Removal of pigment spots using the Palomar MaxG photosystem

lip enhancement

Palomar ICON MaxG

Unfavorable environmental conditions, age, stress and other reasons appear on our face over time in the form of changes in skin color, its structure, and relief. Wrinkles become noticeable, pigment spots appear , etc. Removing pigmentation at home does not give the expected result, so many clients prefer to contact the specialists of our cosmetology clinic in Moscow.
Removal of pigment spots with the PALOMAR Icon MaxG laser is a procedure for evening out skin tone, allowing for make your face flawless in a short time. Unique technologies in modern cosmetology make it possible to remove pigmentation and freckles, while also getting rid of many age-related changes.

Removing age spots on the face

This is an important task for achieving a good aesthetic appearance and psychological comfort of a person. Facial phototherapy for age spots is a new but very effective technology. Light energy selectively accumulates in cells with a high concentration of pigment, which leads to their destruction.

The price of treatment depends on the problem area, the degree of its prevalence, and the need for additional services.

Make an appointment with a specialist now!

Price for laser removal of pigment spots on the face - 1 flash: 1,500₽ Experienced cosmetologists at our center will help you develop an individual program of procedures taking into account your desires and needs.

Phototherapy method

The LED facial therapy procedure is a hardware cosmetology technique based on the ability of LED radiation to activate certain acceptor enzymes (“accelerators” of biochemical reactions in cells: hemoglobin, catalase, etc.). This also helps to influence the arrangement of atoms inside the cell and its functional state. As a result, it is possible to start the process of formation of reactive oxygen species, which activate oxidative processes.

Due to light therapy, collagen and elastin fibers are produced. In this case, melanin is blocked and the genetically inherent functional abilities of the cells are restored:

  • fibrous tissue is replaced with healthy collagen;
  • vessels grow, concentrated in the microvasculature of the affected areas;
  • Cell membranes are restored - cell growth accelerates.

How phototherapy is carried out in each specific case is determined by the cosmetologist, based on the characteristics of the patient’s skin. If necessary, a 3D facial skin diagnosis can be performed before the session.

A positive biological effect is achieved when exposed to an optimal dose of LED radiation. It should be taken into account that white skin blocks up to 95% of incoming light, and the maximum dosage is 300 J/cm2. Stronger exposure will result in cell death. Only the doctor who performs the procedure can select the correct intensity.

Cost of the procedure

Laser removal of hyperpigmentation – 1 (on the face)2 000₽
Laser removal of hyperpigmentation – 1 (on the nose)1 700₽
Laser removal of hyperpigmentation – HANDS (one hand)6 500₽
Laser removal of hyperpigmentation – FACE8 000₽
Laser removal of hyperpigmentation - forehead4 000₽
Laser removal of hyperpigmentation – NOSOLABIAL TRIANGLE3 500₽
Laser removal of hyperpigmentation – CHIN3 000₽
Laser removal of hyperpigmentation – ZYKOMICAL AREA4 000₽
Laser removal of hyperpigmentation – CHEEKS6 500₽
Laser removal of hyperpigmentation – ABDOMEN (completely)39 000₽
Laser removal of hyperpigmentation – ABDOMEN (1 zone)19 500₽
Laser removal of hyperpigmentation - BACK AREA19 500₽
Laser removal of hyperpigmentation – THIGH (inner surface)26 000₽
Laser removal of hyperpigmentation – THIGH (outer surface)26 000₽
Laser removal of hyperpigmentation - BUTTOCKS26 000₽
Laser removal of hyperpigmentation - KNEES19 500₽


Benefits of the procedure

  • excellent quality corresponding to the modern world level;
  • record power levels;
  • high speed;
  • complete safety and absence of pain during the procedure (anesthesia is not required due to the presence of an exclusive cooling system throughout the entire session);
  • burns and overheating of tissues are excluded;
  • individual device settings for each patient (settings can be saved for the next session);
  • short rehabilitation period (no more than three days).

Efficiency and advantage of the method

The phototherapeutic method has become widespread due to its high efficiency in correcting unwanted pigmentation of the skin. In many cases, 1 - 2 procedures are enough to completely remove excess melanin in the dermis. The result is visible a few days after exposure to light (after the exfoliated pigment particles fall off).

Advantages of the Palomar MaxG system in the treatment of hypermelanosis:

  • the procedure does not cause discomfort and guarantees safety from burns due to the improved CoolingSM sapphire contact cooling system;
  • the maximum possible power for working with biological tissues allows the installation to be used even in difficult cases;
  • the shortest possible time for skin treatment with IPL waves;
  • the patient does not feel pain;
  • short rehabilitation period;
  • the device is configured strictly individually for each client;
  • high efficiency meeting international standards.

