Gymnastics for facial rejuvenation according to Galina Dubinina’s method

Galina Dubinina, developer of the face forming program, facial aerobics trainer. Since childhood, she has been dancing and was a member of the famous Leningrad ensemble “Rovesnik”. After graduating from the Technological Institute and receiving a diploma as a fig technologist, she married a submariner. She lived for a long time in a small town in the Murmansk region, where she founded a shaping school. To achieve professionalism in her chosen occupation, she received a second higher education. Graduated in 1991 from the Department of Aerobics at the Lesgaft Institute.

Gymnastics for the face with Galina Dubinina and biography of the author

Galina Dubinina, like a real woman, hides her year of birth, so no one except her family or friends knows how old she is. This fact of her biography is not for the general public. But some details of her life are the property of the general public.

She was born in St. Petersburg, and from early childhood she was seriously involved in dancing. Further, Galina graduated from the Technological Institute with a degree in chemical engineering. But she did not work in her specialty; over time she received a second education, which was closer to her spirit - an aerobics specialist.

It was the passion for shaping that led to the desire to develop facial gymnastics from Galina Dubinina. In developing her exercises, she relied on the works of recognized masters in the field of face-blending and face-forming - Reinhold Benz and Carol Maggio.

The first steps in this direction were tested on a group of women we knew who were experiencing signs of skin aging. The results were so stunning and unexpected that the woman developed a whole set of exercises for face lifting, known as exercises with Galina Dubinina.

Inspired by success, she creates her own School of Youth and begins giving online lessons on how to correctly perform the complex to obtain the desired result. Together with Dubinina, two specialists teach aerobics for the face - Evgeniy Belyaeva and Evgeniy Bobrova. In addition to online lessons, you can attend live master classes in St. Petersburg, Galina’s homeland.

Additional Information

Face lifting with Galina Dubinina is not only an effective way to maintain youthful skin, but also an alternative to plastic surgery, due to the formation of muscles that create an invisible frame that supports the tissue, preventing it from sagging. A small part of the exercises was presented for review. To study the technique, you can purchase a video with trainings by Galina Dubinina, where you can additionally get a program for performing acupressure, learn the intricacies of muscle structure, for more thorough study.

The school is developing vigorously, training and training specialists who can further introduce women to the methods of performing exercises.

Gymnastics for the face of Galina Dubinina - Galina Dubinina's school of youth

One day I was lucky to come across a video on the Internet where a nice woman showed exercises to help tighten her face. This woman turned out to be Galina Dubinina, who created the face forming program - a system of exercises that help the facial muscles stay toned.

In general, facial exercises have been around for a long time. As they say, there are no accidents - after thirty, Galina herself noticed the appearance of wrinkles and decided to fight skin aging. She was not satisfied with the temporary effect of cosmetic procedures and, in search of a solution to the problem, the woman found information about aerobics for the face from American cosmetologist Carol Maggio. The results from this exercise are compared with the results from a surgical lift. But she also based her aerobics on exercises from face-building, invented by the German plastic surgeon Reinhold Benz back in the thirties of the twentieth century.

Collecting bit by bit existing information on this topic and trying all the techniques on herself, Galina began to select exercises for herself that gave the fastest effect, gradually they all formed into a whole program. This is how Galina Dubinina’s facial gymnastics appeared. This amazing woman decided to share her knowledge to help other people, and gathered a group that began classes according to the program developed by Galina. The changes that women noticed in themselves were visible to everyone:

  1. Facial skin noticeably tightened and became elastic
  2. The pores were cleansed, the skin became “blooming”
  3. Skin retains moisture better
  4. All this significantly affected the mood of women and their self-confidence

Galina Dubinina developed her face building system based on Carol Maggio’s method

Thus, in 2004, the “Galina Dubinina School of Youth” began its work. But the woman did not stop her fight against aging. After turning forty, many people begin to understand that age is slowly taking its toll - either the joints are “naughty”, or sciatica sets in or the back hurts. And Galina noticed similar “first signs” in herself, and since she taught physical therapy, Pilates, fitness yoga, joint gymnastics, spinal stretching for many years, she again chose the most effective exercises from all these known methods and created the Senior's program, which helps to get rid of from problems with joints and spine.

