Facial taping: what it is and how it’s done + diagrams and reviews

Cosmetic facial taping is a non-invasive procedure to get rid of signs of aging. Changes in appearance occur due to loss of skin turgor, weakening or spasms of the facial muscles.

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Collagen and hyaluronic acid give elasticity and firmness to young skin. Normally, they are produced in sufficient quantities by the body itself. With age, their synthesis slows down and the rate of decay increases. This leads to sagging skin.

On the other hand, the frontal muscles, due to many years of active facial expressions, can remain in a spasmodic state, collecting the skin and subcutaneous layers into “folds.” The muscles of the lower part of the face, on the contrary, weaken, sag, and the oval loses its clarity.

Cosmetic taping helps stop these processes and restore normal tissue functioning.

What are tapes and what are they used for?

Tape is a cotton tape that has elastic properties and has a hypoallergenic adhesive base. Tapes are attached to the skin of the face; their main task is to provide a lifting effect; the degree of tension is different for each zone. After attaching the tapes, muscle activity of the face decreases, this helps to minimize hypertonicity, lymph circulation becomes free, wrinkles are reduced, swelling decreases, and the general condition of the face improves significantly.

Facial taping is a technique that can be used to reduce the activity of muscle tissue in the facial area. Reduction of expression wrinkles is the most noticeable result, which is visible almost immediately after using the “patch lifting”.

The main advantage of taping is the simplicity of the procedure; you can do it at home yourself. Refresh the face, give it a toned and rested look, reduce wrinkles caused by facial activity, visually lift the eyebrow line, give a more detailed outline to the cheekbones, tighten the oval of the face, make it defined - all this can be done with a kinesiological stretching tape.

Using tapes is quite simple

Kinesio taping was developed back in 1973. The idea of ​​the method implied non-standard fastening of the skin using tapes; it was expected that lymph flow and blood circulation would be concentrated in the area that needed to be healed.

Kinesio taping is similar to the process of applying tape to athletes. The technique helps to avoid injuries and sprains during active sports. The use of tapes in cosmetology became known to mankind relatively recently, but is already quickly gaining popularity.


The natural aging process takes a significant toll on the body's largest organ—our skin. According to research, most visible changes are simply inevitable. Many factors influence the formation of the eyebrow fold, and one of the main reasons is active facial expressions. The habit of constantly frowning your eyebrows leads to the appearance of lines and furrows.

Other reasons for the appearance of the “gap between the eyebrows” are constant incorrect position during sleep, smoking, and prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays. If the problem is not addressed, over time the glabellar fold and wrinkles become more pronounced and can only be eliminated as a result of serious cosmetic procedures or surgery. In all situations, taping the area between the eyebrows can be used as a kind of prevention method. This is not only one of the safest and most effective treatments aimed at eliminating wrinkles, but also an easy way to prevent problems with the glabellar fold.

When should you start using facial tapes?

For girls who do not experience any special problems with their facial skin, do not suffer from deep wrinkles or swelling, the use of tapes can be recommended from the age of 25. It is during this time period that many people experience the first shallow wrinkles associated with the activity of facial expressions. Taping does a great job of smoothing out such imperfections. Older ladies should not expect amazing results immediately after the procedure; for a visible effect, several “patch lift” procedures should be performed.

Tapes are a great complement to home facial care, as well as facial fitness, known to many. Regular use of the patches is the key to achieving the desired results; the procedure cannot be used “occasionally.”

The duration of applying the tapes can vary from 1 to 8 hours; beauty patches are often left on all night. The effectiveness of taping increases if you maintain skin hydration at the proper level, do self-massage of the face or seek this service from professionals, drink the required amount of clean water, excess fluid in the body can adversely affect and worsen the work of tapes, however, 1.5 liters of clean water per day - required condition.

Removing tapes requires correct and careful actions, otherwise you can get skin damage. To properly remove the patch, you need to pry it from the edge and start rolling it, slowly, without sudden movements, rolling from the central zone to the peripheral one. In cases where reliable fastening of the tape makes it difficult to remove, you can lubricate the edge with oil or moisten it with water.

Abruptly tearing off tapes is strictly prohibited!

Where to find quality tapes, cost

For facial care, it is important to choose high-quality materials so as not to harm delicate skin. Therefore, before making a decision to carry out a particular procedure, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the method, the technique of its implementation and the materials used.

