Learn how to use depilatory cream correctly

Depilation of the bikini area has certain nuances. The fact is that the skin in this area is very delicate, smoothly turning into mucous membrane, which requires even more delicate treatment. An additional factor complicating the process of getting rid of unwanted hair is the anatomical feature of the area. If the surface of the legs and armpits is completely visible, and you can use a mirror to remove mustaches on the face, then getting rid of hairs in the so-called deep bikini area is quite difficult.

In 4 weeks

4 weeks before laser hair removal, protect the skin from direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Avoid visiting the solarium. Avoid using pastes, gels, creams and other products with a whitening effect to restore the natural pigmentation of the skin and hair roots ().

Some experts recommend starting hair removal in winter. This is due to the lack of tanning - the likelihood of damage to the skin is minimized (). Moreover, you have a unique opportunity to get rid of excess vegetation by summer. After 4-6 sessions, hair disappears for several years.

You can get rid of a tan and return your skin to its natural appearance at home using scrubs (). Simple natural scrubs work well - coffee grounds, lemon juice with honey and sour cream, parsley infusion, a mixture of white clay with cucumber juice.

Attention! At Ola centers, hair removal with excellent results and without consequences can be done not only in winter, but also at any other time - lasers are effective for any type of skin and vegetation.

Step-by-step instructions for use

Any packaging with a quality product will tell you how to properly use the chosen depilatory cream (in some cases, such important information is indicated on the insert sheet).

However, if you are just going to purchase the described product, but already want to know in advance about all the stages of its use, then the following information is just for you.

Regardless of the type of product (it is a classic cream, foam or spray), it is important to distribute it evenly on the prepared area of ​​the body, using a special spatula for this.

The sequence of actions when performing this procedure is as follows:

  • When taking a shower, thoroughly clean the area of ​​skin being treated with a washcloth, removing fat and any other contaminants that could reduce the effectiveness of the cream;
  • dry the skin well and wipe it again with a clean and dry towel;
  • Apply the cream in the direction of hair growth in an even layer and leave for the time indicated in the instructions;
  • remove the applied composition using the curved spatula included in the kit (it should be moved against the hair growth, which will help remove more of it);
  • rinse off the remaining cream with warm water, after which it is advisable to use some cleanser (for example, a gentle lotion or a refreshing shower gel).

There is nothing complicated about this process, and it is identical for cleansing almost all areas of the body. However, there are also some nuances that are important to consider before applying depilatory cream.

In 3 weeks

For 3 weeks, avoid mechanical traumatic effects on the skin, including depilation methods ():

  • waxing
    – hair removal using a wax mixture;
  • sugaring
    - hair removal using thick sugar paste;
  • threading
    - hair removal using a thin thread.

From the third week, do not pluck your hair - tweezers remove part of the bulb, as a result of which the laser is not able to remove it completely. Shaving is permitted as long as the follicle is not damaged by the razor.

Traditional methods

You will not be able to prepare a homemade depilatory cream that is not inferior in effectiveness to industrial ones.

But there are several recipes that can be used at home:

  1. Walnuts. It is necessary to grind the shell very finely, to a powdery state. Add water to the powder in small portions until you get a homogeneous mass, the consistency of which resembles porridge. Rub this cream onto problem areas 3 times a day until the hair disappears forever.
  2. Pine nuts. This method is simple. 2 tbsp. l. Grind the pine nut shells into flour, pour 1 cup of boiling water and place in a water bath for 15-20 minutes, strain. We remove hair with this product, rubbing it into the skin until it disappears.
  3. Quicklime. Depilation with quicklime works well against ingrown hairs and stops their growth. To prepare the cream, you also need to purchase calcium sulfite. It can be bought at a pharmacy. Then mix 10 g of quicklime and the same amount of calcium sulfite thoroughly to obtain a paste. The product is applied for 30 minutes, washed off with warm water.
  4. Among the options for permanent hair removal using folk remedies, there is this one: the juice of half a lemon and a glass of sugar are mixed, diluted with 3 tbsp. l. filtered water. The mixture is placed on the fire and brought to a paste over low heat. The slightly cooled mixture is applied to the hair in a thin layer. After a while, when it dries, remove it quickly. This method is recommended against ingrown hairs.
  5. There is one wonderful folk method - Siberian cedar resin. This method is similar to waxing: apply the substance to the skin and remove it after a while. The hair will be gone forever.

In 2 weeks

Proper nutrition - a diet based on dairy and plant products - will help reduce discomfort during hair removal. Give up coffee, chocolate, sweets, fast carbohydrates ().

Include the following foods in your diet:

  • cottage cheese, cheese, eggs, fermented baked milk and other fermented milk products;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • legumes, greens, nuts.

If possible, avoid using bronzing gels, lotions, creams, self-tanners, drugs based on fluoroquinolones, sulfonamides, and tetracycline groups.


Using depilatory cream is a good solution for girls whose hairs are thin and light. The procedure is a salvation for those who are not suitable for sugaring or waxing, but not everyone can use such cosmetics. You need to refuse the procedure if:

  • presence of rash, irritation, inflammation, wounds and scratches;
  • oncology;
  • the presence of neoplasms in the treated area.

During pregnancy, you should choose the most gentle creams

Pregnancy is a conditional contraindication for the use of creams. There is a possibility that a rash may appear on the treated area. You need to clarify in advance whether the composition is suitable for the skin of a pregnant woman, who is highly sensitive.

