Sculptural facial massage: a unique rejuvenation technique from Joelle Siocco

Sculptural facial massage is aimed at working the deep muscles of the face and neck. This procedure relieves hypertonicity of the muscles, which are often involved in the expression of facial expressions. Also, the tone of the “sleeping” muscles increases. The result of the course of procedures is lifting, rejuvenation and prevention of aging. ...

The massage was developed by French cosmetologist Joelle Ciocco. It is used not only for already formed age-related changes, but also to prevent their manifestation. The recommended age for a preventive course of procedures is 25 years.

Manipulation allows you to solve problems such as:

  • loss of elasticity and firmness of the skin, deterioration of its color and structure;
  • change in facial contour;
  • swelling of soft tissues;
  • the presence of excessive accumulation of adipose tissue in the chin area (double chin);
  • deep wrinkles and sweet.

The lifting effect is based on:

  • effects on facial muscles;
  • relieving spasms of facial muscles;
  • activation of idle muscles;
  • improving lymphatic drainage of deep skin layers;
  • activation of the neuroreceptor system of the face during superficial massage.

A special feature of the sculptural massage is the deep study and kneading of all the muscles of the face and neck, which can significantly increase muscle tone, improve the lymphatic drainage functions of the skin, and increase blood circulation in the affected area. After the procedure, many clients note a particular soreness in the facial muscles, similar to the pain that occurs after intense physical activity.

What is sculptural massage

You can start using this technique as early as 25 years of age.

A unique technique for rejuvenating and tightening facial skin was developed by the French biochemist and cosmetologist Joëlle Siocco. She combined the following techniques of the most famous and effective massages:

  • Tibetan;
  • Japanese point Shiatsu, as well as Asahi, Tsogan;
  • lymphatic drainage;
  • traditional - classical;
  • Jacquet;
  • osteopathic.

As a result of mixing such techniques, an innovative and revolutionary type of massage was obtained - sculptural, which consists of a thorough and maximally deep study of all muscle groups of the face, as well as an active impact on problem areas and areas of the epidermis.

In the process of massage effects, elasticity and muscle tone increase, lymphatic drainage functions of the skin are improved, blood supply, nutrition, regeneration, cellular respiration and renewal processes are enhanced.

You can start using this technique as early as 25 years of age to prevent and prevent the appearance of any age-related skin changes.

Why us?

All our specialists have a medical education and are well aware of the anatomy and location of the facial muscles, as well as their innervation, blood supply and the subtleties of lymph outflow from different areas of the face.
Our doctors have undergone thorough training and have mastered all the details of J. Siocco's proprietary buccal massage technology.

Our clinic is one of the few in all of Moscow with the exclusive right to use Joelle Ciocco medicinal cosmetics.

The specialists in our clinic know all the features of working with this cosmetics and know how to use its advantages with maximum benefit for the skin of the face.

What defects does it help eliminate?

Due to the high intensity of massage manipulations, non-surgical changes in the structure and tightening of tissue occur, so the technique effectively eliminates the following problems:

  • loss of firmness and elasticity of the epidermis with deterioration of its color and relief;
  • changes in the contours and oval of the face;
  • swelling of the face and area around the eyes;
  • double chin;
  • deep wrinkles, nasolabial folds;
  • spasms of the facial muscles;
  • facial wrinkles;
  • muscle tissue atrophy;
  • deterioration of lymph outflow from the deep layers of the dermis;
  • slowing down the neuroreceptor function of the face;
  • low hydration (dry) skin.

After the procedure, most patients note soreness in the facial muscle tissues, similar to the sensations in the body after undergoing high-intensity physical activity.

The result of a well-executed sculptural massage will be smooth, young, fresh skin, in which the aging process is suspended and obvious signs of age-related changes are eliminated.


Buccal massage is performed by a cosmetologist.
The effect occurs primarily on the muscles in the cheek area, since it is their tone that has the greatest impact on the contour of the face. Before the procedure, the specialist puts on sterile rubber gloves. Through your mouth, your index fingers are carefully inserted behind your cheeks, and then your thumbs. After this, you are asked to clench your teeth and relax while the specialist begins to work the cheek muscles from the inside with gentle movements. During the procedure, massage of the cheek area is performed not only from the inside, but also from the outside. The sensations from the first procedure may be unusual, but you will not experience serious discomfort or severe pain.

To achieve maximum effect, the massage process uses cosmetics developed by the author of this technique, Joël Siocco. They contain a perfectly selected combination of herbal ingredients.

List of contraindications

The implementation of a massage must be agreed upon with the attending physician, who takes into account all diseases in the medical history and only after that issues permission to undergo the technique. For general information, here is a list of contraindications that do not recommend the procedure if:

  • acute infectious and inflammatory processes occurring in the body;
  • any neoplasms on the surface of the epidermis and cancer of the body;
  • problems with the thyroid gland and endocrine system;
  • all kinds of dermatological diseases;
  • violations of the integrity of the skin in the form of cuts, scratches, bruises, burns;
  • acute form of herpes;
  • pathologies of the circulatory system (rosacea, vascular fragility, hemophilia).

