Laser facial resurfacing: advantages, disadvantages, results

Sanding can quickly correct imperfections. The procedure improves tissue blood circulation and stimulates collagen production. The laser has an aggressive effect on the dermis. After it, skin cells begin to divide, the damaged area is filled with new cells.

Laser resurfacing rejuvenates skin

During the grinding process, the top layer of skin is completely removed; the depth of laser exposure is determined by the doctor. The patient’s appearance deteriorates after visiting a cosmetologist, because after the procedure the face becomes red. Swelling may occur, so the client should be prepared for a lengthy recovery process.

Today, beauty salons offer clients fractional resurfacing. It is less damaging to the dermis, because the cosmetologist uses a laser to remove the top layer of skin only in certain areas. Typically the area where blemishes are located, such as scars or acne marks, is treated. The impact is aimed at micro areas, so the skin is restored faster.

The effect of laser is highly effective; the method is not inferior to surgical removal of scars.

The procedure can be performed with the following lasers:

  1. Carbon dioxide. It is best for resurfacing stretch marks and scars. But you need to take into account that during laser exposure the surface of the skin becomes very hot, so burns are possible. After the procedure, patients face a long recovery period.
  2. Erbium. The device is more modern; the outgoing radiation is divided into several beams. The heat is dissipated, so even sensitive skin will not be burned. Erbium laser is used to treat eyelids and décolleté. After the procedure, a lifting effect is noticeable. This occurs because undamaged skin cells that were not exposed to the laser are pulled together over the damaged ones.

Before the procedure begins, the patient is given anesthesia. For a small treatment area, the cosmetologist applies an anesthetic gel to the face; it will make the skin less sensitive.

In order to achieve the desired effect, laser resurfacing must be done in courses. After 3 visits to a cosmetologist, skin defects that cannot be eliminated with cosmetics will disappear.

Advantages of the procedure

Laser resurfacing is popular and can quickly give you smooth, firm skin. At the first appointment, the cosmetologist will choose the type of laser and determine the depth of treatment of the epidermis.

Among the advantages of the procedure are the following:

  1. Slowing down aging. The laser beam removes the epidermis layer, this stimulates regeneration and collagen production. The effect of the procedure is especially noticeable after treating the skin around the eyes, as well as in the area of ​​the chin and nasolabial folds.
  2. Relief leveling. The laser removes scars, pimples and congestive spots from rashes. If deep scars can be reduced in several procedures, then acne will disappear after one. Expression wrinkles disappear immediately and deep folds are reduced.
  3. Narrowing of pores. As a result of the activation of processes within the dermis, its renewal occurs. New areas with narrow and clean pores are formed.
  4. Improved complexion. When the recovery process is completed, patients will see that the skin has become lighter, age spots and freckles have disappeared.

Having decided to have laser resurfacing, you need to choose a clinic and a cosmetologist. The result will depend on the type of laser and the professionalism of the doctor. You need to contact medical centers that are known for high quality services.

The cosmetologist will examine the skin and propose a program to eliminate defects.

But what to do when it comes to atrophic skin scars?

After all, atrophic scars arise as a result of a reduced response of connective tissue to injury, as a result of which insufficient collagen is formed. The study by Tay and Kwok (2008) involved 150 volunteers with three types of atrophic scars: V-shaped, M-shaped, U-shaped, and compared the effectiveness of CO2 and erbium resurfacing when working with them. Patients who underwent erbium laser resurfacing showed improvement in U-shaped scars in 52.9% of cases, M-shaped scars in 43.1% of cases, V-shaped scars in 25.9% of cases, while As with the CO2 laser, there was a 23.3% improvement in U-shaped, 15% improved in M-shaped, 17.7% improved in V-shaped, and the erbium laser is now the standard in the treatment of atrophic skin scars.

Erbium lasers have now become the standard in the treatment of atrophic skin scars!

In my medical practice, I use two laser systems:

  • Eraser C-RF (CO2 laser, 10,600 nm)
  • Lotus II (Er:YAG laser, 2940 nm)

The Eraser C-RF CO2 laser system has a wide range of parameters, which allows you to create individual protocols for each patient. Possibility of additional connection of gynecological and ENT instruments, without “upgrading” the device and without switching scanners. The Coherent tube (metal, double welded and vacuum) makes the laser system indefinite. A unique ability to work in stack mode (up to 50 stacks), forming an ordered factional zone in the “rain” mode by chaotic feeding in a stable mode. This function allows you to gently treat the area without the use of topical anesthesia.

