Galvanic facial cleansing: what is it, devices, prices and reviews

  • The essence of disincrustation
  • Mechanism of action
  • Indications
  • Contraindications
  • Efficiency
  • Advantages
  • Preparatory stage
  • Disincrustation technique
  • After the procedure
  • How often?
  • Possible complications
  • Compatible with other procedures
  • Is it possible to carry out the procedure at home?
  • Price
  • Reviews

Galvanic facial cleansing, or disincrustation, is one of the new services provided by beauty salons. During the procedure, deep cleansing of the skin occurs. To do this, a low-power electric current is used, under the influence of which the sebum and impurities accumulated in the pores dissolve and come out. On the surface of the skin, fats interact with a special solution previously applied to the face, turning into soap.

In terms of effectiveness, disincrustation is comparable to manual facial cleansing, but it has an important advantage: it is not accompanied by pain and discomfort, even with a fairly low threshold of pain sensitivity. The painlessness of the procedure is due to the insignificant strength of the electric current used.

Disincrustation uses galvanic current

The essence of disincrustation

During cleaning, the patient's face is treated with a device that produces a galvanic current, the strength of which is 0.6-1.5 mA. Facial treatment is performed with a negative electrode. This may be a roller with a sponge surface impregnated with an electrolyte solution. Other types of electrodes are pre-wrapped with a napkin soaked in disinfectant. Another option is to apply a cotton pad, gauze, or sponge containing a solution to the patient's skin. During the procedure, special attention is paid to problem areas, the T-zone. Finally, the polarity of the electrode is changed and short-term treatment is performed to restore the acid-base balance of the skin.

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Anna Avaliani

practicing cosmetologist

Galvanizaya has proven herself to be excellent. With its help, it not only cleanses the skin, but also reduces wrinkles and tightens pores.

Aisha Baron

plastic surgeon

Using galvanic cleaning you can achieve good results. The big advantage of the method is its low price. But not all salons and clinics have such a service, because to conduct a session you need to purchase a special device. After the procedure, pores are cleaned, wrinkles are reduced, and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized.

Mechanism of action

During galvanic cleaning, or, as it is also called, galvanotherapy, devices are used that generate a direct current of special strength with low voltage. It is used in cosmetology for electrophoresis - an electrokinetic process, the essence of which is the movement of dispersed phase particles in a gaseous or liquid medium under the influence of an external electric current. This phenomenon was discovered by Moscow University professors P. Strakhov and F. Reis at the beginning of 1809. Electrophoresis is used in medicine and cosmetology to ensure deep penetration of small particles of a substance applied to the surface into the layers of the skin.

Approaching a negatively charged electrode to the skin is accompanied by the attraction of positive ions. Under the influence of current they turn into active atoms. The result of their activity is a decrease in pH and a change in the skin environment from acidic to alkaline.

Galvanization lowers pH and changes the skin environment

After these processes, the galvanophoresis solution begins to act. In many cases, 5% sodium chloride, 2% sodium salicylate, or 1% sodium bicarbonate are used as a disincrustant. Another option is to use a special solution provided with the device by the manufacturer. To achieve an additional therapeutic or cosmetic effect, it is sometimes enriched with magnesium, potassium ions and aloe vera extract in liquid form.

A change in the skin environment under the influence of alkali leads to saponification of triglycerides, which form the basis of sebum. They come to the surface and are then easily removed by hand. An additional effect is achieved under the influence of acidic electrolysis products. They weaken and gradually destroy the connections between the cells of the stratum corneum (keratocytes), due to which its re-epithelialization occurs.

In addition to the main effect, galvanic current provides micromassage of the face, stimulating metabolic processes in cells, activating local bleeding and lymphatic drainage.

The effect of galvanic current on the skin

Galvanic current causes loosening of the skin, saponification of the secretions of the sebaceous glands, increasing vascular permeability and the intensity of cellular metabolism. However, negative and positive electrodes have completely different effects on tissue. Knowing the features of their action, we can choose the pole of the working (active) electrode when solving cosmetic problems.

