Anti-aging face masks at home after 35 - the best recipes

Good afternoon, dear readers. In the modern world, the cult of youth reigns. Cosmetics manufacturers spend a lot of money on advertising to convince us to use expensive creams or serums, assuring us that we cannot do without them. However, the experience of our mothers and grandmothers suggests that natural products in the fight against aging are no less effective, and are also absolutely safe. I suggest you try out anti-aging face masks at home after 35 years.

Our skin needs toning, moisturizing and nourishing, which will be provided by the recommended compositions. As always, all recipes are tested by me personally. I have selected the best available options for you.

The most effective homemade masks for wrinkles

Experts who study the problem of aging claim that the process of skin aging begins after the age of 25, as soon as a person stops growing. By the age of thirty, the body's production of collagen noticeably decreases, which is why the first fine wrinkles form on the face and neck.

After 40 years, the skin reflects the hormonal changes occurring in the female body that precede menopause. The first pigment spots appear. Enlarged pores or a grayish complexion also do not decorate the face at all.

Vegetables and fruits, which are available in any refrigerator during the autumn-summer season, will help us cope with most age-related problems. Thanks to the minerals and vitamins contained in plant products, masks prepared from them nourish, moisturize and tighten the skin.

Ascorbic acid, which is present in almost all fruits or vegetables, has a whitening effect. In addition, vitamin C promotes collagen production and improves blood supply to cells.

Tannins (tannins) restore the necessary tone to the skin and tighten pores. Fruit acids act as a peeling, freeing the surface from dead scales. After this procedure, cellular respiration of the skin improves, healthy color and radiance returns.

With the help of fruit and vegetable masks, you can significantly rejuvenate your face from the outside. But if you make it a rule to eat plant foods regularly, at least five servings per day, then you will be able to turn back the clock.

Mature skin: what is the correct care?

Up to twenty-five years, the epidermis has the properties of self-renewal. At the age of up to 35 years, the natural period of aging gradually begins, and after this the process intensifies and can no longer be avoided. It is at this time that wrinkles and other changes become noticeable, and therefore the appearance begins to deteriorate:

  • elasticity decreases;
  • flabbiness appears.

For these reasons, proper care must be taken, namely:

  • moisturize and nourish with nutrients in a timely manner;
  • protect from negative influences;
  • tighten and eliminate wrinkles;
  • remove signs of fatigue.

In older age, every woman should perform the following procedures for comprehensive care:

  • Cleanse morning and evening.
  • Use toning products after cleansing.
  • Apply cream according to age to moisturize and nourish.
  • Do deep facial cleansing - once every 7 days.
  • You should use face masks at least twice a week.
  • Massage your skin before going to bed.

Cucumber - well done

Often the cause of fine wrinkles is dehydration, and cucumber masks have a moisturizing effect on the skin. In addition, the vegetable contains vitamins A, K and E, as well as organic acids that accelerate cell regeneration and are involved in protein synthesis. Masks with cucumber soothe the skin, eliminate the feeling of dryness, gently whiten, and relieve puffiness.

The easiest way is to use the vegetable, as they say, in its pure form. Cut the cucumber into thin slices, apply them to your face and lie there for 15-20 minutes. Try to relax your facial muscles. Then wipe the skin with an ice cube and pat dry with a napkin. To enhance the moisturizing effect, use aloe vera gel instead of the usual cream.

Using cucumber and parsley you can easily get rid of crow's feet and dark circles. To prepare the mask, finely chop a bunch of parsley and rub the greens through a sieve. Mix the resulting mixture with grated cucumber, wrap the mixture in cloth swabs and apply to your eyes for 20 minutes. After this, blot with a napkin, beat in the rich cream by lightly tapping your fingers.

Avocado mask

If you've ever tried a tropical vegetable, you've probably noticed that its consistency is similar to butter. This is due to the fatty acids in its composition, which will be very useful for aging skin, since they are able to restore the lipid barrier.

Antioxidants (ascorbic acid, retinol, tocopherol), which avocado fruits are also rich in, prevent skin aging and at the same time fight the effects of free radicals. Tropical fruits rich in vegetable fats perfectly nourish and smooth sagging skin. Avocado masks can be used even after 50 years, but it is better to start doing this much earlier in order to slow down negative processes.

Preparing the composition couldn't be easier. Place the pulp of the fruit in a bowl, knead it, add a little oil (olive, almond, peach), and apply it to the face with a wide brush. After half an hour, wash off, rinse the skin with green tea or wipe with tonic. We apply the cream only if your skin is very dry; in other circumstances it will not be needed.

Contraindications and possible consequences

Anti-aging products are not used by women under 25 years of age. In addition, it is not advisable to apply homemade or purchased masks in the following cases:

  • damage to the face - open wounds, fresh tan, skin irritation, etc.;
  • active rashes and inflammations;
  • a large number of moles;
  • dermatological diseases, including chronic ones - during exacerbation;
  • rehabilitation period after some cosmetic procedures - laser resurfacing, chemical peeling, mesotherapy, etc.

Allergic reactions are dangerous because their symptoms vary greatly - from minor itching to serious complications.

Otherwise, such care, if not abused, is considered relatively safe. Of course, provided that you have first done an allergy test: the product is applied to the wrist and left there for 10-60 minutes. If immediately after cleansing the skin and within 24 hours no signs of irritation appear, then the mask is not dangerous.

