substances, but also by natural ingredients. To prevent a negative reaction, before use, you need to conduct a test by applying the cream to the skin of the inside of the forearm. Intolerance to the product is expressed by burning, severe itching, swelling, rash and redness of the skin. A negative reaction appears within 40 minutes. If it is missing, the cream can be used for facial care.

Contraindications also include:

  1. age up to 25 years;
  2. impaired skin integrity, presence of wounds, scratches, burns and abrasions on the dermis;
  3. skin pathologies in the acute stage;
  4. period of pregnancy and lactation;
  5. problems with removing excess fluid from the body and a tendency to edema.

Adverse reactions that occur as a result of the use of Botox cream include the appearance of swelling as a result of slowing lymph flow and failure of impulse transmission, as well as the development of an inflammatory focus after the cream gets into a wound on the face. A cream with a Botox effect can cause a hematoma. The pathological condition is recorded infrequently, against the background of capillary fragility.

A negative consequence of using such a cream may be facial asymmetry. The side effect occurs rarely and is provoked by problems with the facial nerves or uneven distribution of peptides in tissue structures.

Precautionary measures

Cosmetics with the Botox effect have their own rules of use. To get positive results, you should follow the basic recommendations.


  • individual intolerance;
  • tendency to edema;
  • period of pregnancy, lactation;
  • use of cosmetics with AHA acids.

Before using the cream, it is recommended to test for a possible allergic reaction. Also, you should not use it for more than 2 months; disorders of the lymphatic system are possible.

Important point! You should not simultaneously master facial gymnastics and use products with Botox effects.

The difference between regular cream and Botox effect

Cosmetics for facial skin care, intended for daily use, nourish and moisturize, and also prevent or partially eliminate age-related changes. The composition of such creams is not designed for deep penetration into the layers of the dermis. Conventional creams cannot be used to rejuvenate the skin.

A cream with a Botox effect contains components that affect nerve endings and block their impulses. As a result, the muscles relax and wrinkles are smoothed out. Additional components include collagen, hyaluronic acid and plant extracts. Such products have a complex effect, improve complexion and rejuvenate the skin.

The difference between regular creams and Botox products is the duration of the course. Conventional products are intended for everyday skin care. Botox creams are allowed to be used for a certain course. Anti-aging creams cannot be used to eliminate pigmentation, acne and comedones, swelling and enlarged pores.

Cream with a Botox effect is not allowed to be used with conventional cosmetics based on fruit acids. Wrinkle smoothing products have contraindications. They cannot be used during pregnancy and lactation. Such creams are ineffective for women over 50 years of age. To get rid of deep age wrinkles, contour plastic surgery or a circular facelift is required.

Advantages and disadvantages

Creams, ointments, and serums are alternatives to injections, but have nothing to do with the use of botulinum toxin. The drug paralyzes muscles, blocks facial movements, and the components of cosmetics only slow down the transmission of nerve impulses to muscle fibers.

Benefits of creams:

  • have virtually no side effects or contraindications for use;
  • the action does not distort facial expressions, the natural expression of the face is preserved without the effect of a mask;
  • used on the delicate skin of the eyelids and mouth area;
  • they trigger rejuvenation processes, stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin, while Botox only promotes relaxation of muscle fibers.


  • there is no immediate effect of smoothing wrinkles, the results of use after 45 years may not live up to expectations;
  • using the course and subsequent consolidation requires compliance with a number of rules;
  • high cost of production.

Rating of the best creams with Botox effect for the face

To choose a high-quality cream with anti-aging action, you need to familiarize yourself with the rating list, compiled based on customer reviews. Many cosmetic companies produce creams with the Botox effect, the carefully developed composition of which allows, in a short course of use, to restore elasticity and youth to the skin and smooth out all facial wrinkles.


Czech-made lifting cream relaxes muscle muscles, makes the complexion even and bright. The product makes the skin soft and velvety, gives elasticity and freshness.

After applying Dermacol cream, the Botox effect appears instantly and intensifies with each day of the course. The cream contains plant complexes and a special formula Gatuline-Intense, thanks to which wrinkles disappear and the smoothing of uneven skin surfaces is recorded. The unique composition of the cream prevents the reappearance of wrinkles.