We use Palomar ICON MaxG in our work

The device uses efficient CoolingSM cooling using a sapphire crystal. Therefore, during the procedure for laser removal of age spots on the face, the patient does not feel pain , and there is no risk of burning surrounding tissues.
The waves go through a double filtration system, so they are absorbed only by cells with a high melanin content, without damaging normal tissue. The MaxG nozzle generates waves with wavelengths of 500 – 670 nm and 870 – 1200 nm. The pigment accumulates energy, the cell is destroyed. In addition to removing age spots on the face, the device is used to combat spider veins and photoaging. Elements of tissue breakdown and the laser itself stimulate skin renewal . It becomes toned, hydrated, and its blood supply improves.

Norway Timelapse

Norway Timelapse

Laser operating principle

When removing pigment spots using the Palomar Icon photosystem, a special MaxG attachment is recommended. The laser beam affects pigmentation according to a specific algorithm:

  • a beam of light exposure spectrum is formed;
  • excess melanin, which contributes to the appearance of pigmentation, is affected by light energy;
  • light energy affects melanin, breaking down unwanted tissue;
  • pigmentation begins to disappear.

The laser beam, affecting the skin , reduces pigmentation, the regeneration processes of the skin begin to activate, which gives a visible rejuvenation effect.

Results you can achieve

Immediately after a laser pigment spot removal session, the treated area of ​​skin darkens. This is fine. Within 3–4 days , peeling begins and all cells with excess melanin content disappear. Under the crust you can already see light and clean skin.

In addition to the vanishing of spots and evening out the tone, the patient feels a lifting effect, rejuvenation, and hydration of facial tissues. This occurs due to the fact that the laser stimulates the regeneration of cellular elements and fibers responsible for skin tightening. The effect lasts up to several years.

Make an appointment with a specialist now!

Price to remove a pigment spot on the face with a laser - 1 flash: 1,500₽ Experienced cosmetologists at our center will help you develop an individual program of procedures taking into account your desires and needs.

Rehabilitation period

After photorejuvenation, you will need to limit the use of cosmetics, visiting the beach or solarium.
After photorejuvenation, the doctor recommends careful treatment of the skin, without exposing it to aggressive agents:

  • You should avoid visiting a solarium, bathhouse or sauna.
  • It is not recommended to apply decorative cosmetics in the form of foundation for 4-5 days.
  • In order for the epidermis to produce healthy cells, it is worthwhile to temporarily abandon alcohol-containing care products. This dries out the renewed skin.
  • As for alcohol, it is better to remove it from the diet for 5-7 days. Alcohol tends to destroy cell membranes, which adversely affects the recovery process.
  • Doctors advise drinking plenty of fluids and not smoking excessively.

However, if a master of his craft does photorejuvenation of age spots, the recovery period will take several hours, not days. Unlike other complex cosmetic procedures (laser resurfacing), the skin recovers from swelling and redness much faster after manipulation.

How does the procedure work?

, glasses are worn before laser removal of pigment spots on the face . The selected area is cleaned, disinfected, and treated with gel , which improves the transmission of light rays into the skin.
The area is treated with a laser. First, sensitivity is determined, the strength and depth of impact is adjusted, focusing on the client’s sensations. The patient feels warmth or a slight tingling sensation. After the procedure, the treated surface begins to darken, peels off, and the skin begins to renew itself. It is cleaned and soothed with special cosmetics. The doctor tells you how to properly care for your skin for its speedy rehabilitation. We recommend medications that will quickly restore your skin and make you feel comfortable after laser pigmentation removal.

How many sessions are needed?

The duration and cost of the course are influenced by the nature and number of pigment manifestations. If only the upper layers of the skin are affected by the process, you can order 1-2 sessions . Deeply penetrating stains may disappear after 5-8 visits to our clinic.


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To get a free consultation and find out the cost of the procedure, you can make an appointment, or leave your contact information and our company specialists will call you back.

Please contact us, we will be happy to help you!

If you would like to request a call back, please use the special form.


Photo removal of age spots - Before / After Photos

In St. Petersburg, this procedure can be performed at the SkinLazerMed medical center. Free consultation with a doctor on the day of the procedure! Reasonable prices and a guarantee of results at the end of the course are the advantages of the service.

