10 best facial oils and 7 rules for their use / My personal rating 2022 (TOP 10)

Facial oil is the king among all my skincare products.
I use them in home care almost every day, alternating or supplementing my face cream with them, I especially love this combo during the cold season, when the skin triples its natural lipid protection and asks for help. By the way, this can happen to any type of skin - normal, dry and even oily or combination - like mine.

I’ve heard a lot from ordinary people and even from professional cosmetologists that oils are too heavy for the skin, clog pores, “the skin doesn’t breathe” underneath them, etc.

In my opinion, such an opinion can be formed for two reasons - either they choose the wrong products, or they use them incorrectly.

Therefore, I’ll tell you about my personal experience and share my own rating of the best facial oils , many of which I have already written separate reviews on on my blog. There is too much information on the Internet invented by someone who, it seems, has never held normal oil in his hands, let alone applied it to his face.

Which oil to choose for the face

Oils for the beauty of the face, hair and body have been used since ancient times; this is, so to speak, the basis of modern cosmetology. Remember the composition of any cream - in almost every one you will see a whole list of different oils that necessarily present in creams and serums. In a processed state, but still...

They have an extremely beneficial effect on the beauty of the skin, because... contain lipids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, minerals, vitamins A, B, C, D, E, F and even phytoestrogens, which rejuvenate the skin and fight wrinkles.

My ranking of the best 12 body oils

In order not to mix everything up and so that you can figure out what oil to lubricate your face from the very beginning, let me remind you the main thing you need to know about oils - they are all divided into two types - basic and essential:

Base oils

Base oils are fatty or vegetable oils that are isolated from oilseed plants or their parts - most often we are talking about their fruits, grains and seeds.

The most popular are grape seed oil, wheat germ oil, olive oil, apricot kernel oil, castor oil, black cumin oil, coconut oil, argan oil, shea butter, etc.

Those of them that tend to harden at temperatures below +30C (coconut oil, shea butter or cocoa) are also called solid oils or butters . Basic oils can be used in their pure form, choosing the one that suits your skin type and the problems it has. Or combine them with esters.

The main thing to know:

For the face, it is better to choose only high-quality, first cold-pressed oils.

Essential oils and how to use them

Essential oils - isolated from the "fragrant" parts of plants by distillation from plants such as lavender, orange, neroli, rose, jasmine, tea tree, etc.

Effect of essential oils on the skin:

Tea tree oil has a healing and antiseptic effect; it has no equal as an addition in the treatment of acne and even spot pimples. Lavender also has a disinfecting effect and fights irritation not only of the nerves, but also of the skin. They can be safely used on the skin even in their pure form.

Lemon has a whitening effect, geranium helps overcome the signs of rosacea, and rose absolute gives the skin everything at once - moisturizing and anti-aging effect, ylang-ylang is also famous for its anti-aging properties, increasing elasticity and improving facial skin turgor.

Any essential oil complements facial skin care and significantly increases the effect of using any cosmetics.

But we must remember the main rule of using essential oils:

Essential oils (with the exception of tea tree and lavender) should never be applied to the face in their pure form, only added to the base oil . Otherwise, you may get burns and serious allergic skin reactions.

Therefore, if you see somewhere on the Internet or on a forum a list of oils that lists both base and essential oils, feel free to pass by, they will definitely not tell you the truth. Because the author is confused even about the basics of using this cosmetic product, because these are ABSOLUTELY different categories and cannot be compared on the same level under any circumstances!

If the topic is especially interesting, then you can learn more about the differences between both types of oils and the features of their use in this video:

Harm of facial oils

Don’t blindly trust labels and buy the first cosmetic product you come across, or run to the kitchen and pour vegetable oil on your face in which to fry pancakes or potatoes. You are unlikely to get any benefit from this. But you can feel the full extent of the harm from kitchen oil on your face.

First you need to understand the needs and initial data of your skin.

Incorrectly selected or incorrectly used oil can only worsen the condition of the skin - dry it out, cause inflammation or cause allergic reactions. Even the most natural remedies are not at all as harmless as we would like to think about them.

This is exactly what professional cosmetologists warn those who have decided that since the oil is natural, it means it is 100% safe and healthy.

Well, there are a couple of rules that you should immediately take into account if you decide to experience the magical power of natural oils:

  • Immediately “NO” to oils that directly contain chemical components - parabens, silicones, mineral oil (the question is whether to write this information at all.)
  • The second “NO” can be safely said to cheap oils of unknown origin. There are no miracles.

