Threadlifting with 3D mesothreads: prices, reviews, before and after photos

  • Irritating your own body?
  • Is getting naked on the beach a problem?
  • After giving birth, you still haven’t returned to your previous levels?

Each of us has our own complexes related to appearance: someone is bothered by a postpartum tummy or irritated by sagging skin after losing weight.
Some people did not have an elastic “fifth point” even in their youth, and with age it completely disappeared. The abdomen, buttocks, arms, knees - these parts of the body are tightened with 4D mesothreads.

Just 30 minutes - and your problem is solved for the next 2-2.5 years!

What are 4D mesothreads and how do they work?

Is this your first time hearing about threads? In fact, they are very familiar to you. Most likely, you have heard that surgeons use self-absorbable threads during operations. 4D mesothreads are also made from the same material (polydioxanone).

Using 4D mesothreads, the doctor will wrap your abdomen, buttocks, arms or knees into a supporting frame. You will notice the effect of tightened skin immediately. It will get stronger over time as collagen forms around the threads. After a few weeks, the threads will dissolve, and your skin will remain taut and elastic due to the retaining collagen frame for another 2-2.5 years.


Features of mesothreads

New in the field of thread lifting - 3D mesothreads made of self-absorbing material

. They combine mechanical lifting and a tightening effect due to the structuring of fibrosis (thin compactions of fibrous tissue in the form of a frame). The composition of the threads is based on polydiaxonone. This is a biodegradable, biocompatible, durable suture material that has been used in cardiac surgery, microsurgery, and ophthalmology for more than half a century. Over time, it undergoes hydrolysis (when interacting with water, it disintegrates and is excreted from the body naturally). This substance is absolutely natural for the body and does not cause allergic reactions.

Compared to common Aptos threads, Mesothreads are less invasive

The threads are thinner; injection needles (“carriers”) with laser sharpening are used for their installation. The needles are very flexible. They do not “break through” the tissues, but push them apart. The threads themselves are specially polished to reduce trauma to the capillaries and the “sawing” effect when passed through tissue. Mesothreads come in two types
straight and in the form of springs
. In the latter, the lifting effect is more pronounced.

Areas of application of 3D mesothreads:

  • General rejuvenation of the face, neck, décolleté
  • Elimination of wrinkles,
  • Modeling the shape of individual areas of the face (shape of the eyebrows, position of the corners of the lips),
  • Body lifting (inner arms, thighs, knees, buttocks, abdomen).

Reinforcement with mesothreads can be carried out as a stand-alone procedure, and can also be combined with the use of Aptos threads, surface mesotherapy, plasma lifting, and used as an addition to a surgical facelift.

Why does every second client of our clinic install 4D mesothreads?

4D mesothreads are a non-surgical skin tightening in problem areas. Imagine that without surgery, anesthesia, rehabilitation period and the risk of complications, in just 30 minutes you get a tightening effect that was previously achieved only through surgery.

You don’t have to undergo sessions of tedious procedures, you don’t have to train hard for months, you don’t have to go under the surgeon’s knife: just one procedure - and your problem, which prevents you from living a full life, is solved.

How is the procedure done?

You come to our clinic and the doctor examines you. In some cases, mesothreads do not give the expected effect, and then a tummy tuck or buttock lift occurs using other methods. The doctor will definitely tell you about all the options for solving the problem.

So, you settled on mesothreads. The procedure begins with the application of an anesthetic cream; After it takes effect, the doctor quickly makes a series of injections and inserts 4D mesothreads under your skin. There will be no traces of injections! The threads are inserted using special thin needles made of high-quality steel.

After the procedure, you will be able to continue to do your planned activities. A huge advantage of mesothreads is that after their installation there is no rehabilitation period required!

Why are there so many negative reviews on 4D mesothreads?

Patients often come to us who are dissatisfied with 4D mesothreads installed in other clinics or beauty salons. Why does this happen?