Types of pigmentation

Most conditions where pigmentation is increased are not a disease, but a cosmetic defect and do not pose a threat to health. But some lesions may undergo malignant degeneration. Before removing pigment spots on the face using a photo flash, the doctor assesses the severity of the problem, performs dermatoscopy according to indications, and takes tissue for histology. Meet:

  • Melasma is clearly defined spots of a brown or gray hue, either superficial or located in deeper layers.
  • Chloasma is pigmentation associated with liver dysfunction and hormonal changes. The spots have clear outlines and can merge into large lesions. Dark-skinned people are more prone to developing chloasma.
  • Lentigines are dark round or oval spots that rise above the skin level. This benign formation can be congenital, juvenile, senile, or from exposure to the sun.
  • Sun spots.
  • Age-related pigmentation.
  • Freckles, or ephelides. In small quantities they look cute, but in large quantities they cause psychological discomfort to their owners. As a rule, they are present on fair skin and those with red hair.

Depending on the intensity of pigmentation, the size of the spots and the depth of their occurrence in the skin 2 to 8 sessions are prescribed , with a break of 2 to 3 weeks between them. You can find out prices for laser removal of age spots on the face in Moscow by looking at the cost of services page of the Darmed clinic.

Causes of hyperpigmentation

The main causes of melanin hypersynthesis:

  1. Heredity (genetic predisposition).
  2. Hormonal imbalance in the body.
  3. Skin injury: errors in acne therapy, furunculosis, violation of technology for cosmetic procedures (chemical peeling, laser resurfacing, etc.).
  4. Ultraviolet irradiation (sunlight, solarium).
  5. Age-related skin changes.

Diseases of internal organs and systems (diseases of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract), prolonged and uncontrolled use of certain medications, the use of low-quality cosmetics and other factors can lead to the accumulation of melanin in the skin.

Our specialists


Ignatieva Elena Alexandrovna

Doctor - cosmetologist

Grebenshchikova Alexandra Igorevna

Doctor - cosmetologist

Kalinina Olga Alexandrovna

Doctor - cosmetologist

Bogdanova Yulia Andreevna

Doctor - cosmetologist

Kalinina O.A. Doctor - cosmetologist


Contraindications – Recommendations

How is rehabilitation going?

Redness and swelling of the tissues may persist for 2–3 days, increased peeling, or exfoliation resolves within 1–2 weeks. There is no need to try to speed up the falling off of the crusts, since the skin underneath is very delicate. For care, the doctor recommends a product that will relieve itching and irritation, soften and moisturize the skin.


Accordion Sample DeThe high effectiveness of the method will be appreciated by patients of a cosmetology clinic in Moscow who do not have the following contraindications:

You should not remove age spots in the following cases:
  • Pregnancy.
  • general diseases - epilepsy, diabetes, oncology, autoimmune processes, tendency to form keloid scars.
  • Inflammation of the skin in the affected area.
  • Colds, any exacerbation with fever.

Treatment of pigment spots on the face is carried out after the end of the feeding period, the subsidence of acute inflammatory phenomena, in the stage of compensation of diseases.

Possible complications

Burns practically never occur. The device is easy to operate. It has a special scanner that determines the thickness and condition of the skin. The experience of a cosmetologist in conducting laser procedures guarantees the effectiveness and safety of the manipulation.

Recommendations before the procedure

Do not sunbathe 2 weeks before the session The intake of antibiotics and any medications is adjusted by a doctor (drugs from the group of tetracyclines, sulfonamides, fluoroquinolones are discontinued). If a chemical peel was performed, 3 to 4 weeks should pass after the procedure.

Recommendations after the procedure

After the session, it is recommended to use cosmetics that protect against ultraviolet rays (SPF at least 35 - 40). You should not resort to facial massage, steaming the skin, or washing with ice water; it is better to avoid scrubs and chemical peels.

The specialists of our cosmetology clinic carry out the procedure for removing age spots on the face and body at a high quality level. order a call back or make an appointment at the branches of our clinic, which are located in the Frunzenskaya and Sukharevskaya areas. A cosmetologist will give you a free consultation on laser pigmentation removal.


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You can ask questions that interest you and get answers from competent specialists at our clinic.

Please contact us, we will be happy to help you!

To receive a free consultation, please use the special form.


Phototherapy is a medical procedure that has a serious effect on the patient, so this method of treatment is not suitable for everyone. Contraindications are:

  • oncological diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • period of exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • high photosensitivity of the skin, photodermatosis;
  • connective tissue diseases;
  • eye diseases that increase their sensitivity to light;
  • some mental disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • skin tendency to form scars;
  • pacemaker;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • severe damage to the skin in the intended area of ​​influence;
  • the period of bearing and breastfeeding a child.