At fifty years old, Galina Dubinina looks amazing thanks to her facial gymnastics, you can see this by watching the video - in my opinion, it’s hard to come up with a better advertisement. In addition, results can be seen after just a couple of weeks of training, and this is confirmed by numerous enthusiastic reviews from people who have tried Galina Dubinina’s face lifting.

When and how to exercise

If you are determined to maintain youthful skin, then nothing can stop you. Many women are willing to go under the knife or get Botox injections to reverse the visible signs of aging. But if you do gymnastics, you can make your face look younger without extra financial costs and is absolutely safe for your health. Unfortunately, paying a lot of attention to the muscles of the body and regularly working out in the gym, we forget that the muscles of the face also need training.

The first minor age-related changes can appear even at 25 years old, and after 40 the skin begins to sag, more and more wrinkles appear. But just as physical exercise helps keep the body elastic, facial gymnastics also slows down its aging. We haven’t yet come up with a cream that would allow us to get strong abs without making any effort, so why are we sure that cosmetic products can smooth out wrinkles? It's never too late to start, and at a fairly mature age you can significantly smooth out the marks that time leaves on our faces.

By doing the exercises regularly, you will notice changes within a couple of weeks.

Even if you are young and think that it is too early to worry about problems associated with age-related changes, you should think about the fact that by the age of thirty our skin begins to wither, the number of working capillaries gradually decreases, and this does not have the greatest effect on our appearance. in the best possible way. Without gymnastics, the muscles become flat, lose volume and elasticity, and accordingly the skin sags. Galina herself recommends starting training as early as possible.

If you do just 10 minutes a day of this kind of fitness for your face, you will notice how it looks younger, the synthesis of collagen and elastin is restored, the skin becomes more elastic, clean, smooth, blood microcirculation improves, moisture is better retained, the oval of the face becomes clearer, and small wrinkles completely disappear. This effectiveness of Galina Dubinina’s face forming is confirmed by reviews of cosmetologists who also practice this technique.

Undoubtedly, the result depends on the regularity and correctness of the exercises. To do this, it’s worth looking for all the videos of facial gymnastics, in which Galina Dubinina explains in detail and shows how and what to do, and explains what mistakes can be made. And having learned and memorized your complex, you can practice anywhere - some exercises can even be done in transport. If you train your facial muscles at home, it is advisable to wash off your makeup before doing so, then rub your ears - this will greatly activate the work of all organs of the body. It is best to practice in front of a mirror to ensure you do the exercises correctly. Over time, gymnastics will not take as many minutes as at the beginning, and you can do it whenever it’s convenient for you - even while working in the kitchen, lying in the bathroom or reading a magazine.

The whole complex will take you no more than 15 minutes of time

Gymnastics for the face of Galina Dubinina after 40 years

After 40 years, you must definitely do face exercises to prevent your face from sliding down.

Very soon the reflection in the mirror will please you pleasantly

The main complex that must be performed daily consists of the following exercises:

  1. Smoothing out wrinkles on the forehead. We place our hand on the hairline and pull it up, at the same time we lower our gaze and pull the tip of the nose along with the upper lip down.
  2. We destroy the folds between the eyebrows. We place the index and middle fingers at the beginning of the eyebrows, one above the other. We frown, not allowing wrinkles to form.
  3. Getting rid of bags under the eyes. Raise the lower eyelid, keeping the skin at the outer corner of the eye to prevent wrinkles from forming.
  4. We tighten our cheeks. We cover the teeth with the upper lip and raise the corners of the lips.
  5. We remove the double chin by pressing and holding the upper lip with the tongue.