This may upset some people, but if you think that there is no difference between apricot kernel oil from a pharmacy for 50 rubles and the same apricot oil from iherb for 500 rubles, then most likely you are mistaken.

The desire to save money is understandable, but believe me, quality really costs money. And valuable oils are valuable because high-quality raw materials and the correct process of their production cost a certain amount of money. I won't reveal anything new here.

I have already verified this from my own experience, and you can also verify that, if you wish, fortunately, cheap oils are really cheap and easily accessible. It’s just that you shouldn’t immediately draw conclusions after experimenting with pharmaceutical oils or from who knows what kind of stall.

In my case, from the pharmacy set, perhaps, only sea buckthorn worked 100%, with the exception of the “side effect” in the form of bright orange skin due to the increased content of carotene in it. Otherwise, using them is like smearing plasticine on your face. Still, you should save on your face (and on yourself) in the last place, then the question “is it healthy to smear your face with oils” simply shouldn’t arise.

In my opinion, the best way to save money in this matter is not to skimp on quality, but to buy cosmetics in reliable, trusted stores during various promotions and sales . Fortunately, they happen quite often and thus you can always find a good oil for any budget.

To do this, I talk about the most interesting and profitable promotions on my blog and there is a separate post with current promotional codes on the iHerb website, as well as instructions for beginners on iHerb.

General recommendations: why children need special cosmetics

Marketers in the beauty industry don’t “eat their own bread” for nothing. Children's cosmetics and hygiene products are distinguished by creative designs. Baby products feature smiling babies that attract young mothers. And the bright pink packaging with the image of Barbie or Princess Jasmine will appeal to a girl 4-7 years old.

For children's cosmetics, the main thing is not the appearance, but the content. A child's skin is more sensitive than that of an adult. The thin skin of a newborn consists of 3 layers instead of 5, and the connection between the top layer (epidermis) and the dermis is very fragile. In preschool and primary school age, due to the imperfection of the immune system, the skin is prone to allergic reactions. In children, the permeability of the epidermal barrier is increased, so the risk of skin damage and infection increases. Puberty is characterized by intense work of the sweat and sebaceous subcutaneous glands. Increased sweating and increased production of fatty secretions make a teenager's skin vulnerable to inflammation. In addition to the characteristics of the epidermis, the structure of the hair changes with age. Baby fluff and oily teenage locks require different hygienic care.

When choosing cosmetics, you need to take into account age nuances, personal contraindications, and pay attention to reviews from cosmetologists and pediatricians.

Beneficial properties of cosmetic oils

Choosing. With what kind of oil to lubricate your face, you should be meticulous about both its origin and the reputation of the manufacturer, and most importantly, take into account that each product has a certain composition and properties that are not suitable for everyone.

To help you get your bearings, I will give a short table with the specialization of the MAIN base oils that are most often used in cosmetology:

  • For dry and dehydrated skin , avocado, argan, olive, roses are suitable; for dry skin, the same butters may be suitable - coconut oil, shea butter, not recommended for other skin types.
  • Anti-wrinkle oils - roses, wheat germ.
  • For oily and inflamed skin , black cumin, St. John's wort, and grape seed oil are suitable.
  • Universal oils that are suitable for all skin types - apricot kernel oil, jojoba oil, wheat germ oil, sea buckthorn oil.
  • The best anti-aging facial oils against wrinkles are rose and wheat germ.
  • for facial massage , because the main thing that is required of them is improved hand gliding, and almost any product from this category is capable of this. Even, God forgive me, mineral oil can perform this function.

How to use facial oil correctly

I describe how to use facial oil solely from my OWN experience, based on my own feelings and the results of many years of using oils in skin care.

I have combination skin, but sensitive and prone to rosacea and hyperpigmentation. In summer it is oilier with pores in the T-zone and a tendency to occasional inflammation; in winter it can be dry and tight, 30+.

So, the correct way to apply oil to your face is:

1) As I already indicated above, you need to choose exclusively natural products and preferably with a complex combined composition of different VALUABLE oils, and if you suddenly see demiticones (silicones), parabens, mineral oil, etc. in the composition. chemistry - straight away! In this case, you can do without this crap; in most cases, the oil is perfectly stored without chemicals, due to its natural preservatives.

2) If possible, avoid “heavy oils” in facial care , for example, coconut oil or shea butter, they can actually be quite heavy, take longer to absorb and can “clog” the pores on the face, although I also like them for the body.

3) Use them in doses , rub a couple of drops of oil between your palms and apply them to your face - this kind of oiling is enough for my eyes! Now, then you won’t have to remove excess from your face and there will be no swelling in the morning (even if you are prone to it and apply oil to the skin around your eyes).