Phototherapy sessions should not be performed if the patient is taking medications or certain herbal remedies that can cause photosensitivity.

It is not recommended to use this method of treatment if the patient has certain diseases of the blood system or endocrine pathologies. In such cases, you should consult your doctor before using phototherapy.

Results of removing age spots on the face

Photos before and after the procedure

Phototherapy in winter

Many people believe that phototherapy in winter is better than in summer.

  • In fact, it is sunny both in winter and summer. And harmful radiation is perfectly reflected from the snow and hits the skin. Accordingly, additional sun protection after the procedure is needed exactly the same as in the summer (see above).
  • Temperature changes are also not very favorable for the skin after phototherapy, so in winter it is necessary to avoid hypothermia of the skin in the first days after the procedure.

So, we conclude that the best time for phototherapy is now! And it doesn’t matter what month is on the calendar, it is important to have a competent specialist and good equipment! Well, you yourself followed all the recommendations!

Answers to popular questions

How long does laser removal of age spots on the face last?

Depends on heredity. Everyone's skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation is different. If you engage in prevention and protect your skin, the effect will last longer. If the spots appear again, you should check with an endocrinologist to see if everything is normal with your hormones.

Reviews about the procedure

The procedure is easily tolerated. It tingles or hurts a little from the laser. Within one or two days everything goes away, but the skin is brighter and even in color.

Treatment of pigmentation on the face at home

You can lighten the entire skin tone somewhat, but it is unlikely to cope with the stain. The laser focuses and transmits high energy to the pigment-containing cells, causing them to evaporate and disappear.

Is it possible to get rid of pigmentation on the face forever?

No one can guarantee that age spots will not appear again someday. You need to follow the doctor's recommendations, then this risk becomes minimal.

How to remove pigmentation on the face in a salon?

Depending on the skin phototype and type of pigmentation, the optimal technique will be suggested. They use different types of laser devices and chemical peeling for the face to remove age spots.

The best remedy for age spots on the face

Most often in cosmetology, laser is used to remove age spots. As a preventive measure, creams with SPF 30, hydroquinone, azelaic, retinoic, and glycolic acid are used. A specialist will help you choose the optimal remedy.

How to deal with pigmentation?

Protect your skin from the sun with hats, protective creams, use high-quality cosmetics, consult a cosmetologist about existing problems, and if you have hormonal problems, seek treatment from an endocrinologist. Pigmentation that occurs during pregnancy and breastfeeding may go away on its own.

Proper preparation, taking into account contraindications, a reliable clinic and experienced doctors , compliance with care recommendations - these are the main points that need to be followed in order to achieve a good result when getting rid of pigmentation.

To remove pigment spots with a laser in Moscow, contact the Darmed clinic. High efficiency and reasonable price for the procedure are combined with the absence of harmful effects on the body.

Photos Before and After phototherapy for facial skin

LED therapy, due to its pronounced effect, has won many positive reviews from patients who have undergone treatment for dermatological diseases. The method promotes natural recovery and helps the body independently fight pathological processes, improving the appearance of the skin.


Darmed-Clinic on Frunzenskaya

Darmed-Clinic on Sukharevskaya


I have been going to a cosmetologist: Alexandra Grebenshchikova for 5 years now, I have done various procedures with her, ranging from facial massage, cleansing, all kinds of peelings, injections: lips, biorevitalization, nasal tears, Botox. The last time she was in this clinic for botulinum therapy, forehead, eyes, cheekbones (yes, Botox was injected into the cheekbones to reduce the shape of the face). I will follow her to the ends of the earth! The clinic is beautiful, clean, equipped with advanced equipment, I plan to try the new Fraxel, with fantastic results on the face and body. I will remove old stretch marks on the body and pigmentation on the face. Let's look at the results!

Irina D.

Irina D.


Hello! Today I had a cleaning with Dr. Elena Alexandrovna Ignatieva. Perfect! My skin glows from the inside, I can’t stop looking at it :) Elena Alexandrovna is a very competent doctor and in addition to cleaning, she also selected treatment and home care for me. Thank you very much!)) I also want to note the work of the nurse and esthetician Daria Alexandrovna Fomina. I go to her for laser hair removal and BeautyLazer anti-cellulite massage (I recommend!!! the effect is super, there were 6 sessions, a full course of 12). Daria Alexandrovna is very attentive and always does everything super! Several more times I had lip augmentation with Pavlik Alla Sergeevna - the effect of natural lips, no bruises, etc. Juvederm drug. Every time I come to the clinic and every time I am convinced that first-class specialists work here. I recommend to everyone!

Well, I will return to DarMed more than once

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