We perform all exercises counting to 8.

Additionally, you can do the following exercises:

Let's take care of the eyes by working the orbicularis muscle. The upper eyelid works. Raise the outer corners of the eyes so as not to look dull. Open your eyes as wide as you can. If you have wrinkles on your forehead, place your fingers on it.

We tighten the “jowls” - smile, exposing the upper teeth and without weakening the cheeks, stretch out the lips with the letter “o”, and then relax and tense the cheeks.

Training the orbicularis oris muscle will help make your lips plump. We bite the lower lip and pull the upper one forward, then cover the lower lip with it. Then, on the contrary, we stretch out the lower lip and cover the upper one.

Don't forget about healthy homemade face masks

The neck, décolleté and chin will not become flabby if you do these exercises:

  1. We support the lower jaw with our fist, overcoming resistance, we try to open our mouth by pressing the fist with our jaw
  2. Press on the upper palate with the middle part of the tongue
  3. Stretching your mouth, lower the corners of your lips down, feeling the tension of the inner muscles

Do three sets, repeating each exercise for a count of 16 and then holding the tension for the same amount of time. If you experience unwanted folds while doing this, you can always help yourself with your fingers, holding the skin, but not pulling it.

Don’t forget to take care of your skin, nourishing it once or twice a week with masks prepared with your own hands from natural ingredients. You can wash your face with ice cubes made from herbal decoctions or frozen mineral water with milk. This will enhance the effect of gymnastics and will be a good prevention of new wrinkles.

Much more interesting information and different exercises can be found on YouTube, where Galina Dubinina has her own channel. Many videos are posted on other channels. You can easily find and download free gymnastics for the face of Galina Dubinina; personally, that’s exactly what I did - it’s much easier to do. Moreover, there are many webinars where the author examines each problem area in detail. Some of these webinars are freely available, others can be purchased by finding the School of Youth website.

Pamper your face with cosmetic ice based on herbal decoctions

Facelift is an excellent alternative to injections and plastic surgery. It has no contraindications. Regular exercise strengthens the facial muscles, even sagging, wrinkled skin tightens, becomes more elastic, and it is even possible to slightly correct the shape of the nose.

Don’t be lazy and exercise, then your appearance will be beautiful without the use of expensive serums and creams, you won’t have to put on kilograms of cosmetics to disguise your wrinkles and imperfections. You will look five to seven years younger. Isn't this the dream of every woman, and men too?

Gymnastics for the face of Galina Dubinina - nasolabial folds, eyes, double chin

The first thing that usually begins to spoil our appearance is the appearance of nasolabial folds, a double chin and wrinkles around the eyes. I want to offer you some exercises for these zones. And you, having watched all of Galina Dubinina’s videos on face forming, which are freely available, will be able to choose the complex that is suitable for solving problems with your problem areas.

  1. You can noticeably smooth out nasolabial folds by performing the following exercise. Place your thumbs on your teeth, smoothing out the nasolabial folds, and press them with your upper lip. We smooth out the wrinkles near the corners of the lips by placing the thumb of the right hand on the lower canine on the left side and pressing it with the lower lip. We change sides. We perform until the count of 8 and back.
  2. Training the orbicularis muscle will smooth out the clearly noticeable border between the eyes and cheeks. To do this, you need to sit comfortably, relax your forehead, neck and start blinking frequently, as if a butterfly is flapping its wings quickly. By complicating the exercise a little, we will strengthen the lower eyelid: open your mouth in the shape of the letter “o”, so that the upper lip covers the teeth and is behind them - this way we will not allow the formation of a nasolabial fold. Raise your eyes up and blink frequently again. Count to 20 and then count back, rest and repeat again.
  3. You can get rid of bruises under the eyes and tighten your cheeks by pulling the lower eyelid up as much as possible. To prevent crow's feet from forming, place your index or middle fingers on the outer corners of your eyes. We count to 10 and back. Repeat the same, but with your eyes closed.
  4. It will relieve fatigue, help improve vision, adding shine to the eyes, the usual “shooting” of the eyes - first to the sides, then up and down. Then we “draw” a figure eight, “shoot” diagonally, make wide circles with our eyes - everything in both directions. We finish by training the rectus and oblique muscles: we place our finger in front of us at a distance of 30 cm, without taking our eyes off it, slowly bring it to the bridge of the nose and return it back. We look at the finger, and then, as if through it, at ourselves in the mirror. We repeat each exercise 8 times.
  5. To get rid of a double chin, turn your lips inward, smile and count. Afterwards, stick out your tongue and press on your upper lip without straining your facial muscles. Covering your upper lip with your lower, throw your head back and hold for a count of 16.