Electrodes of the deviceCathode ( - )Anode (+)
Receptor response< Excitability < Sensitivity> Excitability > Sensitivity
Secretory activity (sebaceous and sweat glands)< Secretion of glands> Secretion of glands
Vascular reactionArterial hyperemiaArterial hyperemia turns into venous
Skin pore toneOpening of poresClosing Pores
Changes in skin pHAlkalinization (increasing pH)Increased skin acidity (decreased pH)

By cleansing the pores of the face, we use the ability of the cathode to alkalize the skin and open the mouths of the follicles. The action of the anode leads to the opposite effects, so it is used at the end of the procedure.


According to experts, galvanic facial cleansing is especially effective for oily and problematic skin, when the use of lotions and washing gels is not enough to remove impurities. The procedure promotes intensive removal of dirt, sebum and deep cleansing of pores.

Indications for skin disincrustation are:

Disincrustation is carried out for skin imperfections

  • comedones, acne;
  • the appearance of the first age-related changes;
  • early photoaging;
  • melasma;
  • seborrhea;
  • formation of areas of pigmentation after inflammatory diseases.


  1. Treatment with weak current is completely painless, but mechanical cleansing of pores can be painful.
  2. The skin is not injured, the risk of infection is minimal.
  3. During galvanization, charged particles up to 1.5 cm penetrate the skin and accumulate there. The body uses them as it sees fit. For example, with their participation, new cells are formed, sebum secretion is regulated, metabolism is accelerated, which trains blood vessels.
  4. The procedure heals the entire body. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with electrolysis of hair in this material.


The most serious contraindication is the presence of a pacemaker. In such cases, exposure to electric current can lead to unpredictable consequences.

The procedure is also not performed for the following diseases and conditions:

  • dry and sensitive skin;
  • the presence of abrasions and cuts on the skin at the sites where the electrode is applied;
  • acute purulent inflammatory processes;
  • dermatitis;
  • herpes;
  • eczema;
  • molluscum contagiosum;
  • vitiligo;
  • rosacea;
  • fever;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • hypertension;
  • heart failure;
  • neurotic conditions;
  • oncological diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • individual sensitivity to electric current or components of electrolyte solution;
  • pregnancy.

Galvanization is contraindicated for pregnant women

The undesirability of cleaning during pregnancy is associated with changes in hormonal levels and the possible negative impact of galvanic current on the development of the fetus. It is not recommended to perform the procedure during menstruation or the week before it.

Precautionary measures

Basic knowledge of physics, appropriate qualifications and understanding of the operating principle of the device are required to carry out the electropeeling procedure.
Therefore, patients should be extremely responsible when choosing a specialist, familiarize themselves with all contraindications and do not forget to inform the doctor about them, if any. Before disincrustation, the client must remove all jewelry containing metal.

Side effects:

  • Unstable hyperemia of the treated area;
  • Inflammatory reaction;
  • An allergic reaction to any component of the drug used during cleaning.

List of contraindications:

Are commonClinicalSpecificRelative
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Fever of any origin;
  • Any chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Presence of a pacemaker;
  • Individual intolerance to the effects of current;
  • Individual intolerance to the drug.
  • Thin, irritated and dry skin;
  • Severe rosacea;
  • Vitiligo;
  • Dermatitis, eczema, any rash;
  • Herpetic eruptions on the face;
  • Violation of the integrity of the integument;
  • Tooth sensitivity, dental cysts;
  • Recently installed dental implants;
  • Pathology of the thyroid gland;
  • Breast cysts.
  • Condition after thread lifting;
  • Non-absorbable threads and fillers;
  • Gold reinforcement;
  • Breast implants.
  • Hyaluronic fillers;
  • Botox.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

The presence of a pacemaker, ultrasonic hearing aids, as well as metal plates implanted in the bones serves as a direct and absolute contraindication for the use of electric current devices.


  • The effect of galvanophoresis is primarily manifested in the deep cleansing of pores and the release of sebaceous plugs, due to which the skin begins to breathe and become saturated with oxygen. The result is an acceleration of metabolic processes and a general improvement in skin condition.
  • Disincrustation helps get rid of acne, blackheads and pimples, improve complexion, and regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • The procedure helps soften and moisturize the skin, relax tissues, and facilitate the removal of decay products.
  • For aging skin, cleansing helps restore elasticity, increase skin tone, smooth out small wrinkles, and improve facial contours. This effect is achieved due to the ability of galvanic current to stimulate collagen production, improve skin structure and accelerate lymphatic drainage.
  • Cleaning is a safe and effective way to speed up skin regeneration. It has been proven that after the procedure, epidermal cells acquire a denser structure, resulting in healthier skin.
  • Galvanophoresis helps clear sinuses and reduces nasal congestion.