The cost of tape for one course of taping is low. A roll of high-quality tape can cost from 300 to 500 rubles. Also, the use of premium products provides a pleasant tactile and aesthetic sensation.

Taping experts recommend paying attention to popular brands that have many positive reviews. These are Korean and Japanese companies whose products are subject to constant quality control. For example, Nasara, Kintex, Spol, VBTape.

When choosing tapes for kinesiotherapy, you should pay attention to the following signs of product quality:

  • Fabric composition: pure cotton, viscose, artificial silk.
  • The base adhesive is hypoallergenic and soft, made from 100% acrylic.
  • The base material should be dense, elastic and pleasant to the touch.
  • Individual packaging made of high-quality cardboard must be provided with complete instructions in Russian;
  • The box must indicate the date of manufacture, expiration date and batch number.

High-quality materials for kinesiotherapy can be found in specialized sporting goods stores or ordered online, having previously familiarized yourself with the characteristics and photographs of the product.

What results can you get from facial taping?

The intense rhythm of life and constant fatigue affect not only a person’s well-being, they are literally reflected on his face. Of course, you can have wonderful heredity, but sooner or later every woman begins to notice age-related changes in the reflection of the mirror. They undoubtedly upset the owner; she wants to stop time, restore the freshness and elasticity of the skin and find that “magic” remedy that will help visually shed several years, or maybe even a dozen.

Hollywood women have always strived to slow down natural aging, to look younger for as long as possible, and have spent huge amounts of money on cosmetic care. Marlene Dietrich and Joan Crawford were very resourceful ladies, they decided to use glue and silk ribbons for a facelift. As a result, the oval of the face acquired elegance and definition, the skin was perfectly smooth, and meanwhile the “secret of youth” itself was hidden under wigs. Surprisingly, in modern progressive times of plastic correction and medical manipulations, this version of “stage” lifting is also relevant.

Facial tapes

Progress does not stand still and instead of silk tapes with glue, tapes have been developed - adhesive hypoallergenic cotton patches. Body heat is enough to activate the glue and firmly fix the tape on the skin. It is noteworthy that the tape has similar characteristics to human skin, which explains the stimulation of metabolic and recovery processes.

Using the method of applying tapes will help in solving the following aesthetic and cosmetic problems:

  • reduction of wrinkles in the mouth area;
  • double chin correction;
  • reduction of the wrinkled network at the outer corners of the eyes (“crow’s feet”);
  • smoothing out wrinkles in the forehead and between the eyebrows caused by the active work of facial expressions;
  • reducing the visibility of the folds of the nasolabial triangle;
  • facelift;
  • reduction of swelling of the lower eyelids;
  • opening the gaze due to the lifting of the upper eyelid;
  • reduction of age-related appearance in the neck and décolleté area.

Taping quickly improves a person’s condition

In Europe they have already managed to evaluate the results that are achieved with the help of taping. The technique is developing rapidly and gaining a large number of adherents. The effect that is obtained after the “patch lifting” is truly impressive. If you are afraid to go under the surgeon’s knife, but want to look good, then taping is your option. The method is suitable for express rejuvenation if you have an important event at which you want to look young and fresh. Adding tapes to your daily beauty routine will help improve the effectiveness of any care.

Features of using tapes

In order for adhesive tape to have a positive effect on muscles, it must be used according to a number of recommendations from experts:

  • It is not recommended to wear tapes for the purpose of getting rid of wrinkles for more than 8-10 hours;
  • The patches are not reusable, so there is no need to glue them a second time. They will not perform well and perform assigned tasks;
  • To achieve a positive result, you need to apply tapes for a course of 4 weeks. We wear the patches for 8 hours for 5 days in a row, then remove them and take a two-day break. Then we repeat the procedure;
  • During the day, it is recommended to apply tapes to areas with active facial expressions - forehead, nasolabial folds, eyelids. At night we correct the oval of the face and tighten the chin.

How to glue tapes?

If there are no contraindications to the use of tapes to get rid of wrinkles on the face, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory measures before fixing them on the skin.

Step-by-step instruction

  • Step 1: Cleansing facial skin of cosmetics. Use milk to remove makeup, then toner. Dry your face thoroughly with a towel to collect all the moisture;
  • Step 2: Removing hairs that can cause pain when the tapes come off;
  • Step 3: Warming up the tape. This can be done by placing a piece of tape between your palms.
  • Step 4: Apply the tape to your face according to the chosen pattern.