Exercises from Jacqueline Kennedy

The standard of elegance and grace, and today is an example for millions of women. Without plastic surgery or nanotechnology, the first lady of the United States retained her luxurious, blooming appearance into old age. And all thanks to the famous lifting complex, which was developed by her personal cosmetologist.

Rejuvenating gymnastics:

First you need to warm up the skin with light patting movements.

It is important to follow massage lines to prevent stretch marks and improve lymphatic drainage. Inhale through your nose, trying to widen your nostrils as much as possible. Exhale smoothly in 3-4 passes through closed lips; you can feel resistance. Repeat the previous exercise, only fix your index fingers at the corners of your mouth. Inhale through the nostrils, exhale smoothly through the right side of the mouth, while puffing out the cheek

Repeat the technique for sagging cheeks on the left side. Take air into your cheeks and roll it like a ball, paying special attention to the areas under the lower and above the upper lip. Close your teeth, open your lips as wide as possible, then relax. Pronounce, clearly pronouncing the vowels - I, A, O, Y. Place your palms on your cheeks, your ring fingers at the inner corners, your index fingers at the outer corners of your eyes. Middle fingers - fix the area under the eyebrow arch. Try to close your eyes, middle fingers hold the upper eyelids, providing resistance. Place your palms on your forehead, open your eyes wide, eyebrows and forehead should remain motionless. Hold for 5–8 seconds. From this position, “shoot” your eyes left and right. Perform the exercise in each direction for 10 seconds. Raise your eyes up and hold for 5 seconds. Sharply look down and also hold for 5 seconds. Use your eyes to describe an imaginary circle, an oval, an inverted “8”, or a rectangle. Alternately change direction, starting from the lower left, upper, lower right, upper corner. Blink quickly with relaxed eyelids for 10 seconds. Finally, turn your neck to the right, feeling tension, change direction. Place your chin on your chest, then tilt your head up.

Unique exercises for face lift.

A set of basic exercises for the face for all muscle groups

Before you begin to study and perform the technique, you should read the warning.

Important! You should not start classes if you are not sure that you will do them regularly. You should study the exercise in detail before using it. And most importantly, don't overdo it. This is not a case where more is better.

Neck exercises

You should first cleanse your face by removing traces of makeup.
The use of creams is not recommended, especially for those with oily skin. During the lesson, you need to monitor your posture and correct technique. For a beautiful neck:

  1. Move the lower jaw forward, avoiding discomfort, and hold for a count of 8.
  2. Draw a circle with your jaw at a slow pace for a count of 8 in both directions.
  3. The lower lip covers the upper, pressing it, the chin stretches upward. Hold the top position for 8 counts.


Lie face down on the floor.

  1. Slowly raise your head, hold at the highest point for 2 counts and return to your previous position. Repeat 10 times.

Face forming for cheeks

Exercises for the cheeks help the face to be tightened, preventing it from “dripping” down.

  1. Smile widely, exposing your teeth, and hold for the count of 8.
  2. The upper lip is held on top with a finger, pressed against the teeth, overcoming resistance, smile, hold for the count of 8.
  3. The finger is removed, the lip goes behind the teeth. Smile, hold for the count of 8.