Comedones removal

A comedon is an accumulation of sebum, dead cells and microorganisms. Upon contact with air, this conglomerate undergoes oxidation and therefore acquires a dark color. This is how a black dot appears. It can reach approximately 1 mm. in diameter.

Comedones (blackheads) should be removed in a timely manner: in addition to the unaesthetic nature of blackheads, the very presence of a sebaceous plug leads to many unpleasant consequences.

  1. Due to constant stretching, the follicle walls (pores) lose their elasticity. The micromuscles responsible for the tone of the follicle mouth and timely evacuation of sebum atrophy. And we see fatty cysts and rather deep “craters” in the place of former comedones.
  2. The sebaceous plug is a wonderful breeding ground for microorganisms - inflammation that develops into pimples can easily join acne. Inflammations can vary in size and depth. Severe forms of acne are especially common in young men and can result in deep scar defects.
  3. The altered composition of sebum and abnormal acidity (pH) irritate the skin and especially the walls of the follicle. The walls thicken. Sometimes a capsule of dense connective tissue appears around the irritating plug.


The main advantages of the procedure:

Disincrustation cleanses the face for a long time

  • Promotes thorough cleansing of the skin.
  • It is completely painless and does not create discomfort.
  • Does not require special skin preparation.
  • If the recommendations are followed, it does not lead to undesirable consequences.
  • An additional lifting effect is achieved.
  • Affordable in terms of price.
  • Combines perfectly with other cosmetic procedures.
  • Galvanic facial cleansing can be done at home.

Galvanotherapy and other methods

To make the cosmetic effect more dramatic and lasting, it is worth carrying out not only galvanic cleaning, but also connecting many other methods to it:

  • Experts recommend combining galvanic cleaning and manual cleaning. The latter involves cleansing the skin pores of comedones manually, as well as using a special spoon and spatula.
  • If you combine this method with vacuum cleaning, you can get good results. The pores will be cleared of all impurities for a long time.
  • If you do laser peeling or mechanical cleansing along with galvanotherapy, you can cleanse the deeper layers of the skin from impurities and start a faster skin restoration process. So, with laser peeling, the beam scans the skin, identifies its problems and immediately eliminates them.
  • Electric current is ideally combined with the therapeutic effects of ultrasound. Let us remind you that ultrasound works by pushing out all impurities and toxins from the tissues by creating strong vibrations in the surface cells.

But you need to remember that galvanophoresis and chemical peeling are completely incompatible with each other. Due to acids, the skin receives a large load, and the current can only cause the formation of wounds, injuries, and deterioration.

Disincrustation technique

Apparatus for disincrustation

  1. The skin is cleansed using conventional products: gels, milk.
  2. The entire face is covered with an even layer of a special alkaline composition and proceed directly to the procedure itself.
  3. Check the device: current intensity regulator (it should be set to zero) and polarity. A negative charge is required for cleaning. Having configured the device, proceed to the procedure.
  4. They turn on the galvanic current and begin to move the electrode along the chin. The patient is informed about the possibility of a feeling of warmth, slight tingling and a metallic taste in the mouth.
  5. Gradually increase the intensity of the current, continuing to influence the chin area. If discomfort occurs, the current strength is slightly reduced.
  6. They continue to treat the skin, moving along the massage lines. The T-zone is especially carefully treated: chin, upper lip, nasolabial folds. When cleaning the neck, it is necessary to avoid exposure to the thyroid gland area. Movements should be smooth.
  7. After 10-15 minutes, soap forms on the face: it is easily washed off with plain water.
  8. Change the polarity of the electrode to positive and re-treat the entire face, which allows you to restore the normal level of skin acidity. This is a very important point in the disincrustation process.
  9. The intensity of the galvanic current is gradually reduced to zero.
  10. Completely removes any remaining cleansing liquid from the face.
  11. A restorative mask is applied.
  12. After removing the mask, moisturizer is applied to the face.

The duration of the session depends on the condition of the skin, the presence of certain problems and on average is 20-30 minutes.

How to treat acne at home?