The Cora lifting cream was developed by a Russian cosmetology company and is intended for women 30-35 years old. The composition of the cream is natural, multi-component. This includes wheat proteins, an herbal analogue of Botox, herbal extracts, terminal water and moisturizing ingredients. The course of using Cora cream is 2-3 months, during which it is possible to completely get rid of facial wrinkles and improve the general condition of the dermis.


Cream with Botox effect Qi-Klim is a product of the well-known company Evalar. The anti-aging product is intended for correcting the facial skin of women after 40 years of age. The product contains phytoestrogens and hyaluronic acid. The active component responsible for smoothing wrinkles and lifting effect is the peptide argireline.

Qi-Klim eliminates age-related changes in the form of wrinkles around the eyes, smoothes folds and deep creases in problem areas of the facial skin. The product restores youth and elasticity to the skin, while nourishing and moisturizing it.

LiftIntense cream from Payot

The cream is produced by the famous French cosmetic company Payot. The product eliminates deep wrinkles, models the facial contour, nourishes the skin, perfectly coping with the roughness and unevenness of the relief.

The texture of the cream has the consistency of a paste; the composition includes lipopeptides, tocopherol, hyaluronic acid and a special Acti-lift formula.

Divine harmony from L'Occitane

The harmony promised by the manufacturer is created by the lipophilic components of essential oils and medicinal plants. Thanks to its unique composition and light texture, the cream is absorbed quickly, penetrating into the deep layers of the dermis. This is the reason for the instant transformation of the skin and the appearance of a pronounced lifting effect. After application, the skin becomes soft, tender and even. The product moisturizes the skin, eliminates signs of fatigue and stress, and copes well with age-related changes. The course of using the cream is 2 months. Daily use of Botox cream during this period allows you to smooth out wrinkles by 80%.

RevivaLabs, Nasolabial Fold +

The cream is suitable for all skin types and is designed to smooth out deep wrinkles. The product contains a complex of peptides, which is responsible for the high effectiveness of the cream. Auxiliary components enhance the effect, nourish and moisturize the skin. Such components are aloe juice, hyaluronic acid and tocopherol.

Derma E

Derma E cream compares favorably with some products with a similar effect. The cream contains exclusively natural ingredients. To obtain a unique anti-aging cream formula, the developers of the cosmetic product used antioxidants, green tea extract and a highly effective component - vitamin C. Argireline and matrixyl peptides provide a smoothing effect. Thanks to the presence of vitamin B, the cream not only eliminates wrinkles, but also promotes the production of natural collagen.

Perfecting Time

The cream has a gel-like consistency and acts at the level of skin cells, preventing age-related changes. The composition is multi-component, carefully selected. The active ingredients include argireline, palmitoyl and hyaluronic acid.


Botox cream is based on snake venom. The action of the product is aimed at relaxing muscles, eliminating small facial wrinkles, as well as noticeable creases. The composition is enriched with vitamins, microcollagen, white tea extract. Gaea cream is one of the best products designed to smooth out wrinkles. Results after regular use appear in just 14 days.


Korean-made anti-aging cream contains Syn-ake peptide, which is an analogue of snake venom. The cream does an excellent job of removing wrinkles in the neck area, tightening the oval of the face and eliminating nasolabial folds.

Purebess has nourishing and moisturizing properties, due to which after its use the skin not only becomes young, but also becomes soft and tender.

Rehabilitation period

After subcutaneous administration of botulinum toxin, rehabilitation is required, which lasts 2 weeks. During this period, it is important for the patient to strictly adhere to the following rules:

  • In the first 5–8 hours, it is forbidden to bend over or engage in active physical exercise.
  • On the first day, it is not recommended to wash your face, rub your skin, or use decorative cosmetics or aggressive skincare products.
  • You are allowed to sleep on your back with a high pillow under your head. This will help avoid facial asymmetry and uneven distribution of the drug under the skin.
  • For 14 days, it is prohibited to expose the treated skin to direct sunlight, visit a solarium, swimming pool, bathhouse, sauna, or drink alcohol.
  • Throughout the entire rehabilitation period, exclude from the diet salty, spicy, fatty foods, which retain water in the body and contribute to the formation of edema.

