Galvanic facial cleansing: what is it, devices, prices and reviews

Movements are carried out smoothly to prevent impact on the thyroid gland. The intensity of the action gradually increases, and the frequency of electrical impulses decreases to zero.

In order to normalize the acidity of the epidermis, the skin is re-exposed, but with a positively charged electrode.

During the procedure, a chemical reaction occurs, as a result of which soap foam forms on the face. It is easily washed off with water. At the end of the procedure, the face is cleansed of any remaining liquid, covered with a mask with nourishing ingredients, and moisturized with cream. The session lasts about 30 minutes.

What to do after the procedure

After thoroughly cleansing your face, you should refrain from wearing makeup or using cosmetics for 12 hours. The skin has become more sensitive than it was before.

It is important to protect it from aggressive influences: UV radiation, mechanical pressure, chemical and temperature factors. Even water can have a negative effect on the skin.

To avoid irritating your facial skin, you should avoid the following for 2-3 days:

  • Solarium;
  • Taking water procedures;
  • Beach visits.

To restore the epidermis, it is recommended to use nourishing masks, moisturizers, and cosmetic clay.

Indications for disincrustation

The procedure is recommended for the following problems.


  • excessive oily skin;
  • the presence of comedones and sebaceous plugs;
  • acne in remission;
  • photoaging;
  • enlarged pores prone to acne formation;
  • pigmentation, dull complexion;
  • loss of skin tone and elasticity.

Most often, galvanic cleansing is recommended for oily or combination facial skin. The procedure is also performed on mature skin in order to correct the first age-related changes. Those with dry and sensitive skin need less galvanic cleansing. The cosmetologist makes certain changes to the procedure: reduces the effect of the device or at the same time uses products to deeply moisturize the skin.

Efficiency – before and after the procedure

In addition to deep cleansing of pores, galvanic facial cleansing is a technique for smoothing out fine wrinkles, giving the skin firmness and elasticity, and improving the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Galvanotherapy helps eliminate blackheads and refresh the complexion. Improvements are visible after the first session, but it is impossible to completely eliminate skin imperfections at one time. To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to complete a full course of disincrustation.

There are examples when the galvanotherapy procedure does not lead to positive results. After several sessions, the skin still remains oily and dirty. The number of blackheads on the face increases compared to what it was before the procedure. The problem may be caused by improper functioning of the thyroid gland, so in this case you should seek help from an endocrinologist.

When the procedure is carried out by an inexperienced doctor, violating its technique, the “after” result can cause a terrifying effect. Without following safety rules, there is a risk of skin burns, capillary damage, and bruising.

How is the disincrustation procedure carried out?

The current used for the disincrustation procedure is called galvanic, which means a constant electric current of low voltage and low strength. Its name comes from the name of the Italian scientist, the founder of experimental electrophysiology, Luigi Galvani, who lived in the 18th century. Later, in the 19th century, the German scientist Johann Schweigger invented a galvanometer device, which became the predecessor of modern devices used for disincrustation.

The basic package of galvanic devices used for cleaning includes a unit that rectifies and equalizes alternating current from city networks, combined with a control panel, and two electrode handsets.

The first electrode in the form of a metal rod is connected to the connector with the “+” sign and placed in the client’s hand. In some devices, this function is performed by a plate placed on the body near the procedure area (forearm, back). The second electrode, usually a metal roller or roller, is connected to the connector with the “-” sign; this is the main working handpiece. Nevertheless, there are often electrodes in which two electrodes (“+” and “-”) are working, that is, they work simultaneously.

Galvanic cleaning is carried out using an alkaline disinfectant solution. These can be either special preparations or an aqueous solution of alkaline compounds, for example: 1–2% sodium bicarbonate solution, 2% sodium salicylate solution, 5% sodium carbonate solution and others. The procedure is also carried out using a hydrophilic pad. This can be a napkin that is soaked in disinfectant and applied to the client’s skin, a spongy cloth, a cotton pad, or a special pad that is used to wrap the electrode roller, which is dipped into the solution.

Body tissues consist of charged particles (ions) and are electrically conductive, so the procedure is based on the ability of galvanic current to attract ions. Current enters the body through the ducts of the sebaceous and sweat glands and intercellular gaps.

The negative electrode attracts positive ions, and as a result of hydrolysis, alkalis are formed, including sodium hydroxide, which reacts with fatty acids and saponification occurs. Saponification products dissolve in water and are easily removed from the pores and skin surface.

The procedure is performed on the face with an emphasis on the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin), as well as in the décolleté and back.

Indications for the use of desincrustation are: oily and combination skin, multiple comedones, liquid and dry seborrhea, non-inflammatory acne, post-acne, some types of pigmentation.

Under the influence of galvanic current, blood vessels dilate, blood flow accelerates, vascular permeability and the intensity of cellular metabolism increase, and cell hydration occurs.

Compatible with other cosmetic procedures

Many people are interested in the question not only of what galvanic facial cleansing is, but also how it interacts with other methods of skin cleansing.

According to cosmetologists, to achieve maximum results, disincrustation can be combined with the following procedures:

  • Manual facial cleansing;
  • Vacuum cleaning of pores;
  • Mechanical, laser peeling;
  • Ultrasonic cleaning.

