Why do holes and marks appear on the skin after acne**?

Acne on the face is a problem for many. Fortunately, modern cosmetology can cope with them. But how to remove old uneven skin after inflammation?

Elena Vasyukova

Cosmetologist with more than 5 years of experience

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It is unlikely that you will be able to remove acne pits on your own; you should turn to professional methods.

Experienced cosmetologists successfully treat acne pits on the face using the following procedures:

  • TCA peeling;
  • fractional laser.

What is a defect?

Sustained changes in the epidermis that occur after prolonged acne as a result of its squeezing, unprofessional treatment or its complete absence are called post-acne syndrome.

This problem occurs after a long inflammatory process with purulent contents and the subsequent addition of microbes and bacteria. As a result, the skin turns on a self-recovery mechanism when the connective tissue begins to grow and thus tries to close the resulting depressions in the epidermis. Most often, the edges of such depressions are tightened, but the depressions remain, forming peculiar pits on the skin.

Laser resurfacing with erbium laser

The device produces a beam whose wavelength is 2940 nm. This device evaporates water from the epidermal tissue. It has very high accuracy. After exposure, a thin layer of dried cells forms on the skin.

After some time, the keratinized area is easily removed. The erbium laser beam not only eliminates the treated layer of skin, it also promotes the production of your own collagen. As a result, the scar is leveled out, the color of the scar changes, it becomes almost the same shade as healthy areas of the epidermis.

Laser resurfacing allows you to smooth out the scar by 90% and make it almost invisible.

The main reasons for their occurrence

In 50% of cases, pits on the face are formed as a result of ineptly squeezing out pimples, so don’t do it!

The remaining half of post-acne cases are provoked by the following factors:

  • a protracted process of acne lasting more than six months;
  • deep inflammation in the tissues located at the lower levels of the dermal layer;
  • delayed or poor quality treatment of the defect;
  • lack of professional help from a dermatologist;
  • incorrect skin care techniques during the period of illness;
  • an unsuccessful salon facial cleansing procedure with damage to the surface layer of the skin.

If there are extensive changes in the skin due to acne, you need to seek help from specialists

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The coronavirus pandemic has made this summer a stark difference from the holiday periods of recent years. Fortunately, nothing prevents us from enjoying music during this time. What are the best songs to listen to in the coming hot days? We have prepared our hit list. The summer of 2022 will definitely be different from the entire 21st century. Popular music hits can be downloaded and listened to online. With the coronavirus pandemic still raging in many countries, many holidaymakers are likely to avoid traveling abroad this time around. possible on the website. Summer blockbusters will also appear in limited numbers in cinemas (the premiere of Tenet has already been postponed, the same may apply to Mulan). Fortunately, during these crazy times, everything is still the same. The complete list of summer 2022 hits includes a total of 15 songs by Russian artists. Noteworthy is the large number of new stars whose songs Russians have liked over the past year. The newest mp3 songs of the current year. Full list of summer 2022 hits: For Mexicans – Subbota Ai Ya E – Subbota Girl, Dance – Artik & Asti Blue Sky Hide My Rooms – Milicano Uno – Little Big Crying at Techno – Cream Soda & Bread Patamushka – Mevel New Rome – Svetlana Loboda Feelings – Artik & Asti Cocaina – Clandestina Everything Is Past – Artik & Asti I’ll Fly For You – Hands Up, Artik & Asti It Happens in Life (Denis Bravo Remix) – Mojito Drunken Night (Kalashnikoff Remix Edit) – Hudson Lyubimka (Rakurs & Major Radio Edit) –Niletto

Fortunately, during these crazy times, everything remains the same. The complete list of summer 2022 hits includes a total of 15 songs by Russian artists. Noteworthy is the large number of new stars whose songs Russians have liked over the past year.

Fortunately, during these crazy times, everything remains the same. The complete list of summer 2022 hits includes a total of 15 songs by Russian artists. Noteworthy is the large number of new stars whose songs Russians have liked over the past year.

Fortunately, during these crazy times, everything remains the same. The complete list of summer 2022 hits includes a total of 15 songs by Russian artists. Noteworthy is the large number of new stars whose songs Russians have liked over the past year.

Fortunately, during these crazy times, everything remains the same. The complete list of summer 2022 hits includes a total of 15 songs by Russian artists. Noteworthy is the large number of new stars whose songs Russians have liked over the past year.

Methods for eliminating post-acne

You should not self-treat this defect, as you will waste precious time and aggravate the problem, which will be very difficult to correct in the future. Be sure to visit a dermatologist to determine the type and depth of damage to the skin structure, as well as to prescribe an adequate course of therapeutic treatment using external agents and oral medications.

As a rule, for external treatment of shallow, recently formed acne pits, the following is prescribed:

  • heparin ointment, which effectively restores blood circulation to the affected area of ​​the skin. Its action is to resolve congestion and quickly restore the skin layer. It is applied to problem areas of thoroughly cleansed epidermis, in a thin layer, 2 times a day for a week. Do not rub it into your skin! Keep in mind that this product very often causes allergic reactions;
  • Ichthyol ointment, which has an unpleasant odor, but is very effective in the fight against post-acne, as it has powerful wound-healing and restorative properties. Apply it once a day (preferably at night), applying a small amount of the composition to the affected skin and leaving it on for at least 2 hours. The course of treatment is 10 days;
  • gel contractubex with allantoin, heparin, onion extract in the composition, which have an anti-inflammatory effect, stop the pathological process and promote the synthesis of collagen fibers, smoothing the relief of the skin surface;
  • skinoren gel containing azelaic acid, which helps improve cellular respiration and accelerate tissue repair. It requires long-term use for 3 weeks in a row.