The best cream with Botox effect for the eye contour

A cream for the area around the eyes with Botox effect copes well with problems such as crow's feet. The product also prevents sagging eyelids.

The skin around the eyes is very sensitive, and the first signs of aging appear in this area. Women after 30-35 years old can already notice the first expression lines. Botox-effect products designed for the eye contour help combat such unpleasant changes.

Many leading cosmetic companies create special lines of anti-aging creams for the eye contour. One of the best is MAGHIALI eye cream, which rejuvenates the skin around the eyes, tightening and smoothing it. The product gently cares for the skin of this sensitive area, while eliminating wrinkles.

Maghiali Eye Cream

EYE CREAM MAGHIALI is a new generation product containing peptides, collagen and elastin. It normalizes the moisture balance in the skin and improves its appearance. The cream contains ginger extract, which has a tonic, anti-inflammatory and metabolism-stabilizing effect. A cream with Botox effect eliminates puffiness under the eyes in 3 minutes, smooths out wrinkles around the eyes and reduces dark circles. Recommended to use in the morning.

It is not recommended to wash off the cream, and it is also prohibited to combine its use with the use of other cosmetics.

Creams with Botox effect make it possible to get rid of expression lines without injections, in a safe and easy way. Proper use of anti-aging products is a guarantee of prolonging the youthfulness of facial skin.

Testing cosmetics with peptides

I have already said that for the last few years I have been periodically using serums and creams with peptides from various cosmetic companies.

This time I decided to try serum and cream from the French cosmetic company Algologie.

They are called Optimal Serum and Optimal Cream and contain Argireline and Matrixyl. These are professional cosmetics for home care.

I usually use the serum only in the forehead and crow's feet area, because muscle relaxants are practically ineffective in the lower third of the face and I see no point in spending an expensive product on this area.

Serum with peptides Algologie Optimal Serum

The serum from Algologie costs 66 euros for a 30 ml bottle, which is generally not cheap. However, it should be noted that it is used very sparingly - when applied locally, 10 ml of serum is enough for about a month of use, that is, for 3 courses.

I usually use the serum for about a month and apply it morning and evening under the peptide cream. Usually after a month I have already achieved the maximum effect and I put the serum away.

And then for 1-2 months to maintain the effect, I use only cream with peptides every day. I apply the cream all over my face, neck and décolleté in the morning and evening.

I really liked the serum from Algologie - within 2 weeks of use I noticed good results.

“Proud wrinkles” don’t bother me - fortunately, I don’t have the habit of moving my eyebrows, I don’t even know how to do it. Therefore, I cannot say how effective the serum is in this area.

But unfortunately, I constantly wrinkle my forehead involuntarily. And after the summer, I also developed wrinkles in the corners of my eyes – the so-called “crow’s feet”.

Because in the summer the sun is active, and we involuntarily squint too much, although I try not to forget my sunglasses on a sunny day.

About two weeks after use, I already noticed that I began to wrinkle my forehead much less often and less intensely - I have an excellent opportunity to evaluate this by comparing my videos taken now and a couple of months ago.

Well, most importantly, the wrinkles in the corners of my eyes on the right side have smoothed out almost completely and are invisible even when I smile.

On the left side the wrinkles are still noticeable. This is of course not due to the fact that I applied more product on the right side than on the left.

It’s just that our face, as a rule, is a little asymmetrical - on one side, facial expressions can be more active than on the other: someone raises only one eyebrow or smiles from one corner of the mouth.

Plus some habits, for example, sleeping on a certain side. Therefore, on one side of the face, wrinkles may be more pronounced than on the other, and accordingly, they are somewhat more difficult to eliminate.

Algologie Optimal Cream with peptides

But I didn’t really like the cream with peptides from Algologie. I didn’t like its smell or consistency, so I didn’t order it.


Dear readers, was this article helpful? Have you had experience using creams with Botox effect for the face and what was the result? Leave feedback in the comments! Your opinion is important to us!