Common reasons:

  • inexperience of the doctor;
  • there were no indications for the installation of threads;
  • they put in few threads;
  • installed counterfeit (uncertified) threads;
  • 4D mesothreads could not solve the problem in principle.


Liquid threads: what is it and why are they used?

Executing the procedure

Before starting the manipulation, the cosmetologist draws up a scheme for introducing liquid threads and calculates the dosage of the drug.
Next, the patient’s skin is cleansed of cosmetics and impurities and treated with an antiseptic solution. This is necessary in order to prevent tissue infection and ensure rapid recovery after the procedure.

To administer and distribute the compounds, the doctor uses a cannula - a flexible needle with a special tip. A small amount of gel is injected per injection - approximately 0.1-0.2 ml. The duration of the event is no more than 30 minutes. Injection marks are small and heal within 1-2 days. Complete skin restoration occurs within 5-7 days.

The first positive results are visible after 10-14 days - this is when the process of formation of fibrous tissue begins, and the drugs begin to be eliminated from the body.

In some cases, a course of therapy may be required. The duration of the course is determined by the cosmetologist, based on the condition of the patient’s skin and the severity of the aging process.

What results can you achieve?

The effectiveness of liquid threads is based on their ability to stimulate natural tissue regeneration processes. After introducing the drugs under the skin, the production of collagen and elastin is activated, new tissue is formed, which leads to the elimination of sagging and sagging skin, improving the contours of the face, neck, arms, abdomen and even buttocks.

According to patient reviews, drugs of this type are effective in obtaining the following results:

  • Elimination of nasolabial and nasolacrimal folds.
  • Restoring the shape of the chin.
  • Tightening of jowls, eliminating sagging skin.
  • Improving facial contours, obtaining pronounced cheekbones.

It is worth noting that the duration of the results depends on which tightening product was used. It is also necessary to mention that the final effect of treatment is noticeable only after 10-14 days. After introducing the threads under the skin, the process of tissue regeneration begins, but it does not occur immediately. It takes time to form new connective tissue and restore skin turgor.

Recommendations after a facelift

Following simple rules will help you preserve the results of rejuvenation for a longer period:

  1. During the recovery period, stop smoking and drinking alcohol.
  2. For a month after the manipulation, do not visit the bathhouse or sauna.
  3. For the first 3-4 weeks, do not peel or use scrubs.
  4. Review your diet, eliminate fried and salty foods, eat more vegetables and fruits.
  5. Maintain drinking regime.
  6. Use carefully selected skincare products. It is best if a cosmetologist selects cosmetics for you.

By following these recommendations, you can achieve maximum results from a liquid thread lift. If you still have questions about the procedure and its features, the doctors of our Cosmos cosmetology are always ready to answer them.

What is the difference between the approach to installing 4D mesothreads in our clinic?

We don’t install 4D mesothreads for everyone

We value our reputation and our clients. Therefore, if the doctor is sure that 4D mesothreads will not bring you any effect, he will not even advise them to you - there are many other methods in our arsenal. For example, abdominal skin tightening is possible using non-surgical injection liposuction, cavitation, cryolipolysis, myostimulation and other methods of figure correction. At your first free consultation, your doctor will develop an individual program for you. Our goal is to solve the problem, and not to sell you 4D mesothreads.

Doctors’ experience in threadlifting is more than three years

Let's tell you a secret: thread lifting courses can be completed in just one day - that's why there are so many salons and clinics that offer the installation of mesothreads. But you don’t want to become a test model, do you? Then choose a clinic responsibly. We have been working with 4D mesothreads for more than three years. Our certificates and diplomas can be viewed on the website or in the clinic.

We use only certified threads

We work with threads certified in the Russian Federation. Before the procedure begins, the doctor will show you all the certificates. With the use of these 4D mesothreads there is an effect even in cases where a buttock lift and arm lift are needed.