Facial taping: diagrams

If you decide to get rid of wrinkles at home using tapes, purchase not only high-quality tapes, but also study the recommended schemes for applying them to the face. It is important to fix the patch in the area that you plan to tighten.

For forehead wrinkles

Scheme 1
To smooth out wrinkles on the forehead, you need to cut two 5 cm wide patches from a roll. Glue each one above the eyebrow, first stretching the skin. When the tape is fixed, it will gather into an accordion. This means that everything was done correctly.

From eyebrow wrinkles

You need a 2.5 cm wide patch and someone's help to smooth out the wrinkles on the sides and then stick it to smooth skin.

For wrinkles around the eyes

To eliminate wrinkles around the eyes and raise the temples, getting rid of the sad look due to drooping outer corners of the eyes, follow the diagram: One patch 5 cm wide diagonally from the eyebrow. The second smaller piece is vertical.

Scheme 2

To correct cheekbones

If you want to make your cheekbones more pronounced, you need to stick one long tape (10 cm) on each side along the cheekbone muscles. We pull the skin back at the temples.

Scheme 3

For correction of facial oval

A fairly common problem faced by women after 35 years is a sagging oval face. To restore shape or prevent such changes, you can use tapes. You will need a patch 2.5 cm wide and a length equal to the distance from ear to ear along the chin line. The tape is glued from the center to the ears, the skin is pulled up.

Scheme 4

Important! When gluing tape to any area, it is important to ensure that the skin underneath is smooth, without folds or creases. To do this, you need to pull it back in the direction indicated in the diagrams, but do not stretch the patch itself.

Application pattern for the lower part of the face: cheeks and lips

Tightening the nose and eye contour

Application on the forehead

Tightening the chin

Removing wrinkles around the eyes

Correcting lips

Scheme for gluing tapes for maximum tightening of the oval of the face

How to shoot correctly?

Tapes on the face stick quite tightly, so in order to remove them without injuring the skin, you need to purchase a special spray that softens the glue. It is applied on top of the patch for a couple of minutes.

If there is no special spray, you can use vegetable oil. Soak a cotton pad in it and wipe the top of the tape to soften the glue. You can also use a hairdryer to blow warm air onto the tape (hot air can burn the skin, be careful!).

Recommendations for using tapes

Taping, like any other cosmetic procedure, requires preparation. There is nothing complicated: you need to prepare the skin, warm up the muscle tissue and increase blood flow.

A facial massage will do an excellent job of this task; its duration should be about 5-10 minutes. You can use special massage devices, for example, a facial roller.

Before gluing the tape, for better adhesion, the skin is degreased with any product that contains alcohol. You need to carefully glue the base of the tape or the so-called “anchor”; this part is attached to the skin without tension; if you perform this step with an error, then there will be no point in the further procedure. To avoid damaging the adhesive base, you need to hold the tape by the backing. Carrying out taping at home requires following several rules:

  • The face should be cleaned and makeup removed using makeup removers;
  • To remove tapes from the skin, first moisten them with water or oil, do not tear them off;
  • the main rule of fastening is the direction from bottom to top;
  • reliability of fastening increases preliminary degreasing of the skin;

    Some parts of the body require rigid fastening of the tape

  • after the tape is glued, it should be rubbed a little, so the adhesive base is activated faster;
  • if you have recently started gluing applications, then the wearing time should not exceed 2 hours (you can start with 30 minutes), the duration of the tapes should increase gradually, the maximum period is 8 hours;
  • gluing of tapes should be carried out according to specially developed schemes and taking into account the desired result.

Taping scheme

The success of the taping technique is based on a correctly selected application pattern. There is a separate one for each case. The pattern of taping between the eyebrows for vertical wrinkles will differ from the application for horizontal wrinkles. We recommend that you read the educational literature. It brings together expert experience and proven techniques.