4) Combine oils with serums and/or face creams . For me, this is a win-win combo that works much better than just face creams and even many masks. This way, you can 100% eliminate the increase in dry skin after using oils, because it’s not for nothing that cosmetologists repeat loudly - oils are 100% fats, and water is even more important for our skin. Don’t forget to not only “nourish” the skin, but also “give it water”.

My main scheme for using facial oil in care is washing with foam, toner, serum and then oil. Ideally, also spray it all on top with hydrosol or moisturizing spray.

5) Facial massage with oil is perhaps the best thing you can do to your face at home . In this case, I will not go into detail; one of the most effective, in my case, is massage with Lyapko applicators, which I recently wrote about on my Instagram.

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Posted by ⭐️Elena Chemezova⭐️ (@elenachemezova) Feb 5, 2022 at 11:45 PST

6) How often and at what time can I use facial oil? For me, first of all , it is an evening beauty ritual. Firstly, I have a little more time for myself in the evening, when, for example, I not only smear my face with oil at night, but I can also do a 5-minute facial massage with it, if I have time or I see that a facial massage is needed after a busy day at work or stress.

7) Don’t forget that you can not only apply it to your face at night as a treatment, but also use it in the morning as a makeup base .

In severe frosts or when the skin begins to feel particularly dry and very tight, I also use oils in day care (using the same scheme, applying a couple of drops, rubbed between the palms, on top of the serum and/or cream). This gives the skin additional protection and nutrition. And it doesn’t weigh down my oily skin at all.

Makeup, especially with mineral cosmetics, often goes on much better with oil.

Remember Instagram bloggers who generously smear their faces with oil and then apply makeup on top? Professional brands like Smashbox, Bobbi Brown, and Mac have already adopted this trend and released their own makeup oil bases.

I personally only tried Smashbox and I can say that as a base it’s not bad, but I didn’t see the need to buy and use a special oil base. It is quite possible to get by with the products that I talk about in my rating, but I don’t see them.

The main point here is not to overdo it and that you do not have an individual allergy to any components. After all, you can’t spoil this porridge with butter. And oil makeup can “float away” by the middle of the day, so test and select the combination of oil + foundation that suits EXACTLY YOUR SKIN,

Remember the rule I talked about?

Rub a couple of drops on your palms and apply to your face. It seems to me that no one should pour half a bottle on themselves, as Instagram bloggers do.

8)Well, one more rule: oils require proper storage - always in a cool and dark place. If you store it in the refrigerator, then ONLY in the door. Also, keep in mind that oil in glass bottles retains its properties longer than in plastic. It is ABSOLUTELY forbidden to smear your face with expired cosmetics, ESPECIALLY those with a characteristic rancid odor! Write this down for yourself.

But perhaps I haven’t told you everything and you also have your own secrets - how to properly use this cosmetic product for the face? I would be glad if you share your experience in the comments.

Rating of the best oils for facial massage

Rating of the best oils for facial massage1OrganicTai Face massage oil Green tea, jojoba & sweet almond737 ₽
2VASU Healthcare Kumkumadi Thailam619 ₽
3LEVISSIME Massage Oil2 360 ₽
4AROMA JAZZ Jazz of rose petals790 ₽
5ALPIKA phytobiocomplex for face and body Juniper600 ₽
6DNC "12 Herbs Extract"240 ₽

OrganicTai Face massage oil Green tea, jojoba & sweet almond

Rating: 4.9

Organic Tai uses natural ingredients collected in the mountains of Thailand to produce its oils. The brand has long captivated customers with its enchanting scents and high quality products. Green tea oil is suitable for oily and normal skin. It contains extracts of sweet almond, jojoba and clary sage, as well as rosemary. The latter has a beneficial effect on the skin, quickly tightening pores and eliminating redness.

Our experts liked that the oil can be purchased in three sizes: with a spray, with a dispenser, and an option with a screw cap. This is very prudent on the part of the manufacturer, because each buyer will be able to choose their own convenient bottle. For this bonus and the good anti-inflammatory effect of massage oil, the product was included in our rating of the best.


  • bottle – 120 ml;
  • nourishes and improves color;
  • removes dermatitis and eczema;
  • can be used day and night;
  • without sulfates and parabens in the composition.


  • not detected.

VASU Healthcare Kumkumadi Thailam

Rating: 4.8

If you need to quickly remove traces of stress from your skin, this oil is definitely for you. It accelerates cell regeneration and removes dark circles under the eyes within the first week of use. Healthcare Kumkumadi Thailam also significantly eliminates dry skin. This effect is provided by sandalwood oil extract. It is known for its anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties.