Contraindications for Joelle Ciocco massage

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Dermatological diseases and open wounds on the skin.
  • The presence of implants in the neck and face (except dental ones).

The result that can be achieved largely depends on the skill of the specialist. He must understand the anatomical features of the body and master the massage technique.

The Master's Body center employs the best massage therapists who have been trained in innovative massage techniques. They will take care of your comfort and safety and take into account your individual characteristics. The number of procedures is selected individually depending on the condition of the body and the results you want to achieve. You can without a doubt entrust your beauty and health to our specialists! The cozy atmosphere of the Master's Body center is conducive to rest and relaxation. You will experience real pleasure and benefits from the procedure.

You can sign up for a massage at the Master's Body center on the website or by phone: +7 929 507 03 08. In addition, the Master's Body center provides a wide range of other services: anti-stress massage, Thai yoga massage, hydrotherapy, steaming in a cedar barrel, aesthetic kinesio taping , nutritional science, etc.

Who is the procedure recommended for?

Sculptural facial massage before and after photos

For anyone who prefers non-surgical methods of effective skin rejuvenation, a sculptural massage is indicated, of course, subject to the presence of the following age-related changes and defects in the form of:

  • networks of small and large wrinkles;
  • deep nasolabial folds and crow's feet on the skin around the eyes;
  • fat deposits under the chin;
  • unclear contours and “blurring” oval of the face;
  • drooping corners of the mouth;
  • muscle atony (sagging tissues);
  • uneven and heterogeneous skin color;
  • loss of firmness and elasticity of the epidermis;
  • withering, dryness and thinning of the skin;
  • puffiness and bags under the eyes.

Reasons to do this procedure

  • Quick results, noticeable immediately after the session. It is achieved by improving the tone and elasticity of the cheek muscles.
  • Long lasting effect due to the phenomenon of muscle memory. It has been noticed that even after a two to three month pause in the procedures, tone quickly returns to the muscles during a new massage, as if the muscle fibers “remember” their previous location. Therefore, during a repeated course of such a massage, fewer procedures can be performed.
  • The unique line of Joelle Ciocco cosmetics for massage helps to achieve the maximum effect of rejuvenation and tightening.
  • The combination of the author's massage technology and cosmetics specially developed for it allows you to influence all structural “levels” responsible for the formation of facial contours - from the muscles and places of their attachment to the bones of the skull, to the fascia and all layers of the skin (from the dermis to the epidermis).

Features and technique of performing sculptural massage

Before the start of the session (its duration is 30 - 40 minutes), the specialist must thoroughly clean the surface of the skin, as well as treat it with a special composition that makes it easier to grip and hold the skin, preventing slipping.

The procedure begins and ends with light patting and stroking of the facial skin to warm and relax it, that is, to prepare for the main massage effects.

This massage is carried out in a course consisting of 12 procedures, which are repeated 2 times during the year. There are 2-3 sessions per week depending on the severity of age-related changes.

The technique of performing this massage implies a high professional level of the specialist who performs it, impeccable knowledge of the anatomical structure of the facial muscles, as well as the location of nerve and vascular endings.

Initially, a sculptural massage begins with a deep study of all the muscles of the neck with the pads and phalanges of the fingers using gentle, pressing movements with a gradual increase in intensity. Next, this area is massaged with rolling movements of the fingertips with intense kneading and penetration to the maximum possible depth.

After this, they move on to massage the facial area, starting with stroking and rubbing its surface. Then more aggressive influences are performed in the form of active kneading, grasping the deep layers of the skin, pressing and rolling movements along massage lines and problem areas.

The purpose of sculptural massage is to work on the superficial epidermis, deep muscle structures and even affect bone tissue. At the same time, the amplitude, intensity and speed of massage movements remain high. The working pressure per 1 centimeter of the skin surface during such massage manipulations reaches 5 kilograms.

Correction of the oval of the face is carried out with rotational movements, not forgetting to massage the cheek areas, as well as the surface of the skin along the entire contour using pinching actions. The session continues by working on areas of accumulation of muscle tissue with pinpoint and deep effects. Gradually move to the frontal zone. By the end of the procedure, all manipulations are performed with light and stroking movements with a decrease in pressure.

Reviews and photos before and after massage

Reviews from

“..After the first session I had swelling and slight discomfort. All this lasted an hour and a half, then it passed. In general, the sensations after the session are very pleasant, I feel relaxation of the facial muscles, and at the same time some kind of cheerfulness and energy. The massage is aimed at correcting contours, lifting, activating blood circulation, overall slimming of the face and moisturizing the skin...” Lisa.