To reduce the eyebrow fold, a simple taping scheme is used:

  • Prepare the skin for application as described above.
  • Cut 2 strips of tape 5 cm long and 1 cm wide.
  • Cut a 5*4cm triangle from a piece of plaster. Make sure that the tension of the tape fabric in the triangle is directed from the top to the base.
  • Round the corners to ensure the patches adhere securely.
  • Take a piece of tape 5 cm long and remove the paper backing.
  • Apply the tape without tension from the bridge of the nose to the eyebrow, avoiding the eyebrow hairs.
  • Smooth out the resulting arc and repeat on the other side. The result is a tick.
  • This application affects the muscles that lower and corrugate the eyebrow.
  • Apply a triangular piece of tape without tension with the tip towards the bridge of the nose, iron it to activate the glue.
  • This application affects the pride muscle.

Apply kinesio tapes for eyebrow wrinkles at night to enjoy the results the next day.

How to choose beauty patches?

Problematic skin prone to rosacea, frequent rashes or allergic reactions requires careful treatment, so you should choose gentle tapes and monitor the skin's reaction to them. Remember: tapes are not applied to the entire face like a mask, the desired result will not be achieved, and the schemes for attaching them were not invented in vain.

Before fixing the tape, its fabric should not be stretched; excessive tension of the skin is also contraindicated. In order for the adhesive base to better adhere to the skin, you need to rub the tape a little after fixing it on the problem area. It is better to avoid the hairline; overexertion can cause headaches and damage the hair follicles.

After taping, after 15 minutes you should monitor the result to exclude the appearance of asymmetry or creases on the skin. If you plan to sleep with an application on your face, then you should forget about sleeping on your stomach, otherwise age-related changes will not take long to come.

You need to choose only good tapes

The initial result may be pleasantly shocking. The key to success will be the correct application of tapes, regularity of the procedure and time, because muscle memory cannot be changed in several sessions.

It is better to purchase tapes at pharmacies. It is better to avoid purchasing from unverified sellers in order to reduce the risk of purchasing a low-quality product that will not help achieve the desired effect.

Combined kinesio taping of the face

Taping schemes allow you to work on several problem areas at once.

Forehead + bags under eyes

Glue two long strips crosswise from the outer corners of the eyes along the border of the eye socket through the nose to the opposite eyebrow to the hairline. The place where the ribbons cross is the bridge of the nose.

Fasten two short pieces above the eyebrows, stick them up to the hair without tension.

Contraindications for using tapes

It is better to avoid using tapes in the following cases:

  • your skin is damaged, there are microtraumas, cuts, purulent rashes, postoperative traces;
  • have skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis);
  • there is a high risk of allergy to the adhesive base of the tape (use is possible only after conducting a test on an inconspicuous area of ​​skin, which gave a negative answer);
  • any aggravated diseases;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • diseases of the lymphatic system;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diseases of the ENT organs;
  • inflammatory processes of the facial nerves;
  • increased body temperature;
  • headache.

If there are contraindications, it is better not to use tape

If this list of contraindications does not apply to you, then you can safely use tapes in the fight for youth and freshness of your face!

Indications and contraindications

Taping is shown as a preventive measure and helping to eliminate existing imperfections and problems on the face:

  • small, medium wrinkles on the face, neck;
  • ptosis, loss of clarity of the oval of the face;
  • swelling, sagging of the upper eyelid.

Contraindications include:

  • ENT diseases, breathing problems;
  • paralysis, inflammation of the facial nerves;
  • increased body temperature;
  • allergy to tape materials;
  • damage, inflammation, neoplasms on the skin;
  • hypertension, migraines;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Benefits of cosmetic facial taping:

  1. Low price, availability of tapes. In comparison with course procedures in beauty salons, taping can be considered the main option for appearance care.
  2. Self-execution. Gluing strips does not require the help of a specialist and can be done at home. But it is still recommended to get an initial consultation from a cosmetologist or doctor.
  3. Non-invasive. Best suited for those who do not want or are afraid of injection rejuvenation or plastic surgery.
  4. Painless. Correctly applied tape does not cause discomfort or pain. On the contrary, the muscles relax, the feeling of tension in the cheekbones, jaw, forehead, and behind the ears decreases.

The disadvantage of the technique is the short duration of the effect. A combination of available care methods - peelings, biorevitalization, face-building, massage, facial taping - gives the best result, which lasts longer.