From a comment from a customer of the Yandex.Market service with the status “Verified User”: “The quality is good, the smell is very pleasant, the oil is absorbed quite well.” The oil was included in our rating for the richest composition of useful substances: madder cordifolia, vetiver, mosquito lotus, sesame oil, saffron, ficus bengal, disoxylum malabar, licorice, sappan wood, monochoria vaginalis, shellac and cow's milk. Experts consider the product highly effective.


  • absorbs quickly;
  • does not leave a greasy shine;
  • evens out the skin structure;
  • without parabens and fragrances.


  • in rare cases, it can increase fat content.


Rating: 4.8

The massage oil is suitable for any technique and will delight you with excellent glide from the first minute. Avocado oil in the composition helps to quickly replenish moisture and reduce the number of wrinkles. Its action is perfectly complemented by wheat germ oil, which tones the skin and makes it silky. The bottle comes in a volume of 500 ml. The high penetrating ability of the oil helps to use it economically.

The vitamin E included in the composition is responsible for smoothing the relief and eliminating defects of the skin. Conveniently, this oil can be mixed with other healthy oils without harm. Our experts appreciated the anti-aging properties of the product from Levissime, for which it was included in our rating of the best oils. The product pleases with its versatility and tightens any area of ​​the body equally well.


  • 10 vitamins in the oil;
  • glides well during massage;
  • suitable for face and body;
  • increases skin density and elasticity.


  • high price.

AROMA JAZZ Jazz of rose petals

Rating: 4.7

Among the active components of this product you can find rose and peppermint oil, whose duo perfectly fights inflammation and dries out the skin. During a massage, Rose Petal Jazz glides easily, and all customers surveyed were pleased with the soft texture of the oil. The shelf life of the oil is quite normal - 24 months, but after opening it is recommended to use it within 6 months. After the expiration date, the oil should be thrown away. It is strictly prohibited to use it after this.

Rosehip extract is one of the strongest antioxidants, and in this oil it also shows itself clearly: it slows down the aging process, fights pigmentation and deeply moisturizes. In addition, it saturates the skin with essential vitamins and microelements. The oil was included in our rating as one of the best among cosmetic products that eliminate facial puffiness. Our professional experts consider this remedy to be the best for people who are prone to puffy eyelids in the morning.


  • relieves swelling;
  • removes freckles;
  • slightly whitens the skin;
  • tones and strengthens.


  • not detected.

ALPIKA phytobiocomplex for face and body Juniper

Rating: 4.6

The popular brand "Alpika" entered the market in 2005 and has established itself as high-quality and inexpensive cosmetics. The active massage product can be used to massage the face, as well as the hips, arms, legs, abdomen and sides. Mineral salts and protein substances penetrate deep into the skin, slowing down the process of tissue destruction. Among other active ingredients there are also vitamins A and E, the deficiency of which leads to pale and dry skin.

The result of using the oil after a month is an even skin tone and cleansed pores. Experts also noticed that juniper oil perfectly restores skin after sunburn and relieves inflammation. The oil was included in our rating for the presence of the strongest ingredient - resveratrol. This plant antioxidant stimulates cell renewal and restores youth to them.


  • pleasant almond smell;
  • certified product;
  • cosmetics are not tested on animals;
  • fights rosacea and post-acne.


  • shelf life less than 3 months.

DNC "12 Herbs Extract"

Rating: 4.5

Cosmetic oil is ideal for all skin types. A high concentration of twelve herbs has a complex effect on different layers, penetrating deeply and relieving the face of age-related changes. The manufacturer recommends applying the oil to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. In order not to overload the skin, you should carefully remove any remaining oil with a napkin 15-30 minutes after use.

Anti-aging oil is easily absorbed and distributed evenly over the skin. After a week and a half of use, facial skin becomes radiant and smooth. Our experts studied the composition and came to the conclusion that this is the best product for people prone to allergies. It does not cause any reactions, and its only disadvantage is that the oil does not work well at night. The skin is most susceptible to its components during the daytime.


  • hypoallergenic composition;
  • absorbs quickly;
  • light consistency;
  • can be used from 20 years of age;
  • does not cause irritation or allergies.


  • pungent odor due to herbal composition.

My rating - 10 best cosmetic oils for the face

I tried to make an honest list and therefore my rating includes only those products that REALLY work for ME without any reservations or dancing with a tambourine. Therefore, here you will not find either peach oil from the pharmacy or coconut oil (even high-quality one), because, in my opinion, compared to the cosmetic products that I list here, they are like a kindergartener versus a riot policeman.