Thread lifting: pros and cons of the procedure

Thread lifting: pros and cons of the procedure

Thread lifting (thread lifting) is one of the most progressive and effective rejuvenation techniques with an immediate effect. It gives a more pronounced result than most hardware procedures, and is considered an alternative to plastic surgery. The rehabilitation period after thread lifting is much shorter, and the patient sees the result immediately after. Expert Clinics services Thread lifting Thread rejuvenation of the face and body using our own Luxeface and Luxebody methods. Thread lifting Thread lifting of the face Thread lifting is a safe alternative to surgical lifting. And if we are talking about the Luxeface technique, then this is also additional tissue rejuvenation due to the active synthesis of new collagen. Thread face lifting Thread body lifting Thread body lifting is a minimally invasive aesthetic procedure for body rejuvenation, skin tightening and correction of excess volume. Thread body lifting Call me back The essence of the method is that the finest mesothreads are introduced under the skin on the face or body. They create a new subcutaneous framework, leveling and tightening problem areas without leaving marks. Thus, contours are improved, volumes are corrected and wrinkles and other skin irregularities are smoothed out. And if earlier smooth threads were more often used, now they are also made with notches - this allows them to adhere better to the fabrics, and the lifting effect becomes more powerful and lasting. Pros and cons of thread lifting Like any other procedure for preserving beauty and prolonging youth, thread lifting has pros and cons. The strengths of the technique include: Naturalness of the result. The previous facial features are preserved and improved. There is no effect of excessive tension, as after a surgical facelift. You will preserve your own individuality and emphasize your beauty. Gentle effect. Threadlifting is low-traumatic and is performed under local anesthesia. Speed ​​of the procedure. An experienced doctor will install the threads in 1-2 hours, and immediately after the patient can go home. Suitable for different ages. Thread lifting can be used both to correct the first age-related changes already at 25-30 years old, and at a much more mature age, when, for example, plastic surgery is not recommended due to health problems. Tightening of delicate areas. Threadlifting can be used even where the skin is especially thin and vulnerable - for example, around the eyes. So, you can smooth out crow's feet and tighten the upper eyelid without resorting to blepharoplasty. Correction of specific defects. Thread lifting is used both for a general anti-aging effect and to solve a “spot” problem. For example, you can only tighten the oval of the face or get rid of wrinkles on the forehead without affecting other areas. There are no traces of the intervention in the form of scars or scars. When using high-quality materials and the correct insertion technique, the threads are not visible through the skin and cannot be felt. The threads continue to work even after resorption. Under the skin around them, a collagen framework is formed, which continues to support the tissue, even when the biomaterial of the threads disintegrates and is eliminated from the body naturally. Fast rehabilitation. After installing the threads, you can safely appear in society within a couple of days. And complete recovery occurs on average after 2-3 weeks. The effect continues to increase over 3 months. High security. The likelihood of risks and complications is practically reduced to zero. But, of course, only if the procedure is performed by a qualified specialist who uses proven materials and competent administration techniques. Today, the Swiss Luxeface & Luxebody technique is considered the gold standard for thread rejuvenation - it is based on numerous scientific studies and is widely used by leading specialists around the world. And 10 years of practice of their use in Russia, the CIS countries, Europe, America and Asia have proven the high efficiency and safety of Luxeface & Luxebody mesothreads. Long-term results. The effect of thread lifting can last up to 2-3 years. But it all depends on the patient’s age and facial features. Disadvantages of thread lifting: Unpleasant sensations due to hypersensitivity. During the procedure, some patients may feel short pulses of pain. Most often, these are simply unpleasant sensations due to the fact that the threads are introduced into the deep layers of the skin. Much depends on the qualifications of the doctor and the pain threshold of the individual patient. Bruising and swelling. Whether they appear depends on the parts of the face where the threads are placed, on the condition of the patient's blood vessels and on his predisposition to bruising. As a rule, they will disappear within a few days along with swelling. A good doctor will recommend remedies to speed up the healing process. Breaking threads. The use of questionable threads can lead to their rupture in the tissue. Then additional intervention will be required to remove them. But this will not happen if high-quality threads are selected, their quantity is correctly calculated, and the doctor has the appropriate competence. Facial asymmetry. This complication is associated with improper installation of threads and usually occurs due to the doctor’s lack of experience. Indications and contraindications for the procedure The thread lifting procedure has very clear indications and contraindications. Thread lifting is indicated in the following cases: The appearance of wrinkles, including deep ones; Pronounced nasolabial folds; “Floating” oval of the face and jowls; Double chin: drooping eyelid; Drooping of the corners of the mouth; Cellulite (if threads are installed on the body); Loose skin (for example, on the arms and thighs). Contraindications for thread lifting: Acute diseases at the time of the procedure (intestinal, viral, skin, as well as hypertensive crisis); Pregnancy and breastfeeding; High blood sugar; Poor blood clotting; Blood diseases; Marked excess of skin tissue. Types of threads for lifting Absorbable and non-absorbable - this is what the classification of threads looks like when we talk about materials. 