In cases with old congestion and long-formed pits on the skin, all of the listed remedies will be ineffective.

To eliminate them, you need to undergo one of the following cosmetic procedures.

  1. laser correction is the most effective technique, which consists in burning out the damaged area of ​​skin along with the hole, when, as a result of regeneration, new, smooth skin tissue appears in this place. It is very important to find an experienced and professional specialist who knows how to work with such a laser. If the procedure is performed incorrectly, scars and pigmentation may appear, as well as complications in the form of erythema, inflammation and infection of the treated skin;
  2. lipofilling, based on the injection under the pitted skin of fat taken from the patient’s own tissues. As a result of the procedure, the depressions are filled and the skin structure is quickly leveled. The effectiveness of such manipulation lasts about a year and a half;
  3. injections of collagen into the pits have a similar effect on the skin, filling existing voids from the inside, and also actively strengthen, increase the firmness and elasticity of the epidermis. The duration of the results obtained in this case will last for six months, after which the procedure will need to be repeated;
  4. mesotherapy, which involves the introduction deep under the epidermis of special therapeutic cocktails with vitamins, minerals and other components that have a pronounced regenerative, restorative, healing effect. In addition, they increase the production of collagen by skin cells, which takes an active part in smoothing the skin texture;
  5. acidic types of peelings that remove the stratum corneum along with the affected tissues for their regeneration and complete renewal of the skin structure, restoring the evenness and smoothness of the epidermis;
  6. a dermabrasion procedure, in which the affected areas of the skin undergo deep exfoliation through the use of various hardware attachments;
  7. darsonvalization using a special device that affects areas of the skin with pits with an electric current of low strength and high frequency, ensuring acceleration of blood supply to tissues, improvement of all metabolic processes, activation of lymphatic drainage, and saturation of cells with oxygen. Such a complex, powerful effect allows you to effectively get rid of post-acne, but requires a large number of sessions.

We hope that our article will help you make the right and safe choice!

Collagen injections

Collagen is a completely natural product. This is a structural protein that is produced by epidermal cells.

Young skin synthesizes this substance in sufficient quantities. It looks elastic and smooth, wrinkles are completely absent. Over time, the production of your own collagen decreases. This is what leads to the formation of scars, pits, scars, and changes in body contours. This gives people aesthetic discomfort.

The introduction of collagen filler rejuvenates and smoothes out skin irregularities. Injections relieve post-acne and restore the natural beauty of the face.

After the procedure, slight swelling may form at the site of drug exposure. Allergic reactions in the form of irritation rarely occur. After the injection, slight pain may occur. Within a day, the discomfort disappears. You will be able to enjoy the results within a week, when the swelling of your face completely disappears.

Deep peelings

All consequences of acne can be successfully treated with medium or deep peeling. Essentially, this is burning the top layer. After two or three days, the redness goes away and a crust forms at the burn site. You cannot remove it yourself; you must wait until the skin heals and it falls off on its own.

Of course, one procedure will not solve anything, but the skin will look much better. It will return to its homogeneous structure, but this is clearly not enough. Experts recommend at least three procedures, with an interval of three months. Do not attempt the TCA procedure at home, it is too dangerous. The procedure causes severe pain in the patient, so anesthesia is often prescribed first, and ice is applied after the procedure. And take a couple of weeks off because your skin won't look its best.

Acid peels

This is the most popular tool for cosmetologists. In some cases, if a patient turns to them after severe acne, you can notice holes in a person’s skin with the naked eye. You can start working on correcting skin defects by correcting hyperkeratosis. This condition is successfully corrected with the help of fruit peelings. They can be used at home, which means serious savings in time and money. The compositions can be purchased at any professional cosmetics store.

But procedures with acids should not be abused. It may be addictive. It is recommended to take breaks after 3 months. Usually this is 1-2 months, after which treatment can be continued.

Decoding the concept

Before looking for options on how to get rid of post-acne, you need to understand what is included in this concept. It refers to the marks that remain after seborrhea or acne. Most often, holes in the skin appear as a result of attempts to mechanically open acne.

But this is not the only thing that doctors attribute to the manifestations of post-acne. There are a number of signs by which a cosmetologist can say with confidence that the patient suffered from rashes on the skin of the face:

  • Expansion of capillaries, mesh on the skin.
  • Scarring.
  • Hyperpigmentation.
  • Uneven skin texture.

Corrective measures

Now let's move on directly to how to get rid of post-acne. The first task is to put the sebaceous glands in order. This could be retinol or retinoic acid. These drugs have several important functions:

  • Skin softening.
  • Thinning of the stratum corneum, which means renewal.

But we must take into account that the problem did not appear yesterday. And whatever your attitude, acne is a disease. Holes in the skin are consequences. But treatment is not a matter of one month. Be patient.

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