“...I’ve been doing massage twice a month for four months now, and I’m frankly pleased with the results on my face. The face became toned. The hamster cheeks are gone. the facial contour has changed for the better. But most of all I was pleased. that the swelling in the eye area has disappeared. Friends also noticed positive changes in her appearance, they say she is fresher. I am 100% satisfied with the result!...” Irina.

Is it possible to perform the technique at home?

Lack of free time and a busy work schedule most often do not allow many women to visit massage parlors, so they want to independently master this technique by watching and studying videos posted on Internet resources.

Performing this technique independently at home is possible only after completing a training course with a professional massage therapist with memorization of all techniques, movements, treatment areas and their correct repetition without causing harm to the skin in the form of uneven distribution of load, excessive compression of blood vessels, which can result in asymmetry and prolapse tissues, formation of hematomas and edema.

Take the time to visit a qualified and experienced massage therapist who has the skills and techniques to perform sculptural massage to perfection, and you will not regret it!


  • Swelling,
  • Age wrinkles,
  • Second (double) chin,
  • Blurred facial contour

Joëlle Ciocco has studied the biochemistry of plants in detail in her cosmetology practice. She also introduced the concept of “skin ecology,” which implies a healthy balance between all structural layers of the skin, its microflora, moisture content and nutrients. That is, the skin is considered as a single complex system, the condition of which depends on a healthy balance between its components. Achieving and maintaining such a balance is the main task of anti-aging cosmetology. Therefore, according to Madame Siocco, it is so important that cosmetics do not “dictate their terms”, but are in constant “dialogue” with the skin, supporting its ecology, and not violating it.

This is how a unique brand called “Joelle Ciocco” appeared. This cosmetic line is made up of plant ingredients without synthetics, hormones, or additives of animal origin. The basis of its effectiveness is a carefully selected combination of herbal components, the combined use of which has a maximum positive effect on all layers of the skin.

J. Siocco believes that the number of skin types is equal to the number of people in the world. And the cosmetologist’s task is not to “adjust” all procedures to rough standards, but to analyze a set of key indicators of skin condition and, based on the data obtained, select an individual care program.

Classic French massage from Christelle Guinet

One of the cosmetic companies ordered Christelle Guinet a massage for the face and neck, which soon became popular throughout the world. This is a European classical technique within the cosmetology field. When performed correctly, it is a very pleasant and relaxing procedure that allows you to get a lot of pleasure in one session. Its main purpose is rejuvenation.


  • wrinkles;
  • crow's feet around the eyes;
  • eyelid ptosis;
  • age spots;
  • folds;
  • shaved;
  • facial contour blurred over time;
  • unhealthy skin color;
  • a pronounced nasolabial triangle with all its mournful folds.

Execution technique

  1. A nourishing cream is applied to the skin (initially it was assumed that this would be a product from the same cosmetic company that ordered the massage, but now, as part of home execution, you can use any).
  2. In a certain sequence, starting from the forehead and ending with the neck, you need to make soft, light, smoothing movements along the massage lines.
  3. There is no pressing or pinching here. The purpose of massage is to provide physical and aesthetic pleasure.
  4. The action time is about half an hour.

At first glance, it may seem that the rejuvenating classic French massage from Christelle Guinet is very easy to perform and does not require any effort. However, as you master the technique of performing it, you will understand that everything here is not at all simple: you need to know the sequence of movements and their exact trajectory in order to achieve results.

Be careful! When deciding on a French massage, be sure to consider which technique you will use: sculptural makes facial contours more prominent, lymphatic drainage eliminates swelling, classic rejuvenates.

Lymphatic drainage French massage from Pascal Coche

If you find a promotional video for this French facial massage, you will probably be surprised and inspired. For clarity, the author performs manipulations with only one half of the face, so that later the difference in results becomes visible. The procedure is based on lymphatic drainage, when excess fluid is actively removed from the tissues, and along with it all kinds of harmful substances.


  • swelling;
  • unhealthy (jaundiced, bluish) complexion;
  • ptosis;
  • wrinkles;
  • bags and dark circles under the eyes;
  • shaved;
  • oval face that has lost its clear contours.

Execution technique

  1. No products, no creams, no oils are applied to the face.
  2. This is a point technique, so you must first study the location of these points on the anatomical map of the face.
  3. All manipulations are related to breathing.
  4. French lymphatic drainage massage is recommended to start with 3 very deep inhalations and exhalations.
  5. After this, you can use gentle, but still pressing movements to influence specific points near the lips, temples, nose, and collarbones.
  6. The unusual thing about this French technique is that after the basic manipulations, you need to inhale, raise your arms high and stretch, and exhale, lower them and relax as much as possible.
  7. In conclusion, you need to gently but persistently pull certain strands of hair, which activate blood circulation in the right places.

Each of the French techniques deserves your close attention. But they all require certain skills and anatomical knowledge. Therefore, to master their techniques, it is highly recommended to enroll in special training courses. And don't forget about contraindications.

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