Video of the CO2 laser resurfacing procedure using the Eraser-C-RF device

The modern erbium laser system Lotus II (LaserOptek, South Korea) allows for both “cold and ultra-cold” and “hot” laser grinding, close to CO2 laser systems. All this is possible thanks to the choice of pulse duration from ultra-short - 40 μs ("cold" grinding), with virtually no period of desocialization and rehabilitation ("weekend grinding"), to an ultra-long pulse with a duration of 5000 μs ("hot grinding"). Moreover, in addition to the registration certificate of Roszdravnadzor, the Lotus II device has FDA approval, which proves its widespread use in the US and European markets. The device has a number of advantages:

  • Lens thermal compensator
  • Flat beam profile
  • Lamp life 10 million pulses
  • The presence of several attachments for removing tumors, fractional resurfacing, a set of gynecological attachments

Video of the scar treatment procedure using the Lotus II laser system

Disadvantages of laser resurfacing

The laser renews the skin, but if the depth of exposure is chosen incorrectly, complications can arise. Also, negative consequences appear if the patient does not comply with the doctor’s instructions during the recovery period.

Among the disadvantages of the procedure are the following:

  1. The appearance of burns, the formation of blisters. If the skin is sensitive and the laser beam penetrates too deeply, the tissue is burned.
  2. The appearance of age spots. It is not known exactly why they form, but pigmentation may be disrupted due to intense radiation. As a result, some areas of the skin become lighter while others become darker. The reaction of the dermis is unpredictable, so you should make an appointment only with experienced cosmetologists.
  3. Infection of tissues, their suppuration. If during the rehabilitation period the patient does not follow the doctor’s recommendations for skin care, an inflammatory process may begin. Do not scratch or scratch your face. It is forbidden to pick off the crusts that form on the skin after grinding; they should fall off on their own. For healing, it is necessary to use special ointments, then rehabilitation will be completed faster.
  4. Pain when sanding. If the depth of laser exposure is very large, discomfort will be noticeable. In such situations, anesthetic gel is not enough; local anesthesia will be required.
  5. Long recovery period. Any procedure based on the use of a laser device requires careful skin care during the rehabilitation period. The doctor prescribes ointments; for deep resurfacing, he prescribes painkillers. Patients often suffer from facial itching and increased body temperature.

Before resurfacing, the cosmetologist should ask the patient about his state of health. In case of exacerbation of chronic diseases, the presence of herpes and diabetes mellitus, the procedure is prohibited. Pregnant women should also abstain. Contraindications will be diseases of the nervous system.

Types of blepharoplasty

5 types of operation:

  • correction of the lower eyelids - performed for swelling, bags under the eyes, hernia, to remove muscles, excess skin under the eyes, remove or move fatty deposits;
  • upper eyelid lifting is performed to reduce overhanging tissue;
  • when correcting both eyelids simultaneously, a circular operation is performed;
  • correction of the eye shape is most in demand among Asian women, when the “Mongolian fold” or epicanthus is removed and a Caucasian fold is formed;
  • if the ligamentous apparatus is damaged, they resort to canthopexy, which corrects the shape and expression of the eyes.

We recommend reading: Swelling after blepharoplasty

Lower eyelid blepharoplasty is performed in two ways:

  • subciliary – the laser acts on the lower eyelid, cuts the tissue along the ciliary edge;
  • transconjunctival - the operation is performed on the inner surface of the eyelid.

Results of laser treatment

After polishing, deep wrinkles are smoothed out, and small ones completely disappear. The skin is tightened and age-related irregularities disappear. Already after the first procedure, the traces left from acne are noticeably reduced and pimples disappear. Collagen production is activated, so the skin becomes more elastic.

The procedure is done several times a year, this ensures maximum effect.

If the defects are pronounced, to completely eliminate them you will need to undergo a course of 3 or more procedures. The price of laser resurfacing depends on the financial policy of the cosmetology center; it ranges from 7 to 12 thousand rubles. In the capital, laser resurfacing will cost more. The recovery period after the procedure lasts from 2 to 4 weeks.

Laser facial rejuvenation (hardware cosmetology)

Complete eyelid lift procedure with DEKA laser

What effect does laser rejuvenation give?

  • Smoothness, gloss, firmness, excellent skin tone, more even and lighter skin color.

How long does the effect of laser skin tightening last?

It is clear that everyone is interested in how long the effect of the laser skin tightening procedure lasts or lasts. With a laser, it is not a literal lift; this applies to the eyelids, and in general to the face and neck. We focus more on tightening the skin and improving its tone, although there is certainly a reduction in the area of ​​the skin flap.

It’s just that when this is due to the elasticity of the skin, and not due to the removal of its excess, it is difficult to focus specifically on “tightening” and I don’t want to fuel inflated expectations in some patients.