There are NO very cheap oils in my Top 10, but I am convinced that the best facial oil is not necessarily the most expensive.

The cheapest oil in my rating is rosehip oil from the iherb website for 700 rubles, the most expensive oil is Sisley black rose for 14 thousand. At the same time, I am not saying that a product for 14 thousand is the best possible and you need to take out a mortgage in order to definitely purchase it for your daily routine. Not at all, the question is which brands you personally like, and what exactly do you want to get from using it. This is what I will tell you about.

And in my rating there are practically no base oils - basically, these are ready-made mixtures of various oils , where the ingredients are selected by professionals, in the right combination, in the right volume and concentration. This is a real science that beginners shouldn’t even bother with, if only because the cost of each component in the composition can be comparable to the cost of the finished mixture.

Life Flo Rosehip Oil

Rosehip oil is a pure natural retinol, with which it makes sense to start getting acquainted with this anti-aging component, even if you are not yet 30, do no harm. It has a very “fine” texture, is quickly absorbed without leaving a greasy residue, and makes the skin soft and velvety almost immediately after use.

Of the minuses, I can only note a specific aroma (similar to fish oil), but if desired, you can add a couple of drops of your favorite essential oils to the rosehip (as a base) and this drawback will no longer be a drawback even for the most sensitive to strange odors of people. The most popular essential oils with an anti-aging effect - ylang-ylang, rose or jasmine absolute - will make good company with rose hips.

Most importantly, don’t forget to do allergy tests (apply the mixture with essential oil to the crook of your elbow) and be sure to avoid the area around the eyes, otherwise the next morning you risk waking up with the face of a “beekeeper’s wife.”


Only cold pressed rosehip oil

Price: 716 rubles

Where to buy: on the iHerb website

Black cumin oil

They say that black seed oil can cure everything except death .

I use it in combination with tea tree to smear any skin irritations, rashes, lubricate my nose from the inside when I feel like I’m getting sick and my nose “tickles unpleasantly.” In skin care, cumin is, first of all, a natural, very mild antiseptic that restores the lipid balance of the skin and cures damage, inflammation and various troubles. No wonder it is also called royal oil.

My review of black seed oil on the blog.

I always have black cumin on hand - I use it not only on my face, but also on my scalp, which in this regard is even more demanding of the quality of cosmetics than my face.

Ingredients: only cold-pressed black cumin oil

Price: 680 rub.

Where to buy: on the iherb website there is a large selection of black cumin, both cosmetic and for health, consuming it internally.

Collagen oil Elemis PRO-collagen

Elemis brand's bestseller with algae extracts, known as a natural source of collagen, includes Mediterranean algae Padina Pavonica, golden algae, kelp and 9 precious oils such as: lavandin, geranium and eucalyptus, jojoba, clove, abyssinian, Roman chamomile, peppermint and grape seed oil.

Elemis PRO collagen - restores the skin, improves its turgor and even moisturizes; the manufacturer calls this effect “mermaid glow”. Its texture is very delicate and is suitable even for those who find all other oils too greasy. But you shouldn’t take it for a massage; it gets absorbed too quickly, or you’ll have to use more of it than any other product.


Coco-Caprylate, Isoamyl Cocoate, Simmondsia Chinensis ( Jojoba ) Seed Oil, Papaver Orientale ( Poppy ) Seed Oil, Oleic/Linoleic/Linolenic Polyglycerides, Crambe Abyssinica (Abyssinian) Seed Oil, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Helianthus Annuus ( Sunflower ) Seed Oil , Lavandula Angustifolia ( Lavender ) Oil, Linalool, Lavandula Hybrida Oil, Pelargonium Graveolens ( Geranium ) Flower Oil, Geraniol, Eucalyptus Globulus Leaf Oil, digitata (kelp) extract Laminaria ochroleuca (golden algae) extract, Tocopherol, Anthemis Nobilis ( Chamomile ) Flower Oil, Citronellol, Cinnamomum Camphora (Camphor) Wood Oil, Limonene, Mentha Arvensis ( Peppermint ) Leaf Oil, Citrus Aurantium Dulcis (orange) Oil, Fragrance (Parfum), Vitis Vinifera (grape) Seed Oil, Padina Pavonica Thallus Extract, Menthol, Eugenia Caryophyllus ( Clove ) Leaf Oil, Citral

Price: 6900 rub.

Where to buy: on the Golden Apple website or on the Lookfantastic website (a little cheaper, especially during promotional periods).