Azelik gel can be used in the treatment of mild to moderate acne5,9. The drug normalizes keratinization processes and reduces the level of free fatty acids on the skin5. Azelik gel exhibits antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus epidermidis and Propionibacterium acnes5. The anti-inflammatory effect of the drug can be explained by a decrease in the metabolism of neutrophils and their production of free radical forms of oxygen5.


After the procedure

  • It is not recommended to use cosmetics within 12 hours after cleaning.
  • For about 3 days, the facial skin remains highly sensitive. For this reason, it should be protected from ultraviolet rays, mechanical, chemical influences, do not use aggressive cleansers, and do not visit the beach, solarium, bathhouse, sauna, or swimming pool.
  • To speed up skin restoration, it is recommended to regularly apply restorative masks based on cosmetic clay and other natural ingredients.
  • A necessary condition for facial skin care after galvanic cleansing is the use of an intensely moisturizing cream.

Is skin care necessary after galvanophoresis?

Galvanic cleansing is most effective in cleansing the skin, but it is not a way to treat acne. After the procedure, the skin restores normal breathing and healthy color. In addition to the cleansing effect, it is possible to achieve its regeneration and rejuvenation. The structure of epithelial cells becomes denser, the procedure contributes to less sebum production.

In the first three days after the procedure, the sensitivity of the skin increases, so it is necessary to protect it from UV rays, mechanical stress, and aggressive cosmetics, because this can aggravate the acne problem. It is also necessary to avoid visiting the sauna, swimming pool, and solarium. The cosmetologist will recommend masks for home care that will help the skin recover.75

Possible complications

Facial cleansing using galvanic current is rarely accompanied by undesirable effects, however, their occurrence is not excluded. If the rules of the procedure are violated, the device is configured incorrectly, or contraindications are ignored, the following complications sometimes occur:

  • prolonged redness of the skin;
  • swelling of facial tissues;
  • increased dryness, peeling, itching;
  • excess secretion of sebum (results from too frequent cleansing);
  • retention of a metallic taste in the mouth;
  • allergic reactions;
  • dermatological diseases.

Chemical peeling during disincrustation is prohibited

Electroplating in hardware cosmetology.

Let's give an electric shock to blackheads: galvanic facial cleansing.

You can look at cosmetology devices with galvanization function on the Multifunctional facial skin care machines page by following this link.

Caring for problem skin has always been and remains one of the most popular procedures in the work of cosmetologists. Oily skin, strewn with blackheads and prone to inflammation, not only has an unaesthetic appearance, but also threatens its owner with the development of acne, which is often very difficult to fight.

Oily skin is more likely to develop blackheads (acne). This is due to increased sebum secretion and insufficient exfoliating ability of the horny epidermis. Acne can be open (blackheads) or closed, deep. The blackhead has a communication with the external environment, so its tip is oxidized by oxygen and you can see a black dot on the skin. If the acne is not removed in a timely manner, then a bacterial infection can easily join the sebum accumulated in it, and then a more complex skin element with a suppurative process develops, as a result of which deep scars often form on the skin.

The most effective method of removing acne has always been mechanical (manual) cleaning. But it has its own list of contraindications and is quite painful. Therefore, hardware cosmetology comes to the rescue in working with clients who have a low pain threshold and contraindications to mechanical cleaning. One of the methods of hardware cosmetology is disincrustation - cleansing the skin using galvanic current.

The principle of the disincrustation method using a galvanizing apparatus.

The positive effects of electric current on the skin have been known for a long time. Low-frequency current has a beneficial effect on blood circulation and cells of the epidermis and dermis, regulating their work. Under the influence of galvanization, sebum easily reacts with alkaline solutions to form soap. For the procedure, the contact medium is a special disinfectant tonic, which includes baking soda.

Under the influence of current, the following occurs: - loosening of the dead layer of the epidermis; - opening of pores; - liquefaction and saponification of comedones; ― positive effect on the sebaceous glands; - improvement of blood circulation; - increasing skin tone.

The work of cleansing the skin is carried out with a negative electrode, after which the cosmetologist changes the polarity and completes the cleansing with a positive electrode, the action of which helps close the pores and introduce the active components of the serum on which the doctor works. Thus, depending on the polarity of the electrode, galvanization can both cleanse the skin and serve as a tool for administering drugs through an electrical impulse. This method is quite capable of introducing vitamins, microelements and hyaluronic acid into the basement membrane.