1) Absorbable sutures disintegrate in tissue within a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of 3 years, depending on the material from which they are made. Recently, polydioxanone, polycaprolactone or polylactic acid are commonly used. Polydioxanone (PDO) is a safe medical suture material that completely biodegrades, turning into water and carbon dioxide (physiological molecules of our body). It has been scientifically proven that PDO is absolutely safe for the human body, naturally dissolves through hydrolysis within 6-10 months and does not leave undegraded metabolites and fibrosis in the tissues. This material has been used in surgery for more than 25 years. Polycaprolactone (PCL) is a safe medical polymer, the threads of which break down into water, carbon dioxide and glucose. Their degradation rate is 24 -36 months. The PCL molecule itself intensively stimulates collagen synthesis. Due to its high biocompatibility and the absence of risks of allergy, rejection and side effects, PCL is widely used as a scaffold in tissue engineering. Polylactic acid (PLA) is a material biocompatible with the patient’s tissues, which is excreted from the body on average after three months. Such threads are usually used to eliminate the earliest signs of aging. 2) Non-absorbable threads. Their installation is considered a surgical procedure, not a cosmetic procedure. Gold and platinum threads used to be popular, but this technique is outdated. Basically, thin and durable polypropylene threads are used today. Many modern threads have notches and notches, thanks to which the lifting effect is immediately visible, because the threads are securely held in the tissue. And later, the synthesis of collagen and elastin is activated around them, which gives a long-lasting and noticeable rejuvenating result. The quality of the threads is extremely important, because how they are ultimately fixed under the skin directly depends on the opening angle of the notches and their location. Make an appointment for a consultation How is thread lifting performed? First, the doctor conducts a consultation and determines a treatment regimen. An anesthetic cream is then applied to the patient's problem areas. After 20-40 minutes it is removed and the surface of the skin is treated with an antiseptic. Patients with hypersensitivity are given local injection anesthesia. Then, using ultra-thin needles or cannulas, absorbable sutures are inserted under the skin. In the Luxeface technique, mini-punctures are made in the scalp, which heal within 5-7 days. Thus, the healing process is even more comfortable for the patient. The threads are placed along strictly defined lines. After the procedure, the doctor applies a mask to the patient to speed up rehabilitation and gives recommendations. In general, the manipulation takes from 1 to 2.5 hours, and after that the patient can easily return to normal activities. If we talk about non-absorbable threads, the treatment regimen is different. They are specially secured under the skin - the doctor makes small incisions in the temple area and attaches the thread to the bone structure, and then applies sutures. This is a more complex manipulation, so it must be performed by a surgeon, not a cosmetologist. Recovery after a thread lift Rehabilitation after a thread lift is quite fast. They take from 2 to 7 days, some patients may experience hematomas and swelling due to its individual characteristics. They go away in a few days. In order for the lifting effect to be maximum and last a long time, it is worth following the basic recommendations of doctors: Do not visit the pool for 3-5 days; Do not go to the sauna or solarium for 3 weeks; Do not sleep on your stomach for 2 weeks; Avoid facial massage for 2 months; Refuse injection, laser and other salon procedures with a warming effect (to avoid resorption of the threads); Limit facial activity for 2-3 weeks; In addition, doctors recommend that patients self-treat the injection sites with an antiseptic for several days. And if necessary, anti-inflammatory ointments and tablets are prescribed. Reviews about the procedure In 2010, plastic surgeon and anti-aging medicine doctor Dorina Donich developed the Luxeface & Luxebody thread rejuvenation technique. It is based on fundamental scientific research supported by the A Swiss Group and many years of clinical experience. Dr. Dorina Donich carefully studied the materials, the structure of the threads, the distance between them and the depth of their insertion, creating an optimal insertion scheme. It gives a triple effect: strengthening the subcutaneous matrix, tightening and restoring the original volume of tissue. This is one of the most innovative methods of rejuvenation in aesthetic medicine, and the “lifting through tissue regeneration” approach has made Luxeface & Luxebody the most popular technique in leading clinics in Europe, the Middle East, Russia, the CIS countries and Asia. More than 30,000 procedures have been successfully performed worldwide. You can find out how Luxeface & Luxebody works and what problems it solves by watching reviews from real patients on our Youtube channel.