Author of the article:

Practicing: 27 years, Teaching: 20 years

General advantages and disadvantages of aesthetic taping

Strengths of taping:

  • Budget cost. Tapes do not cost exorbitant amounts of money; they are publicly available. If you calculate how much trips to a cosmetologist’s office can cost, then taping can be regarded as a home care option that will not make a hole in a woman’s budget.
  • You can do it yourself. Mastering the technique of applying tapes is not difficult. The help of a specialist may be needed only during the first procedures, but many do without it. If you want to carry out taping correctly, then it is not a good idea to consult a specialist.
  • Taping is a non-invasive method. If you are not ready to radically change your appearance with the help of plastic surgery or “beauty injections,” then you will definitely like anti-aging patches!
  • Does not cause discomfort. If you attach the tapes strictly according to the scheme and taking into account all the recommendations, then there will be no unpleasant sensations. Rather, a relaxing effect is observed; overstrain is relieved from the facial muscles.
  • A small list of contraindications. It is much easier to prepare for taping of the facial area than for a circular facelift; you just need to study the diagram and technique of gluing, you do not need to undergo special training or a bunch of tests.

The only drawback of rejuvenation using strips is the short duration of the result. Taping is a non-drastic method to restore youth; it is more suitable for correction, but if you use it together with comprehensive care, you can consolidate the effect for a longer time. If you apply tapes incorrectly, they can aggravate the situation, emphasize wrinkles, and have the opposite effect to the expected one.

How to remove the eyebrow fold?

This question worries many. Wrinkles between the eyebrows spoil your appearance and add age. Rarely does anyone want to look much older, so finding an effective and safe method for correcting the problem area is a logical solution for everyone who cares about beauty and health. Today there are many ways that help solve the problem of the appearance of an interbrow fold. Among the most popular are injections of hyaluronic acid, Botox, laser resurfacing, and plastic surgery. Unfortunately, all of them can have negative consequences. This is a violation of muscle mobility, hematomas, swelling, asymmetry - it all depends on the choice of technique, the age of the patient and his individual characteristics. Anyone who cares about their health is recommended to try taping the area between the eyebrows.

Photos before and after using facial tapes

Photos before and after facial taping No. 1

Photos before and after facial taping No. 2

Photos before and after facial taping No. 3

Photos before and after facial taping No. 4

Photos before and after facial taping No. 5


All taping techniques must be performed only on cleansed skin:

  1. Wash using gel, foam, mousse.
  2. Wipe your face with tonic.
  3. Apply the cream to the skin until completely absorbed 30 minutes before application. You can also apply tapes to a dry face, and treat the free areas with cream after taping. If you are prone to swelling, it is recommended to use the cream 1.5-2 hours before bedtime.
  4. Make applications.

Before the taping procedure, it is useful to perform self-massage of problem areas and gymnastics.

Doctors' opinions

Experienced doctors are of the opinion that facial taping can give the desired effect if done correctly:

Another doctor who is actively involved in taping also confirms the effectiveness of the method, but notes that for the desired result it is very important to perform it according to a certain scheme. We have given different options above. Here's what the doctor says:

It is also worth noting the words of cosmetologist Astrid Oveyan, who recommends using tapes at a young age.

Popular questions FAQ

What can replace facial tapes?

Special cosmetic patches developed by Korean specialists have no analogues on the world market. Accordingly, there is currently no equivalent alternative to facial tapes. Hypoallergenic elastic bands BBTape have a gentle and effective effect, do not irritate delicate facial skin, and are easy to use. Conventional patches do not have these properties.

What is facial kinesio taping and why?

Taping facial areas is an innovative cosmetic procedure. Facial tapes are used to prevent premature aging, eliminate existing aesthetic defects: reducing the visibility of wrinkles, sagging skin, tightening jowls, swollen eyelids, a double chin, correcting the eyebrow fold and other imperfections.

How often should tape be applied to the face for effect?

Recommendations for the frequency of using tapes on the face depend on the nature of the problem, area of ​​application, and skin type. Wearing time in one session is several hours. For each zone, diagrams with full descriptions, photos and recommendations have been developed. To achieve a visible effect, a full course of taping is carried out, which takes 21 days. If there is a problem with sensitive skin, facial tapes are used with a break: taping is carried out for 6 days, then a pause and continuation of the course. Detailed recommendations here.

Do I need to tighten the tape when taping my face?

The tape is applied to the face area without tension to eliminate the risk of injury to delicate and thin skin. The effectiveness of the cosmetic patch when using the lymphatic drainage taping technique is ensured by the optimal elasticity of the tape, which is achieved by including a small percentage of nylon threads in the composition.