Night anti-aging oil LUNA from SUNDAY RILEY

For me, the SUNDAY RILEY brand was a discovery last year and LUNA is one of the products with which I began to get acquainted with the brand.

Anti-aging night oil Luna contains an advanced retinol complex, thanks to which it has an active restorative effect on the skin, which is especially important for skin 40+, 50+, but can be used even after 30. Retinol helps fight the signs of age - wrinkles and decreased elasticity, extracts Avocado, chia and grape seeds strengthen the skin and restore its natural radiance. Blue tansy has anti-inflammatory properties, providing a calming effect.

Luna has a quickly absorbing texture, so it should not be used as a massage product either. and she also has an unusual bright emerald color, like brilliant green. But don’t be alarmed, this doesn’t affect your complexion in any way.

The composition of LUNA is practically therapeutic; the manufacturer recommends it even for such serious skin diseases as eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, rosacea and acne.

This cosmetic product is very powerful; due to the retinol content, it cannot be used during the day, combined with acids, and if you used Luna at night, you should take care of sun protection during the day, otherwise, instead of the anti-aging effect, you can get hyperpigmentation or even burns.


Persea Gratissima (Extra Virgin,
Avocado ), Vitis Vinifera ( Grape ), Rubus Fruticosus ( Blackberry ), Salvia Hispanica ( Chia ), Dimethyl Isosorbide (and) Hydroxypinacone Retinoate, Chamomile (Matricaria), Tanacetum annuum ( blue tansy ), Anthemis nobilis ( English chamomile ), Eriocephalus punctualatus ( Cape chamomile ), Citrus Aurantium Amara oil ( neroli ), Citrus Aurantium Dulcis ( blood orange ). Cananga Odorata ( ylang-ylang ), Vetivera zizanoides ( vetiver sunflower seed rosemary leaf extract , CI 61565 (green 6), CI 60725 (purple 2).
Price: 5520 rubles (for 15 ml). Available in larger quantities and also in promotional sets

Where to buy: Sephora website

The brand is presented at ASOS (during the sales period you can buy it at a very good price)

Darphin oil aroma essence

The ideal oil for facial massage is any product from the Darfan aroma line; the main problem is deciding which one to choose. They all smell simply magical, Darphin’s aroma compositions can be called simply exemplary, this is the main feature of the brand and a real pleasure. It’s not for nothing that the brand is one of the most popular in expensive European SPA salons.

I now have a miniature mixture with vetiver (contains pure vetiver, geranium, French lavender and marjoram) and each use of it is an aromatherapy session that has a relaxing and calming effect not only on the skin, but also on the nervous system.

By the way, it is somewhat similar to ESPA, which will be discussed below.


The composition includes 99% natural origin, such as vetiver, French lavender, geranium and marjoram essential oils.


Price: 4000 rubles.

Where to buy: Sephora website

Whitening anti-rosacea mixture Dshansurat/Apple Petal from East Night

I liked this oriental face oil even more than the first one - “Golden-bearing”, which I used (the title photo of the post), firstly, it is not so viscous in consistency, and secondly, in the morning the effect of fresher and lighter skin “ on the face"! Everything is as promised on the labels - the skin tone evens out and the “vessels” become paler.


first cold pressed: beautiful centaury seeds, jojoba seeds, macadamia fruits, red mulberry seeds, Lebanese poppy, tricolor amaranth seeds, borage seeds, essential oils: Phrygian cornflower inflorescences, Palestine lime seeds, odorless chamomile inflorescences, Persian ivy leaves * indicating subspecies

Price: about 900 rub.

Black rose Sisley Black Rose Oil

The most expensive cosmetic product in my review, which means the requirements for it are higher.

What will I say? Great anti-aging oil! This is, indeed, a truly working product and you will get the pleasure and effect from its use from the first to the last drop. But!

As I mentioned at the beginning, I can’t say that this is the very best oil in the review in terms of effect. Even rosehip gives quite comparable results on me. If there is no difference, why pay more?

Well, to each his own. I want to pamper myself and there is such an opportunity , why not?