Expert Clinics

Expert Clinics

4D mesothreads reviews from our patients

“I put threads on my stomach, which after giving birth never returned to normal, no matter what I did. What I could not achieve with constant training and massages with the help of mesothreads was achieved in just one procedure. I regard this as a miracle. I am very grateful to my doctor who convinced me to get threads.”

Alena, 30 years old

“10 days have already passed since the procedure. I make a clear conclusion - mesothreads are super! Tightened my stomach and butt. And I really like that the lifting effect only intensifies day by day. Even my husband noticed that I had changed, although I did not tell him about installing threads, because I knew that he would be against it. Thank you very much! I don’t mind spending money on such beauty!”

Irina, 35 years old


When installing more than 30 mesothreads - 10% discount!

You will find out how many mesothreads you need to supply during a free consultation. Think: now you can solve your problem quickly and effectively in just one procedure! Just imagine: months of training or one procedure for installing mesothreads. And in some cases, such as knee lift or abdominal skin tightening, the choice has to be made between surgery and 4D mesothreads.

Have you chosen 4D mesothreads? Then call: +7 963 964-79-76 or leave a request.

Facial skin tightening with mesothreads

Immediately after installing mesothreads on your face, you should begin to carefully care for it. Washing your face should be done using a variety of mild products. To do this, you should use purified water, various tonics and lotions that do not contain alcohol and acidic elements, as well as gentle gels and foams that do not contain abrasive substances.

In the daytime, after using the mesothread lifting technique, it is recommended to use cosmetics that can protect sensitive facial skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays. During the first few days, the skin should be treated with hydrogen peroxide. Chlorhexidine can also be used at injection sites.

To shorten the rehabilitation period, you need to give up certain foods after the mesothread installation procedure. First of all, this applies to coffee, alcoholic beverages, smoked foods, salty and spicy foods. In the first three days, eating too hot food can have an adverse effect on the patient’s condition.

What is allowed and what is prohibited to do after using the mesothread lifting technique

Immediately after the thread lifting procedure, you should avoid excessive contact of your hands with your face. The use of cosmetics can have an adverse effect, regardless of the basis on which they are made (herbal or synthetic).

If mesothreads were installed not in the face area, but in other parts of the body, the level of exposure to them should be reduced. For example, if the procedure was performed on the buttocks, you should sleep on your stomach.

Cold compresses, which should be done in parallel with treating the skin with antiseptic solutions, can have a good effect on the condition of the skin. Such rehabilitation is best carried out in the first 24 hours after skin rejuvenation with mesothreads.

If bruises and minor hemorrhages occur, gels and ointments can be used. It is worth noting that proper implementation of the procedure eliminates such complications. In most cases, these consequences are the result of the doctor’s inexperience or carelessness.

If there is pain after installing mesothreads on the face, the use of painkillers in low doses is allowed.