What is the point of facial taping?

The purpose of taping is to provide women at any age with the opportunity to combat age-related changes and aesthetic defects with minimal risks. This is a simple way to prolong youth and restore attractiveness without expensive salon procedures and surgery. Tapes are easy to use and work effectively in any area of ​​the face: they help normalize the tone of the facial muscles and stimulate the functioning of the lymphatic system.

How to choose the right facial tapes?

Facial skin is sensitive and delicate, so the quality of tapes when choosing is one of the most important criteria. It is recommended to use cosmetic facial patches that are hypoallergenic and have a gentle effect without causing redness or other signs of irritation. The width of the tape is selected in accordance with the pattern, which is designed specifically for use in a specific area of ​​the face. Narrow 2.5 cm patches are used to correct the eyebrow fold and “crow’s feet”. Detailed recommendations for choosing facial tapes can be found here.

Where to buy facial tape?

The full range of original BBTape products is presented in our online store. We sell Korean patches in Moscow and throughout the Russian Federation as an exclusive distributor and guarantee the best prices. In the online catalog, facial tapes are made of cotton, silk, perforated and leopard print, available for order in different sizes, which allows you to choose the cosmetic patch that is most convenient for carrying out the taping procedure on a problem area of ​​the face - forehead, cheekbones, eyebrow area or other areas.

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Real reviews

People who have already tried the facial taping method speak mostly positively about it. Here is one of the reviews from a 45-year-old woman who, in just 3 months, was able to significantly improve her appearance thanks to this method:

And this girl was very worried about pronounced nasolabial folds. Thanks to tapes, she was able to make them less noticeable:

Another real positive review:

Causes of wrinkles

The vertical folds between the eyebrows are formed by a muscle that helps move the eyebrows. Unlike the body, the skin of the face becomes wrinkled over time. The reason is muscle strengthening. There is only one rigid attachment point on the face. This allows a person to express emotions. Due to constant facial activity, the muscle begins to move towards the point of rigid connection, forming creases and folds in the skin.

When you wrinkle your nose, the muscle responsible for moving your eyebrows tenses. Because of this, over time, a transverse crease appears on the bridge of the nose. Applications in combination with self-massage and gymnastics help smooth out vertical and horizontal furrows in the area between the eyebrows.

Positive changes after the procedure

Aesthetic taping brings the following results:

  1. normalization of the condition of facial muscles;
  2. reduction of the double chin and nasolabial folds;
  3. tightening the corners of the eyelids;
  4. smoothing wrinkles around the lips;
  5. elimination of bags and swelling under the eyes;
  6. elimination of small and facial wrinkles.

In addition, taping relieves pain in areas of bruises, hematomas and swelling. It eliminates wrinkles on the neck, smoothes crow's feet, lifts the upper eyelid and tightens the oval of the face.

How to look younger and maintain results

To achieve rejuvenation of the skin in the eye area, get rid of wrinkles and other manifestations, you must follow the rules:

  1. Use Nitto K-active Gentle tape for the eye area.
  2. Study the “Fence” and “Sun” schemes.
  3. Master self-massage techniques, stretching and gymnastics.
  4. Prepare the skin before the procedure. Do make-up removal. If the skin is dry, apply the cream and let it absorb for 30–40 minutes.
  5. Learn how to properly glue tapes.
  6. Carefully remove tapes.
  7. Always control your facial expressions - don’t frown, don’t “talk” with your forehead, wear sunglasses.
  8. Perform procedures regularly.

To eliminate mistakes and work out all the nuances, it is better to take an online taping training course. He will save tens of thousands of rubles. During the classes you will learn and apply rejuvenation techniques without injections and painful operations.

Possible complications

One of the frequent manifestations of the negative effect of using tapes is skin irritation or individual intolerance to the components of the glue.

When using kinesio taping, in order to avoid complications, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • It is important to use certified products from trusted brands.
  • You should stop using elastic bandages if burning or itching occurs.
  • If you feel discomfort when gluing the tapes, you need to remove the application and apply it again.
  • It is important to strictly follow the tape application patterns. If in doubt, it is better to consult a specialist.
  • You should not wear patches on your face for longer than the permitted time. In places where the tapes are creased, pathogenic bacteria may begin to accumulate, which can cause a rash on the skin.
  • Avoid using cheap counterfeits that can cause irritation and make it difficult for the skin to breathe.