Squalane , Prunus Domestica Seed Extract, Camelina Sativa Seed Oil, Persea Gratissima ( Avocado ) Oil Unsaponifiables, Tocopherol , Padina Pavonica Thallus Extract, Rose Extract (black rose extract), Pelargonium Graveolens Oil, Michelia Alba Leaf Oil, Rosa Damascena Flower Oil , Caprylic/​Capric Triglyceride, Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil, Hydrogenated Soybean Oil, Linalool, Citronellol, Geraniol, Citral, Limonene, Eugenol

  • Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids (in plum oil and camelina*): Improves cell membrane mobility
  • Plum and camelin*: Maintains the balance of oils in the skin and strengthens its barrier function
  • Phytosqualane (olive oil derivative): Strengthens the hydrolipidic film of the skin
  • Padina Pavonica Algae Extract: Strengthens the skin's water matrix*
  • Natural Tocopherols: Help strengthen the skin's defense system, thereby combating oxidative stress
  • Avocado extract: Nourishes, restores, heals and soothes the skin
  • Black Rose Extract: Gives the skin incredible tenderness and softness.
  • Essentials of Bulgarian rose and magnolia: Tonify and soothe

Price: price from 14 thousand rubles. in the Sephora online store

Clarins Orchidee Bleue Facial Oil

This is probably the most famous facial product in my review - Clarins Orchidee Bleue for dehydrated skin. Blue orchid is an exotic ingredient that is not often found in skincare products. Exotic always attracts our attention.

I wrote a review of this cosmetic oil with the Clarens orchid at the dawn of my beauty blogging activities, and even then it was in my top 5 best cosmetics for the winter.

Clarens is one of the first “ready-made” oils with which I began my acquaintance with this category. Because the very first attempts with pharmaceutical oils for 100 rubles were expectedly disastrous (peach, almond, avocado, etc.), which, objectively, “didn’t work.” But I liked this and wanted to try something new.

I will always remember the life hack that was recommended to me by a brand consultant in a store, and now I use it with other products and recommend it to everyone.

After applying the oil, sprinkle some water (hydrolate or thermal) on it. This way it is absorbed many times faster, and the skin looks even better.

A great facial product for dehydrated skin, it's a really good one, but I rarely get around to it these days. I haven’t bought it for a long time, but I remember and included it in my rating.


Price: from 2361 rub. in the Letual store

Mad Hippie Antioxidant Facial Oil

An antioxidant mixture based on argan and camu camu - a very light oil, quickly absorbed, with a pleasant citrus scent.

I’ve already written a review on the Mad Hippie acid serum on my blog; in my impressions, the brand is very interesting and there is something for lovers of natural cosmetics to please themselves with.

Ingredients: Argan oil is the basis of cosmetic oil. Camu camu is an antioxidant-rich berry from the Amazon jungle that contains 30 times more vitamin C than an orange.

Argan (argania spinosa), pomegranate (punica granatum), sunflower (helianthus annuus), cranberry fruit extract (vaccine macrocarpon), pomegranate extract (punica granatum), blueberry extract (vaccinium angustifolium), strawberry extract (fragaria vesca), kiwi extract ( actinidia chinensis), watermelon fruit extract (citrullus vulgaris), grape seed extract (vitis vinifera), raspberry seed extract (rubus idaeus), camu camu fruit extract (myrciaria dubia), acai extract (top extract), goisi extract (Lycium barbarum) , sea buckthorn berry extract (hippophae rhamnoides), hemp seed extract (cannabis sativa), broccoli extract (brassica oleracea italica), sweet orange oil (citrus sinens), vitamin E (tocopherol).

Price : 1583 rub. on the iherb website

Contract manufacturing

Pavlova E.A. **, Tonkovtseva V.V. *, Yarosh AM *

*Nikita Botanical Garden - National Scientific Center, Yalta **State Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ukraine in the Kharkov region, Kharkov


Essential oils (EOs), including citrus oils, find a wide variety of uses, including for human health. Lemon essential oil, which is similar in composition to orange essential oil (70% limonene, 2-6% citral, small amounts of geranyl acetate, myrcene, citronellol, etc.) is used as a sedative and hypotensive agent. The effectiveness of this use of essential oils increases when combined with psychotherapy methods. The latter is the basis for studying the possibility of using orange essential oil in combination with a psychorelaxation program as a stress-limiting agent for people whose work is associated with psychophysical stress and risk. These include employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The purpose of this work is to study the possibility of improving the psychophysiological state of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations using orange essential oil and a psychorelaxation program.

Objects and Methods

The study was carried out on 19 male employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations aged 25-40 years. A similar group of the same size served as a control. The subjects in the control group were at rest for 20 minutes with the psychorelaxation recording turned on. The subjects of the experimental group were in the same room for the same time with the same psychorelaxation recording turned on and the evaporation of orange essential oil into the atmosphere, in which limonene predominates (92.0%). Myrcene (2.1%) and a number of minor components are present in much smaller quantities.

The concentration of volatile components of EOs in the room atmosphere was 1 mg/m3. Testing was carried out before and after procedures.