In a few hours

A few hours before hair removal, take a warm bath - this will help the skin steam and make the laser hair removal process easier. Replenish your water balance - the presence of water in the body will reduce redness and irritation after the session.

Take painkillers if necessary. They can be applied locally to the surface of the skin or taken orally. The most popular are anesthetic creams and lidocaine sprays (4%). Ibuprofen is suitable as tablets.


Burns from cream on the face are also common. The alkaline environment is very active and can damage mucous membranes and sensitive skin. The causes of burns are:

  • improper use of the drug (for example, using a product for depilation of body hair on the face);
  • exceeding the time recommended in the instructions for which the product is applied;
  • use of low-quality or counterfeit drug.

In case of a chemical burn, the area where the alkali burned the skin should be rinsed with cool water, blotted with a soft towel and applied Bepanten and Panthenol ointment.

Preparation for low pain thresholds

The following actions will help reduce discomfort:

  1. Discuss with your cosmetologist the choice of a topical pain reliever. This is normal practice!
  2. Focus on the menstrual cycle. Do not perform laser hair removal during menstruation; during this period, the pain threshold decreases, sensitivity increases, redness, and irritation last longer than usual - up to 24-48 hours ().
  3. Experts note that the procedure is much easier to tolerate if you are in a good mood. Be positive and throw away bad thoughts. It is better to endure the execution if you are upset about something or tired after work.
  4. Allow more time for the procedure. Take your time! The calmer you are, the better your skin will respond to the changes. When removing hair, take a deep breath, do not hold your breath.
  5. Throughout the day, try not to drink alcoholic beverages, strong tea or coffee. Stop smoking. It has been proven that drinks that contain caffeine increase sensitivity to pain several times.
  6. Don’t keep your emotions to yourself – talk to a specialist about the pain. The specialist will adjust the intensity of the impact.

Features of use in the intimate area, face, legs

As already mentioned, different creams are used to depilate different areas of the skin.
This is not a advertising gimmick or an attempt to get you to buy as many different products as possible. Such products really differ in their composition and con. It is clear that the hair on your legs is much coarser than on your face or armpits.

Therefore, if you apply the mustache remover on your legs, the desired effect may simply not occur, but if you conduct the opposite experiment, you risk getting serious chemical burns, and this is the main reason why depilatory cream is dangerous.

In general, we can say that depilation with a cream is a good way to get rid of hair in the intimate area, where painful epilation procedures are almost impossible to withstand.

Hair on the face can be removed in any way, but if you prefer a cream, choose an ultra-gentle one. It is good if, in addition to the main component (keratin, sodium, calcium and potassium compounds), such a product also contains emollients - olive or essential oils, aloe juice, extracts and extracts from various medicinal plants - nettle, chamomile, calendula. Such components will calm the skin and help it survive stress.

As for the legs, you should purchase the most concentrated products for this area, nevertheless focusing on the characteristics of your skin, as well as the color and stiffness of the hair.

Did you know?

It is interesting that the famous Egyptian queen, the beloved of two great Roman commanders, the beautiful and wise Cleopatra, paid great attention to the artificial removal of hair from various parts of her perfect body. The ruler did not have modern creams at her disposal, but pain in the name of beauty apparently did not frighten her: they say the Egyptian used wax for these purposes.

Preparing for hair removal for different areas of the skin

Let's consider the features of preparation before hair removal on different parts of the body.

Armpit area

Shave the armpit area 2-3 days before visiting the beauty center. It is important to grow hair in this area not in length, but in quantity - this way it will remain visible and can be easily processed with a laser ().

On the day of hair removal, avoid using deodorant. Don't forget to take dry and wet wipes (without alcohol).

Deep bikini area

3 days before the session, perform skin scrubbing and shave hairs to a length of 3 mm.

Areas for laser hair removal ():

  • pubis;
  • inner thighs;
  • labia majora;
  • between the buttocks.

If you want to make an intimate haircut, first outline its outline. Shaving should start from the bikini area, then move on to the labia and buttocks.

Face area

Complete removal of facial hair usually requires 4 to 6 sessions.

A few days before the procedure, avoid chemical peeling, acid masks, and alcohol-based cosmetics.

The day before the session, do not use serums or anti-aging cosmetics. For night moisturizing of the skin, a light mask in the form of a cloth or gel with a kefir base is suitable.

On the day of hair removal, avoid powder, foundation and other cosmetics ().

Benefits of depilation cream

  1. From a technology point of view, the procedure is quite simple and can be done at home. Does not require special equipment, except for a mirror, shower, towel and, in fact, packaging of the cream.
  2. After the procedure, there are no blackheads or hair stumps left, as the product penetrates deeply enough.
  3. The holding time usually does not exceed 10 minutes.

Disadvantages of depilatory cream

  1. May cause an allergic reaction in sensitive people and irritation with itching if the product is washed off after the recommended time.
  2. After depilation, the skin may become red and inflamed, even if you follow the instructions exactly. To prevent this, you should use a special emollient or “after depilation” oil. Usually they are in the lines of all companies that produce products for removing unwanted hair.
  3. Despite the fact that the result is visible immediately after the procedure, it does not last long. On average, bikini depilation with cream should be done once a week, the frequency depends on the individual hair growth rate.
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