What is kinesio tape? What are the main features of this tool?

The technique under consideration is implemented by applying special tapes - kinesio tapes - to certain areas of the paraorbital region. These tapes consist of a special cotton fabric with increased elasticity. Hypoallergenic glue is applied to one of its sides, which prevents it from sticking to the human body. No other means are used to secure kinesio tape to eliminate wrinkles around the eyes.

Effectiveness of the procedure

The effect of the procedure does not appear immediately and the first changes are noticeable after 2-3 sessions. Facial taping has a cumulative effect. Muscles and skin gradually adapt to the new position, which begins to manifest itself externally. The use of patches to improve the condition of facial skin, eliminate facial wrinkles, and relieve swelling is carried out in courses of 10 sessions.

Between courses there is a break of 2-4 days. It should be remembered that swelling of the face is due to internal reasons, and the application of lymphatic drainage applications is only temporary. To get rid of edema, complex therapy and treatment of the internal cause are necessary.

How long will the results last?

Kinesio taping procedures are recommended to be carried out in courses of 8-10 days with breaks of no more than 4 days. To maintain long-term results, it is important to form new muscle memory. This will take some time.

The effectiveness of taping procedures, depending on the duration of use, is described in the following table:

Usage timeEffect
2 hoursExpression wrinkles look smoothed outwardly, but almost immediately return to their previous position, thanks to the usual work of the muscles.
4 hoursWrinkles are straightened due to muscle relaxation. But due to the lack of formation of new muscle memory, creases appear again after 1-2 hours.
8 ocloc'kThe lifting effect lasts for a longer time, as the muscles begin to remember the new state.
8 hours per week courseThe skin smoothes out, the muscles relax and get used to the new position.
8 hours per day for a course of 21 daysDuring this period, the skin is completely renewed, a new habitual position is formed for both muscles and skin.

How to remove tapes?

The glue holds elastic bandages very reliably for a long time. Therefore, sometimes there may be concerns about their painless separation.

For a successful tape separation procedure, you need to remember:

  • Do not soak the patches in water or alcohol, as after removing the tape, the glue will remain on the skin and will be more difficult to wash off.
  • There is no need to use jerks or sudden movements.

To properly remove the patch you must:

  1. Warm up the surface of the tape with your fingers or slightly warm it with a hairdryer.
  2. Start removal from the center towards the lymph nodes along the massage lines.
  3. When peeling off, slowly lift the edge of the tape at an angle, while lightly pressing on the skin underneath.
  4. If removal causes discomfort, you need to soak the patch with a special spray or baby oil.

After removal, slight redness may remain at the tape site. This is explained by the fact that blood circulation has increased at the place where the tape is attached, as happens during the massage process. After some time, the redness will disappear. You can apply nourishing cream to your skin.

Types of tapes, selection criteria

Soft tapes were created by Japanese chiropractor Kenzo Kase, who invented an elastic, waterproof adhesive that firmly adheres to the surface of the skin and does not cause irritation. There are now more than 10 popular brands of sports kinesio tapes.

The main distinctive features of elastic plasters:

  • Width and length of the tape. For facial taping, narrow tapes ranging in size from 2.5 to 5 cm are used. Narrow tapes are used to eliminate wrinkles. For lymphatic drainage procedures, wide tapes are used, cut into strips with a common base.
  • Composition of the base of the patch. High-quality products are made from natural cotton raw materials or artificial soft silk. These ribbons are very elastic, pleasant to the touch and have a satin surface.
  • Tightness of contact with the skin and duration of wearing. The gradation of kinesiolents according to these characteristics depends on the quality of the glue and the density of the base material of the plaster.

  • The softness of the glue. For application to the face, use tapes with soft acrylic adhesive that does not cause irritation.

When purchasing kinesio tapes, you should not choose cheap analogues made in China. According to consumer reviews, glue applied to the surface of the tapes often leads to skin irritation and allergies. When choosing, it is recommended to pay attention to products from trusted brands.

For the face, you need to choose tapes that are not too dense, so that the procedure brings physical and aesthetic comfort, and the tapes can be easily removed after use. For sensitive skin, special silk patches have been developed with a fine texture and soft, safe adhesive.

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