Dubinina asks you to pay attention to the exercise for women after 50 years old; it should be performed in the morning and evening.

Exercise for forehead wrinkles

Working with the forehead helps eliminate muscle creases, resulting in a smooth forehead.

  1. The hand is fixed on the forehead, forcefully pulling it up, the upper lip is pulled down. While doing this, look at the tip of your nose and hold for a count of 8.
  2. Place your thumbs just above your eyebrows, try to frown, and hold for the count of 8.
  3. Use your fingers to clasp the brow ridges, squeezing them, and fix the position. Try to raise your eyebrows and hold for a count of 8 at the maximum point.

Exercise for the orbicularis labii muscle

After 40 years, lips need additional support, because smooth, well-groomed lips are an indicator of youth and health.

  1. The lips are pulled forward, the upper lip is pulled with great effort. Hold for the count of 8.
  2. The previous exercise is repeated, but only the upper lip is worked. The lower lip is fixed by applying fingers.
  3. Pronounce the sound “O” 20 times, while pressing the corners of your mouth with your fingers.

Facelift of Galina Dubinina from a flabby chin

  1. Place your fists on your chin, preferably placing your elbows on the table. When lowering the lower jaw, tension is felt; it is necessary to continue the exercise, overcoming the resistance of the hands. Performed in two approaches to the count of 8.
  2. Press the entire surface of the tongue onto the upper palate, holding the position for a count of 8, repeat 2 times.

Safety regulations

To carry out lifting exercises, you need to prepare your face. To do this, you should cleanse your skin of makeup using special cosmetics. The emotional mood is important; during training you need to concentrate on each muscle group.

Recommendations for implementation:

  1. Before performing a beauty ritual, the author advises taking a contrast shower.
  2. Be sure to thoroughly massage your ears for 3-5 minutes. It is in the area of ​​the lobes and ears that there are active points responsible for the functioning of internal organs.
  3. Then you can begin to perform the complex. After facelift, apply nourishing fluid to the skin.

What do the doctor's say?

Dermatologists and cosmetologists have a positive attitude towards Dubinina’s facelift, but only if the exercises are performed correctly. From a medical point of view, facial exercises are an excellent way to combat puffiness. During training, lymphatic drainage improves, excess fluid leaves, and blood supply to tissues improves.

Experts believe that the muscles of the face are also susceptible to movement disorders, like the muscles of the trunk and limbs. Sudden muscle spasms (myoclonus), muscle contractions (dystonia), tension (hypertonicity), twitching under the skin (myokymia) and other muscle disorders can be corrected with the help of gymnastics. Therefore, facelift can rightfully be considered an effective therapeutic and preventive procedure.


It is necessary to refuse exercises using this method under the following circumstances:

  • burns, damage to the integrity of the skin;
  • diseases of the facial nerve;
  • hypertension;
  • postoperative period;
  • recently carried out beauty injections, hardware lifting procedures.

The system of rejuvenation and restoration of skin tone requires regular exercise. But as a result of training, you can get a non-surgical facelift. A natural way to take care of freshness and youth is offered by the famous trainer Galina Dubinina.

Feature of the technique

Unlike most face-building programs, Galina Dubinina has developed several special courses

You can choose evening or morning classes; you should pay attention to age subgroups. There is also intensive treatment of the most problematic areas

And to improve the color and structure of the skin, combat signs of fatigue and insomnia, the trainer suggests combining facial building with bodyflex breathing.

A feature of rejuvenating exercises is the transition from simple techniques to more complex ones. As a result of daily exercises of 5-10 minutes, the first positive changes are noticeable within a month.

Benefits of training:

  • the smoothness and elasticity of the skin is restored;
  • the synthesis of collagen and elastin is activated;
  • the facial contour is tightened;
  • wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • manages to get rid of jowls, nasolabial folds, double chin;
  • puffiness and bags under the eyes go away;
  • the appearance of the skin improves.
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