To assess the effect of the procedures on the cardiovascular system, heart rate (HR), systolic blood pressure (SBP), and diastolic blood pressure (BP) were measured. To assess the effect of EM on the nervous system, we used the SAN test, a proofreading test in the letter version, and a test for memorizing 10 words. The obtained data were processed statistically using paired t - Student's test.

Results and discussion

Initially (before aroma exposure) ADS in both groups did not have significant differences and was within the high norm according to JNC6 (Table 1). ADD was initially lower in the control group (optimum) than in the experimental group (within the high norm according to JNC6). Heart rate is within normal limits. The impact of the psychorelaxation program (control) was accompanied only by a tendency towards a decrease in ADD.

Table 1 Effect of relaxation with orange essential oil on blood pressure and heart rate

GroupExperience initiallyControl initiallyRo/k refExperience after Ro
Control after Rk
Ro/k pos.
ADS139,16 ±3,05136,58 ±1,31132,32 ±3,280,002136,00 ±1,360,01
ADD85,58 ±2,2878,58 ±1,51odG82,84 ±2,590,0875,95 ±1,760,100,001
Heart rate75,79 ±2,1771,05 ±2,6073,89 ±2,1670,74 ±2,41

In the experiment (exposure to orange essential oil against the background of a psychorelaxation program), a significant decrease in ADP and a tendency towards a decrease in ADP were observed. As a result, blood pressure in the experimental group became significantly lower than in the control group, and heart rate remained significantly higher.

An assessment of the psycho-emotional state of the subjects using the SAN test shows that initially in the experimental group the indicators of vigor and performance were significantly higher and the indicators of tension were lower (Table 2). After the psychorelaxation program, a significant decrease in tension was observed.

Table 2 The effect of relaxation with orange essential oil on the psycho-emotional state (SAN test)

IndexExperience initiallyControl initiallyRo/k refExperience after Ro
Control after Rk
Ro/k pos.
general state156,95 ±5,44155,26 ±1,50167,05 ±5,200,08158,05±3,530,02
Well-being162,63 ±4,79160,11 ±3,18172,53 ±3,71_0,06162,53 ±3,970,02
Mood172,00 ±6,10160,26 ±3,76169,79 ±7,72157,47 4,330,01
Broken - functional.168,89 ±6,10152,47 ±4,460,05164,11 ±6,89154,11 ±6,10
tension-relaxation154,79 ±8,92127,95 ±9,140,05165,00 ±5,66160,42 ±3,660,006
lethargy-vigor168,42 ±4,43148,53 ±6,540,02163,74 ±6,91143,68±6,820,01
absent-mindedness-attention167,74 ±5,51160,37 ±4,05161,05 ±5,86158,53 ±4,81

In the experiment (the effect of orange essential oil against the background of a psychorelaxation program), a significant improvement in the general state and well-being was observed. The differences between the experimental and control groups in the final state consisted of significantly better values ​​of general condition, well-being, mood and vigor in the experimental group.

An assessment of mental performance (correction test, letter version) shows that initially the groups generally do not have significant differences in speed of work and only a tendency towards a greater number of errors in the 1st minute of the test in the control group.

Table 3 The effect of relaxation with orange essential oil on mental performance (proofreading test, letter version).

Rate 1, sign/mincontrol577,42±9,58588,89±27,07
Errors, character/mincontrol1,47±0,441,89±0,58
Rate 2 characters/min,control549,21±17,06560,16*24,26
Errors 2, sign/mincontrol1,37±0,491,53±0,43

After the psychorelaxation program (control), no significant dynamics of indicators were observed. After exposure to orange essential oil against the background of a psychorelaxation program (experiment), a tendency was noted to decrease the speed of work in both minutes of the test and a significant increase in the number of errors in the 1st minute of the test. As a result, the final speed of work at the 1st minute of the test in the experiment turned out to be significantly lower than in the control.

Thus, we can only talk about a slight inhibitory effect of orange essential oil on mental performance.

Assessment of short-term memory (10-word test) shows that there is no significant difference between the groups at baseline. As a result of psychorelaxation and aroma-psychorelaxation procedures, no significant dynamics in short-term memory indicators were found (Table 4).

Table 4 Effect of relaxation with orange essential oil on short-term memory

GroupBefore the procedureAfter the procedure


Aromapsychorelaxation procedure with orange essential oil:

-has a moderate (significant for ADS and tendency for ADD) hypotensive effect.

-reduces (at the level of a trend) the speed of work and increases the number of errors in a proofreading test.

-slightly (tendency) improves the psycho-emotional state mainly due to indicators of general condition and well-being.

- has virtually no effect on short-term memory.


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