“I used regular creams before. I thought that if the skin is moisturized and provided with care in the form of nutrition and cleansing, then you don’t have to think about wrinkles. The cosmetologist explained that after 30 years, periodic use of a cream with peptides will help maintain youthful skin in adulthood. I decided on a cream with a lifting effect, Derma E, which nourishes, moisturizes and prevents the appearance of facial wrinkles.”


“After 40 years, I noticed that the skin loses its freshness, does not glow, wrinkles and even folds appear. I decided to use a cream with Botox effect, since I had heard a lot about the risks of anti-aging injections. I can say that the cream that I chose, Divine Harmony, copes with all the problems of mature skin. Excellent product, the skin is smoothed literally before our eyes.”

Side effects

Complications after botulinum therapy occur extremely rarely, and they are mainly associated with non-compliance with the rules of the rehabilitation period. More rarely, side effects are the result of a cosmetologist violating the technology of the procedure, ignoring contraindications, or failing to comply with the rules of septic tanks and antiseptics.

The most common complications after Botox injections under the eyes are:

  • irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes;
  • excessive tearing, blurred vision;
  • excessive muscle locking;
  • formation of hematomas, compactions, extensive edema;
  • allergies accompanied by itching, inflammation, pain in the eyes;
  • dizziness, severe headaches.

Polyacrylamide gel

An interesting substance that only Russia knows how to handle professionally. The Russian drug is “Formacryl”, the Ukrainian one is “Interfall”. The invaluable advantage of polyacrylamide is that it is not only anti-allergenic, but also has the ability to easily absorb moisture and release it. This means that this substance can naturally be included in the body’s metabolic process. Consequently, this gel can be introduced into the body in fairly noticeable quantities, for example, to increase breast volume.

Why do you need a separate eye cream?

A frequently asked question: why and for what purpose do you need a separate eye cream? The skin of this delicate area is significantly different from other areas of the facial skin, requires special anti-aging care and is a target for the first age-related changes. It is around the eyes that signs of skin aging first appear.

Features and differences of the skin around the eyes:

  1. The skin of the eyelids is thinner . Advantage: active ingredients are easily absorbed and effectively penetrate into the deep layers. Disadvantages: with excessive movements and facial expressions, creases quickly form. This area is prone to irritation and allergies are more common. People prone to eyelid hypersensitivity periodically experience reactions to creams, manifested by redness and swelling.
  2. In the layers of the dermis there are fewer collagen and elastin fibers than in other areas of the face, which help keep the skin smooth.
  3. Large vascularization and loose subcutaneous fat are the cause of many negative manifestations. For example, when drinking significant amounts of water, nighttime gatherings, short sleep, stress and fatigue contribute to the appearance of swelling, “morning bruising” and a tired appearance. The reason is impaired microcirculation in the tissues of the eyelids and fluid retention in the tissue, traces of which persist for a long time.
  4. There are significantly fewer sebaceous and sweat glands. This leads to a decrease in the natural protective properties of the skin around the eyes. In particular, sunscreen, after receiving even a small portion of sunlight, the skin quickly turns red, pigmentation is formed, which visually looks like bruises. Moreover, many do not apply cream with SPF to the area around the eyes, fearing irritation of the mucous membranes.

Usually at a young age, cell regeneration is sufficient. And, despite the actively working orbicularis oculi muscle, with the help of which we squint, blink, etc., the folds are smoothed out and wrinkles do not form. At an older age, as well as due to the influence of a number of factors, the eyelids lose this ability, it becomes easier to form noticeable folds, wrinkles remain even in a relaxed state of facial expression.

Read about the causes of early wrinkles and early aging here .


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Silicone gel

A true hero of our time! The era of improving appearance began with him. On the one hand, it is good because it is foreign to the human body and cannot cause allergies. But this foreignness can backfire, since our body absolutely justifiably protects itself from the presence of an inert substance and builds barriers from connective tissue. Silicone is safest for our body in minimal quantities. For example, injections with silicone gel can remove nasolabial folds quite efficiently, but it is better not to dare to undertake any great feats.

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