It is strictly forbidden to carry out galvanotherapy together with chemical peeling. When the procedures interact, there is a high load on the skin, which can cause injuries and serious consequences.

Who is not suitable for galvanic facial treatment?

Do not have this treatment if you:

  • Are you using a pacemaker?
  • You have been diagnosed with heart disease
  • Have epilepsy or high blood pressure
  • You have cuts, wounds or abrasions on your skin
  • You are pregnant
  • Do you have diabetes?
  • You have metal implants in your body
  • Do you have spider veins?
  • Are on weight loss medications
  • Recently had a chemical peel

I realize that the thought of passing electricity through the skin sounds scary. But are there any side effects from this treatment? Is galvanic facial treatment safe?

Can I do it at home?

Seeking independence from beauty salons and not wanting to spend extra money on procedures, many perform facial cleansing on their own.

Home galvanic therapy is no different from salon therapy, and also includes all stages: from preliminary cleansing of the skin to massage manipulations.

The only thing that is required for this is to buy a device for galvanic facial cleansing and thoroughly study the methodology for performing the procedure. If you are not confident that you can handle the task, then you should not take the risk. Even small mistakes in the deincrustation process can cause serious harm to your skin.

What is a galvanic facial machine?

Beauticians call this procedure a “non-surgical facelift,” which gives you youthful skin without having to undergo any surgical procedures or stick needles into it. It involves using a low level of current to infuse medications into the skin. In other words, galvanic facials use moderate-intensity direct current to stimulate skin cells, soften the skin, and deliver medications or creams deep into the layers of the skin. This is done to improve the hydration level and blood circulation of your face, thereby making it more radiant. And don't worry! It's completely painless - you won't even feel anything.

Typically, cosmetologists offer two types of galvanic facial treatments:

  1. Iontophoresis: During this procedure, a positively charged gel is applied to the skin. A negative electrode is then placed near your shoulder or asked to hold. A positively charged current now passes through the skin, which helps push the active ingredients applied to the skin deep into the epidermal layers. This dramatically increases the effectiveness of any skin products you use after undergoing this procedure.
  2. Desincrustation: This process uses galvanic current to soften and emulsify the keratin and sebum contained in your hair follicles. This is a way to prepare your skin for safe and painless comedones removal. Manual extraction follows this procedure. This is designed to deeply cleanse your skin and soften it at the same time.

Galvanic facial treatment is suitable for all skin types (including sensitive skin). This specialized leather treatment has many benefits.

Reviews about galvanic cleaning

Svetlana: “Oily skin has always caused agony. No matter what cosmetic products I used, I didn’t get any tangible results. And thanks to the unpleasant shine, which I couldn’t get rid of, I acquired complexes that prevented me from living a normal life. A friend told me about galvanic facial cleansing and showed me a video of the procedure. Not hoping for results, I still completed 3 sessions. The effect is amazing: the shine has disappeared, the pores are practically invisible, the skin is noticeably cleared of oil. I was very impressed with the procedure.”

Valeria: “I trust my face only to machine cleaning, but since I don’t like going to salons, I carry out the disincrustation myself. Previously, I was often worried about acne and the consequences that they left behind. But thanks to the procedures, it was possible to overcome the disease, although it took a lot of time. Now I have a clean face, healthy skin color - it’s nice to look at my reflection in the mirror.”

Oksana: “Good procedure. After cleansing, my face really became drier, and stagnant acne spots disappeared. Sometimes the skin still breaks out, but this is due to hormones - it needs to be treated, but there is no time. The only thing I don’t like is the cost of the service; for me, as a student, it is quite high.”

Julia: “I like to visit beauty salons and do various cosmetic procedures. Before this, I always cleansed my skin mechanically and, to be honest, it hurts. When I found out about galvanic cleaning, I decided to do it right away. The technique is painless, and the result is amazing. Acne and acne completely disappear after just a few sessions. In addition, I noticed that my complexion evened out and there were fewer wrinkles. I really liked the procedure – excellent results without pain or side effects.”

Side effects of using a galvanic facial machine

To date, no studies have been conducted to evaluate the side effects of galvanic facial treatments. However, galvanic current is widely used to treat facial palsy and Bell's palsy, so it is considered a safe treatment. However, one study evaluating the effects of electrical stimulation on human skin mentions that several participants experienced an “unpleasant feeling.” Some of them also felt slight pain.

Again, the level of sensitivity to stimuli differs from person to person. Some may have a high tolerance to pain, while others may be extremely sensitive to even mild irritants. This means that everything depends on you and the state of your body.

If you have metal dental fillings, crowns, or metal braces, be careful. People with these dental appliances may experience a metallic taste in their mouth during the procedure. Having metal in your mouth can even give you a galvanic shock, which can cause a mild headache or tingling sensation. But, with some precautions, you can go for this procedure.

Getting a galvanic facial at a spa can be expensive, but you can experience this luxury RIGHT AT HOME.

Facial disincrustation has the following advantages

Alkaline reaction Softens tissue Expands follicles Increases blood circulation in lymph Increases sensitivity Softens sebum and keratin seals inside follicles Restores balance of sebum secretion

Disincrustation has gained great popularity and constantly receives good reviews due to its high efficiency.

The effect of the procedure is visible after the first session. If the procedure is carried out by a professional cosmetologist, the result will not take long to arrive.

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