It is prohibited to visit baths and saunas in the first two weeks after the procedure. Even ordinary hot water can have an adverse effect on the condition of the skin. Active sports after skin tightening of this kind should also be limited to some extent.

Negative consequences of skin rejuvenation with mesothreads

In most cases, this procedure does not cause adverse consequences. But sometimes complications cannot be avoided due to the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

Most often, skin tightening in this way can provoke the following consequences:

  • painful sensations;
  • bruises and hemorrhages;
  • swelling;
  • permanent skin fold;
  • skin tubercles;
  • facial asymmetry.

The most unfavorable consequence of skin tightening using mesothreads is infection. This only happens when the procedure is performed by unqualified cosmetologists. Therefore, it is necessary to trust such a procedure exclusively to professionals. Cosmetologists at the Medilier clinic have impressive experience in this field and use the mesothread lifting technique as carefully and carefully as possible. Our clinic performs the following types of procedures using mesothreads:

  • Implantation of 3D mesothread;
  • Implantation of CO mesothread (with notches);
  • Installation of Aptos mesothreads;
  • Reinforcement;
  • Needling.

The image of any woman is unique and consists of many little things. The modern level of aesthetic medicine helps restore youth to the skin and preserve beauty for a long time. We offer our clients a wide range of procedures aimed at rejuvenation, healing and a comprehensive solution to various aesthetic problems. Experienced specialists at the Medilier clinic will help you bring your image to perfection and recharge with positive energy.

Prices for 4D mesothreads

4D MesothreadsPrice
Smooth monofilament up to 20 threads1100r per thread
Smooth monofilament threads from 20 to 50 threads900r per thread
Smooth monofilament threads from 50 threads700r per thread
4D mesothreads on the needle4900r per thread
4D mesothreads on cannula5500r per thread
Mesothreads “braids” up to 20 threads1400r per thread
MESONTHREADS “braids” 20 or more threads1200r per thread
Mesothreads “spiral” up to 20 threads1200r per thread
MESONTHREAD “spiral” 20 or more threads1100r per thread

*The number of threads is determined in consultation with a cosmetologist!

Composition and properties of mesothreads

The main two mechanisms that create a lifting effect when using mesothreads are the compaction of one’s own connective tissue

in the places of their installation and
improving the production of collagen in the skin
in this area. Let's take a closer look at both mechanisms.

Self-absorbing mesothreads

functionally do not bear a supporting load.
Or rather, they carry it out only in the initial period. That's why they are made quite thin. The lifting effect is achieved due to the formation of new collagen fibers
A similar goal is pursued by mesotherapeutic measures of superficial cosmetology - to increase the synthesis of collagen in the skin. It is this protein that gives tissue elasticity and reduces age-related sagging (ptosis) and the formation of wrinkles. But superficial methods are unable to affect the deep layers of the dermis. Mesothreads, thanks to polydiaxonone in their composition, stimulate collagen synthesis from the inside
, while having minimal trauma for thread methods.

The future strength frame of the skin is created by compacting the connective tissue at the site of installation of the threads. , no bulky fibrous seals are formed when installing mesothreads

, as is the case with thicker threads. Those. When using mesothreads, it is possible to avoid dense scar formations under the skin.

Painful sensations in the post-procedural period

Immediately after the anesthetic wears off, patients may experience some pain. This is considered normal, since the tissues, although not severely, are injured. The following are formed: swelling, hematomas, asymmetry, irregularities - all this is considered within normal limits if it goes away within 2 weeks. During the first two days, to dull the pain, doctors recommend applying ice 3-4 times a day and taking painkillers and medications that help reduce swelling.

How quickly the skin heals and all unpleasant sensations go away depends on the type of skin care you take. During this period, it is recommended to use special decongestant cream-gels and antiseptics, as well as hardware and injection procedures.

Physical (fitness) and thermal (bath, sauna) loads can complicate the recovery process after a thread lift, as well as, if thread lifting was performed on the face, excessive facial expressions.

Lifting with APTOS threads. Photo from the website of D.R. Grishkyan. There are contraindications, specialist consultation is required.

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