Coffee grounds mask

If you like coffee prepared according to all the rules, then the pleasure of the aromatic drink can be combined with cosmetic procedures. After all, invigorating grains contain a lot of substances that can provide a powerful lifting effect.

A homemade anti-wrinkle mask is prepared from one yolk, a teaspoon of 20% sour cream and the same amount of honey. Coffee grounds are added so that the mass is sufficiently viscous. First, the face is steamed, then the mixture is applied, left for half an hour, after which it is carefully washed off with cotton swabs.

Fermented milk products in beauty products

Wrinkles after 35 are barely noticeable. To prevent them from progressing, you need to regularly apply the following mask. In addition to smoothing and nourishing the skin, it lightens blemishes, provides nourishment and has a slight exfoliating effect.

Cooking technique

The work will require the following ingredients:

  • a tablespoon of organic high-fat yogurt (it is better to buy products without sweeteners, fruit additives, caramel and toppings);
  • a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice (fresh lime will also work);
  • a tablespoon of sandalwood oil.

If the skin needs to increase elasticity, acquire an elastic and even contour, this mask will complete the tasks. It's very easy to prepare. You need to mash everything in a mortar and then apply the paste to your face. After twenty to twenty-five minutes, the mass is washed off with lukewarm water, and the face is dried using a soft porous napkin made of natural fabric.

The beauty product works due to the nourishing effect of sandalwood oil, the exfoliating and brightening properties of lemon, and the moisturizing ability of lactic acid in yogurt. If desired, it can be replaced with other fermented milk products - kefir, cream, sour cream.

Yeast against crow's feet and age-related pigmentation

Yeast is rich in biologically active substances that can help us fight skin aging. Why not take advantage of this, especially since this product is available to everyone. Any yeast, previously diluted with a small amount of water, is suitable for our purpose. A little vegetable oil is added to them, preferably olive oil. The mixture is applied to the area under the eyes and left for 20 minutes, after which it is removed with warm milk.

A course of using a yeast mask with hydrogen peroxide will help to significantly lighten age spots. To prepare it, knead the yeast (50 g). Add a couple of dessert spoons of 3% peroxide to the softened mass. Apply the composition to the face and, if necessary, to the hands. Leave until the mixture begins to dry, then apply another layer. Leave all this for another 10 minutes, and then rinse off under warm water.

Features of skin care after 35 years

Factors that accelerate the aging of the epidermis and the appearance of wrinkles include:

  • attenuation of the synthesis of own collagen, elastin,
  • poor quality food and water, strict diets,
  • nervousness, lack of proper rest,
  • prolonged exposure to dry, cold air, wind,
  • cosmetics that do not suit your skin type, excess makeup,
  • smoking, alcohol, drugs.

The habit of frowning, wrinkled forehead, squinting, stretching lips leads to early facial folds, “rays” around the eyes.

The peculiarity of caring for aging skin is to eliminate negative factors and provide it with nutritional, moisture-providing, antioxidant substances. It is necessary to replenish the missing amount of collagen and elastin. The action of natural masks prepared at home should be aimed at achieving these goals.

Tomatoes for beauty and youthful skin

Many cosmetic brands have launched the production of creams based on tomato extract, and they are not cheap at all. The substances contained in the vegetable strengthen the skin, give it velvety and smoothness, and improve color. We can also use this idea for self-care at home.

To prepare the anti-aging composition, we need a strong, ripe fruit, without damage. We grind it with a mixer and then rub it through a sieve. To give the desired thickness, mix the resulting puree with starch. We hold all this for 15-20 minutes, no more. The mixture may tingle the skin slightly, but if any discomfort occurs, it is better to wash it off quickly.

White tea for skin toning

Tea has powerful antioxidant properties. Using strong brewed white tea, you can make caring masks for skin after 35 years. They work on all types of epidermis.

Cooking technique

First you need to make a strong brew of natural white tea and cool it to room temperature. Then beat the egg yolk in a bowl and combine it with the liquid. The mass is applied to the face, wait for it to dry completely, and then wash. This simple recipe helps restore tone and remove the appearance of wrinkles.

Gelatin as an anti-aging agent

Gelatin, familiar to us as a culinary seasoning used in making jelly, is an extract from animal connective tissues rich in collagen. This natural component is responsible for the elasticity and firmness of our skin. There are a lot of advantages to a mask with gelatin, from its versatility to its low price.

But its main advantage is that it really works. The anti-aging composition can be prepared from just two components, honey and gelatin. Before this, the granules are diluted with hot water, leaving to swell. Then add a spoonful of liquid honey and apply the mixture to the face, avoiding the eyelid area. Remove the frozen film with warm water.

Care advice from cosmetologists

Regular cleansing of the skin is the main condition for beauty and youth. Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, regular sleep are integral components of well-groomed skin. Every time you wake up, you should wash your face with a toner and apply a moisturizer, and before going to bed, always wash off your makeup with cleansing milk.

It is enough to use cleansing masks no more than once a week. It is recommended to select absolutely all creams and cosmetics according to your skin type and age group. Creams and masks are applied with massage movements in a thin layer.

Cosmetology salons provide a number of services that help rejuvenate and maintain facial skin tone. Once every few months you need to visit a cosmetologist. Modern and constant care will help any woman look great at any age.

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