Regarding the duration of the compaction effect and the absence of sagging, it all depends on how complete the result was obtained initially. Considering that the processes of withering in the skin continue and the collagen fibers, having outlived their usefulness, will also be destroyed and leave the skin, then on average, a sufficient effect will last up to 1.5-2 years.

It is important not to wait until the skin returns to its previous state and maintain the skin in the desired quality either with single repeated laser rejuvenation procedures a year after the main course, or with other collagen-stimulating procedures - micro-needle RF lifting, Radiesse, polylactic acid or Aptos polycaprolactone threads.

In order to initially get the maximum effect from laser rejuvenation, I recommend doing mesotherapy or biorevitalization with amino acids and peptides before and after it. It is also worth adjusting your diet - most people have an excess of simple carbohydrates (bread, pastries, sweets) and a lack of protein, this negatively affects the quality of the skin, and it becomes especially sad during procedures aimed at the synthesis of collagen fibers.

Why does it happen that the effect is frankly weak? To form new skin fibers, you need a substrate - amino acids, hyaluronic acid, so it is worth enriching your diet with protein foods, for example, meat, fish, cottage cheese, nuts, legumes. And for the same reason, mesotherapy and biorevitalization procedures are always added to hardware rejuvenation.

Combination of laser rejuvenation with other procedures

Combination of laser rejuvenation with other procedures?

  • With care procedures, including peelings, depending on the intensity of the impact - an interval of 3-4 weeks
  • With filler injections. This procedure is carried out at least 4 weeks before laser treatment. If you can choose the order, then laser first, and fillers after 4-6 weeks.
  • Botulinum toxins (BTA) are best used 3-4 weeks after laser treatment, since with the reverse order, the duration of the BTA effect is reduced.
  • With hardware SMAS lifting, the order does not matter much; between procedures there are at least 4 weeks.
  • Mesotherapy, plasma therapy - perhaps even in one procedure to enhance the stimulation effect and reduce the risk of adverse events.
  • Biorevitalization – 10-14 days in any order. In principle, it is advisable to combine it with laser procedures. The hydro reserve of the skin and the presence of “building” material in the tissues are of key importance during negative tissue stimulation, which is what the ablative laser is.

Laser blepharoplasty is unique in that it can significantly improve the quality of the skin of the upper and lower eyelids. The skin is treated with laser all the way to the eyelash edge. A good treatment area allows for a better reduction of the skin area; as a result, the eyelids are lifted and the gaze becomes open.


The main contraindications are the same for any surgical intervention. This:

  • any acute illness
  • acute and chronic diseases of the eyes, lacrimal glands and ducts
  • blepharospasm
  • conjunctivitis
  • bleeding disorder
  • blood diseases
  • chronic disease in the acute stage
  • diabetes
  • venereal diseases

You can find out the full list of contraindications during a free consultation.

At what age is the procedure indicated?

  • Fractional CO2 exposure-resurfacing is done when indicated and is performed on patients over 18 years of age.
  • Fractional CO2 exposure-rejuvenation is recommended for patients over 30 years of age.

The presence of indications and the absence of contraindications are the main criteria for choosing a technique.

The patient's main complaint: laxity above the navel and excess skin.

Indications for blepharoplasty

Intervention with a laser allows you to stop and eliminate age-related changes in women and men after 45 years, improve the shape and shape of the eyes, and get rid of imperfections.

Indications for laser correction:

  • drooping eyelids, especially interfering with the normal vision of objects and affecting visual acuity;
  • bags under the eyes;
  • asymmetrical eye shape;
  • wrinkles, crow's feet;
  • fatty hernias of the eyelids;
  • drooping corners of the eyelids;
  • other deformations.

Features of the SMAS lifting procedure

The Ultroformer 3 device uses HIFU (High intensity focused ultrasound) technology - high-intensity focused ultrasound penetrates several levels of the skin and reaches the muscular aponeurotic layer (SMAS). Under the influence of ultrasonic waves, the temperature of soft tissues at a microthermal point at a given depth increases to 60–70°C.

Directed radiation triggers the processes of contraction and compaction of SMAS, tissue repair, lipolysis, and also activates collagen production. Thermal damage stimulates the synthesis of a new collagen matrix, the renewal of which is completed in 3–4 months.

Megan Fox

The actress resorts to the laser resurfacing method with enviable regularity. The reason for this is skin problems, which have caused Megan a lot of trouble since her youth. The aspiring actress suffered from constant pimples and acne, which left acne marks and scars on her face. Today, the result is truly amazing – Fox’s face is fresh and toned.

Megan Fox. Result of laser facial resurfacing

Kendall Jenner

The girl has also been struggling with acne since school age. In her youth, she almost managed to get rid of acne, but not for long. Kendall's uneven facial skin increasingly became the subject of paparazzi's interest, and then the star decided to undergo laser resurfacing for the first time. Today, Jenner continues to successfully fight acne marks.