Indications for disincrustation: 1. Oily and combination skin. 2. Thick and liquid seborrhea. 3. Sensitive skin. 4. Spider veins, nearby vessels. 5. A large number of blackheads. 5. Increased sensitivity to pain and the presence of contraindications to manual cleaning. 6. Pigmentation and photoaging. 7. Small wrinkles. 8. Decreased tone and sagging skin. 9. Uneven complexion.

Galvanic cleaning procedure

1. Cleansing the skin of makeup and impurities (using gels for washing). 2. Toning (tonic according to skin type). 3. Application of a disinfectant solution. In some cases, the solution can be applied not to the skin, but to a special gauze cloth that is wrapped around the electrode. 4. The positive electrode is attached to the client's right forearm. This is done to ensure that the electrical circuit does not pass through the heart area. A negative electrode is used to work on the client's face. More contaminated areas are treated especially carefully. 5. Repeated washing to remove fat saponification products. 6. Applying an anti-inflammatory moisturizing concentrate to the skin. 7. Work with a positive electrode concentrate to nourish the skin and close pores. 8. Applying a mask according to your skin type. (After the concentrate, the mask is not a mandatory stage of care and you can do without it). 9. Completion of the procedure with toning and application of protective cream.

In the process of working on the face with galvanic currents, no unpleasant sensations usually arise; some may feel a metallic taste in the mouth. The duration of such cleaning, as a rule, is no more than 20 minutes.

After galvanic cleaning, the client feels fresh and has a slight lifting effect. If the skin is heavily soiled, one procedure is usually not enough, so you may need from 7 to 10 galvanic cleanses, which are usually carried out every one to two days. In some cases, several such courses of skin cleansing and treatment may be needed; all these issues are decided individually.

Contraindications to galvanic cleaning: 1. Increased sensitivity to electric current. 2. The presence of reinforcing threads. 3. Pacemaker. 4. Hypertension. 5. Heart disease. 6. Oncological processes. 7. Skin diseases (vitiligo, molluscum contagiosum). 8. Pregnancy. 9. Acute respiratory diseases. 10. Increased body temperature.

Galvanic facial cleansing is a modern method in cosmetology. Its advantages are not only that it is an effective and atraumatic way to cleanse the face of comedones and regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, but also that the effect of electrical impulses and nutritional concentrates on the skin is also an excellent prevention and correction of age-related changes.

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Compatible with other procedures

To obtain better results and increase efficiency, galvanic cleansing is recommended to be combined with other facial skin care techniques.

  • According to experts, it is optimal to combine disincrustation with manual cleaning, in which closed comedones are removed manually or using a special tool in the form of a spatula or spoon.
  • A good result is also obtained when combined with vacuum cleaning, during which a device is used to draw out contaminants from the pores.
  • Deep cleansing and accelerated skin regeneration are ensured by combining galvanic current cleaning with mechanical or laser peeling. During the latter, the laser beam automatically scans and polishes skin defects.
  • The effect of electric current can also be combined with ultrasonic cleaning, the effect of which is to push contaminants out through ultrasound, which creates a special vibration in the cells.

Combining galvanophoresis with chemical peeling is strictly prohibited. Acids increase the load on the skin, resulting in an increased risk of injury and complications.

Indications for galvanic facial cleansing

Disincrustation is carried out in the following cases75:

  • open and closed comedones;
  • acne (except for periods of exacerbation);
  • oily and combination skin;
  • the first signs of photoaging;
  • melasma;
  • post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation;
  • seborrhea.

If the comedones are shallow, the device allows you to clean the pores, completely replacing mechanical cleaning. When they are deep, these two procedures are combined to achieve a better effect.74

Is it possible to carry out the procedure at home?

To carry out the procedure yourself, you must have a special device, knowledge of the basic rules of cleaning, and the direction of massage lines.

You can carry out disincrustation yourself

In general, galvanic cleaning at home is almost no different from a salon procedure.