Kendall Jenner. Result of laser facial resurfacing

Recovery period

  • During the first three days after treatment, you may experience redness and swelling.
  • The treated skin surface may peel off, which is an indication of an active process in which new cells are formed.
  • During the rehabilitation period, your doctor may prescribe you painkillers and antiviral drugs.
  • For a week, it is recommended to avoid exposure to sunlight on the skin, postpone visiting the sauna and swimming pool, and refrain from using cosmetics.
  • After just a week, you can see the effectiveness of fractional CO2 laser treatment.

What is fractional CO2 grinding and what is the essence of the technique?

Fractional CO2 resurfacing of scars and stretch marks is performed using the Cosmopulse II device.

This newest procedure is capable of removing scars of varying complexity and origin , which is comfortable for the patient and does not harm healthy tissue. This method, due to its effectiveness, has received worldwide recognition.

The action of the fractional CO2 laser is aimed exclusively at the problem area. The purpose of the procedure is to rejuvenate and renew the skin.

Using a fractional CO2 laser, layer-by-layer leveling of the skin surface is carried out, while removing deformed areas of the skin. In place of damaged fibers, new tissue with good elasticity and elasticity is formed. The skin texture is evened out and problems (scars, scars, stretch marks) are eliminated.

Thanks to such gentle, clearly targeted laser operation, rapid healing and restoration of skin tissue occurs. The procedure will not prevent the patient from immediately returning to everyday life. Skin exposed to laser treatment is completely restored within 7-14 days.

Today, fractional CO2 laser resurfacing is a very popular procedure that gives excellent results. All patients note that their skin has become firmer and more elastic, deep wrinkles have smoothed out, scars and stretch marks have disappeared.

Blepharoplasty of eyelids - before and after

In the photo: Blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids before and after
Circular blepharoplasty, The result is presented 1 week after surgery

In the photo: Blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids, 3/4 view

See more photos before and after eyelid blepharoplasty in the photo gallery

Charlize Theron

An illustrative example of the effect of laser facial resurfacing is Charlize Theron . The American actress and model regularly undergoes the procedure and looks significantly younger than her 45 years. The “gauze effect” did not bypass Charlize’s face, which was spoiled by care and cosmetic procedures, as can be seen in the photographs of the Golden Globe ceremony. The actress's skin is fresh and toned. But if you look closely, you can see traces of a recently performed procedure to preserve youth.

Charlize Theron. Effect of gauze after healing

It is unlikely that the star trusts her face to inexperienced specialists, who allow terrible complications in the form of a scar network to appear on the actress’s skin. No, the “gauze effect” is of normal origin and is only one of the features of the rehabilitation period. Many celebrities aren't afraid of laser facial resurfacing, but they probably won't appear in front of cameras during their recovery period.

Preparing for surgery

Preparatory activities:

  • choose a trusted clinic and doctor based on diploma, certificates and positive reviews;
  • visit a specialist for a preliminary consultation;
  • undergo an examination, take a general urine and blood test, blood test for HIV;
  • examination by an ophthalmologist to exclude infectious and inflammatory eye diseases;
  • setting a date for blepharoplasty;
  • 2 weeks before the scheduled date of the procedure, use sunscreen on your face before going outside;
  • 5 days before lifting, stop taking blood thinning drugs (Aspirin, Acetylsalicylic acid, Thrombo ass, Cardiomagnyl, Clopidogrel and others), after consulting with your doctor;
  • 2 weeks in advance, also give up medications that increase photosensitivity (some antibiotics, medications and cosmetics for acne, hormonal agents, NSAIDs - ketoprofen, diclofenac and others);
  • give up alcoholic beverages, narcotic and psychotropic substances, and nicotine.

Performing laser blepharoplasty

The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, without a long hospital stay. For lifting, local or general anesthesia and cream are used.

A protective lens is placed on the pupil, and the doctor marks the eyelids. Before the tightening procedure, a cream with an anesthetic effect (Emla, Acriol) is applied to the selected area.

After the effect of the anesthetic drug occurs (approximately 10-15 minutes), the doctor cuts the tissue and adjusts the eyelids. Then the edges of the wound are stitched.

Eyelid lift surgery takes on average 20-30 minutes. To eliminate various problems, one procedure is not enough; on average, 2-5 are required.

To prevent unwanted reactions (swelling, infection, pain), medications are prescribed.

Possible complications:

  • swelling and hematomas;
  • dry eye syndrome disappears in 2-3 weeks;
  • asymmetry of the eyelids;
  • when using carbon dioxide, tissue burns;
  • pain after surgery is relieved by taking painkillers and instilling prescribed drops.
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