  • The skin of the face is cleansed with milk or simply washed, then treated with tonic.
  • Apply an alkaline solution to the face. You can use ordinary soda solution as a conductor. It is prepared at the rate of 2 teaspoons of soda per glass of water. Another option is to purchase a ready-made gel.
  • Set the device to negative polarity mode.
  • The entire face is treated, strictly following the direction of the massage lines.
  • Switch the device to positive polarity and re-process the face.
  • Remove the remaining solution.
  • Apply a mask. At home, you can prepare a mask from clay, aloe juice and mineral water, which has restorative and antiseptic properties. It is kept for about 15-20 minutes, then washed off with warm water.
  • Apply nourishing cream to the face.

The number of procedures is determined depending on the result obtained.

Cost of service in the salon

The average price of the service in Moscow and St. Petersburg is 500 rubles.

The best budget gels for the procedure:

Gleansing Geltek;

  • Deep cleansing lotion “Disincrustant” Beauty Style (USA);

Higher price segment:

  • Lotion Desincrustante M120 Les Complexes Biotechniques (France);
  • Aroma Magic Papaya Enzyme Lotion (USA).


“With my oily skin, this cleanser was just perfect for me. I have never received such an effect from any cosmetic product. In just 3 procedures, the face was almost completely cleared of excess fat, the pores were completely invisible, and the unpleasant shine disappeared. The procedure takes only 20 minutes, and the effect is simply amazing. However, if you have dry skin, this method can only do harm.”

Natalya, 26 years old.

“I have combination skin with enlarged pores. The cosmetologist said that galvanic cleaning would be perfect for me. The procedure is very simple. Some kind of solvent is applied to the face, then a roller roller is passed over it. Under the influence of microcurrents, impurities are melted and saponified, at the same time the pores open, and everything unnecessary comes out. All that remains is to remove the dirt with a napkin. As a bonus, I was promised skin lifting, but it doesn’t seem to be hanging on me yet. This procedure is very good to do before mechanical cleaning. This is an excellent option for people with fragile blood vessels who are not suitable for more aggressive procedures. The effect lasts a little longer than a week."

Elena, 28 years old.

“I believe that for problem skin, such a procedure is simply necessary. My face, to put it mildly, was not in ideal condition: everything was covered with rashes and spots from acne. But what bothered me the most was acne. They appeared in groups of about 2 over the course of a week on the forehead, temples, and cheeks. The clinic said that the reason was male hormones. Several medications, gels and ointments were prescribed. I took the medicine for 3 months and the effect was good. But external remedies didn’t help at all. The doctor recommended disincrustation. Course – 10 sessions (1 per week). The point is that the nozzle of the device is dipped into the solution and moved over the face. The feeling is great, the result is satisfactory. After 2 months, the acne became significantly smaller, and post-acne also disappeared. In addition, the skin was toned and the complexion improved. For 10 procedures (including a mask) I paid 5,000 rubles. Normal price. Buying medicines was much more expensive.”

Inna, 30 years old.

Why do acne* not go away after galvanization?

Galvanophoresis is a cosmetological technique that can be used as an auxiliary procedure in the treatment of acne. The main therapy should be medication and prescribed by a dermatologist. The first reason why acne does not go away* is that the patient visits a cosmetologist, but neglects the dermatologist’s prescriptions.

Lack of progress in treatment may be due to the fact that the cause of acne has been incorrectly identified or not identified at all. For example, if the appearance of acne is associated with a hormonal imbalance, you must additionally contact an endocrinologist. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract require monitoring by a gastroenterologist. Each specialist can prescribe additional medications in addition to those prescribed by the dermatologist.

What is it and how does it work

When performing a facial procedure, the use of electrophoresis significantly enhances the effect of the active substances of various masks, juices from fresh vegetables and fruits, collagen, etc. Substances such as aminocaproic acid, lidase, vitamins C and B, medicinal mud, and placenta extract are also widely used.

Each of the drugs used in cosmetic electrophoresis is aimed at a specific procedure: tightening or moisturizing the skin, reducing the anti-inflammatory process, as can be seen in the photo.

What is electroporation

Electroporation is a method of hardware cosmetology that promotes the penetration of cosmetic preparations into the deep layers of the epidermis. The essence of the method is the pulsed effect of a low-voltage electric current on the conductivity of the epidermis.

Cosmetologists actively use the hardware electroporation technique for non-injection injection of cosmetic components, for example, hyaluronic acid, into the deep layers of the epidermis in order to correct visual imperfections and general rejuvenation of facial skin.

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